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ti 1 -'•�`-�-••.-' �, . „ . , +'St�:�.:' <br /> ' Qi�' :.r...ArF1a/.lnJ9r.:• . .l.r^,c�..r_,. , �,�� .:_:.�.::.:.r,_._..-._--- .. <br /> ��i.'6761!!�""+�. � � �,:.'c?.i.':.�_,.-_4.1._;�ib.�,ae�— <br /> .�.r..... _ <br /> ' -.._.: ..___:,�.. <br /> . . �.�r } .._. �"'_...�. .._.."__' <br />.. . ,� . - . �,. i�r- .... . �JfY �1�1N"'� YJ, �'_.'__"_'_' <br /> .Jt . / <br /> . �... _. �h;r• • . :�:�. <br /> � •n �b. � ��� � . .. ,n�,�•---:.__ <br /> +•�. ��bs,_- <br /> _�, <br /> ., w�- <br /> _ <br /> . r _ . 92_ 1osee3 <br /> `-�,:,...:�.::---: �. <br /> � , t , ___;_;i /niunnc�prom;ums,�round nnts,�nd a!1 olMr clwpea what�oave►Nvl�d upon a�s�aas�d,pNc�d a m�da opalnst d►a Tru�t <br /> ...;;;:-,�°�-- Proporry.Trustor furthar aQroas,upon wditen request by BensNclary,to prompdy dollver ro Bonefialary ell.QCelpt�lor tha paym�nt d <br /> tuch clwpu. Tiuota llkowlso apr+�aa M pay�f!faxes,ass�rmanf��nd otherchu�es Nvlod upon a au�sr�d,P►ac�d ar m�d� �_.�_._ <br /> .�,�,� o�Wut,or m�a�und by.fhla DNa►o/Tivat a tM ncord�don h�nol. <br /> °�,'`;- � Q� �I p p N a�E l o n o f Paymen t s.A l f pAym e n t s roc s l w d b y B�r►�B c N u y�s to�n y d�bt flablll ry a obll0adon awed to B�ndkloy by Trustor <br /> �;'''° '~ m�y b�appllsd by BenaNclary lo the paym�nt ol tlw Ind�btodn�u a to�ny euch othei deDt,llabllity a obJlaadcn,In any ordN a <br /> � • < '• m�n n w o l�p p N a tl o n w h l c h B o n s N c l a ry,!n!te absoluto dlacrodon,doama ap p r opHat�•Unlesa olhenvlso elocfsd by Bm�Na1W,any <br /> � !':::: ';�: iuch piym�nt abW b�daomsd appMsd Bnf ro ths paym�nt ol ury d�bt,I1�blAly aobllpadon ot/N►tMn 1hs Nota. <br /> � } . 6. Chergea;Usns.Trustor wU!ksap tiw Tiust Prope►ry/rw hom dl ll�ns and encumbranves whlch In any w�y may,ln!he�udgm�nf ol <br /> J � T�'.�..�.—�,..�. L_. . .._.•_-. <br /> •y � � ..� 19�nsflolary,hew pilorlry ove►.almpslr the s�cudry ol,th►a DNd ol Tru�t but Tivaror need not dlaoherye any such Jlon so p as <br /> '?� "'�'��"'r'� Truatar�haU agns,!n wdUr►g,to pey the obl/y�don tscurod by auch Nwr In e manner accaptab/s to BoneNcl�uy and aha0ln pood lalfh <br /> .. ._�-'. .,_ -- <br /> ,�.�+�` -..: canMat aucb llen by appron►lah lapel procoadinga of/�cflw to pnvent tM onforcnrwnt of dw lla�anal t1u bts d any lnhrs�t�n a <br /> �- � p�rto►the TivatProparly. <br /> �`��'^`l"'� 7. Huard Insurance.Tiusto►shall keep the butldinps and otherlmprovanenta now exladng or herea/ter ereoted on the Tiusf Property <br /> _"�: � a�.<.r ..;,�y:;.-:>. <br /> ��e Maurad 6y Uswenco cemlers sads/actory to Benedciary a�slnat foss by llre, hezards lncluded!n the term"extended coverape' end <br /> °" " �• :�. such ad►er harards,cesualtles and condnpencies as may be►equlred by BeneNclary,ln such emounts and la such parlods ao may bo <br /> � reqWred by BeneBclery.The poUcy ol lnsurence shalf be!n fom►accoptebfB ro Ba►eBclery,p►ovide that tha same may not be --- <br /> cu�celled a modlHed wfflwut Rlf�een(1 S)days pda wiltten nodce to Beneflclery,and shal/have loss payeble provlslona!n favor ol end �:;-,�:n.-- <br /> n <br /> ' In lorm acceptable to Beneflclary.All premluma on lnswenae pollclea ahall be pald!n the menner provlrl�d under parap►eph�herool =-- <br /> �� �% YJ a,!!not pald!n auch menner,by Trustar making peyment af least N/teen(ibJ days pdor to fhe due dete,dlrecNy ro the lnsurance <br /> �.,:� �'`: � d�_. " `� � carder.BeneNclery shell have the r/pht M hold the po/kles and renewals fhereol end Tiustor shall prompdy lumish to BeneNclary ell � _� <br /> � r x � ,. ,. �•;,�,` ianewal nodces and all pald premlum rece/pts recelved by It.In no event shaD BeneNclary or Tiustee be held responalble!or fellure ro ..