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<br /> 1&. Flnnnclnl Ca�cnunto.In pdd�t'on fo any othor Onttnclnl CovCnant3 0l lYUStor mnUo In erry orrtn�e�rcamont,m9tiumont or documani, INSfu�si�bll �,-'
<br /> compfy wlth artd ohall cause ernr end all pua�ento�s o1 tho IndeStadnoss socuraU hQrcbj ro comply wlth,or bo In compllanco�ilfh,U�n lo!lavdnp
<br /> Ilnanclo!carenents:(lhls paregraph sha�l not appty If covonants Rnd roquiromonts aro nof sot fonh horo/n.)
<br /> - id Scheduk d l.e�aes. Wilhtn ren(f0)days aFer damand,7tustor aha11 lumish ta Beneticlary a acheduie,certilled to by 7iustor,seflfnp fortt�ell leese9
<br /> � � o11he lluet P�bperty,o�eny po►tlon thereol,Incfuding In eech casa the name o1 the tenants or xcupsnts,e dascr/ptkn ol the spaca occupled by
<br /> auch tenanf or occu�nt, the rental peyeble for such spscd end auch oiher lnlormatlon enU documents wlth re:ptict ro euch loases and tonancles
<br /> � ee Bemr!lclery mey reaaoneby rsquest _ -=
<br /> ' tY. Covenrnta o!Austor wlth Respecf ro Leasea YYlfhout tho prlo►wrlttsn consont ot BonQllcFAry,1Fusror shpll not,d�roctty alndlrocty,�vlth rospoct ro
<br /> arry lease ol apace!n fhe Trutt Prope►ty,or any portbn fherao/whsther auch feasa Is rtav anersattsr!n exlstence.
<br /> �R�� (e) Accepf or permlt eny propsymenf,dlscount or edvence payment o/rent hereunder!n excess d one rnonth,
<br /> `.'� (b) Cancel or term/nata the aeme,or scCept eny cancollatlon,terminatbn oi surrender therool,or permtt any event to occur wh:ch would occur �
<br /> �'" � thereundai ro terminate a cencel the same,otMr Man terminatlon Mr nonpeyment of rent,
<br /> ,��1"� �.:
<br /> (o) Amend or modlly iho samo sa as to rsduce the te�m therool,Ihe rental payable therounde►,or to change any renewal provlslons thereln
<br /> :��'#'� contalnod, _
<br /> (� 1M1hhre erry deteult Iherounder a breach thereol,
<br /> �. (e) Qi�e eny consent,wa(ver or epproval►hereunder or teke eny othe►ectlon/n connecUon therewlth,or wilh a lessee thereunde►,whlch would heve _J
<br /> the efloct of Impaldn�the value ol the Iussor's Interost thereunder or tha property sub/ect U►emta�or o!fmpalrlrtD the posltlon ol fnferest ot ��_:
<br /> '� � Benefkfsry thereln,or -
<br /> � ,y�. (Q Se11,asalfln,ptedge,mortQsge or othenvlso dlspose o%or encumber!ta Interest!n arry sald/eeso or any rents,Issues,proflts lssuing o�ads/ng -`-
<br /> thereunder.
<br />- .. 16l VN�Arer d Statute o/Umftetions Tfine!s o/the essence In all of Tiustor's obflgaUons and dutles hereunder;and ro the extene pa�mltted by Imv,Tivato►
<br /> ;�i'.�•. ' wafves all pmsent ar luturo afetutes ol llmltatbns wlth respect to ary debt,domand oi obllgatlon aecurod hereby end eny ectlon or proceedlnp for
<br /> � the purpoae d eNoriclnr�fhls Aaed of Tiust or any dghts or remedles crontaGied hereln.
