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�.f>Mhy ./. . , :_� . 1�:)'�yY'YM �li��l4�^n`�`•�� <br /> ',� - • . . . � ' � .�r:a�.�:t:-_...._,.__.+' <br /> 4 • ,. _ ..._t:� ,_��_.PF_�... __.__ <br /> y , 'KIqIrA lys� ..i.. ••y:°'��r5pC1`{:-��,-:-:�..x,.��r.._,__ <br /> ._ .,.... ......�s����''�i'�A'-)cT-:.:_.:5. ��.' '..:. r iit> _ —__ <br /> �p�� �,l{,b:r,.7ri ri�r�n. <br /> . .� . ..- ....: _ <br /> -....:.�R1�M . . � 17���� . . . ... .. -� �1M'�+P� 1.Hwanw�� ...:ne+«ii - - -----. ----��- <br /> -__- ...Y ,. .._ . _ . - _._ _... ._.. ' _ - <br /> .'� "_w ` . -- .. . - .. _ � �. ....- . __ <br /> __� <br /> _�. . � _.. _._.._'_ <br /> _r...t '�" u�AWS�YwwwsM�c ��N��11�� ... . ......e. ... ... . - • -' -. '-"_ '__'""'"'__�__ <br /> -__ -•- ._...,..5:.......�.....:.i,.��..,. ..,...�...r.........�...rr t. _ ...� ' - <br /> ..��.,. - ...Lr..�.._�_"L ,.. <br /> ___�--__-.___-- _ � _� -_ - ,.,, ...-".rinnviw�irtuo�:.-..��o.o......�'-_ .. <br /> __.... . ._ . __ ..._ _ <br /> . ��' �,�9i'7�.3 - <br /> �. {�cu��tvi ni' �pi'U�2C6�y Olisueu►tre. [3�.�rrii�ver sliull lcccp thc im�x�wcments no�v exititing un c�reaRer crectcd on the ��y <br /> Pru�c�ty Inrured itgnln�:t luss hy Pirc, hainrds htrluilcd �vithi�t tltc tcrm "cxi�:ndcd covcr�igc" itnd nny othcr I�ur.urds, including <br /> il�xxib ur i7�HKling, for widch�lcr cequfres Insurancc. T�is intiur��nc�shnll hc inniP�tuincJ i��thc umuun�s und for tl�c peri�xis <br /> Ihnt l.rnder rcyuireg.'I'he in,ur�nce ci�rrier provlJing tlu inyurunce+h:d1 lse cl�otien hy Hiir�u���er +uhject to le:nder's npprovnl <br /> which shnll nc�t t�c unrcas�►n;�bly witl�hcld. If Ilc�rrowcr fuil9 to mafnlnin cuvcrt�gc dcrrrihcd ubovc. l..cndcr may, in l.cndcr'ti <br /> option,i�b2uin a�vcnga to pratect l.�nder's ri�hts in ihe 1'ruperty in accorQn�tee wiU�pnr;igraph 7. _ <br /> All insurcuice {�iicies nnd renewids nhuli be ncccpU�Glc lu 1,:��dce;utd sl.ull include :� titandnrd mt�rt�;nge clnuse. l.�nder � <br /> sh�dl htwc Ihe right to ho1J the pc�licic:;and rcnewuls. IP l.endcr rcquires,fi�rrower�hall promptly givc to Lcndcr i�il receipts af <br /> p;iid prcmiums und renewnl noticcs.In thc evcnt iif luss,Uorra�vcr slcall givc prampt nnlicc to thc insuruncc cttrricr nnd l.endcr. <br /> l.endcr�u:►y makc prcwf uf lo�.s if not madc promptly by l3orruw��r. <br /> Unlcss Lendcr ntvtl Horrower otherwisc agree in writing,insurance pmceetiti shall bc upplicd to restoratiun or rcpair of thc <br /> Property damageci.if t�e re5tnration or repair is economienlly feasible cind Lender's securiry is n�n Iessened.If the re.ctoration or — <br /> repair is not cconomi�ily fcasible or lxnder's security wauld bc Icssenal, the insurunce procccds shiill hc npplicui to the sums ,-- <br /> secured by this 5ccuei¢y Instrument, whether ar not then duc, with nny exccss pnid to Borrowcr. If Bormwcr abandons the <br /> Property, or dors not answer within 30 days a notice from Lcndc�th:ct thc insurance carricr ha�affercd to setdc a claim, then <br /> Lender may colle:t the insui�ance proccxds. L:nder may use th� procceds to repair or restoro the Property or to �Say sums <br /> secured by tiiis Sa�urity Insirument,whether or not then due.The 3Q-duy period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Sorrower otherwise agrec in writing, uny