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(- -- <br /> � '{`r} ��a. : . � .,._.- .._.u.. y..L� si� �., . ..__'�.,��� '{���..n .* � �_.e. <br />. ; . � . i•i�..i•..r�i.'•'i.s?�,.wii;.-- • ✓++�+�� �.TVA.www�.«.�..•��.�.�.�..,�.,...... .. . .�_nT'.�- .x.-.�-__•_�.e.,,w.....� _�.. ..._ '__ <br /> _. <br /> :__ .. , . .:- � '� .. .,_ ... ..... .- —_. <br />`_.:::Y�r..�_r.��;.....viY��. ....�.:.. : ....... . _ .. ._.... ... . .. <br /> ..- <br /> ��I��Y� <br /> paymcnts nuiy no longcs bw required. nt lhC��plinn i�f I.cndcr, if mortgu�;o insur��ncc covcragc(in thc cimount nnd for thc�xriud <br /> thzU l.cndcr rcquirc�;)provided hy nn insurcr approvcd hy L.cndcr nBi►in bcromcs uv��llnblc i►nQ is obtnincd. B��rrowcr shidl puy <br /> thc premiums rcyuircd to muintnin mur�g�+�;c insurnnrc io cffcct,or tn pmvida n I��ss r�sc�vc, until the rcquiremcnt for m�►rtgngc <br /> h�suru��cc cnds in nccurdui�x with nny writtcn ngrcemcnt bctwccn qnrrci�vcr u�id 1�:►idcr u�•iipplicafilc laa•. �- <br /> 9.Inspccitm�. Lendcr or its asent nmy nn►kc rcusan.�blc entrics u�m nnd inspccUons of thc Pro�erty. IJcndcr shidl glve <br /> Eiurrowcr naticc nt thc timc of or prior tc�nn inspcction spccifying rcusomiblc cnusc f�u thc iu,{xction• <br /> 10. CondemnuNon. The prcxcedc nf csny awarci nr clnim far dumuges, dircct ��r conscyucntiul, in conncctian with imy <br /> condemnation nr other taking af uny part of tho Pmperty, ar for convcy��ncc in li�su of c��ndemnation, ure Itereby ussigncd und <br /> shall bc paid to I.endcr, <br /> In thc cvcnt of a totul taking of thc Praperty,the pracceds shnU bc npplicd!u d�e sums s��cured by this�ecuriry Instrument. <br /> whether or nut Qun due, with any excess paid tu Bo�TOwer. In the event uf n partinl tuking of thc Propeny in which du fnir <br /> mArket vidue of thc Pmperty immedfutely before thc taking is cqual to ar gr�utor thnn thc umount of the sums sccurcd by this <br /> Security Instrumcnt imnicdintely bcfare the taking,u►ilcss Borrawcr and Lender oAiarwlsc ugrce in writing,the sums securcd by <br /> this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the umaunt of the proceecis multipliui by the follawing fraction: (t�)the total <br /> amouRt of the sums secured inunediutely beforc the taking,dividcd by (b) thc fair rnurkct value of tt�e Propeny immediately <br /> before the taking. Any bnlnncc shell he paid to Borrower. In the evcnt of a partinl takinb of tlic Property in which the fair <br /> market value of the Propeny immedintcly bcforc the taking is less than tho nmount of the sums securcd inunecliatcly before the <br /> tnking,unless Horrower and Lender othenvisc ngrcc in writing or unless applicable I�w othenvise provides, the proceeds shnll - <br /> be npplied to the sums secured by this Security Instcument whether or not the sums ure then due. <br /> If the Propeny is abundoned by Borrower,or if.ufter notice by Lender ta Borrower thut the condemnor offers to make un <br /> uwnrd or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fnils to respond to Lender within 30 days aRer the dute the noticr is �ivcn, <br /> Lender is suthorizetl to collect and upply the procceds,at its optiot�.either to restoration or repair of the Pr�perty or to the sums <br /> secured by this 5ecurtty Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> • Unless I.ender And Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any npplication of proceeds to principal shall nnt extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refcrred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released;�'orbearance By I.ender Not e Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modificadon <br /> Qf�,n.