<br /> ' � � 18. Ass/gnment of Deposifa!n Uio otirent construction ol lmpra�ements!s contemplated by the loan svlden^ed by the Note secured hereby,as addiGonal
<br /> "��:"'"``� soaudry theretore�Austa hereby trensfers and esslgns to denefkfery,aA dght,Wtie and lnterest to ary and s!1 monles deposlted by or on behaH oi
<br /> Trustor wflh atry clry,counf�publ�body or egencyi sanitary dlstdct,utlllry compary,end sny other body or egency,lor the lnstallaUon or to secure
<br /> � fhe fnstallatlon o!sny utllity by 7iusror,pertalning to fhe 1Fust Properry.
<br /> �: k�e3K�;� .
<br /> 2a ca�,o►anor►«wmre+anrp�sr�nca a m,sta rs a oo�oaauon,general pertne+shlp w umMed psmiershlp�R wlff cb el!rhings►recessery to preserv�!ta
<br /> " corporate a Ram�ershlp exls�us the case may be�and eil rlghts and prNlfepes under the laws d the atete d!ts lnco►poreNon or aganizalfon.
<br /> ' • 21. i'abearence by BeneNclary Not e Wahre►.Ary torbearance by Benelklary fi exe+iclsing any qght o►remedy hereunde►,or otherwlse etforded by
<br /> _.,.y epplkable law,shall not be a wehror ot or preclude the exer�lse ol any such rlght or remedy.The procu�ement ollnsurartce or the peyment d texos
<br /> � � or fhe dlschsrpe ot Nens or changes by Benefklary ahall not be e wel►rer ol Benetklary's right m eccelerare the maturiry d the lndebtedness.
<br />:�'�`'`,� 22.Nemedles CumulatlHa�.AlI remedles provlded!n thls Deed of Iiust sre dlstlnct end cumulaUva to arry othe►rlghf or rgmedy under thls Oeed of Trust
<br />'���'.+;. . a aNaded by►aw or equJry,and mey be exer�lsed concurrontry,lndependenty or successlvey.
<br /> �:' �rr.� 23.Successors andA&slyns Bound;Jolrtt end Sagral UablBry;Ceptbna The carerrents end agreements here/n crontalned ahell Wnd,end the dghta
<br />•+"'• ti��fn�+n.,chAn rnum tn the iesneGiire successors and asslpns d Bene(Iclary,Austee�e►id 1Fusro�All caronanta end egreementa olliustor shali
<br />-=��m�-�" ba/ofnt and se+reral.The cepi/ons and headings of the paregraphs ol thls Osed of hust aro Mr comreMence ony and ere not to be usen ro mrerprer `
<br /> �"=` y°_,*t. or dellne tha prov/slans noreo%
<br />.?�/!;,�F�'t�
<br /> '�'S'r L_.'."�_.! 2�.NoHCe.ExCOpt fa etry notice requlred under appllcab/e faw M be glv�en In another menne�(a)any n�Hce ro 7}usror provlCed fa/n tMa Deed ol liust
<br /> ' F '- '� BAall be h�+an maixn such rsofke by cortBled mell,retum recelpt requested addresaed ro Trusto►at Ita metling address set Ibrth abo►ro a et such
<br />`�;:•`4:�:v r 8 bY 9
<br /> =- --= other address es TYusror may deslgnate by notice ro Beneflclary as provialed he►efn,and(b)ary notica ro Benefklary or livatee ahall be Qlvon by
<br /> - certJlled malf,req�m rece/pt requesteal,to Benollclery'a and Truatee's malung address stated her�ln or to such olher address es Benef�lary or
<br /> _ - TFustee may deslgnab by rroUca ro 1lusto►es pn�vlded hereln.Ary noGce provlded for In thl�Deed ol Tiust ahall be deemed tn htKre been ghren to
<br /> -���-'� Tiustor,Benefklary a Iiusteo when gAren In the manrter deslgnated heroln.