upplication of procecds ta principal shall not cxtcnd or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refened to in parngraphs 1 nnd 2 or chnnge the amnunt of the pay�ncnt5. If <br /> nnder par:�graph 21 the Propeny is ucquired by Lender,Borrawcr's right to any insurance palicics auJ p►�oceeds rasulting from <br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to L.ender ro the extent of the sums secured by this S�.curity Iastrurnent - <br /> immediutefy prior to the acquisitian. <br /> 6.Occups�ncy,PreservAtian,M�intenance Rnd Protectlon af the Property; Rorrower's LoAn Applizutfon;LeASeholds. <br /> Botrower shall occupy.cstaUlish,and usc thc Property as Bonower's principal residence within slxty duys aftcr thc execution of <br /> this Security Instrumcnt and shull continuc to occupy the Property as Eiorrower's principul residence for at least one ycar utter <br /> the datr,of occupancy, unless Lender othcrwise ugrees in writin�. which consent shall not be unn:asonably withheld, or unless <br /> extenuati�g circumstnnces exist which are beyond Barrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the <br /> Property, allow thc Property t�deteriorate. or cammit w�tste on the Property. Bnrrower shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> � action or proceeding, whether civil or crimin�l, is begun that in Lendez's good faith judgment wuld result in forfeiture of the <br /> �o�rty or othe�rwise materially impAir the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may <br /> cnre sucl► a default and reinstate,as provided in paragrapb 1 s,by cuusing the ac[ion or pnx�uii�ig iv uc�is�:a��:s:iih a suling <br /> thut, in L.ender's good fnith determination. precludes forfc;iture of the Borcower's interest in the Property o�athcr material <br /> � impaimient of ahe lien created by this Security Tnstrument or L.ender's security interest. E3ormwer shall also be in default if <br /> Borrower.,di�ring the loan applics►tion process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to I.ender(or faile�l <br /> • to provide I.ender with any muterial information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited <br /> to,representatians conceming$orrawor's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Inst[ument is on a <br /> , Iws�huld. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Boaower ncquires fee title to the Fcoperty. the <br /> Leaschold and the fce title shall not merge unless i.ender agrees to the mcrgcr in writing. <br /> ? 7,Pratectfon of I.ender's Rights in tlie Property.If Bonower fvls to perform the covenarus und agreements contained in <br /> p�6s aecurity Ynstcument, or there is a legul ptnceating thut may signiftcantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> ' g��c�oding in bankruptcy. ptobate, for condemnation ar Forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then I.ender may do and <br /> pr,y for whatever is necessary to protect the value of tho Peoperty and Lender's rights in the Praperty. I.erxlcr's xtions nwy <br /> ' include paying any sums cecured by a lian whtch has priority over this Security Insuument, appearing in wurt, paying <br /> reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Pmperty to make repairs.Although Lender may talce action under this paragraph <br /> �, 7,Lender does not have to cba so. <br /> Any amounts disbursccl by i.ender under this paragcaph 7 shall become additionul debt of Bonow�r secured by this <br /> Security Insteument. Unless Bortower and Lender agrcc to other tcrms of payment, tt;ese amounts shall bear intcrest from the <br /> datc of disbursement at the Notc rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice fi•om[.end2r to Bormwcr requesting <br /> , payment. <br /> 8.