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, •---i <br /> ...; . :. <br /> ,�w , .. ,..�.. <br /> ....r�. • • , ... :,do. . <br /> , , ..v.,... .. � . � . ���'. ,.�'. �,': :;�:.. <br /> ' . , �"." �',''��:I:3.'}'1i�`.a= <br /> • , . . ' , _ � ' . , . ., t•� r/ � . . '. _ . <br /> I .. _ . - ����1 _ <br /> j16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc givcn onc co�farmrd copy ot thc�Notc and of this Sccurity Inswment. �� <br /> 17.Trpnsl'er of the P'raperty or H B�eneflcinl Intsrest in Dorrowc�. If all or any part of thc Property or any intcrest in it is <br /> � � sold or transforrcd(or if a bcncFcial inteccst in Borcowcr is sold ur trartsfcrrcd and Borrowcr is not a nuturul person)without <br /> Lcndcr's priar wdttcn conscnt, Lcndcr moy,nt its opdon,rcquiro immediato paymcnt in ful�of nU sums sccured by this Sccurity <br /> lnstrumen�Howcvcr. il�is option ahau n�t lw cxceclsed by Lendet if caccrci�� �s gmhibi[cd hy federal law ns uf ihc dnte of this I <br /> � SccwTity Instrumcnt. � <br /> If T.ender exercises this option,Lender sh�ll girre Bo�rrawer no@co of acc�elerudon.The notice shull gravlde u periad of not less E <br /> ' �� lhun 30 d�ys from�he dato Ihe notico is delivercd at'mailed withln which Borrower must pny all sums secured by thls Security <br /> �� Insuument.If Barrowcr faUs to pay thcsc sums prior w tha oxpiradon of thjs pcdod,Lcndcr may invo6ce ony remedIcs permitted „ <br /> � by this Sccurity instrumcnt without fw�ther nodco or demand on Borrawcr. <br /> � 18.Borrower's Right to ReNstate. IF Borrower mccts certain condidons. Bortower shall have tho right to havc <br /> enforeenient of thls Sccurity Insuument dLscantinued at eny tlme prlor ta thn earlier of: (a) 5 days (ar such other period os <br /> � � s►ppllcablc law mny speclfy for �rainstatement)before sale of thc Property pursuant to sny powtr of salc cantaincd in this Scc�uit}• .. . . <br /> Insuument;oz(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing this Sccurity InstrumenG"Ihose wnditions ere that Borrower:(ej pays Lertder all , .�tif���- <br /> t �.,: <br /> sums which then would be duu under Ihis Securlty Inswment and the Note as if no acceleradon had occurred; (b) cures any �:,• `.,, ,A{�s:_-__ <br /> default of any other covenants or agrecments;(c)puys all expenses incurred In enfbrcing this Security Inswment,including,but , •. •.,.-- <br /> not limited to,reasonalble anameys' fces;and(d)takes such acdon as Lender may reasonably rcquire to assure that the lien of this ':��::z-�--- <br /> Socurlry Ins�►mcnb Lendc�'s ri�hts in ihe Properry ond Borrowcr's obligedon to pay the sums se�ured by this Security •,.��,t;��/i°zi:•1°,�: -- <br /> Instcument st�all continuc unchanged. Upon rcinstatenicnt by Borrower. this Sccur[ty Insuumcnt and the obligadons secwed ,.�.?---;;;--� <br /> hereby si�all��e�iiei�►fully effective as if no acccleratFan teEd occurred.However.this rig6t m reinstate shnll not apply in the case of "�'���°�-____ __ <br /> acccleraaan under paraRrap617. � - — <br /> 19.Sak ai Note;Cbange ot Loan Servker. 'il►e Note or a parti�l interest In the Note (together with this Security � <br /> Instrument)may bc sold one or morc times withont prior nouce to Borrowcr.A sale may result in a change in tha entity(known ":��r- <br /> a9 the"Loan Serviccr")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Seciuiry Insuumen�There also may be one or i�;_.��:= <br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a salo of tha Nate. If there is a chango of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wiU be •:5y�'.7:Ri <br /> given written nodce of the chungs in accordunce withp�a� h 14 nbove and applicable law.'Ihe nodce will state the name and ;; •.,._����. - <br /> address of the new L.oan Sc�vicer and the address to wttch payments should be made.lfie nodce will eLso contain any o�her <br /> infomiation r e quired b Y a p Pllcable law. �;�,;„w� <br /> 20.Hazardous Substences. Bormwer shall not causc or permit the presynce, use, disposs�l, sooragc. or re lease o f any �.,,, :. � <br /> �� Hamrdous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shaU not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything effecting the Properry ;;} ' , <br /> ihat is in violation of an�Bnvironmental Lae,r.'Il�e preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use.or storage on ttie � <br /> pcpl�enY of small quanuucs oi Hazardnus Subst�nces that are gener�lly xecognized to be approp:iate tfl n�mn�l residenuel us� .