<br /> —'"'�'�� 2G Ciovem/nq Law;SareraAtilt�Th/s Deed of llu�t ahaA be govemed by the laws o/the State ol Nebroska. !n the esront any pravlsbn or clauae d thia
<br /> _=^��� Deed af Rust con//kfa wlth epplkebfe law,such conflkt ahell nof aPh�ct other provlslons o1 this Deed of Tiust whlch can be ghron ettect w/thout the
<br />-�-"'�s"'mm eAMlkUnp piwisbn9 end to thls end fhe p►ovlslon9 of thls Usod ol 7Fust erH deCla►ed to be beveroblo.
<br /> --=- 26t Elronts W De/eutt.Each oJ fhe follaving occurrertces sha�l consUCute en e�+ent ol default hereunde�(he�Inafter called en"E►rent ol DefeuiY):
<br /> � (a) Tiustor shaU fal/to pay when due eny princlpal,lnterest or pdnclpal and lnterest on tha Indebtednese,
<br /> (b)Any wenanty o/11tle nfade by 1lusta heroln ahaU be untrue,
<br /> (c) 7rustor ahall fir/l ro obser►re a perlorm a►y o/the covenants agreements,or cortdlHons In thls Deed of 7Yust
<br /> (d)Ary repmsentsilon o�viermnry made Dy liustor on a►ry/lnartclal stecements or repats aubmltted to Benefklary by or on behaN o!lYusror ahall
<br /> _ prove fslse a moterialy m/sleading.
<br /> (e) Dusto+shall lal!to pe►fam w obsonre any o/the cawsnant�condl!lona or agreerrrents contalnod!n,or bfnding upon Jiusta under eny bulldlny
<br /> — �oan ap��ement,socudry egreemenr,ben sgreement,Ilnsncing stetomen►,a eny ofher agreoment,lnstiument a document executed by Tivstor
<br />-- - -_ - !n connecfbn wilh the ben evldenced by the Note�
<br /> (q A trustee�receher or Ilquldator ol the Truat Pnope►ry a ol Tiusro►ahall be sppofnted,a any ol tho credr'tora W Tiustor sh�ll l;le a peUNon/n
<br /> -- bankrupOCy ege/nst Tluslo►,or la the resxgenlzallon d Tiusta pursuant to Me Federn►Bankruptcy Cod0.or any almllar faw,whether A9dernl a stat0.
<br /> nnd a such orrfer or pe6Uon ahail not be dlsche�ed a dlamissed wlthln thlrty(30)deys eRer!Ae date on whkh such aider a petttlon was Hfed,
<br /> (g) 7lvsta shall llte e peUfbn pursusnt to the Federa!Bonkrupicy Code or arry slmllar Imv,fedenl or state,or if hustor sh.all be ed/udged a �
<br /> -- banlwpt,or be decfarod Insohrent,or ahel/make an asslgmm�nf lor the beneflt o►credl►ors,or ahsll admlt U wrRing Its Inablliry to pay(ts debte
<br /> --� as they become duo,a ahall consent ro ths appolrttment o!a recetver o/al!or eny part of the liust Properry,
<br /> ��� (h) Flnal Judgmunt lor the payment oi money ahell be rendered egalnst Trustor end 7Yusro�ahall not dlsche�ge the samq ur ceuse!t to be
<br /> �_� dlsCharged,wltA(n th/ify(30)deys eller the entry[hereol,or shall rtot appeul therelrom or fi+om the order,decr+�e or process upon whlch or
<br /> __—-'�6; pursuant to whkh sa(��udgment was prented,based,or entered,and socure a atey ol oxecuUon�onding sucA appeal,
<br /> - -���!��� p) 7n�aror ahall sell or Convey the TYust Prope►ty,a e►ry perf thoreol,o�any lnterest thereln,or ahall be dNOSted of Its t(tle�or any interest thereln,ln
<br /> - '"'""S°��'� erry manner or way, whether woluntedly o�1mroGmtarfty,wfthout the wdtten consent o/BeneNclary being flrst had and obtalned,a
<br /> � ���� (J) p Tiustor Is a co�poratbn o�paKnerah/p end more thsn f:fty percent(S0�'u)ot tho shares or bene/%la�Irtteresta In such Corporatlon or
<br /> -":"-�r�±►?b�`� paRne►shlp as the case may 69,shall bo Mensle�rocl or conve}red,whether w/unterUy a/mroNnteril�wlMout the wrltten consent ot BeneBclary
<br /> _ =� "� being f(rst had end oatalnad.