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mongage insurance as a condition of muking thc 9oan secured by this Security <br /> � Isistr.�ment, Borrower shall pay the pr�miu►ns required to mainkiin the mnrtgage insurance in effect. [f, for viy ►•eason, the <br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Born►wer shail pay the prem�ms required to <br /> � obtuin covera�e sabstantially equivalent to 2he mart�ago insurnnce previously in a cost substantially ec�uivulent to the <br /> oost to Sarrbwet of thc moKgage insurahce pi+eviously,in effect, from ttn altemate mortgage nns��mr approved by Lendet. �IG <br /> ' substant+ally eyuivalent mongage insurance coveragc is�►ot avail�ble, Bonawcr shall pay to i.ender cacl�month a sum equal to <br /> one-tweifth nf the yearly mortgAge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage laps�d or ceused to <br /> , . be in effect.d..ender will accept,use und reGZin chese payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> , Farm 3028 9180 <br />- � P�pe 3 010 <br /> 1 <br /> � � <br /> -- �r1zr�„'`;��-.,�.r,`�'�'C; � r3-•rj�-tr�:� :,.�.�,�--- — --- — ----- <br /> _ .. �I�� _�4_� .N{!'r�.� l. 4��'N ._ ' ---°� '_� <br /> - m ,i -t=:'a''..+�7x'_"'''�'�tYi�`"' r `*` :� 'd'm` <br /> ��r"'�Lrr �„ yh�,,,,� . .r.a r- - �'i:� ��rri <br /> _`�� k _t�.!�.�aw��..,.���. tn_ x .' .. ' �. . ^t.Y".�Otri,y I$"�CIC - - -wJ�C� � -�."-��-.- <br /> _ "QC'a�^��.�� .. ) 1�.� \ u � r.. v'., e ���� � -. <br /> —i+�Pll�i;�7� � a.��'�' (h2G� }��� :,� fy� u,�' � n�, ., <br /> . .• Y .-`��"�' <br /> _ _ .R_�.' J 1 'Nf-.U. �f��'- - .. <br /> z3 , '�'"' c a •• 4.., . :C.-. S. •i aJ{�, ^1�i1�i f�-- -- . 4' - u�,iei,�t5�faak n"�Cw: __ <br /> ��°i'Fr, �t- �4- � ,C�✓T;,:'$�4,; � ' . ,c�'•.���`:'+'��,� ?� � �'� -�x '*�,.� _ <br /> �`1A: . . r .�... <br /> ;r.'"t+§ _ r " '•i.' � ti i �57�'.- .. . '�r �et ' �,1���,��,����' T�Z.�, I wc{�wqoc : <br /> yi r . d'n r'� . y ' �..,1, �- .. <br /> f;� yY7 �,. ..'.:..xn. �. . _ _ , ... ,,, .�.. . �r:��'4;�'��'���2 vY��;�.t' � �� �.ra_T. <br /> .rr.,_= <br /> aau�ti� ,� . , . . �• _. .. , .. �,,i}`� '�;?�. t4��n: ,k7 i�'i.w:. <br /> � t -. . "t' . .. kv ��y� �t,�' ���� � ." ' ��'wL�'st- <br /> �*Ya� , � '.f 4.: - 2 Y ^_ i�` } �' f .f•�`7�..,�°� — .�.�i. <br /> � �� + y�., t�yI�'' }�Y1�i4 _ _ _— — ' -- Pf��� <br /> -y�jvc' 31yt t '+.(� 1,t� � ",�y�iS��1'rr�.f '�'�t�� ��i z. f 7-"Cai _ <br /> ;�� ��'a ii�w t:��� �{��`?,� �,uti'�.:C{: ., �.��{�.� � .'L �. , ,d Lj•,'SC�� 4 - __- - - - -- —_ <br /> ,�-�°i ; <br /> � ..1'�Ym�.iSl6524�- <br /> '_ . .� �� ' .. « - hnYl�♦��1l�fl::_ <br /> _ t .. ..h� ' � .. �. ' � � .4� . ��� _ � <br /> .�. � . . . • . . .•) . . .;� �' .._ 1'Hdr1Y'fl�� ���r�rn <br /> . .. . ., r�.1r+.Xa��ir�rs�..v . ..�_e..��.1•. . .... �..�a�tiy.....��.0 .z... i_.� .. .. _ '11tr._". - -- <br />