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' .wa.�..o�--��_--__._._ <br /> . �..rl�::A: S"TL'i1 . .__. . .___.. . ._ _ <br /> � Ty�14i7 /� <br /> '�__N(��� ���0�/VI�I'� <br /> •�ZMri!�f� � • � <br /> "`'��� ptlnclpnl amount o1 tho indebtedness secuTdtl by this Deod o1 Trust,nat Includinp sume adve�oed to ptoteat the security of thln Deed ot _ <br /> .._- <br /> ,� T'fU;,l,axcacd tho aripinul princtpa�amouni s�a�ed'nnrtlin,ui�. ,y,�h!��i;�r la nraatnr — <br /> a•--•-' �-: <br /> , ..,o�. 18.I�I:c�HaneouA Pravt�los�o. _ <br /> • • (a)�orrowsr Not ReNrc�d. Extension of iho time tor payment or modfllcatlon af�morllzation of the&ums socvrod by this _ <br /> �;��.��� Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successar In(nterest o1 Borrower shell not oparete to releass,fn any munner,the Ilablll• — <br />��+';�=`-`i�• ty ol the orlglnal Borrower 8nd Borrowar's successore in Interest, Lender shall not be requlred to commence procegdinQs <br /> ,`�j�'�w�� � ayalnst such successor ar refuse to extend t�me for payment or othenvlso modity amortization of the sums securod by tMs _ <br />,. :v,_Y'-:�,�, Deed o}Tn.�st by reason al any demands made by the odglnal Borrowe�and Borr6wera euccossore In InteresG ` <br /> � (b)Lender'�powen.Without aMecting the Ilabllity oi any oiner person Ilable for the payment o1 any obligation hersin men- <br />'�`""�'�•.�� tloned,and without attecting the tlen or charpo of this Deed ot�rust upon eny par4ion o9 tiie Pro{�a ►ry noi thcn or tharaiotnro �_ <br />_-"'�� released as securtty tor the full amount of all unpaid obligatfonu,Lender may,(�am time to time and withaut notice(i)release <br />,,:`� any person eo Ilable,pi)extend the matu�ity or elter any of the terms o}any euch obliyatlana,ptl)proM other Indutgencea,pv) <br /> �elease or convey,or cauco Io be retoased or reconveyed at any time et Lender's optlon any Rarcel, portlon or all o}the <br /> Propertyr,(v)take or retease eny other or addltlonel securliy ar reconveyed at any time at Lender's o�tlon ariy parcel,portion or <br />'°' =��� aU of the Proparty,(vl)take c�r release any other or additional sacudty tor any obligation hereln mentloned,or(vli)make compo- _ <br /> -`�" ',,�,� sitions ot other ar►anpements wlth debtors(n relaUon thereto. <br /> (c�IForbe�rance by L�Rder Na!�Walvor.Any forbearanrA by Lender tn exercising any right or remedy hereunder,ar olh- � <br />�::�`�;:�:;� erwlse uttordad by eppticabto law,sha0 not be a wafver of or prectude tho exercise oi any such dght or remc�idy.The procure- <br /> ment of Insurance or the payment of tt�xes or other Ilens or charges by Lendsr shall not be a waiver or Lenders Nght to acoelev- <br /> .-t�.;:,:�•-, atethe mutudty of the indebtedness secured by thfn Deed of Trust __ <br /> ^ "�Wfi"; (d)�ucce�soro md A�slpna Bowxl;Jo1M�nd�av�ral Lfability;CapUons.Tho covenants end agreemenC�horeir�con- <br />,:�`�s`fr`•� _ tained shall bind,and tho rights hereunder shall Inwn to,the respective successors and assigru ot Lendor and Tms2at.All <br /> ���y���� co►enants and agreements of Trustor shall be Jolnt end severat.The captions and headings of the paragrapAs of 4Ns D�ed of <br /> _�,=r.�� <br /> -•-��� Tmst are tor convenience onty and ara noi to be used to interpret or define the provlslons hereo. <br />,-c:f:.y:�Y6� <br />_�.;� � :� (e)Request for Pto4iar.fie parties hersby requast that u copy of eny rwtica ot default hero�antler and a oopy of eny notice � <br /> y-�.� ot sale hereunder be meped to each party to this Deed of Trust et Me address set torth abova In the manner proscribed by <br />=,.`:,���?�" appticable law.Except for any other notice requirod under appl(cabte law to be gtven in another manner,any notice provWed for <br />,�•�?q� '•':' In this Deed o}Trust at�al be given by malling such notice by cartffied maii eddressod to tho other partiAS,at 4he address set <br />•�J. farth above.Any notice provided tor in this Deed of 1'�ust shall be eifectfve upon malilnq In the manner designated herein.If <br />=:;°r�� i Trustor is more then one person,notice sont to the address set forth above shall be not�e to ail such persons. <br /> ����A'���� (fy In�p+octlon.Lender rrtay make or cause to be made reasonRble ent�les upon and InspecUons of the Property,provkisd <br /> -__—�= that Lender shaU flive TNator notice prior to any such fnspection spocityir�g reasoneble cause theretor related to Lender's Inter- <br /> est in the Proporty. <br /> ----- (g)Rsconveyance. Upon payment of all aums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reca►vey the <br /> Property and shall surrender this Deed ot Trost and all notea evtdenCing indebtedness secured by thfs Desd of Trust to <br /> - Trustee.Trustee shell reconvoy the Property,without warranty end withau4 charge to the person legnlly entiUed thereto.Trustor <br /> shali pay all custs or recordatbn,if any. <br /> _��o:�.