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�..:r���.. .r . . . ;,(:^--. <br /> 5���(.. , <br /> ��^i <br /> . � <br /> ... .. <br /> , .. ,�. � <br /> ��-^.�---�—"'—._.._. .. . ... ... , _ � - --- � .. - . _ �_._ __ _ <br /> -• ��.,,,, �- --- `- - - . .. -- . <br /> �u»�.�y 7���Y �Q�lr!'�,F�„'. . „ .. i;. �r�. ,. .. . •:h;�;�a:.i•,,;_=�'-?� <br /> 4*1M'+ ,. . _ _ - <br /> � � � ..__....�:....�, -- -- <br />-. ._. ,. � .. _. . .�.- - � -- - ..___ . _. � __ "'s+' , _..��-c.�-���_=— <br /> , • . . . .. . . . . . a . . � .. . „ w , .,.,..�... <br /> � .. .... .. � . _ ....0 . . ,� . . . �. - , .. .. - � <br /> i � � � ����� <br /> .. � <br /> TO(ifiTHBR WITH all die improvements uow ar hereafter erected on d►e praperry,nnd all�:�semeuts, appurtei�:�nces,und <br /> ' , fixtures naw or t►ereafter a patt of the propersy. All replucements and additions shnll �ilso he covereci by tDis Secu�ity <br /> lnsttumeut. All of the foregoing ls referred ro fn Wls Security Iustrument as the"Prapc:ny." <br /> " BORROWBR COVEiNANTS that Borrower is lawfully hciscd of the estate lcereby c:onveyed a�xl h�.9 the rigt�t to�nuit xixl : <br /> con��ey the Frop�rty aad tli.�t the l�ro�erry is unencumbered, eaeept for encamhrances of record. Bonower wi�rrants auJ will � <br /> � �� defend benerally the dtle to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encun�brances af rewrd. ' <br /> °{' THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUM6NT cambines uniform coventwts for nadonal use and t�an-uniform wvenlnts witl� lin�ired <br /> ' variadons by judsdiction ro constituce a unif�tm securiry insorument covering real property. <br /> �+�1°�'� UNIFORM COVHNANTS.Bo�rower and L.cncter covenant and agree ns follows: - <br /> '^w�'^"'°''� 1. Payment of Princigal and Interest; Prepayment and Late CharRes. Bonower shall prompdy pay when due the = <br /> � , princigal uf and interest on the debt ev[denced by the Note and aay prepayment and late chsuges due under the Note. - <br /> :a 2. �nds for Texes and 6psuzence. Subj�ct to applicable law ur tv a writt.n waiver by I.ender. Bonower shall pay to - <br /> � Lender on t�e day monthly payments are due under dle Note.until tLe NaP�is�d in full,a sum("Funds')far.(a)yearly taxes = <br /> f and essessuien�s which may attain priority over thia Securiry Ivs�a�ment�s a l:°�oa td�Properry; (b)yearly teasehold paymrnGc <br /> �� or und rents on the Pro en ,iff any; (c)yearl hazard ur . insir�xe remiwm4;(d)yearl fload insurance remiums, � <br /> 8ro P Y Y I'�r�Y P Y P <br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgag¢inaurance prcmium.s, if ac►Y: and(t)any sams�ayable by Borrower to Lendet, in acrordance widi = <br /> • the provIsions af paragrapL 8, in lieu of the pay�r.Y of mortgage i���*�nn�premiwns.These items are called'&scmw ltems.' _� <br /> ;�• I.ender may, at any tirrae, cullect and hold Fu.a�".:�an an amaunt not to cxcced th;,maximum amo�►r►t a Icnder for a federslly = <br />, � related mortgage loaa may require for Bor�ower's esceow account under We federal Real Bstate Setdemeat Procedures Act of <br /> . 1974 as amended froffi tune to dme,12 i1.S.C.S:etion 2CC�1 c3 seq. ("RSSPA"),unless another law d�at applies ro the Fuucls _ <br /> ,, :, , sets a lesser amount. If so, I.ender may,a¢ar..y time, co1:��Y ard hold Funcls in an amount not to exceed the lesser amaunt. = <br /> Lenctcr may estimate the amaunt of Funds et�ae�n tl�e basis of current data snd reasonable estimates of expeaditures of future _ <br /> l ,, '� Bsctow Itetns or otheiwlse in uccordaa�e widi�y�y!�iraible law. <br /> 'I`he Funds shall be held in en insdtution �vhose deposits are insured by a federal agency, iasm�mentaliry, a� enflry <br />_. �� (3�lucfiirl,�Lender,if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Hank.I.ender shall apply the Runds ta�+ay the <br />�' �� Bscrow I2eans.Lender may not chaige Bonower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzinb the escrow uccuunt,or - <br />�'•' ••�• verifying the Bscrow Items,unless I�uder pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Ixnder to make such <br /> -r ' `'�; a charge. Kowever, I.ender may regui�+e Borrower to pay a one-tlme charga for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> =._. `` u�u u�� I.e�e� u► �c,�,°tian:sic::his t�s, u�::,�; spglic»b2e ls::� gr��i� �ther�w?. CTIIZ�S RL a��a! Is �utP �r <br />— 4y.:1, . Y <br /> _�j:.:•'�,...., <br />�rr::;•;;;i,�;.