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''" ' ' <br /> .� <br /> . .� .� ... . , . JJIb�MM��l.^_'= . ..___.. _ .. .. <br /> �-. . . <br /> r . . .. � ' ._ .. ..�--"" _ ., <br />--...,.�.............wrs� . ._ .__. .. <br /> -......:: '. �. � - <br /> .._ . . .. _. . �p� <br /> ..._..._.... <br />_..�_. _-....'__..�.—,.'.__'.."__ lifAuq ��� ' <br /> 1✓�i ��-- <br /> �. <br /> 17.7'runtilcr of Ihc 1'roperty��r a Hcnrficlml intcrest In lin�•ro�r•cr. If idl nr �my pun��f thc{'r��perty��r uny intcrest in it -- <br /> is�old��r trimsl�crrc� (ar if n bencficuil hitcrest i►i Hnrruwcr is so1J ar truiisfcrrcd iuid Qurrowcr is nut a niuurnl person)�vidwut <br /> l.ender's priur written cun,ent, l.�ndcr may. nt its uptian, rcquirc inuncJiutc piiyment in full oP nll sum'� sccurcd hy lhis <br /> Security Instrumcut. Howcvcr,�his uption shull nut be excrciscd by IAndcr it'excrcisc is pruhihited by fcdcntl liaw us of the datc <br /> uf thi:,Sccurity Inst�•�m�e��t. � <br /> li'IAndcr cxcrciscs this optian, l.cudcr sh�dl give Hnrrowcr notir�:uf ucccicrutiuu. Thc ni�ticc sh.dl(�mviJc u periad o �iot <br /> less�han �0 dnyh from thc dutc thc notice iti dcNvcred or mailcd within wliich [inrruwcr nmst pay nll sums sccurcd by this <br /> Sccurity Instrmnent. If Borrnwcr fnils to pay thc�e sums prior t��dic cxpirution of Uiis peri�xf.[.ender nu►y invokc un)�rcmeJies <br /> permitie�l by this Sccurity Instn►ment�vithaut further nntice or demand on Borrowcr. <br /> lA. Barraw�er s RIghY to Reinstnte. If Borrow�er mects cenain conditions, 8nrro�ver shull have the right to have <br /> enfarcement nf this Security,In�ttumcnt disrontinued at any timc prior ta thc carlier of: (:�l� dnys(ur su�l� c►thcr peri�xl as <br /> applicable lu�v may spc�ify for reinstntcment) before snlc oF thc Propcny pursunnt to iuty po�vcr uf sale cc�ntaincd inPl�s <br /> S�:u�ily Instrumcnt:or(b)enuy of a judsment enforcing this Securiry instrumeiu. Thosc amditions ure that Borrowcr:(u) a ti � <br /> Lender all Fums which then �vould be due under this Security insu��ex ten,cst1incurr�ed�in�enforcing this�Sec�r�ity Ins�unient� <br /> cures nny dcfuult of nny other covenants or agr e e m e n ts; (c) p y � P <br /> including. but rmt limitod to, reasonnble`al�t aei�S�i2f�rts ui1tth��l�upe.y and Horr.ower�s nbligatioitrto�ay Uie suins sc ured by <br /> thut thc licn of this Sccurity Instniment, ,. <br /> ►his Sccu�ity Instniment shnU continue unchanUecB. UPon n:in5tatem:nr: by 1�orro�ver, this Securiry Instnimcnc and t e <br /> obli�ations secured hereby sh�ll rcmain fully effective as iti no v:ceteration had oL�camed.Huwever, this right to rcinstute shall <br /> nat�pply i��tbe cnsc of acceleration under p�ragr.�Qh 17. <br />' 19. Sale of I�:ote; Change ot E,aun Servicer. The Note vr.x purtinl interest in thc Nute (togethcr with this 3ecurity <br />- instniment)may be sold one or more time�s without Raior notica to Borrower. A sulc ivay result in a change in the entity(known <br />- a�the"I.oan Servicer")r�:':collects monthly paym2nts due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also mny he one <br /> er more ch�n3es of ihe'�Serv►cer unrclated ta n sale of thc Nate.If therc is a change of the l.o•rn Servicer, Borro�vcr will be <br /> given ur�.^.n.notice aj'diz chan�e en accordance�vith paragraPhy 4 a6ove nnd applicable law.The notice will swte the name and <br /> address of QL. new Loan Servicer and the address to which t menls should be made.The notice �vill alsa contain any other <br /> inforniation required by applicable tnw. <br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not causc or permh the presence, usc, disposal, storagc, or relcase a any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Froperty. Borrowcr shall not du, nor allow anyone elsc to do, anything affecting the <br /> pmQeny that is in violation of any Environmentnl Law. Th:preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of small quantitics of Ha7acdous Substances that are genenlly recognized to be appropriate to normal _ <br /> residcntial uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Born,wei s�t�f�Src�rptl; ei='e Ln�"f wrinen noticc of uny investigation, claim. demand,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> governmental or regulurocy agency or private party involving the Propeny�nd any H�zardaus�ubsiu��cc o���.