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� ' _....,.�:. <br /> . ... : <br /> - �Ota . . . , . . �-i . . <br /> --- _ .. _ .- - ...�.....�: ! � . ..'v�fi' <br /> � plART J MALIPdS JBNIJIPgR L M1�LINB �° �0��� 10379G il/37/199G p � . , � <br /> • � g,Codd�mnst(on.The p�ceecLv of ony pw�rd or claim for d�gea,dlrest oe cnnsequ:ndal,In com�sdnn wlch any %Q <br /> • caademaatlon or other talcing of the Froperty, or put t�ereof, ox fop convcyanse in licu of cQn4e�.�n^tion, nY� herceby �� <br /> �s,cigne4 end shall be paid to I.�nder.subject to the c�nns of any mortgage,deed of trust os othcr secvrlry agrcemcnt wlth a � - <br /> llen whlcl�haa prto�ity over this Dad of Twst. <br /> 10. Borrowa Nat Rete�eed; For6atrance B' La�der Not R Wd�er. B�ttaBion of the time for payment or - <br /> modiflcadon of�mortiution af the evms secund by thts Dad of Tcust�rantod by Lender to my sucassor ln lnteiest of - <br /> Barnnwer Rhall ant operate to any manner,the llsbillty of the o�iglnal Bairower and B�omower's successocs ln <br /> intertst. Lender shsl�not be required to cammence proceedings against such successor o�ta�use to extend tir�„for pzyaa:nt � <br /> or othe�Le naodify amocda�doa of tlyee aim9 secured by thlg Doed of Tiust by reuon of�ny dea�d aHde by tLe odgi�l , <br /> Dorroaer md Borrower's suscrssors la iateirst.Any fo:beuance by Lender in e:emising any�ight o:nmody hereundcr+ � ., , <br /> _ � or othecwlse afforded by applicable�ll not be a waiver of or preeludo the exr.rclse of any soeh slght or remedy. <br /> • � 11.Sucen�ure and Aee!tcn Baundl Jofnt md 6everal Ltblltty=Cast�r�re. 'fie covenante and�cxmente hercin � . <br /> "� cunuined shall bind,nnd the rlghts hereundtr sball imue to,the respectivc suocessors uW�ssigas of Lemer and}ioimwer, <br /> yubjecc w the pmvlstons of puagnph 16 he�reof. All covts�us tu�l agteerneats of Boitower sball be joiut and severel• <br /> /�►ny Bomower who co-signs this Dxd of'l�ust.but does aot eaecute the Note, (a)�s casignir�thie Dad of Tiust only to ,}'' , <br /> grAnt nncl coavey thu Boiro�ver's interest in the �coperry to Trustee under the t�ans of this Dad of Tiust, (b)is not <br /> per�„on�lly liable on the Note or un�ter thls Deed of TYUSt,and(c)a�that IRnaltx st�nd any other Borrower henund�r � • •� • . <br /> `;�:�;r��- <br /> • : may�ce to ex.tencl,modiPy�forbrnr�ar m�lce any other Accommodadonv with regud to the t�of thls Dad of Trust or � _- . _ <br /> � �he Note,wichaut thu Borrower's coESent uid wlthout nlea ttut Bamuwcr or thi,Deod o€1Yust as to th�t . '� ��°•- <br /> '::} s�n8 modifYlnS <br /> ha ���`�;.�--__.. <br /> - '�:::�;�� Borrowtt's ie2�er�t in the Property ';w�`j`'�'~— <br /> ' r--_ <br /> 1Z.Notioe. Sacept for any aodce�ulred under �pplicable hw w be given iu anotUer w�nuer,(s)anY mttce w <br /> �.��`, � '. Borrow«pruvided for in t�is Deed of Tzust sl�ll be givea by dellvexing it or by malling such nodce by csrtified m�il =---_ <br /> . ':��� tddcessed to Borrower at the Property Address or at svch other ad.dress as Bomnwer way designate by tadce to 1Lend�r�u+ -�'""�;.;,�• <br /> s � provIda!herels4 Aad N)aaY�wdce to Lender sl�ll be given by catifi�d mAil to Lendtr's�ddress st�ted henin or to such ;,;,_��- <br /> � � oihet u�dcess as Lender may desigmate by nodce to Borrocrer as provlded henin.Any mdce pravided for ia this DeaD of . �9�c'- <br /> . 