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'1'ran�;fcr of thc I'i'roprrty or�enci7cic31 Intcrest In Dormwer. If all or any�t of thc Praperty ctt uny intcrest in it <br /> is s��ld nr uansferrcd(or if n bencficial intcrest in Bon•owcr is sold or transfcrred und Bnrr��wcr is nc►t n natuml pers�n)�vithout _ <br /> Lender's prior written consent, l.ender may, at its optian, require immediate payment in full ot' ull tiums sccured by tliis <br /> Sccurity Instrument. Howcver,this aption shall not be exercised hy I.endcr if cxercisc is prahibitcd by fcderal luw us of thc dnte _ <br /> af this 5ecurity Instrumcnt. � <br /> If Lr.nder excrciscs this option. Lei�der shall give Borrower no�ice uf ucccleration.Thc notice shall providc u period of not <br /> ICSS lllilll 30 duys from the c1at� ihe notice is deliverecl or mailed within w6ich Borrower must pay all sums securcd by this _ <br /> Security Instrumcnt. If Horrower fnils ta pAy ttiese sums prior to the expiration of this period, l.cnder may invokc miy remcdies <br /> pennittcu by this Security[nstrument�vithaut furthcr notice or demand on Burrowcr. _ <br /> 18. liorro�►•er's Ri�ht to [teht�tt�te. If Sorrower meets certain canditions, Borro�ver shall have the right to have <br /> cnforcem.cnt of this Security ir�stmrne�t discontinued at any time prior to thc curlier of: (a) S dnys (or such other period as <br /> npplicnble law may specify for reinstatement) before snle of thc Property pursuant to any powcr of ccmtained in this _. <br /> Security Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays _ <br /> Lender all sums which then would be due urtder this Security Instrume�u and the Note as if no accaleration had accurred; (b) <br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays ell expenses incurred in enforcing this Security [nstrument. <br /> including, but not limitcd to,reasorzable attorneys' fees::u:d(d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably requ�re to assurc <br /> thut tlie lien of tl�is Security InstNment. Lender's rights ia the Property nnd Borrower's obligation to pay the sunis secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shall mntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instsument nnd the <br /> obligations secured hereby�hall reillain fully effective a,if no acceleration had occurred. However. this right to reinstate shaU <br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Cfinnge of I.oan Servtcer. The Notc or a pani�l interest in the Note (tofiether with this Security <br /> Instrun�ent)may bc sold one or mare timcs�vithout prior notice to Borrower.A s�le may result in a change in t�e entity(known <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.TUere also may be one <br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. 3f there is a chunge of the Loan Servicer. Bonower will be <br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 at��ve and applicable law.The notice will su►te tha name and <br /> address of the new L,oan Servirer and the address to which pay�nentc should be made. The notice will also contain tu�y other <br /> info�mation required by applicable law. <br /> 20. Hn�rdot�s Si�hscances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br /> Ha7ardous S�bstance.c on ot in the Property. 8orrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, an�thing affecting the __ <br /> Property th�t is in viol�tion of any Environmental Luw. The prececling two sentences shall nat apply to t�e presence, use, or <br /> storage an t��e Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal <br /> rP�idenceal uses and to maintenance of the Property. , - <br /> BoTrowil' Shal1 prnmpdy give Lender written notice ot any mvestigation, ciaim,d�manu, iaw�ud vi vi�e� atti���vy ani <br /> govemment�]or regulatary agency ar private party involving the Property and any}lasardous Substance or Environmental Law _ <br /> af which Borrower hns�ctual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notitied by any governmental or re�ulatary sutho�tity, that <br /> any removal or other rem�clfatROn of any Ha•rardous Substanee