�;7�rion of ehe sums secumd 6y this Security Instrument gmnted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borinwer shall <br /> �, not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. l.ender shaii not i�e required co <br /> commence proreedings ngainst any successar in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvese modify amontzation <br /> i of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrawer or Borrower's <br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by I..ender in exercising any right or remedy sh�ll not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any►9ght or remcdy. <br /> 12. SuceessorA and Assigns Iiound; Jotnt and Severnl LiabUtty; Castgners. The covenants and asreemenu of th�is <br /> y Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors nnd assigns oF Lsnder and Borrower, subject to the provtsions of <br /> � paragraph l7. Botrower's covenants and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this 3exurity <br /> IInstrurnont but does not exec�+te tlie Note: (a) is co-signing thi�;Securlty Instcument only to mortgage. grant and convay that <br /> Borrawer's interest in the Property undcr the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obligaied to pay the sums <br /> S sccured by thls Secudty Instrument;and(c) agrees thnt Lender und any other Borrower muy agree ro extend, modify.forbear or <br /> � make nny accommadntions with regurd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bon�o�ver's consent. <br /> �,t 13. Loan Charges.If the loan securedl by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets mni:imum loan charges, <br /> • and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by th�amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> : to the permitted limit; and (b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exccedeci permitted lim:ts will be refunded to <br /> iiorrower. Lender muy choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> payment to Bortower. If a refimd reduces principnl, the reduction wiU be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> ;�. prepaymcnt churge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> ',; it by fimt class mail unless nppli��ble law requires use of pnother method. 'fhe notice shall be directed to the Pmpr,-�rty�Address <br /> ' or uny other address Borrower desi�nntes by notice to Lcnder. Any notice to L.ender sl�all be �iven by tirst cl�ss mail to <br /> :j Lender's address stated herein or any other addmss Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provlded for in this <br /> � 5ecurity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or I.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> '. 1S. Governing Law; �evernbtlity. This Security Instrumcnt shall bc govemed by fedcral law and tho law of thc <br /> � jurisdiction in which the Properry is locatad. In the event that any provision or clausc of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> � conflicts with npplicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can 6e <br /> �iven effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Sn.curity Instru►nent and the Note are declared <br />— � to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shull be given one conformcd copy af the Note and of thls Security Instrument. <br /> Funn 3020 8/S0 <br />�--:; Pa��4 0�� S <br /> s <br /> "—'..'fY . . -.`' . .....v.^,��..._.---.—g...,�.` -,—°�.�'�7�vuT.�!s� � 73�.r:�f... .,imm �'� r Yg�•�^' _" <br />�[_ . .. .. • - . + ' +:'�� 1 �('�'Y+x�`�-.1`: y y. � '1+5�1 . <br /> �. . „ , . .�l.i� - � � _ <br /> � ��L ,�"" •.a '` '� .-bt _ <br /> �53.. � . • „ uRf.���.i:.!�i^'i�3►" �,hruC�?r.� , • <br /> T�. �. .� . ...( �i���t•#'m7� i RY: . Ir��� .T��_t_�`Y.'— <br /> j: .. - - ' - • r� •`r1•.P'- S°'C'. ''"��• ''� 't��'�S.'*�r- <br /> I. .�, ry r^ t� �i •''a:�i '� 1 - <br /> ��� . , _ � . . -�. � - . _ ' � . �F. ,i�-�....�'�1. �;`�3 rI, �t.„>-` �(, <br /> as .. �, 4 yi7 t'j�ti4� , ri�. <br /> 1.f.'t : � . . . � .. ,. . . � \.. I' 1�F�.. � �-• <br /> "_'.� ' _ • . 1 . ... . - .I' �•'' 1� .� - <br /> �k , ., . �' .. . . - . _ . `�r`..�Z' ',y'.1 i:.00.�'-f;�:.. <br /> .��a�e; . . _ , . .:.�;a:��;�,-- <br /> _-— .. . . . :�r:�►tti= - <br /> . � . - <br /> , . <br /> . . .. - ---- -- <br /> ::�..� _ . -- <br /> . -_-- <br /> . . — ..o. <br />- --- .. .. . . . , . . . ��.:���:.-- , <br />- . . <br /> = :. » . . .. _ . . , .-a�_��. ,ru.:- <br /> , . . r.- <br /> , . -- <br />_ . . . :.�:�-. <br /> ��„ � ...{� . , , ,, � � .����x._ <br /> ..` . � . - - . � � . . .. �'���,.r � u• Yfa. L ¢rt"'4w�"�m�v°'�-- <br /> ` � . , r � "� �'��',?��,,.. -_ <br /> , ' --.,�.:� _..... _ - -- _.._ _ .� -- �_---_ - _ . .:t•.. --- <br />