�i:�rme7t��-°�' <br /> of which Borrower hus actuul knowledge. If Bom»ver lcucns, or Is notificd by any governmental or regulatory authority. ihut <br /> any rcmavul or other remedintion of any Hazardous Substnnce affecting the Froperry �s necessary.Borrower shall pmmptly take <br /> all necessury remedl�l actions in accordance with Envimiun�ntal L•sw. <br /> As useci in this paragraph 20, "Hazar�ous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substanoes by <br /> Enviranmental Law and the following substnnces: gasoline, kerosene, othee flammable ar toxic petroleum produets, t�ixic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radivactive materinls. As usecl in <br /> this paragraph 20."Environmental Law" means fedoml laws and laws of the jurisdicti�n where the Property is located that <br /> relate to health,safety or environmcntul protcction. <br /> NON-UNIFC)RM COVfiNANTS.Bonower nnd Lender furthcr covenant and ugrec as follows: <br /> 21.Accelerutlon;Remedles.I.ender shall gi�e notire to Borrow•er prlor to acceleration followic�g Borrow''�17 urn�l� <br /> ot sny covrnant or agreement in thts �ecurity Instrument (but not pdor to accelerution under par�gr'aI�1 <br /> appliwble taw provides otherwise)• The notice shall spocify: (a)the defauls;(b) the act�on required to cure the defAUlt; <br /> (c) a date,not t�than 30 days from the date the ne►tice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured;and <br /> (d) tiwt failure to cnre the default on or befom ttie dnte speciGed in the notice may result In uccele�ution ot the sums <br /> secured by this Secudty Instrument and sale of the Property.The notice shall [urther infann Borrower of the rlght to <br /> reinstate a!llter acceleration and the rlght to bring a wurt ucNon to asscrt the non-existencc of a default or any other <br /> 1t <br /> defcnse o[Borrox'er lu ucce�eration and sale.If the default ts not cured on or before the dAte specified in the not ce, <br /> Lender, at its optlon,may require immediate payment in full oP all su►ns secured by tf�is Security Instrument without <br /> further demand 9nd m�v lnvokc the power ot sa9e and any other remedles pcnnttted by P����c�ucT�n� bu tnot imfted <br /> entiticd to colled oll expenses Incurred In pursuam;�ehe remedles provided[ra thts paragrap 8+ <br /> to,reasunable attorneys'fees nnd costs of Ntle ee n�i�nce. <br /> If the �ow�r of sale is invoked,TnssEee si�all record a nottce of det'ault in each co;�ble IA hto Boryi�ower�d o <br /> property is 9a�ted and shall mail wpies of such notice in the manner prescd��bbe law Teusiee shall give pu1�8c notice <br /> the other pezsons prescribed by appllcable law.Al'ter the time required by appl <br /> of sale to the pessons s►nd in the manner prescr�sd by applicable Iaw.Trustee+ wlthout demand on Borrower,shall scll <br /> the Property at public�uttlon to the highest bfcRu�ir at tlie time and place and under thne s��e of�all�orn y parcel tof the <br /> salc in onc or�nore parcels and i��any order Trustce determines.Trustce may postpo <br /> Propetty I�y publlc announcement at the time und place of any prevtously schaluled sale. Lender or its deslgnee may <br /> purchase t6tn Property at any sale. <br /> — Form 3028 91BD <br /> Pz�a 6 01 U <br /> _--� _ '- vr° '-- �i�:�' ':w�.: - — _ <br /> �:,'-;�, '. - -- -."---v: . . _- __----•---•- _- -` �� -..,, .ri3YG�i�,i.- _ .�s��t- . . . �. sY.��4 .�yi'a �-� <br /> � �.F;'6� 't."' r�.,�`• + _� � 'Sf9Y'�- <br /> 4 ' � � < n` � '�G ._ 'r' ��'�'o'.-t�� <br /> -,Z -� � ' • • '�:"�"iC[• r.,..._�. . : . <br /> --.u, �' - . - ., ' . ' .. ' � - . '� .L . v � � . Y.. a •.. - ,/L�' '4- .� �0'i <br /> c 1'- ' ., ,<� ' .. �• �. � ' ... . W �"��' •.���•�'!'��( ��;r.'�„'�'�r" N . ro-'' .,3,'. �,{L-.,- <br /> ,.. f;,�h;,�' W �4. X'��,�t, ,.♦ y�� <br /> � ---, � . .' •. .3^ v.��` '�r'l'i'-�,=T'yTl� �., _-t'"�— � ' - <br /> .3n . . �rt`.�4+M_ •l � .��Svv <br /> ,j. C: <br /> `��1 -• � .. � � . � , , .• ...�..,..t�' 1.�•ti p}ti,t�.• . •. � - <br /> . y{- •. - .. � .. . ' . . .. � Y "1� _.1��� 5" •� . " ' <br /> Yry'� -- . .. 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