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<br /> �-�--' .��_»_.,.,�.�...,,.w,.o,.��.,,wu rnrvinm�ntlnn nr nihnt tuklna of th0 Pro�el'iY 0I RRrt th��e0t,or 1cr conveyance In I{eu of condemnt�tlon. --
<br /> - r�wocn.o����......,�......_.. ....h__ .. �:_
<br /> ' ` Londar chall Vo oNitled nt Ite optlon to comrnonco,aQpoar in�nd pro�acuto I�fto ntivn nemo t►ny�ction or procaad�ng�,and ei�aii�i:;u -
<br /> iv.�entiiled to make any compromise or sorilemont In connsctlon wPh 9uch takinp or damage.In th�ovom any p�nrtlon ol tho Prosso►ry Ia �_
<br /> �• so takan or damaped Lendor shall hsve the op4lon In Its solo and absututo d!scretlon,to apply all such proceeds, uftEr deducting :�_
<br /> ' ''� lheratrom all coste and expenses Incurred by it In aonnectlon wlth such Proceeds,upon sny Indeb:sdness secured I�ereby e^d In such �
<br /> order ae Lender may cletermine,or to c►pply all euch Proceeds,after such deductlona,to the restoratlon Af the 6�roperty upon ouch cern R_
<br /> : �• didone as 6ender may determine.Any apRl�atlo�01 Proceeda to Inclebtednesa shall noi extend or postpone the due date o1 any pay-
<br /> monte unde�th9 Noie,or cure uny detault theroundor or horeunder.Any unnpplied tunds ahall be pald to Trustar. __
<br /> g,p�►tqtmanc�by Lend�r.Upon the occurrenco 01 an Even4 ot D�tault h3r�und�r, or It c�ny sct Is taken or lo�al proceeding �
<br /> ' .'���'� commenced wh�h materially aHecte Lender's Interest In the Property.Lender may in ita own dlscretlon,but without obllpation to do so,
<br /> ��;�y , end wUhout not�e tQ or demand upon Trustor and wfthout reteasing Trustor trom sny obllgation,do any act which Trustor has egreed —
<br /> but felled to do and may also do eny other ect It daema necessary to protect the secudry hereof.Tniabr shall, Immediately upon
<br /> demand lherefor by Lendor,pay to Londer all costs and expcsnsea Incurred end sums expended by Lender in connectton with the exer-
<br /> � -• A cise by Le�der of tha loregoing rtghts,together with lnterest theroon at the detauit►ate provided in the Note,which shall be added to
<br /> the Indebtgdness secured hereBy.Lender ehall not Incur any Ilability because of snything It may do or omit to do hereur►d�r. �
<br /> 9.H�rdaus Mabrlals. Trustor ehall koep the Property�n comP�la►xe W�th ell appik,abte lawa,ordlnances ur►t1 ragtelaLbns
<br /> ' � relating io Industdal hygfane or environmental protectlon(collectluely referred to hereln as"Environmentel Lawe'�•Tn�stor shail keep
<br /> ,'r �' the Property free from a!I cubstancea deemed to be hazardous or toxb under any Environmental Lav�(ooileCtivety refeRed tb hereln
<br /> .'�•�`:.:..� � as"Hazardous Matetlals'�.TNStor hereby warrents and represents to Lende�ihat there nre no Hazardoua Materials on or under the
<br /> ���• ' � Property.T�ustor hereby apreea to indemnity and hold harmless Lender,its dfrecto�s,oSficers,employees end agente,and any succes• _
<br /> � � ' ` ''-' sors to Lenders Intereat,from and against any and ail claima,damages, losses and I(abllitles arlsing In connection with the presence,
<br />.•a�; :,
<br /> --�.!�,�• use,dlsposal or trensport of any Hazardous Matodets on,under,from or about the PropeAy.THE FORECiOtNt3 WARRI0.NTIES AND
<br /> 10.N�Ipnm�nb of Rents,Trustor hereby assigns to Lencter,and grants Lender a secudty Interest in,all present,tuture and
<br /> _,;,,�.`:.. after a�ising rents,issues and profite o?the Property;provlded thatTrusror shall,untll tho occurrer�ce of an Event of Defauit,hereunder,
<br /> -��-�:• have the right to coilect and retafn such rente,issues and profits es they become due and payable.Upon the ocr.urrence oi en Event of
<br /> ' . � Detauit,Lender may,efther in�serson or by agent,with or wfthout bringing any actian or proceeding, or by a receivRr appolnted by a
<br />=.,;�,R x couR and without regard to the adequacy o}its secudty,enter upa�and tc�ke possession of the Property,or any part thereof,in its own
