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, ,�.°.' <br /> ,,,,,� � �� <br /> .�� ' <br /> _.. . <br /> .,.�.. __ .._-.- <br /> ..kx_ �• •.,�,;r,:r.., <br /> . � a ... � .. . � . , - - ' . <br /> �J�.i��i: � , .,t.. .,.. � . .y ....... :t;',1QTA7F4Y: <br /> .. _�c..:::�:�lw�.�du'-TU.���.... _ .. ' - <br /> � MAT1C �T t9A.L+ENE J8NNI8SR 1G M�LxEJ� �"` �Q��� 103796 11/97/1996 - <br /> . , UMFORM COVF3NAN'(`51. Boreower oud Le�Qe wvcnan�a�ul agrcc as Collo��'�f:C()RDI�[�° �����a'f"D -. <br /> " � i. Pa�rmm�nl ot Pr�nclpal �nd 1nts�rcN. Borrower ehall PrompdY D�y wtxcn du.c ttu paincipal and :aurest � <br /> indo6todnes�evldencod by tha Noto�nd ute chrr8e�s�provlded ln the Noto, . � _. <br /> , 1.P�u�B� for Tiucea�d Iuwranoe. Subjoct to�ppllcabls uw or�wrltun wilvcr by Lender, Borrower st�ll pay co . . -, <br /> Lender on t�o dny mont�lY p�Ymeau af prlaclpal ad(oterat uo p►yable uader tlu Note. uadl 1he Noto is paid ln flill. r � - <br /> suni(henln'Pmrde')eqwl co onc-twelfth of t�e yearly taxes�ad assessments(includin� coudomfdu�a uid plauned unit ' — <br /> . development tasesstnente.lP�ny)wWsh msy�tsin psiorlty ovar thla Aad of Tnut,aod�round rznte oa the Pxoperty, if � w� <br /> iny,plus on�twelfth of yeuly premium Insullmcnta for harud onatwelfth of yeuly premtum installmeats . _ <br /> for m�t�o ineur�wce. !f aay, vl �t reason�bly asdmaud ldtully aad frnm dme to tlme by I.csder on the b�sis of � <br /> assessu�nts and biils�nd reasonable esdmata tbeceof. �atrntiver shall not be obDQiied co m�ke such p�yments of Funds <br /> ' .,, .:�� to Le�ltr to the extent th�t Bosower nWce9 such p�ymenta to thc holder of a prlor mon�e or dad of tiust if svch holder ., �� �; <br /> �� is an institudon�l lenrkr. <br /> If Borrowcr pays Funds to Lcndcr. the Ftinds sh�ll be held 1n tn iagdWtion tLe dmoetts or accouats of wbich are . "_ <br /> Insvsod or guanntad by a Federal or state igancy(iacludin�Lender if Lender is euch au lasdtudoa). Ltnder shall spp1Y i . <br /> the Funds to pay said auces,assessmente,insuranse pYemiumv and gmum rease.I.ender uisy not cdarQo for so holdin�ud e: . ' � .':��, �;,:. <br /> ap�plyIng the FubtlS. auAlyztng seid ac.�ount or vetifylpg iad WmpWn� s�d Ys��es�ut5 Wd blll9�unless I.end�er PaYs ��:�,��w. <br /> Bomnwer intei+est on tbs Fuads and appl�Cable law pemiits I.ender to make such a chu�e. Boaower aad I.e�er mty agrec • �:�`:`.,; �' <br /> ia wcl�ing at tLe time of executfon of tbis Dad of Tnut Wat interest on the Pundd swll be paid to Bonowcr.and uala�s '�"�. ;:'-�=;� <br /> ° such agreewcnt Ss ru�ade or�ip�IIc�le law���s such iat^rest to b;,g�id, Le�u Ehal!m!be r��u�to p�y F3otrowsx �`'''��=-- <br /> any iaLenst or eamin�s oa tbe Funds. Lendcr s1�ll�ive to Bo:rower�wlthouc c2� an�al�ccoantia=of the Funds � `';�°-_- - <br /> showIAg c.iedits��+�! debite W th�Punds a�1 tha putpase for which aich deblt W ths Fnnda vvt:s mrde. The Fauds an •�'`';s'�;-- <br /> pled�ed�s Addidonal securlty for tiie sums secut+ed by this I�eed of Tius� � ..• <br /> If the unount of the Fw�ds held bq I.ender,wgether with the fi�ue moathly insnllments of Funds payable prior to ':��'R:---- - <br /> the ctue Gates of taxcs, asscssments, in�urance piemiumv and gmund rents� stnll ezcecd the wwunt requlred to PaY said ,,.;,,;�::'_==r=-` <br /> �?