�,, appllcuble law requires interest tm Ex�naid,Lxnder sUall not be reqvired to pay Bonower uny intec�est or eunings on the Funds. <br />_..,.�:t.;t��,;<S'-'r,7 <br />��.;;�,�jf,`�r,y.�;: Borrower and Lender may agree anmratins, however, that interest shall be paid c►n the Punds. Lender sba1D give to Borrower, <br /> � wlthout charge, an annual accaundng of the I�ds, sliowing credits and debits to the FY�nds and the puipase for which each <br />�` `t �'' " dabit to the Funds was made.The Punds are gledged as additional sxurity for all sums srcured by this Securiry Iastiument. <br />�"N�1�y If We Funds held by Lender exceed td�e amouacs pemutted to be held by applicable law,I.ender sl�all account to Bonawer <br /> '�"���, for tfla excess Ftmds in accordance snttt t�e requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the F�nds held by Lender at any <br />---��=�-.� time i�not sufficient to gay die Bscrow Items whea due. Ixnder may so norify Borrower in wridng.and,in such case Bomnwor <br /> '==��'�==s'�� shall pay to Lender the amonnt neassary to make up t2ie deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficie�y in no more tl�an <br />.�-�___ , <br />� twelve montWy Lender a sole discredon. <br /> .�;;s� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instmment, Lender shall pmmptly refu�d to Borrower any <br /> "";'_-__ Fandv held by Lender. If,uader paroKraph 21,Lender shull acquire or sell the Property,Lender.prior to the acquLsidon or sale <br /> ---:�"� of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at ttte tinie of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums secured hy <br /> —° -- thia Secvrity Iastcument. <br /> �_______M_ , 3.Applicat[9n of I'aymaits.IJnless applicable law provides otlienvise,all payments teceived by I.enderuncler pantgraphs <br /> — 1 a�12 shaU be upplied:first,to aay prepaymeut charges due under the Note; second,w amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br />_��,� third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due und�er the Nore. <br /> _--_=_-�-� 4.Char�es;Llca9.Bonuwer shall pay all taxes. assessments,cliaarges,fines antl im�Qacidons attributnble to thc�roperty <br /> - wbicl�mny attain priorlty over this Sec�urity Insm�ment,and leasehold payments or�c�numc�rents, if any. Boreower shall pay <br /> �;;;,�„�� these obligadons ia the mnn�r provided in parngrnph 2.or if not paid in tl�at maw�er.Borrower shall p�y them on time directly <br /> --- ro the petson owed�xtyment. Boaower shall promptly fiunish ro I.ender all norices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> ��,� If Barrower make3 these payments d'uectly, Borruwer shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> �-_--= Boxrower shall prom�dy dlschai�e wy llen which bas priarity uver this Security xnst���mcnt unless Bonower:(a)agrees in <br /> - ---� wrlwng to tlte paymnent of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the iten <br /> _�::-.'P=.-�� <br /> .,�,�:� by, or defends aguinst enforcement Qf the lien ic�, tegal proceedings wtuch in tke Leader's opini�n operate to prevent tl►e <br /> - enforcenient of the lien;or(c)secures from the hoIlder of the lien an agreemer�e satisfuctory to Lender subordlnadng tlie lien to <br /> �'.���' this Security Insuvmeni. If I.cader detennines tlwt any part of the Property Is subject to a Ilen which may attain priori.ty over <br /> .. �.9".` <br /> �,t:ir;t`},; ;:• <br /> _ .. ;;,��, r this Security Insuunient,Lender rnay give Borrower a nodce idendfying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or ta1.N one or <br /> '_��.'^,;;:;3':''.:; . more af the acdons set forth above�vi¢�in 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> - ''";�. : .. - Form 3028 <br /> � . �0 6RINE{�oa�1�.a� ap•z oe e wny.•����'""' . <br /> . Mw��v�4-�-----1=_ ' <br /> - '—_��``�` <br /> °:•-�• --. <br /> ' ,a�s a , � , -_ . , a•-t. '#,.;, . . �•, <br /> �- . �� , . .,�.� � .. � �'�51 <br /> . r .. •� , . . ., <br /> , .. .. . . � ,. � <br /> .. . ; ,.s .. . <br /> ' , , .. , •S" ��� . ,�.' . <br /> . . .` .. . . . . 3����T.�•��f}rA.ti.; <br /> . .. •' . . •. 1 . <br /> i•. . <br /> . . .. ,. � . .. <br />