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�,'� . .�� . � �u�• <br /> , i1�� . n . � , s. <br /> .��aMw / .. . .. . , - .. �r�Y4�n. <br /> . ., ,� _ .. . . �NM�-• ' .��I... ... _ <br /> . :�L'V1l�4aN•� " ,.' - ' __ <br /> 1 .'µ.�5��.. <br /> . . . . �, . . ... ���-_'_.�" <br /> . . . . �. . .. . - ..Mf+�., <br /> , . .. _ . .. � ' - <br /> Q�_ 10�1 <br /> paymcnts muy no lon�cr bcs requirod. at ihc opdon of I.cndcr,if mortgagc inSQ�nca�ovcrngc(in the amount and for tho period - <br /> thflt Lendcr requlres)provlded by un insurer epproved by l..c�der again bccomcs availabla nnd is obtni,�ed.Borrower shull pay the <br /> • prcmiums rcyuued to m�int�in rnort�age insii�!nce in effect,or to providc a los9 rescrve, unul the requiremcnt for mongage . - <br /> instuanca ends in accordance with a�iy wrltien agree:nent betwcen Borrowcr end Lendcr or applicable law. • . . , , . <br /> 9.Inspectbn. Lcnder or its�ent may make reasonable cntries upon and inspecdons of thc Property. Lcndcr shaU give <br /> �,,..-�� Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an lnspecdon specifying reasonable ct�use for the inspeclion. <br /> • 10.COAdCII1lIQN0A. 'Ihe proceeds of any award or claim ior damages, dlrect or consequcntuil, in connecdon with any •. _ <br /> condemnadan or other taking of any part of the Pcoperty,or for conveyunce in licu of condemnation,are hereby acsigned and <br /> shnll bc paid w l.ender. •�"�- <br /> In tho event+of a wtal taking of the Pronecty.thn proceeds shall be applled to the sucns ser�ued by this Security Insaument, ;���`� <br /> .:��.:_�-�.� <br /> whether or not then dae,with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a psrtial ta{cing of the Property in which the fair raiarl:et �;��:-=---- <br /> valuc of the Property immediutely befom the teking is equal w or gceater than the tunount of the sums secured by this Seciuity ��''�_- <br /> Instrument immedlately befom the ta3sing. unless Borrower end Lcnder oPhcrwise egree in writing, thc sums secured by this � _____� <br /> Security Instrument shall be xeduced by tho emount of tha proceeds mulbipliecl by the fallowing&scdon: (a)the wtal amount of � � ___-- <br /> the sums securcd immedintely before the taking. divided by(b) the falr market vnluc of the Property imtrtcdlstcly beforo the ';,;_:���°_ <br /> taking.Any balar►ce shall be paid w Sorrower.L�the�vent of a partiai taking of t'ha F:operty in wttich the fa�r marlcct value af tho • " `iy' <br /> Property irnmedlately before ihs teking is less than the amount of the sums secnred 'unmedintcly before the taking, unlcss „•.,__.��- <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwise agme in wridn8 or unless applicable law otherwise provides,the proceeds shall be apglied to the ".';.'r,�_-� �� � <br /> � sums secumd by this Security Instrument wi�ether or not the sums are�hen due. «,:�-.: <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bonnwer,or if,after norice by I.ender to Bocrower th�t the condemnor offers w make an "--= <br /> awerd or seple a c1alm for demages,Borrowes f�tils to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,I.ender �}z`�_=� <br /> �' �: ' <br /> . is nnthorized w collect and apply the proceeds,AY iis ppdon,either to restoradon or repair of the Property or to the sums secured .�` <br /> � by this Security Instrument,whether or not then dua . ^_°-�` <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othczaise agroe in writin8,any appllcation of prc�ceeds to princlpul shall not eatend or postpane <br /> � the due date of the monthly payments ruferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change t�►e amount of such payments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not Released; Forbcnrance By Lender Not a VVaiver. hxtension of the timc for payment oz modlficaflon f � <br /> b <br /> - ,� ui amuciicidiv„v�i�w s�,�s�,-u�oG�y th��a�ity Insuum�st gr^�sst;,3!sy L,.