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<br /> �-��� �li�v'�s�,..• :�••Y--w.
<br /> ...� �. - �-°a °��.
<br /> � , Deed of Trust
<br /> � � "q���� ����p 92---��se� -
<br /> __ __p n�•�'�iS'`' " �':�T YINA�i �_.----._
<br /> ... ^ Y`I�r.
<br /> �Yi49r
<br /> T�1f3DEE00PTR113TlemadetMs�.tlt—dayof �■ ����* , 1032,bypndbafwaan rAr� n R^°a^k°r and ,
<br /> ^'� �a u�� � O..e.wL.�_ li��al�anrl And 41i fw whothar on�a mo►o.��N/i�flAKQI QV�d�IY°TAIf�OI�J�
<br /> _ � �.;;�. ���'� whoasrnNllnQsddreae/s •L!a09 OrA17 .wne_ Cran � --
<br /> , �`x• ?"� '``� NOR�€ST BAj�fK UPARAaKA��TjnNei" aS$(iGj,eTt� n�__._ (herelneRer called the"Trastee"),who�e melling addns�/t � __ ___
<br /> � � " '"`a� PO oX 1768 G I � *?? 68802 ,and NOAWEST BANK uFn° r'ts NATIO A� qQ0 ATiAN ,(hereAlallN
<br /> ��� - �' PO BOB 17b9 �RAND ISLAND_�r,� 6AA02 � .
<br /> ^ .:���u,t caN�d fh�"BNwNclary'1.wba»mWlnp adalroaa!a ---
<br /> -- ,f��....,.,a...
<br /> . •. � ° ' �. WITNES3ETH:
<br /> „ �- - �
<br /> - �. • _ • � � '� ,nr�i• rii~TOVII VTL�TL�CLt T17/111Q�� ��
<br /> -- WNEREAS Tivarorls lndebted to Beneficl In the dncl el sum of _.�ID._NO/100 —
<br /> - — �;�. a►Y P P �:�.,.--
<br />-�_; ' Dollars(53��..a0�_on �,Whlchlndebtednesslsevldenced6yTiustor'spromissorynotedeted�llW1et 5 ,�gy�.,(��elnaUa►
<br /> _ *'� � ' ' calleci tha"Note"),payable b the ader ol BeneHclwy and haviny a nwludty ol-TA^�ieT; 29 , 1993 . __ _
<br /> i�-= ��• NOW,THEREFORE,foi the purpose ol securing:
<br /> -__—►�.,�.°�. ~ ••�� ." (al Peymenr or a►e Nore,together wllh lnrerest thereon.lete char��,ProPayment penafd�.eny luturo advances,end all axtonsfons, � - -
<br /> �:;'-• - • .. modfliceHon�,subsdtutlons and renewels thereo/, � _ ___.
<br />= ' ° . . (b) peyment ol ell other sums,fees or charges,together wlth lnte�est Ihereon,advanced to protect the aecudty of►hfs Dood ol Trusf and ���y�__
<br /> " _ � • tha performance ol the covenanta and agreements of Tiusror,whether a not set brth hereln, _ ..__.
<br /> . � (c) peAoimance,dlscharge ol and compllance wld►every term,cavenenf,oblJgadon and egreement ol Tiustw conlalned hereln a �
<br /> � . „�•,;.a� lncorpaated by reference ar any oMer secudtylnsbument at anydme glven b secure the Note,and � ' �;;L�t t,
<br /> �.;� (d) t h e r e p e y m e n t o l a l l o t h e r s u m s a l u f u r e a d v a n c e s,w l t h lnterest thereon,whlch ma y hereto/ae hava beon or herealter be advw►cad
<br /> � . ' . � by Berwflclery ro Tastor or Tiustor's successor ln interest or dde, r��-_-
<br /> all o/whlch!s hereinalter collectively called the"Indabtedness",Trusta lrrevooably prents and benalera ro Tius[ee,in hust,WITH POWER
<br /> � � y; OFSALE�[hYlOIIOW!/►Q dB�CNbed pfOp6lly: �'•'�''��" _
<br />' _. . �` Lote One (1) aad Four (4). Hidden Lakes 3ubdiviaion Nwuber Sevea� Hall Counly� Nebraelca. � '
<br /> �. .�
<br /> .�<�. _ - --
<br /> together w/th p)al1 bulldings,shuctures,addidons,enlargemenfs,mad!llcallona,�epelra,replacements,and improvements now or hereaRer x:.:. �� �
<br /> Ixated d►ereon,(11)all equlpment,machlnery and Iixtu►es(lncluding,wlfhout llmltedon,al/llghting,heatlnp,vendladng,cooUng,a!r ' • �-
<br /> �� condldoning,spdnkling and plumbing Nxtwes,water and power systems,englnes,bollers,renges,ovens,dlshwashers.minors and mantels, Y•-�
<br />�� carpedng,/umeces.0!1 bume�s,eleverors and motors,reldperadon plants or units,commaMcadon systems,dynamos,transformers,efechkel �i-_
<br /> ���.;:� equlpment,srorm and screen w/ndows,doors,awnings and shedes)now or hereaRer atteched to,or bullt�n,any bullding or(mprovement ��� ;-:
<br /> . ' now or hereafter located thereon,p!!)all easements and dghts ol wey appuRenant thereto,(Iv),all feasehold estate,rlght title end lnte►est ot �•..