� <br /> -;,�. p�y Insurance premluma a/or eny loss a dema�e adsing out o/a do/ecNn eny poNoy a ailslny out ot eny 1a11ure o/enylnewence � ��'%-� <br /> a 4', •, �_'�^.:� <br /> -- _ 1_:�_ ;.. ���.�.�. company to pay for any loss a damage lnsured apalnst a br la!!ure by Tiustor M eHect Ihe lnsurance req�lred hereunder.In the evait `_ <br /> o►foss,Tiustor ahal give prompt notice by mell to the insurence cer�ler end QeneNclary.BeneNclary mey make prool o/losa H not - _ -� <br /> r° ^"�' m�de rom a ln ro r lam b Tiustor.All pollcles o/lnaurence and any and ell rolunds ol uneamed premlums a►e hereby e�. ',L._�: <br /> a._ � e�ii„�•.. . c: ' P P�Y P Pe Y _--- <br /> 4.., asslgrwd t+D BeneflClary as additlonel seCU�ity!or the payment o/the Indebtednese.In the event ol BeneBclery's exerclse ol d►a power <br /> � of sale contalned hareln,a!n the event of/oreclosure,all dght dde end lnterest of Tiusto�!n and to any lnsurance pollcy Ihen!n force t,.r,` '` <br /> ��`�. � . �` ahd/pass ro tha purohaser at the dustoe's sale a loreclosure sala.In case of any/osa,the lnsurence praceeds may,ac ma onaon oi �-' '` <br /> vt;_�, . `';.` BeneNclary,be epplled by Beneflclary upon Ihe Mdebtedness,or eny part thereol,and!n such o►de►and emour►f as Beneficlery m�y __ - <br /> � determfne;a seld Insurance the opdon ol BeneNclary.mey efther be used!n rep/acing a restodng the Tiust Pioperfy <br /> -`�' , •• pardelly or tot+a/ty doahoyed to a condldon se0a/ectory to BenaBclary;a seld lnsurance proceeds,or any pordon fhereo/,may be <br /> --° '+'�a released to Tiusror.Unless BeneHclery and Tiusta otherwlse apree In wdtlng,any such appllcetlon ol lnsurance pr+oceeds shall not <br /> =��� " extend a postpone the due date ol the Note,a eny lnatel/mente oalled/a thereln,or chenge the amount ol such lnatellmente.N the m=__ <br /> _ ��� ' o � Trusf Property Is acqulred by BeneBclary pursuant b the exe►clse of dte power o/sale or other laeclosu►e,all rlpht,tlde and lnterest o► ����_' � <br /> � Tiuetor in end to any/nsurance proceeds payable As a result of damape ro the Tiust Properly prlor to the sale or acqulsldon shall pess ��,��_.. <br /> � � � ro BeneBclary entJ ahall be applled Nrst fo the coafs and expenses,Includlny attomoy fees,fnawrad!n coUectlny suoh p►oceads.fhen <br /> :�;� - _- ,; - - ln t�ie r�rennw�end/n ihe arGer pravldaC hsrakr. _�_ <br /> 8. Preservadon and Malntenence of Tiust Properry.Trusror wlll keep the bulldinya and otherlmprovamenta now or herealter eiected on <br /> �''�� � , �• � fhe Tiust Properry!n good repalr and condltlon and wlll rat commlt a pertnit weate,wl11 nof alter the deafpn or shuctural characro� _ <br /> ;��; . ° constlludng any bullding now or he►ea/ter erected on end constltudnp the Tivat PropeAy wlthout tl►e pdor wrUten consent of <br /> � a�;� Benefklary,wlll not do any acf a thing wh/ch would unduly lmpelr or depreclate the vafue ol the Tiust Properry and wJll rat ebandon __ _. <br /> _��. " � the Tiust Pioperry.Tiusta wl11 not remove eny Nxtures consdtudng the Tiust Properly unless the same are lmmedlatety�ep/aced w/th -; <br /> - ,�;. • Ilke prope�ly sub�ect ro d►e Ilen end security lnterest ol thls Deed ol Trust arrd ol at feast equel velue and udllry. 