<br /> - ����;:�')
<br />�.`�J;�j'�••�:-`ti , 27. Accatorollon of Dabr,w„�casv,a.u��u�e o�c��n�a e�y�re�r a nare�n,or ony Nme therealter, Beneticlery ma},at 1ts optlon,declare ell the
<br /> � ��>- Indabtatlness secured heroby/mmedlatey duo snd peyeble and the same ahatl besr Intorsst at the delouK rat�!1 any,set forth In the Note,or
<br /> �'�d�'�"'��a oMenvise et fhe hlghest re1�permltt�ed by law,and,lmespocNve o/whether Berre/k/ary exerclses sald optlon,ft meyS at!ts optkn and!n(ts aote
<br />_,�;;�'�'�;.;,�_�_ � dlscreNon,wlthan arry funher notke or demend to or upon TFusro►,do one or more d the following:
<br />- ,�'r�'� ' ; (a) Qerteticlary may enter upon,take possessfon of,mnnage end oporete the Tiust Pmporry or eny pa►t theroof,�make repalre end elteretlons end do
<br /> _�- anv acrs urhicJ,Bar,ot;da,v deemn amar fn nrotect the secudtv thereol.end elthe►wlth or wRhout tekingpossess(on,!n!ts own nama,sue lor
<br /> �`�}'w"��l�i��� or olhenvlse coilect end recet�re mnts,Issuas end profits,Including those past due end unpald,nnd appty tbe semo,Iess costs snd oxpertses ol =
<br /> operetlon end collectlon,lrtcluding reasonable atturney fees and Beneliclery's cost�upon the IRdebtodnoss secured hereby endln such ordor
<br /> - '°;''� es BeneflGary may deferm/na Upon tt►quest of Benelkl8ry,Tiusror shau assemble and shall maka a�allnblo ro Beno!lclary srry o!the flust =
<br />- � � Property whh.h hns beon remared.The enfledng upon end tsklrtg possesslon of tho Trust Prope►ty,rhe cofktctfon of sny ronts,�ssues and profJts, -
<br /> � end fhe eppilcaflon[hereol as atoresafd,ahafl not cure or welve any deleuU tharerotore or Merea/ter occuning,or atfect eny notice ol delault o� _
<br />— .+ ,� - � notice oP sala hereundor or Invafldete any act dono pursuant ro eny such notice.Notw/thstending Benollclary s conNnuanco!n possosslon or
<br /> - ° � rocelpf end epp��cnt/on ol rents,Issuos o►prol�f�Benoflc(ary ahsu be ontlt/od ro oxer�lse eHery rlght provlded tor!n thls Deed of Tiust o►by law
<br /> „„• � upon or aRer the occurrence G an Event o/Defeulc,Including tho�lght to exOrClsO the powor of sa/a Arty oi tho er,tlons referred tP!n thl9 _
<br /> � paragreph may be taten by Benefkle�y at such tlme es Benellc(sry may determtno wlthout regarQ ro the sdequacy ol erry security for fhe -
<br /> lndebtedness securedhereDy.
<br />- , (b) (3eneflctery sha�l,wlthout repaid ro the adequacy ol am socurlty for the fndabtednoss soCUrod heroDy,be sntltled to tho eppolntmont ol o
<br /> ►eceMer by erry coun having�urlsd:cdon,wlthout notico,ro talro possesslon o/,pro�oct and mansgo tho Rust Property end operate the samo
<br /> ��..'�,,, and collect the mnts,bsues en0 propts thorofrom.
<br /> " , • � (c) Beneflc(ary may bring nny actbn!n erry couAOl compefent�urlsdictlon to fore�lose thls Ueed ol Aust or enfor�ce eny o/the covenants Aomof.
<br />