<br />° •+-.''�,} � name or(n the name of the Trustee, artd dn any a�ts which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the vatue,marketebility w
<br /> 1�'°�''�� rentebil(ty af the Property,or any part thereot or intsrest thereln.or to Increase the inco�ne theralrom or protect the secudry hereof a�d,
<br /> ��=;'�� wlth or w{thout taking possasalon of the Property,sue for nr otirerwise collect the rents,issuea and profits thereot,induding thc�se past
<br /> �"-�^� due and unpald,by noUfying tenante to make payments to Lender.Lender may eppty rents, tssues and profits,less ooste and expens-
<br />�v�'=;;.��iS� es of operatbn and collectlon including attomey's tees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,atl In such order As Lender may deteti
<br />-="°`°--_ sntr�.3t�� :°ntes!a U�l�1 AR�1AICI�DO.4SBBSI011 Of U10 P�Op8YI�1,the collection of such rente,issues and proftts,and the appitcation
<br /> ,_;�;:�_�,� •� thereot as aforesald shall not Cure or waive any detault or notice of detauit hereund�ar or Invatidate any ect done in roi�µ,��oo iu s�'s -
<br /> ��_��,�_ default or pureuant ro such noNce of defauft and, notwithstanding the continuance In possessbn of the property or the colleotion,
<br /> - recelpt end appl�atlon of rents, issus�or proflts,Trustee and Lender shall be entttled to exercise bvery dght prov(ded tor in any of the
<br /> '`-=�-'°'��' Lnan Ir�struments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Dafault,Including without Ilmitatlon the right to exerclse the powe�o!eale.
<br /> ---- Further,L.ender's righte and remedles unde�thla paragraph shall be cumulative with,and tn no way a tim(taUon on,Lendere dghts and
<br /> ------- remedies under any essignment of leases and rent�recorded agalnsl the Property.Lender.Trustoe and the rACeiver sha►I bo Ilable to
<br /> account onty tor those rents actually received.
<br /> _ �� 1 t.Ewnb of D�Muit.7he lollowing ehall consUtute an Event of Detault under this Deed of Trust
<br /> -�---=- (e)Failure to pay any Installment o}principal or interest of any other sum secured har�eby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach oi or defautt undor any provision contafned fnthe Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Lann ir�sWmente,or any
<br /> other 11en or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execuUon or attachment or any eimliar process shall be entered agalnst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or any portfon thereof or interest therein;
<br /> (d)There shall be filed by or agatnst Trusior or Borrower an actlon�nder any present or(uture federal,state or other statute,
<br /> law or r�ulatbn relating to bankruptcy,insotvency or oiher rellef for debtors;or there shall be appolnted any trustee,recelver or
<br /> iiquidator of Trustor or Bonower or of ail or any psrt ot the Property�or the rente,Issuea or proflts thereot,or Trustor or Bortower
<br /> shall make any general asslgnment tor the benefit�f credrtors�
<br /> (e)The sele,transfer,loase,+issignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of aU or eny part of or any Interest In the
<br /> ---- Property,e{ther voluntarily or invctuntarity,wfthout the expr�esa w�itten consent of Lender,prrnrtded that Trustor shail be permit-
<br /> ted to execute a lease ot the Prnperty that does not conteln en option to purchase and the te►m ot whtch does not exceed one
<br /> yoar,
<br /> (�Abandonment o}the Property;or
<br /> (g) If Trustor is not an Indivldusl,the issuance,sale,transier,asslgnment,oonveyance or encumbrance of more than(H a
<br /> corporatbn)a totei ot�_ pnrcent uf its issued and outstand!ng stock,or(If a partnershfp)a total of per-
<br /> - cent of pnrtnersiifp interests,or(It p tlmited Itablliry company)a total of parcent af the Itmtted Usbil[ry compa-
<br /> ny Interests or voUng rights during the�edod thi�Deed of Truet remains a Uen on the property.