7�ustor wlll comply wlth <br /> _ ` NI present end lufure adinences,nguledons and requlrements ol any govemmental body whlch are appllcabfe to the Tiust Praperry ' <br />�,,.,a ' � and fo the xcupency and use thereo%1!thls Deed ol Tiust!s on a uNt Jn a condominlum or e plenned unll devekpment,Tiustor shall �e; . , „ � <br /> - • � ' peAom►all of Tiusror's obNgadons under the decleradans or covenants creatlnp or goveming the condominlum or the plannai uMt _ <br /> _ ' � development.the bylews and reQuladons ol the condomlNurn or plenned unif developmenf,end fhe constituent documents. __ <br /> . " • O. InspecBon.BeneNclary w!ts agents mey,et ell reasonable Nmes,enter upon fhe Trust Property la the purpose ol lnspectlon. __--- <br /> �:� " ° � Benoflclary shell have no dury fo meke auch lnspecdon and shall not be lleble b Tiustor or to eny person!n possesslon 1l!t mokes w -�ti_�_ <br /> ' lalls romeke anysuchlnapectlon. �;"'���- • <br />_7�,'� " f 0. Protecdon of Secudty.ll Tiustor lalls b peAorm eny o�the covenents end agreements contelned In Ihis Deed o/7iust or 1/eny acdon '" `� ` _,,._ <br />- `,, " a proceeding Is commenced whlch does a may adversely aHect the Tiust Property or the lnterest ol Tiustor or BeneNclery Merein a --- <br />-r• � ' � �� the tltle ol Tiustor therato,then BeneRalary,atlts optlon,may perlorm such convenants end agreements,make such appearences, ��"^ <br /> � y defend ayefnst and Invesdgate such actlon or proceeding and take such other actlon es BeneNclary deems necessery to protectlrs «� <br />�° � • •� ° ;� Interest Jncludinp,but not Iimited to,d/sbursement ol reasonable attamey laes and enhy upon d►e Tiust Property ro meke repelrs.My ��^,� ` <br /> " amounts dl8bu►sed by Benellclary pursuent to thls parag►aph 10,w(th lnterest theieon,shall consNtute/ndebtedness ol Trusta • �•�•_;— <br />;� � Y secured by thls Deed oi Tiust Unless Tius[or and BeneNclary agree ro other terms ol payment,such smounfs shell be payable upon �" '� -_ <br />? notice Irom BeneNc/ary ro Tivator iequesdng payment thereo%and shal/bea►lnte►est Irom the date ol dlsbursement at the delault rete, �;��..�_, <br />-�• ." • « !t eny,set lath!n the Note,or otherwlse et tho hlghest►afe pem►ltted by few.Nofhing contained!n thls pe►ayreph sha/l requlre �.���._-- <br /> e " .� BeneNclary to lncur eny expense or fake any acNon hereunder.Tiustor InevocaDty authorizes and empowers Benepclary to enter upon _ <br /> •• the Tivat Properly as Tiustor's agent and,Jn Tiustor's neme or othenvlse ro perlo►m any and all covenants and ag►eements to be �^ <br /> , �x�, perlavmed by Truslor es hereln provided.BeneNclary shall,etlts opdon,be subrogated to any encumbrence,Ilen,c/aim or dernand � <br /> and to ell d yhts and secudtles lor the payment thereol pald or dlscharged by BeneNclary under the provlslons horeol and any such _ <br /> ' subrogaHon dghts shell be addltlonal and cumulaUve secudry lor thls Deed of Tiust. . � _ <br /> . � „ � 11. Condemnatlon.The p►oceeds of any awerd or clelm lor damages,dlrect or consequentlal,(n connecUon wlth any condemnatlon or �. <br /> c ,';. " ofhei taking o/the Tiust Property,or any paR thereol,or lor conveyence!n lfeu ol or!n anUclpadon o/condemnatlon,are hereDy <br /> � etslgned to and shall be pafd to Benellclery.Tiustor