� taxes, assessmenta, insurance pnmiums and ga�und nnts ts they f�ll due, such exc,ess ahill be. at Bomower's opdon, $ �F, <br /> '� ois�es Ptnm�tlY rep�id W Aoxmwer or credited to Ho=cower oa moatlely it�tallmtnq of Funds. If the�ar.00ut of tha Funtls "�':.: <br /> �,:.-_, ; " he�fl b�r Lender s1uU not be su�cient w piy taxes� tssessnlents. ia�nsance pnmiums wd�ou�reata ts they fwll due, ����� <br /> � �°����: Horiower stmll p�y to Lemer my amount necessuy to ffiaPu.up tha deficlency �n one or more paymeWs as I.ender may -- <br /> ��;� raluine. <br /> � -, ='� UpOII piylnG�1�!Wi 02�11611m8 6CCUi�by tLt3 LOCIi oI S�uST.i�GOL�r soua yiun�pu�ic u`uu w��s� . - <br /> . �� held bq T.eAdCr.If under pnragnph 17 vet�of the PropCC'ty is sold or thz Fta�etiy�S MLcr�vlse�cqui�d bY�eader,Lt.nckr •. '•' <br /> . � stuU spply. ao Itter thaan imuxdiatsly p�lor to tLe s�le of thr Proporty or iis�cqolsadan by Lrender� any Funds helfl by <br /> n <br /> • + I.ender�t tbe dme of applicatioa�s a Credit a�inst the sun�secural bp thi3 Dad of Truat. r <br /> �'': 3.App16c�Non ot PaJmenta. Udess applic�ble law prnvides otis�twlsa,�11 WYmnts tecelved by Lender vnder t6e <br />' Note wd par�,gr�a 1 and 2 hereof s1uU be�ied bp I.ender first in gapnient of tmomt�qysble to Lender by Borrowu � <br /> � n <br />� . , t under pu�aph 2 bcron�f,thea w intenst psyable oa tbe Nots,And tLen to the priaCipal of tbc Note. '>.r;: <br /> . � � 4. Peior Martp:ts��.�eda ot'hu�t: Ciiar�;Lisur. Bormwer cLaU�arfom►�11 of Bonoaa'e obl��ado� <br />' " '°';'' ' under aaY �8i8�� doed of txnst or ot8er eecudty�+eemcat aith a liea whi�cit hu prlalty ovu tbis Dead af Ttnst, <br /> '. � ' lnctudln�BoTmwes's covenants to a�ice paymente wben due.Barrawer stull piy aa can�e to be ptid tll w�es.�eats • �:;: <br /> - rad otber�ur�, fines and�mposidoa9 atMbut�ble to tbe Property whicl�nrny mt�fn t priortty wer this Doed of'hust, . <br /> . � ,•:... �nd Iea�Lo�p�ymcnts ar grwnd rents�if aay. <br />-_-:�.��•-�-_�� S. Lard I�naaoa. Bomnvrer stWl keep t2�impmvem�ents mw c:istw{or hereiRer eroctod on tls�Pmperty+ �-�- <br />`�>�:".'.��_rF fnsund�t loss by 5n.l�rc14 i�laded withiu the teme 'exunded covor�e"�and such other hu�uda�s Lend�r may — <br /> �n:�•;..: -�- <br />-:��_x ...,:. require aad ia such tnwuats aad for such pe�iods�s Lender�y requiro. <br />--»,���x� 1Le imur�nce curier pmvldin�thc inaw�sce slnll be chosen by Boanwer subject to�pproval bq Lender;prm�lded. <br /> � .., thu euch approvtl shaU not be uncrasonably witl�held. All Ias�usnce policies and r�aewils t6enof stutll be ia a focm <br /> ' �� �cceptable ro Lender ud e1W1 include a sts�ud mort�e clause in fivor of uid in a fo��cepable u�L�3er. Lender <br />= :.,'��':i� s6sU have the�ht to tiold the policks uW renew�ls therw� sabject w tho tc:ms of aIIy mortga�e.deed of uust or other <br />�.;;,.�::�;'.�: . socuzity�nt with a llra which tns prlodty over this Deed of 1Yust. — <br /> -- L�the event of loss,Bomov�rcr sluU�tve pmmpt nodce to the inmrance ctaier snd I.ender.I.e�r may milce proof <br />��;.,`+�,:=;,''.