^z�rx tc any su��r�t af Basza�tr w's�l: E ,,`' I �^ <br /> � not operaus to releASC tha liabiiry of the orlginal Bomower or Borrower's successors in interesG I.ender shall not be required w r. <br /> commenee proceedings egainst any s�ccessor tn interest or refus�to extend ti�ne for payment ar otherwiscs modify amon+xation of • <br /> the soms secured by this Socurity Insurument by rcason of eny demand made by the oz7gi�a1 Bocrower or Borsower's suocessors . : <br /> • •� in intuesG My forhEarnnce by L.cnder in eacrcising eny dght or rcmedy shnll not be a waiver of or preclude the exer�cise of eny � ;';:, <br /> dght or rertwdy. �h� <br />- 12.Successors and A,ssigu�Bouud;Joint and Several Ltability; Co•signers. The covenants and agreements of this ` <br /> .. Security Inspcument shs�l �ind and bcnef'it the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject w the provisione of "'.• - <br /> , ,� ptuagraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agm,ements shall be joint end several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security J '-- <br />- Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is casigning this Security Inetrument only W mortgaga.grant end convey that � ���� <br /> � Borrower's intuest in the Property under the tem►s of this Securiry Inswment; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums =�_� <br />=M^� ����^���•.� � soc�ral by this Security Instrumenr and(c)egcees that Lender and any other Borrower may egrae w extend,modify.forbear or '�"�- <br />��`�' ��`'��'+�• • make any accommodadons with regard w the terms of this Socurlty Instn►ment or thc Note without that Boirower's consent - <br /> ,v,.,-,.r..,�.»., -"- <br /> " 13.Loan C6ar�es. If tho loan securcd by d�ia Security Instrument is subject w a law which sets maximum loan ch�rges. ��_= <br />��'�•�h:� end that Iaw is Cuialty inte,�greted so that the Interest or other ioan ct�arges collected or to be collecud in connecdon with the loan �-- <br /> i4w.ft,.;..• __�. <br /> ��� '��- excecd the pem�itted limits.then: (a)any snch laan charge shall be reduced by ihe amount necessery W re,duce the chsurge to the �_:: <br />�s:<� :, � • f.. <br />�a . permitted limit;end(b)su�y sums already collected from Boaower which axcecded pemritted limits will be refunded to Borrower. <br /> _ '�'`' Lender may choosc w make this rcfund by reducing the principal oaed under the Note or by malong a direct payment to �-�=--� <br /> � Borrower. If a refund red�ces rinci the reducdon will be treated es n artiN re a y p p y g �''� <br />����...��,�"�'• • P P�� P P P Yment without an re a ment char e _ <br /> =:_.. ..; : � undcr the Note. _ <br /> ""'.`'�. ` 14.Noti�es. An nodce to Borcower rovtded for in this Securl Instrument shall be ven b deUverin u or U mnilin it <br /> •'-:':;',�-=-- � Y P tY 8� Y B� Y &� ---- -,.. <br /> , by Cu�st class mail unl�ss applicablo Isiw requlres use of bnother method.'I71e noticc shall be clirected to the Property Address or �''"" <br />- , - .. <br />��*� "F": , any other address Borrower dcsignates by notice to L.ender.Any noace to Lender shall be given by fust class mail to Lerider's -- <br />_-. ' `' ' addr�s s�ated herein or eny other sddress Lender designates by nodce w Horrower. Any nodce provided far in this Securfty <br /> ,: Instrument shaU be deemed to have baen given to Sorrowcr or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. .�. <br />-- � . •� 1S.Govsreing Lnw;3everabllity. 'I�is Sccurity Inswment shall be govemed by fedcral law pnd the law of ihe - <br /> � jurLsdicdon in which the Property is located. In the avent thet any provlsion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note •+:-� -_ <br /> - . conflicts with applicable law.sucl�conNet shall not nffect other provisions oF this Security Instmment or the Nate which can be ���F�,,�;�.�_ <br /> ° given effect without the conflicdng provlsion.To this end the provisions of this Security Insmiment and the Note are decia�ed to � .�,:�� <br /> be SeVerIIb18. �'�. '.t;�ii�'�.`��y�'�j� <br /> . . .,�,.. �r�. �:� <br /> - - ..:„.�i:.,,�rlt•,7,r.;.. . <br /> Form3028 0170 �� }";?:,,;:::`.,;i <br /> Q�-eV(NE)(o��z�.oi rap.aote inmaa:-----� - �. :':r.�..�:•�� �• <br /> ^ ::;�.,: <br /> �' , �•; .• : :: �, ,:. <br /> =.•- _ ., . _.,- • - — _ <br /> . - ..,..-. -_ '_ .-_- _ <br /> . ,�----�--*^- ----- -.__.--_----_--_—_..—..------ ._........_,.-�__-.--..-�.��-�T..-...-----�------ —�_� , <br /> � . _ ir <br /> "� <br /> . � , . - <br />