wlll llle and prosecute, In good la(th and w(th due dillgence,!ts clelm lor any such � <br /> aweM or payment end wlll cause the seme to be co/lected and pald to BeneNclary,and,shouldlt lall to do so, Trustorl�evxebry j <br /> aufhodzes and empowers BeneNclery,In the name ol Tiustor or othenvise,to Ble,prosecute,seme or compromise any such clalm and � <br /> � ro co�rect iecelpt!or and refaln the proceeds.1/the Tiust Property!s ebandoned by Tiustor,or,a/te►notice by Beneliclery to Tiusto► ; <br /> fhet fhe condemnor oNers ro make an awaid or settle e clalm lo►damages. Tiustor lalls to respond ro BeneNclary wlthln thirty(30)days E . <br /> eRer fhe date such noUce!s malfed,Bene/iclary Is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds!n the manner Indlcated hereln. The � <br /> , - p►oceeds of any award a clalm may,elter deducfing afl reasonable costs and expenses,lncluding attomey lees,whlch may heve ! <br /> • been Incuned by Benellclery In fhe coNecda�thereo%at the sole dlscretlon al Bene/Iclary,be released fo Tiustor,applled to <br /> . restoretlon o/Tiust Property,or applled to the payment uf fhe Indebtedness.Un/ess Beneliclary end Trustor othenvlse agree in w�ttlng, , <br /> any such epplJcatlon ol proceeds to Indebtedness shell not extend a postpone the due date of fhe Note or fhe peyment o/any � <br /> fnal�llmonlo nallarl/rn thaoundnr <br /> .-__— �-:—._ ._. ...-'—...._...---"-._. ..--'--"---. , <br /> 12. 7rustor Not Released.Extension o!the tlme for payment or modlNcaGon of�ny amortlzation o/the Indebtedness grantetl by denehciary <br /> M any successa!n lnterest o/Trustor shall not operafe to release,!n any manne►,the 1(abiliry ot Trusror end Trusror's successors►n <br /> � lnterest.Bene/lclary shall not be requ/red to commence p►oceedings agalrtst such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or <br /> �• ofhenvlse modlfy amortfzallon of the Indebtedness by reason ot eny demand made by T►ustor and Trusfor's successors <br /> Inlnterest. <br /> � 13. Flnanclel InlormeUon.Upon request o/Benehcrary,Tiustor will prov�de(o Benehclary,within ninery(90)days ol the close of each hsce/ <br /> year of Trastor,the consol(dated balance sheet and sfetement of earnings ol Trustor and any and all guarantors o/the Inddb►edness <br /> secured hereby,II any,and wlll provlde and deliver to BeneHclary such other financial mformaf(on and 1n such manner es Bene6c�ary <br /> , may reasonab/y request lrom tlme ro tfine. <br /> f1. Flnenclel Covenanfs.In addidon to any other llnanc(al covenanfs ol Trusto�made in any other egreement,(nstrument or document. <br /> Trustor shell comp/y wlth and shall cause any and all guarantors ol the Inc'ebfedness secured horeby to comp(y with,or be in <br /> • . � compllence wlth,the lo0owlny Bnancfal covenents:(This paregreph shell not apply►I covenants and reqw►eman�s are not set <br /> • • . torth he►eln.) <br /> 16. Schedule ol Leases.Withln ten(f 0)days a/ter demand.Trustor shall/urn�sh ro 8enehc�ary e schedule,cernhed ro by Trustor,sett+ng <br /> ' fo►th all/eases ol fhe Trust Property,o►any porfion thereot,mcluding�n each case,the name ol the tenants or occupants,a descnphon <br /> ! � of the spece occupled by such tenanf or occupent fhe renfel payable lor such space,and such o jher inlormahon and documents w�fh � <br /> � respect to such leases and tenanc�es as Bene%aary may reasorably requesf. <br />