affecting the Propeny is necessary,Bonower shaU promptty take =__ <br /> ull necessary remediul actions in nccordance with Bnvironmental <br /> As used in this paragrapt�20. "Hazardous Subswnces" are those substances defined as toxie or hazardous substances by <br /> ` Environmental Law and the followinb substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammablc or toxic pctrolcum products, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatilc salvents,materials mntaining asbestos or fnrmaldehyde,and radioactive materinls.As used in <br /> this paragrnph 20, "Environmental" means fecteral laws and la�vs of tlie jurisdiction where the Property is located that _ <br /> relate to health,safery or environmental protection. <br /> KON-UNiFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendcr further covenant and agree as follo�vs: <br /> 21.Acceleratton;Remedies. I.emder shall give notice to Iiorrower prfvr to acceleration following Borrow•er's breach <br /> n€ any covenant or agreement f n this Secur[ty Instrument (but not prior to accelerettun under paragraph 17 unless <br /> appllcable law provides othex�wlse).The nottce sl�all specify: (s1 the defnult; (b)the actlou requtred to cure the default; <br /> (c)a date,not less then 30 day�s from the date the nutfce Is given to Borrower, by wh[ch the defanit must be cured;and <br /> (d) that failure to cure the default an or before the dute speclfled in the not3ce may result in acceleration of the sums <br /> secured by this 5ecarity Iiutrument and sale of the Piroperty.The nntice sha11 further inforn�Borrower of the right to <br /> reins¢9te atter Acceleration and t6e rlght to bring a court adin�n to assert the non-existence of e detault or any other <br /> defense oT Borrower to accelerntion and sale. If the default is a�at cured on ur before¢�e alate speclfied in the notice, <br /> Le�idei•. �t�ts optton, may require immediute payment In f�ll of all sums setured by thls Securlty Instrument without <br /> further demand and mey invoke the powcr of salr:�nd nny other remedtes�ermttted by applicable taw. Lendar shall be <br /> entttled to callect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21,incUuding,but not limited <br /> to,reasonflble attorneys'fe�and costs of tttle evidence. <br /> If the power of sale(s invoked, Tncstee shall record�nQ�tii�e of default In euch county In whtch any part of the <br /> Property Is lckated nud shaU mail coptes of such noNce In t�e munner prescribed by applicable law to Borrc�wer and to <br /> the other persons prescribzd foY$PP�Icable law.A[ter the time reqnlred by applicable law,Trustee steall�ive public notice <br /> of sale to the persons xnd tn the manner prescribed by applic�ble la�v.Tr�ssc�e,witliout demand on Borrower,shall sell <br /> the Property at publlc auetion to the highest btdder ut the time nnd place and under the terms d�i�nated in tFee nottce of <br /> sale In one or morc parcels �nd in any order Trustee deteree,ines.Trustec may postpone sele of nll or any parcel of t8e <br /> Property by public announcement ut the tlme und placc o£ nny pre�tously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may <br /> pwrhs�se thc Property at any sale. <br /> Form 3029 9180 <br /> Ptgo 5 0�B <br /> • _--- _ — —__.__— <br />_-- . . , _.,,�.......,� ' ___" '_"' ' '. _ -_ _ ' <br />_�.��„ . ,-�_.__�.�__ __ _"__ ' _ . � . ,w�.•'�: • - <br /> . . • • , ' . . .� ^� �+�r'Ki..:• ._ . .��� �-Y'., <br /> �_ _ •• � � .. , ' ��� `` �y~ '.(: • ..3r� w . , ��(_.. -_ <br />_ .. � utl�F.� ti'SA K " <br /> , Y' . � .. .. .. � .• ,. • . .. i����.".'� 1��Sfrt�.i -Y .. . . , . - '�f �i4�' <br /> �� . ' •• . � ,, . �! _ �tq ��. -�1l " ' ' , . <br /> .. . . . " SJ�-•.��,�' v 'l.'' f � .� <br /> . . .. . . .I•.�b{ -a 1 ���- .. . .. • . + . <br /> :�}, . .. ' .. -. . . .1 "� .. ^�t .t��}�`•` �� . .+� . _ <br /> � • � . c� '� . _ •• ��' -' • - . <br /> :" ., .. _ .. ... ' . '� .z i'1'"����'.L�JyK ���`�-. <br />=-�iR:' .. U ' . � .. � . - � .. �� r• `;j?�,��iy'�4'f;r':ra- .'�,. <br /> ,� .. � , . -- . . . • - . 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