-:� <br />---- aid t�r•;ai�s:.,.-�ce af tfrs P:c�•t;. <br /> gorrower sha11 prompdy giae Lender written noticc of any invesdgation,claim. demand,lsswsuit or otfier action by any s <br /> � govemmental or ngulatoryegency or privata party involving the Prol�ty and any Hezardous Substance or Enviranmental <br /> .. of whkh Bolrower has ecpwl knowlodgc.If Bomower leazns,or is notif'kd by any gove,�nmental oa aegulatory authority.that any , <br /> removal a other remediadon of eny Hau�rdous Substance affecdng U�.e Propercy is necessary.Baxrower shall prompdy taL�till � <br /> necessFUy remedial acdons In Accordance with Environmentel Law. { <br /> ps used in this paragrnph 20. "He7ardous Substances" ara those substances de.fined as eoxic or hazardous substances by ��• � � <br /> Bnvironmental Law and tha folbwIng substences: gasoline, keroseiw, other flnmmabie or touc petroleum prod�ccts. ta��c '•,: ' r. <br /> �esdcides�d hubicides,volaHlo solvents,materials contaimng asbestos or formaldehydo,end rsdioactive mate,rial9.As used in � '' <br /> ,. . �g p�graph ZD,"�nvironmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located ttwt relnie ,� <br /> to health,safety or crovircnmentsl p�ta:tion. . <br /> NON-UNTEiORM COVHNANTS.Bortowcr and Lender further cavenant t�nd agree as follows: '� <br />�M�+- �• ^ 21.Accekratbn:Remedie,9.I.ender s6aU give notke to Borrower prbr to Accekration tallowing Borrower's breac6 oP �,��.- <br /> ,��,.����� :�-.: , <br /> _ , any mvenant or �greement ie this Secur(ty Instrument (but not prior to accekration ueder paragrap6 1T unkss " <br /> - �? �� rpplicabk taw rov6des otherwise).The notice ehaD s �e�yutred to cure the det;ult;(c) E � <br />�^._ir°:`"� . . P DecUy'c(a)tAe defauit�(b)the�ction E:;- <br />_r,,;•_•,�w ;�.� a dAte�not{ess tlw�e 30 days from the date thc nohoe is given to Borrower,by whk6 the default mnst 6e cured;and(d) � �_ <br />-'�` �`';, .�; that toilure to cure the def�ult on or betore tbe dtte spec[fled in the notke may res�lt in accekratbn of the suma secured F'-:- <br /> j�' by t6is Securify Iastrumeat aud sek of the Pr�uperty.The noNa shAO furt6er inlorm Borrower ot th=rig6t to rcinstote �;;i:._ <br /> . �� ' after ocoeierallou and the ri�ht ta briag a rnnrt nctbn to pssert the eon-existeitce ot a defAUlt or pny other detense ot �"`'- <br /> . . �.:...-� <br /> J+°- -`•� •� Borrower to aca{ersitlon And sAk.It We defanit b not cured on or befare E6e dAta spccitled in thx noticq l.endera At its � <br />� tion,mA r ufre Immedfiate pAymeat in�ull of wll�ums secured by t6b Security Instrument without turther demAnd �� <br />,���.:,�� W► Y �q - <br />-- ,.,�...;. swd eoay invo{ce the power ot�le aed any other remedks permitted by nppl�cabk aw.Lender s6a11 be entitkd to mlkct _ ____ <br /> =s'�*,� �•--- ap pcpenses incurred in pursuing the remctlies provided in t6is par�grAp6 2i�includL�g,but eot Ifmited tu�reasonabk =. <br /> ...;.,:._. -:-� <br />��;a:,;�;;�;�� attureeys'ites pnd r.asts of tifk evkknce. <br /> . . �v;;��. . - <br />-} ��;%���;� �� It the power ot sak b invoked, Tc�stee shaU rernrd a notice o7 default in eac6 oovaty in whkh any part ot the .•-�.�_ _ <br />. � : property[t lucated and shall ma�l��oples ot such notke in t6e manner prescr36ed by a�rp�ca'b}c l�w to Borrower an�l to the °--- -- -_ <br /> ot6er perso�ts prescribed Dy epplicabk law.Aner the tLne required Dy pppl3rmble law,T�usiee sLall give publk notke ot -��.�,_� ,w •�m`_ <br /> sAk to the persons end in the manner prxscrib�d by npplkablc Istw.Trustee,svithout dem�ad on Bore��+�er,shatl sell the �..��...�...: <br /> ; Property�4 publtc aucdon tfl tb�e 6ighest bWder at Rfie time And p�tce and unaler the terms dssibms►ted�n the notke o!s�k �' � ��I��D-"'�"�``Y'�` <br /> ti..;;fs,�,,.,,'x'IY5'f�3�'- <br /> :;. . ���t'::4�;E;�•:,,:•j'��� <br /> Form 8028 9190 ":�%1���'�`'�;>% <br /> •"•• �;�t:};:�:a',: <br /> P� �6 018 Intlld�: �``�•,�:� <br /> �-OV(NE)ID2121.01 0 , 'L . r <br /> .. `7 � 1 793-5 - �,�'?...... � <br /> -- _ - <br /> , <br /> —' - <br /> � �. • <br /> _........__..._.._�__, _�._._......_.___..----� - -- -----�-------�__----�---�_..,.._.._..,..... ---_._._._ ..------- - -��q <br /> • � <br />- ,. . <br /> � ' ,� <br /> ' � � ' - <br />