1 1Yast s1v11 be damed w liave bcea glven to�oirower or Lender wben g�ven in the�nner deslQaated herein. . <br /> �x; 13.Go�erdn�Lwi Se��7•The sute au'l�oc�l lawa�pplic�ble W this Doed of TYnst ehatll be tLe lawe of the ; 'r''::''=➢= <br /> „�<����.�� ju�i�dtction iu wf�ich the Pmperty is loaited. �e foregoing eeatence sh�ll mt limit tLe ippllcabillty of Fakral hw to d�ie "5��— <br /> '�`'?l� Dted of Tcust. Ia the evcnt thit aay pmvision or cl�use of this Dad of Tmst or the Note oontlicts wlth�pplicable law. — <br /> �"�:' such conft{ot shall mt affect other provisloav of thls Deed of Tmst or the Note ahich can be�iven effoct withont the ` � <br /> , , conflictit�provlsion. and tfl ttils end the provlsions of thia Dced of Tiust urd th�Note are de�l�red to be seveuble. As <br /> ... . <br /> �., . . <br />_c�::;:_�:.:---�- �t�nfa. costs , e� <br />-;. ,�, • • • nses• and°attorneys' fas' inclu0e ati sums to tue ex¢ent na pmiu'bitod bY$PP�ic Lw�. .� <br /> . ;;?:;; limited he�sin. �;� '' . <br /> � � ��� 14.Bonnwer's Copy.Borrnwer�Il be furnished a confom�copy of the Note�nd of elils Dad of Tsust at the ''�" '. <br /> . }�. dme of exocudon or after mordadon hcrtof. ° �': <br /> is. itdubUkatlon Lo�n A�eemeat. Boaow�er sball fulHll all of Hom�wer's obl��ations ur�dar any home '� ,� <br /> �tnbIliwIon.imProvemeat,npa�r ar other Iwn e�ement wLieh Borcovrer easr�s into with Lencler.Le,odes,at I.endex's �,�' ` <br />- opdon, mtY raNlre Bozrow+er co execwe And deliver to Leader, in a foun rcc�uble to Lend�er� an�ssl�nmeat of any <br /> clShts. cl�ims or dofe�ea w4�ieh Eogower may hsve awiast puties who supply l�iwr, muerlals or secvlcxa in conaectton ,. <br /> wlth imiprovemems m�de to tbe Pmpert9. <<. <br /> � lfe.Texoder o[tLe l�ropaet7 o.r a 1Bendkid L►teret In Borrowa. If all or aay put of the Pra�erty or any interat � <br /> in it is �old or transfeaed(or if s benoflcial lntexest in Boxmwer is soW or tc�fercod aad Bou+ocHer i�not a attur�l ��-� <br />- .� p�rson)wlthout Lender's prlor wrltten coagcnt,Leader mzy,u its opdon,requlre 9mmedi�t�PaYment ia fi�ll of tll suma �'" - - <br /> .: sacured by this Dad of Tiust.FIowever�tbis opdon sball not be exercised by Lender if e-xercisc Is pcehiblted by fodenl �.""`= <br /> - . ,. !sw a of the dite of d�is Deed of 1Yust. - <br /> -�-� ,� ..,� r�. If Leader eaezcises thi9 opdon,I.eader stnil�ive Bo�rower mt�c�e of aecelecadon 1be aotfoo shill pmvlde a pe:iod -- <br />-- • of mt less tL�a 30 dsys from the due thz mtia ia delivere�d or miiled wlthin which Bomowcr muat pf�y all wma secured <br /> � �<' by tWs Dted of Tcust.If Bouower fails to psy these sume pdar to tbe expimtion of tLls pe�d,I.Gnder may iavoke any -_ <br /> " ' iemedia pe�tued by thla Dad of Truu arltljout fiutt�s nndce or decuand on Bomower. __�__ <br /> . .;_ NON•UNg'ORM COVBNANfs. Boirower wd Lender fnrther cavsn�at and�ree ta folloars: "a--°- <br /> x>� 17.Aaodeaxtioa3 R�. E�asc�t ae prn�lded In para�npl� 16 hereo[► upon Hoerov�er's b�+cash o[� �.- <br /> '� ooieoant or�temeat of Boreov►a�1n t6fs De�d oi Tnnt► uxiutlle�Baee�,awer's iWurc to p��b7 the end ot 10 =. <br /> -?