<br /> —= 12.pem�Ii�s;ACCOteration Upon Defaul�In the event of any Event oi t?efauit Lerxler may,without notice except as required
<br /> �9 by law,d�ciare ell Indobtadness secured hereby to be due and payeblo end the serne shali thereupon bernme due and payable wtth-
<br />___—_ —�� out eny presentment,demand,protest or notice af any kfnd.Thoreatter Lender mey:
<br /> �' (a)Demend that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grantad hareln,�nd Trustc3e ahall thereafter cause T►ustor's inter-
<br />�';°;"�'� est In the Pro�se�ly 4o be sold and thu proceeds to bo diatdbuled.ail in th�mannor provided In the Nebraske Trust Deeds Act;
<br /> �,.,.:�-.�:�.� (b) Exerclso�ny and ail righte provlded tor In a�y of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrenco of any Event of
<br /> '�.�;�,di�?_x.�. Q�taufh,a11d
<br /> . `�`<:�`�� (c)Commence an actian 4Q�or�close thla Doed of Tmst as a moRgage,appo.M a roce►ver,or specificaily entorco eny of the
<br /> -_�;;`��;�if� COV8118htB h8r@Of.
<br /> �°:~"3��5� No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Tnistae or Londor la intended to bo excluaive of any other remedy hsrein,in the Loan
<br />_-- ;; X-°� instruments or by law providod or permitted,but each shail be cumulative,shatl ba in add(tlon to evnry other remody given hereunder,
<br /> -°=���=s==��, in the Loan Instruments or now or hare�!ter extsting�4 iew or In equiry or by statute,and may l3e exercised concurrentty,Indepbndontiy
<br /> -���� or suaesiveiy.
<br /> - "��w�`-<•'�• 13.Tru�tee.The Trustee may resign at any Ume�vlthout cause,and Londer may at any time and without cause appoint a suc-
<br /> � ` cossor or subsUtute Trustee.Trusteo shall not be Ilabte to any parry,including without Iimitetion Lender,Bonower,Trustor or any pur-
<br /> --t t��'•r-'� ' chaser o!tho Property,for any loss or damege unlas,9 due to reckless or wlt8ul misconduct,end shall not be required to take any actlon
<br /> - ��. •. .
<br /> �• :� " � in connectlon wlth tlie onforcement ot this Deed ot Trust unleae Indemnitled,In wdtfng,for all costs,compensaUon or expenses wh
<br /> - ��;.�.:y� may be assoclated there�ith. In addition,Trustse m�y become a purchacer et any cale of the Property Qudialal or under ths power ot
<br /> •s',s� eale granted her�Jn);postpone the sate of all or any portion of tho Property,ea pmvldod by law;or sell the Property ae e whole,or in
<br /> I;..�.. . � . separete�parcols ofbte at Trustee's discretion. -
<br /> _�,� • �q,Fws�nd Ettp�nsas.In the event Tn�stoe selle tho PropeRy by exercise ot power of eale,Truotee shalt be entitled to epp�y
<br /> '� any sals pnoceedflJitst to payment of all costs and expenses of exe�ising power of eole,including all Trustee's tees,and Le�der'o and
<br /> ` Trusteo's attome�'e te�s, actualty fncurced to extent pertnitted by applicaDle law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exorcises any dght
<br /> � A�a:,;�;�.',:��c� provided by law tb Cure an Event of Detautt,Lende�r shall be entitied to rocovor trom Trustor all costs and expenses actually incurred as
<br /> y��i^�:��:'. a result of Tiustors detuult,Inctuding without Ilmitation all Tn�stee's and attomey's teea,tn the extent permitted by edppllcable law.
<br /> �: ,- .rr�•.,.•, 15.Futunr Advana�. Upon request of Borcower.Lender may,at Hs option,make additionel and tuture advances and read-
<br /> �'�.�ai:r•.°. vences to Borrower.Such advences and readvances,K�ith Interest thereon,ehail be securod by thts Deod of Trust.At no time shall the
<br /> „ . . � �
<br />