�.»,� a�,��� $arii�tu AorwamAnt.As addlUonal security for the payment of the Note,T�usto�hereby grdnts <br /> Lender under the Nebraska Unitomi Commar�ial Coda a security interest tn all fixtures,equlpment,and other peraonei property <br /> - used in connection with the �eal estafo o►Improvements located thereon,and no2 otherwise dectared or deemoct to 6e a part of <br /> — the�eal ostete secured hereby.This instrument shall be conatrued ae a Secudty Agreement under sald Code, and Y;e Lender <br /> — shell havo all the dghtc;end remedies af a secured paRy under sald Code in additlon to the dghts and remedies under this <br /> paragraph ahall tie cumulative with,and in no way e Iimitatlon on,Lertder's dghts and remedies under any other security agree- <br /> = ment signed by Bu�roweror Trustor. <br /> = (i)I.Nns end EncumOrances.Truetor hereby warranta arui�epr�sents that there la no detault under the provlsions of any <br /> moRgape.deed of hust,lease or purchase contrect deBCriCing atl or any pan of the Property,or other contraet instrument or <br /> � agreement constituUng e Il�n or encumbrance against ail or any part of the PropeRy(collectively, "Wena'),exlsUng as of the <br /> date of thia Deed ot Trus1,and that any and all exisUng Llens remain unrrrodi(led except as disclosed to Lender in TNStors wris- <br /> ten disciosure of ilens end encumbrances provided(or herein. Trustor shall tlmeiy periorm ell ot Trustor's obligatipns, <br /> covenants,represAnta4lons and warrantles under any and sll existing and tuture Liena,shail prompHy torward to Lendar coples <br /> of all not�es of detault sent fn connection with eny and aA existing or tuture Liens,end shail not without Lenders pdor written <br /> consent tn any manner modiy the provistons of or allow any(uture advances under any existing or future Ibns. <br /> Q)Ap�Olkations ot P�ym�nU.Unless otherwise requlred by law,suma patd to Lender hereunder,IncludinB without Imita- <br /> _ tion payments of principal aM interest,lnsurance proceeds,condemnaHon proceeds end rents end profite,shall be applied by <br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and borrower in such order as Lender tn its sMe discreUon deems destr- <br /> eble. <br /> (k)8sv�r�b1lity.If any provislon of 4his Deed of T�uat confiicte with epplicebie taw or Ia dectared invalid or otherwise unen- <br /> torceable, such canfliat or invalidiry ehall not aHect the nther provtslons of this Qeed ot Trust or the Note which can be ylven <br /> etteat without the conflicNng provislon,and to this end the provisfons of this Deed oi Trust and the f�ots are dadared to be sev <br /> ereble. <br /> tl�e�1seme p6rson(sy,thosa eb s s used in hIs�DRed o1nT st sbh�all be interchang ab{e.and when tho Trustor and Borcower are <br /> (m)Caoy�rnlnp Law.This Deed of T►ust shalt be gove�ned by the taws o1 the State ot Nebraska. <br /> ---- ----� - <br /> --�-- --- � --- , ,i . �,F � .•;,i, • <br /> _= Trustor hes cutgd�i11�t.�[�qe���t T�r�Y�is`.,p,�.tho date wriiten above. <br /> -_� -- � � <br /> -' -- r..�nr,,. <br /> _--- - -._oa / /, � iivaivi ..____. <br /> ..`J-^�.� f� _ <br /> ='�re3'F{h4:� <br /> ."'.°�_.'_!S=G�.a�'.� _. <br /> °>��L;�3�� Trustor �rustor - <br /> Y"�~��`�� _ <br /> .�,,�l-+.�._ <br /> _'i;,ra_._ ��1.`t... <br /> �.-f-.��;�-{::t�P . - <br /> :':'r...:�gr,�✓' <br /> -"i 1�Z`'.u�t ' <br /> "��l i <br /> ��V��^(.�, <br /> )I'�' .I� <br /> . ' ___"���..-._-___.__'"'__'_�.'"_:'___�..�1��-�-c'a- .-n.-m..s-.. -..._..�._. <br />- --cm-----r�—r.--...... -rz r::r__.._.�.::.`.'—_'_ ...... _____ .�.. . <br />_ �.._�_,-......__.._ _ �'__ __ _. .,>.�,....,o-:_,.. . - <br /> . �::,... ...,. n. � ._u _ _�_ <br />