� : ; � �r: � cale�r aqe atter they are d�e,An9 anm s�wnred by th4 Deecl ot Tn�d�Y.ea�1K'[xla'W�ooelar�lon rhtU sl�e �,.s.,�e�. __. <br /> �� ndfae W Boern�va'a pro�ltled in paraQraph lZ hereo[�pedtylq�s (1)tbe be'achf (2)t6e�tion requlrod W as+e �`W— �_---- <br /> � . ' ,�`` s�brac�3(3)a�te,not le�than 20 da�tlrom the d�e tl�e anotia 9t r�llal to Bore�,�wa,b�whl�nx�br+e�c6 �°�'�n'> <br /> , �:�} m��t be c�a+ed3�nd(4)thst[alture to ca�e tuch be+each on or br2�re tbe d�te�tled W the notiee�ot�r�Wt in �y��"°`��v�I�� <br /> .. aoodeeaHo�r ot t6e��acae�ed b�tW� Deed o!Tn�t and eab o[ti�e I�mpat9.T6e notlae �11 Mtber fntonu >�?s�.:����+;�»�� <br /> " Boerower of tbe ri=ht to relntste atta�acoda�ation rnd ede rlsht to briq�o c�urt�ctka to�t tbe�enoo ot .`.���,:..�- ��i°: <br /> aco a <br /> a det'adt oe an�otLer deteme ot Bocrower to awdn�tloa and eak.Ii ebe areacls ia rwt cured an ae be[oe+e the a�te •• '":�;; ��� <br /> � �...,. <br /> ' '� .r.. • <br /> �seclHed i n t h e n o d a.L e a d e r.�t I.e n t k r'e o p i l o n►m a Y d e c l a r e W o t t l r�a�s n e s e�e�6 y t h i s D e e d d'I Y v�t o D e >�,�;1^��;,'�,�`:��'� <br /> ';-' , . Im�medt�td�due and pay�6k withmvt h�rther tkmand and ma� fn�oke tbe pow�er at su9m�nd tq�otha�rmmed�a '�i•�;��1,C����iii+f..::` <br /> •�;��`''•�; b cable law. I.enda s6aU be aatltkd to oolkct sU rea��naWe oorh snd espemKS Incurred in . ,{.'�•„t�k� . <br /> Pamtttal 7 aPPli . ,: ��,,r�.r.: . <br /> ,� ;�, s P��L���sided tn thb parasraph 17,indudins,but not��to,e+a�ooabie�'[�es. `�•, <br /> . ��. �•..-. <br /> . . It tht po�ver of sale b invdced.'Prustee e1�W reoord a notioe ot detautt In acL oount�In wbkh the Ptopnty or <br /> ��;. , ,. �.,. : <br /> ... <br /> ���. , so�e Iart fLcr�f Lg bsatc�i acr�s�:L' e�uiil sopl� oP s� m�}st Iu��aunnner pracrllxd b�applicatbb law to . . <br /> - - � <br /> = - -- - • - - - - - �- - . _..._ �- <br /> Hoetmrer�nd to We other pereon Fn+crlbea�7��uCa�tc t��.�►[[a we�e a�ow a�e o m.�oe�qoaea o� - -- - <br /> app(kaMie law, Tevetee sh�il tl�e public zwdo�ot eak to t!k peinoes uid in the mamer pre�aibtd by apFliobk .. <br /> law.Tn�a.wit6out demu�d on Boimv�r,shiU edl the Propat�at pubilc audion to the WY6�nt bldder at the tlme � <br />— . and pl�oe sad uadcr tLe ta�s de�l�tod in tl�e natice ot rak In ooe or mare parteY and in eueh oe8ar�Tru�ta " <br /> asay deteRnfne.Tnn¢a eaa�poetpone ede of all or u�y ptra�d ot t�e Propat,by pubik anaotmemx�st the tlme <br /> � aad P1aoe ot w,I pe+e*�au�1��ch�d�ed ra1e.Lmda or I.cader'e de�t�m�1 P�'���7��°� <br /> �Jppn reodpt ot pqroaot ot tbe p�oe blds Tn�tee�M11 deli�er to th�pmrc�Tru�t�•�deed oon�t�to�the <br /> �+Cpe�wld.Tbe tecital�In t�TtuiteC'�deed�l�il be ptimt ficie eddmce ot the ttvt6 0[lhe shtanenb ma�k <br />� t6ereln,Trutes s5a1D Rppl�the prooecdr ot the eak In the followtn=oakta(a)to aU raeocrable corb�ud apaores ot <br /> — el�e aak,tncludin�,Mrt not Umited to,Trmtee'e[oe��tuelly fncsu�red o��t more tWn S 96 attbe�eak prlce, <br /> .� raeoo�b{e attoen�'e' fe� �ad aoeta ot titk e�idma',� (b) to Rll �ume eeau�cd b�t6d Dad mt Trurti �(�) � . <br /> e�oeas,It aqr,to the pereon or pereom le�sll7 e�titlal thatito. <br /> c . <br />— , rreo�sx.tba�s-2 s�9s Originai�R�cordad) Copy(Hraneh) Copy(C1z�t��r) 3 ots . <br /> _ � __ <br />