°;�-: of loss If not m�de grnmptly by Borr.owec- — <br /> __ .,�,u... ��p�y�at�clo�d hy Boxmwer. or if Boaower fails to respon� w L.tndr.r withia 30 dsya from the date �._--- - <br /> ���;r�._.(:... <br />-.E._..:�•,;.,'^,: nodre�S auibd by I�ender w Borro�ves t1�tt the Imunnce caraier offa�s to settle a cla;sn far iasur�nce beaeSts�I.enBer ie �,�------ <br /> � :�,::;,,��'� „ . sutLocized to collxt�,nd�pply�tLa inturc�ce procads at I.cnder's opdon either Eo restoradon or iepsfr of the Property or �-,�,.�,�.--_ <br />.- � �-s{�•� to t�e sums eecnnd by this Doed of Tnut. '°�- ��.�5':�, <br /> ''�';;�� ; i. Praenadon uid M�I�tmanoe ot Pro�; Ia�6oidr= Coebom[d�i � UnM Da�dornkab. .�;: <br /> • . . { HoAOwer atall ketp the pm�erty in geod zcpiir�nd sdall aot commit w�te or pamit imp�fm�em or daadontton of the � �� <br /> " .• � PmMeriy v�ad ah�ll comply with the pmvi.�oas of uty lease di this Dcsd of Tltust is on t 1.eaxhalG.If rbis Dcetl of 1Yust is _�'�= <br /> �,:=�,,�,o_._F�"_- — <br />- ':;S; ' oa a aaiit in a co�lominium or a piwc�cd u�it developmc�.Bomnwer sht�ll perform�ll of Bomower's obllg;Hon9 wader tLe -',;t'.:;:� : `=_ <br /> ' decluat�on or covenana creatfng or governing the co�ominium or plarmed nate ekvelopme�u, the by-lawn and reguVdons :."�'jlf� . . .��',-`:` <br />= of thc caudonii�r,m or pbuiucd unit dcva:opm�nt.ind consdtucnt docume�sts. .. .:`.w rY ,`';:�`- <br /> 7. Plro�aciiaa of�.mda�'� Set�aity. If Bamower fsits to perfotnt tbe covenavb and egi+xment9 oonained in this ... �'���L� <br /> , . . <br /> _, _ :_;_ _� Dad of i'rus�or if anv acdon or pmceedins is commeix•.ed which m�tsr�ally affec�Ltnde:'s f�terestt in the Froper3y,than . - <br /> ,.. . — --= <br /> - - <br /> - Lendcr� at I.Ender's ogdon, upou notioe to Horc�wer. nvYe sush apptacc�nces, Q�aburto sach eums� in�luding - - __ <br /> . � reasonsble utomcys' fas�pad uke such acdoa�e ie necessuy w protect I�ender's inte:r�t.If I.eade�r roquirod mort�ge <br />�` � in4ur�ace as a co�idon of m�ldng the lasn aecurtQ by t�1Dea�of'hust, Boaower sball pay tt� required w ° <br /> nniniain such insucance ia e�ect until svch ti�e�s the nqutrement for such iaur�nce te�lnuea in acc�onlance wi�h . , <br /> Bomovv�er's and Le�er's wriaen agrament or wp�llc�ble law. �. . <br /> _ Any amounts disbursed by Lender purswmi ro thls parr�roph 7�wlth Inierest thereon,at the Note rate.s1�ll become <br /> — `�' add3flou�1 indebtedness of Bocrower secured by this Dxd of Tn�.ct.Unless Bocmwer md Lender a�tee to other te�s of <br />, pxynr.nt, such amouuca sLr31 be payable upon notice from I.enckr to Bormwcr ne�esdn8 PaY�nent thenof. AToshi�g , <br /> .; contained in this parsgc�ph 7 s1�11 requiro I.��ler to incur my expense or tzlce any action henunder. , <br />- a. �pedion. Leader miy maks or c�use to be m�de rexsonible enaies upon a�inspecdoav of the Pcoperty. <br /> , pmvlded t�t Lender shall�ive Boaower nodce pdor to any surh incpecdon spccifying irasonable cause tberefor rclafceld to :. _ � <br /> I.eader's interest in the Property. <br /> � � h Co Cin��Qpasr P 2 of 5 ,. <br /> � Nebruks 2CIIT6-2 5/95 Original tAacord�Q) Copy(Y�ramc ) py( ) +�Ya <br />