<br /> Trustor!n and[o aU leases,whether now or hereeRer exJsdng a entered into(Including,without Ilmltadon,all cash end secu�i ry deposlts, ' ..
<br /> " �` advanco renta/s end depus![s or payments o/a slmJlar nature�,peRelning thereto,(v)all rents,Issues,proNts and Income there/rom(sub/ect ;,-_ ,,•. ,; —
<br /> ' � ' b the►Ighf of Tiustor ro collect and apply such rents,lasues,proflts and lncome as they become due and payeble so fonp as no event o/ _:•
<br /> , �� de/ault exisla hereunder),(v!)all royaltles,minerel,oll and gas rlghts and prolits, water,weter dghts,and water stock,(vf►)all fenements, ;?�
<br /> �•� heredltemeMs, pdvlleges and appurtenances belongJng,used or enpyed!n connectlon therewph,and(vi!!)all p►oceeds of converslon, • �
<br /> n voluntery o��volurttery,of any o/Ihe foregdng!nro cash or Ilquldated clalms(lncluding,wifhout limitadon,praceeds ol lnsurance and �..s—_r=-•:
<br /> �. condemnaNan ewarde),all ol whlch Is herelna/!er collectively called the"Tiust Propeity". ���_�'�
<br /> ;��_: .,.-.
<br /> l � • f. Tfde.irustor covenants,wanan►s and egrees wJth 9ene/1c(ary,!ts successo►s and ass/gns,that Trustorowns the Trust Properry Iree ,�,` =�.;;;__'
<br /> "�''� bom eny pdor llen or encumbrence,lhet thls Deed o�Tiust!s and wlll remaln e valld end enforceable/1►st Ilen on the Trost Property,
<br /> ! • ��• --
<br /> � • that Trustor,et Us expenso,wl11 preserve such Utle and wlll malnfaln fhls Deed ol Tiust es a prst and paremount llen upon fhe Tiust �
<br /> . Propedy end wlf/lorever warrant and delend the valldity and prlairy o/the lfen hereof agalnst the clalms of all persons and pertles ---,-_:
<br /> � � whomaoever.Trustor,at!ts expense,wlll cause thls Deed o/Trust,and each amendment or supplement herero,to be Illed end ,�'.^-u-:�___
<br /> �ecordBd as a mortgage o!the Trust Properry!n such manner end In such place and wlll teke such ac6on as In the opin/on ol Tiustee ?�•:"""'.=�--_=
<br /> ' - mey De ieqW�ed 6y any present or luture law!n order to perfect,malnteln and protect the Ilen o/thls Deed ol Trusf,as the same may . z--
<br /> • be emended or supplemented/rom tlme to time.Trustor wllf make such lurther assurance or assurances to perlect lts tltle to the Trust _
<br /> pioperty as may be►equlred by Benellciary. Trustar hereby rellnqulshes all rlght o/dower and homestead!n end to the Trust Property. .,,�,:,;.. __
<br /> 2. Payment oI Indebtedness.Trustor shall punctually pay fhe pdnclpal o/end Interest on the Indebtedness secured hereby. ''�"r``
<br /> •4�':�tiv�`
<br /> • ' 3. ConsWCBon o!Improvemenfs. Trusta shall complete/n good and workmanlike manner any bulldings,improvements or repalrs relatlng '"'"
<br /> ' • therero whlch may be begun on fhe Trust Properry or contemplated by fhe loan evldenced by the Note secured he►eby,to pay when
<br /> due aB costs and Ilabllltles lncurred there%re,and not fo permlt any construcNon lien agalnst such Tiust Property.ln the event •
<br /> � consWCUon oI bulldings,lmprovements or repalrs are contemplated, Trusfo►also egrees,enything in fhls Deed of Tiust to the conbary �
<br /> notwkhstending;(a)to promptly commence any such work end to compfete the proposed improvements promptly,(b)to complete the �
<br /> samel� accordance wlth the plans and spec!lkatlons as approved by Beneliclary,(c)to comply with al/the terms ol a bullding loan
<br /> � �� agreement ll any,between Trustor snd Benellclary,the terms ol whlch are incorporated hereln by rele►ence and made a part hereo� �
<br /> ��• (d)to a//ow BeneHclary to lnspect the Trust Properry at all times during conshucfion,and(e)to replece any work or materlals
<br /> , unse�sfectory to Beneflclary wrthin fikeen(15)deys alter wrltlen notice Irom Bene/iciary of such fact. F�
<br /> • 4. Funds lor Payment ol Charges.Sub/ect to applicable!aw or to a written waivei by Beneliclary, Trustor shall pay to Bene/lr.iary on the `
<br /> Brst dey o/each month,or such other date each month as may be specllied by 9eneliciary,unhl the Indebtedness!s pa/d in lull,a sum
<br /> , A (herelna/ter called the"Funds'7 equal to 1i12th ol the yearly faxes and assessments which may attain prionty over this Deed ol Trust �
<br /> , ` end ground�ents on the Trust Property,i!any,plus 1�12th o/fhe yea►ly premium insfallments lor hazard insurance,plus 1�12th ol the
<br /> � _ _ yearlypremlum/nstallments lor mortgage lnsurance,!/eny, all es reasonably esfimated inrtially and Irom Ume to time by Benef�clary on �.
<br /> -- '- -----'_ . . ..... ..... .'-----..'-'-''--'--..._.__r r�..c.....i....w.i�w..l...l.�:..o.,lneli��.►:nn Ihcrlonnollonr L .
<br />_ _^--"'���—'----'-'-... "- s mo n9S!�C!85_885....0�.�•....�..�.�q.�»..�........�.......�............-.....-..-... ..........................................._......._......'_____-•'-. .
<br /> aCCOUnfs of whlch are lnsured or guarenteed by a lederal nr sfnte egency including Bene►Ic�ary. Benehclary shall apply the Funds to
<br /> . pay seld taxes,assessments.Insuiance premiums and ground rents.Beneficiary shal!no�be required fo pey Trusto►any interesl or
<br /> eam(ngs on the Funds.Bene/lciary shall grve fo Trustor,without cherge,en annuel accounhng o/fhe Funds showmg credits and
<br /> ' deblls to the Funds and the pu►pose for whfch each debit to the Funds wes made. The Funds are pledged as eddihonal secu►ity for
<br /> the lndebfedness secured by this Deed ol Trust.ll tho amount ol fhe Funds held by Beneficiary,together wlth the luture monthly
<br /> � fnstaqmenfs o/Funds payab/e prlor to the due dates o/taxes,assessments.�nsurancd premiums and ground rents,shsll exceed the
<br /> � emowt requ!►ed to pay sald taxes,assessments,insurance p►emiums end c�round rents as they lall due,such excess shaN be,at
<br /> Trusta's optlon, elther prompfly repaid fo Trustor or cred�ted ro T►ustor against future monthly instalfinents ol Funds. If fhe amount ol
<br /> the Funds held by Benellclary shall not be suHic�enf to pay taxes.assessments.�nsurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br /> � Trusta shal!Nay fo Beneliciary any amount necessary to meke up the def�aency wifh►n th�rty days/►om fhe date nohce�s me►led by
<br /> • Benelicfery to 1'rustoi requeshng peymenf thereol.Upon payment m full ol all Indebfedness,Benet�c�ary shall promptly relund to
<br /> Trusfa any Funds held by Beneflclary If the Trust Prope►ry ls sold under the power o/sale o�the Trusf Property is otherw�se acqwred
<br /> " � by Beneliciary,Heneliciary shell epply,�mmediately prlor to fhe sale of fhe Trusf Properry or ds�Cqursd�on by 9enel�aery.any Funds
<br /> ' held 6y Beneliciary af the f�me ol appl�cahon as a credlt agemsf the Inpebredness.If Benehc�Ary executes e wr�tleri we�ve�oI Trustor's
<br /> obligahons unde►th�s paragreph 4, Trustor covenents and egrees to pay.belore the seme become dolmquent, a�l taxes.assessments.
<br /> ,� NC'116JYf. ilt�NP�•�aM�llnlY� (
<br /> .�fi�, .
<br /> , ,
<br />