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<br /> cpalnsf futuro nwnthly lnstallincnt�ol Funds.If tho amount ot tno tundy i�c�id Ly ao����%���r•�h�..n-.--_uftlr.Innf ta puy t�ixo9,nsaassmee�ta,
<br /> lnsurance promlums and gmund renta�+s lhey fall duq Tiustor shnll pay to Bcncllcicry an/amountmonf In f�l ol ell�debtednesal cBanot/c/ahry al a�
<br /> . dsya Irom!he dato notico!s mailed by 8sr�ef/clary to TYusror requostlnp pt+yment lharoot Ilpon pay
<br /> �•� rofund ro TFusror ar,ry Funds hefd by Benedcla fl Iho TYust Propesry!s sofd under fho pawr ol eab o►fho Dust Froperty Is othQnvlso y�
<br /> prompty ry or Ita acqulsltbn by HenetkMry,eny Funde held .�,
<br /> ,, �' acqulred by Beneflclsry,Berretklary ahs►1 appty,!r►tmedletery p►!a ro the sole d the iivat Property
<br /> ,°,n.
<br /> , ; q by gsneteclery at the tlmo at appl�catlon as e credlt a8nln�s�t�the ame become deFn/quunt,�l►taxes,a�l e aments�,lnsu en e pre l�uma pround r ��r_
<br /> T N thls pareyreph�,Tiusto►carencnta en0 agross W Pay. Austor lurthsr�gros�,upon wrlMen •=
<br /> rents,end ell other charges whafsoeve►lev/ed upon a ossesaod,plecad�r medn egaln�t the Tii�st Hropeny. ell taxes,
<br /> request Dy Benat)clary,:o promplly�ieliva+to CansL'cicry al�rcc!pts(or tha psymenr ol auch chergon. Tiustor 1lkewlse agron9 to pay �N
<br /> aaseasmenta end other chaige�levled upon or assessed,placed or mede ayafnst or moesured ty.thls Oeed ot'rYust or��usto�i maay be VuPP1kd bY
<br /> .1,,,,�I:;� 5. Appllcatlon ol Paymsnta.Alf pafinenta recelved by Beneflclary as to eny debt,1ia611iry or obllgatlon aved ro Bensfkfary by p �_�_
<br /> •::._' 8�neflclary to firo payment ol lhe fndebtedness or to ery such othor debt,l�abllfty or obligatlon,!n ary order or manner of epp►Icatlon whkh �
<br /> ��.:=:;
<br /> '' � Beneflclary,In fts absolute dlscratlon,deems epproprlete.Unless otAenvlse elected by Beneticlary,any such payment ahell bo Uaemed app�led Itrat ��
<br /> :�� ro the payment d any dabt, liaDllity o►obllyatbn other than tha Nota �_Y�
<br />. T � �`•� & Charpes;LMns.Trusto�wl71 keeA tho Dust i'roperry free from ell lrens and encumbrances whlch!n eny way mayS 1n tho/udpmant o!Bene!lCleryS have =�,
<br /> � . , prlority wer,a lmpafr the securtry of,thls Deed ol Tlust but Tiustor need not dlsehe�7a arry such Ilen so bng as TiusPO�ehall egree�!n wrlting,ro �
<br /> pay the obligbtlon secured Dy such►len!n a menner acCeptabte m Qene!lclary end ahall In good tatth conrest such uen by approAdete Iegel
<br /> proceeding�eth�ctAre to pre+ront[he or.for�ement ot Ihe Ilen end the loss ol any lnterest In or part�l the nust Property.
<br /> e c
<br /> 7. Hazard insurence.Trusto�sha7 keoA the bufldings and�thor impraremanfs rtow exlsUng a hereatter orecfed on thu nust Properry Irtsured by
<br /> �'.� lnsurence c�tnlers catlslactory to Beneficlary agalnst foss by liro�hazarafs lncludod In the term't�xtertded covere9e"and such other hazards,
<br /> �,�. r. casuaftles and contingencles es may be requtred by Beneflcls�yS!n such amounia and Por such pe�lods as may be requlried by Benefklarys The
<br /> ;:.�a,, polky of lnsurance s►iall be!n form ecceptab►e to Beneiklary,provlde that the sartre mey not be cancelled or modified without Glteen(ib)days prfor
<br /> .�'� paUttr.�tas hall tre pald!n t�manner pnov/ded un�r pabrn9r�ph�e rreol�o�i,l�o Pa�d PoI uch manne►,by�ustor'makln'9�!ent at least roiHeon(1b)
<br />'�tij;�`:� dPys p�la b the dua date,directly ro[he lnsurance carrfer.Daneticlary ahall have thu r�jAt to hold th3 polfcl�s end renewr.�s thoreof and 7►ustor shall
<br /> promptry/umfsh ro Beneflcla n e�l�co perom�lu'ms or fo 8e'�bss or�dam�es�isin�ou�aydetoct In enY�kY or a�k'a out ol any fellurrohol ery `
<br /> ,.. .. Ry, g �
<br /> � � ' rosponsible ibr tellure to pey _
<br />:;r;,�,ti.�;'���� � lnsurence comparry ro pey to�sny bss o�damago lnsured agalnst or for failure b/Trusror to effect the Insurance►cqulred hareunde►!n tha e+ren�,ol -
<br /> ^s��' losa,Tiusror shall glre prompt notke by mall ro the Insuranca carrler and BenR/klary.Beneticlary may make prool ol foss!f not made promptly
<br />' ' " :�� prt�per form by Tiustor.All pofkles of insursnce and any and nll relunds of uneamed prerniums sre hereby asslgned to Beneflclary as edd�tlonal -
<br />_.`-�s`- ��IOSL�gll d�t,titb and iMOre�st eof 7Yustor lnhanronarty�nsu�nce p�lky then In tfac�►1 pas to tho purchaser at the�hustee'8 sale or =`
<br /> `
<br /> ='-:,%.:�� �.
<br /> �:.:P,.. lorecbsuro sele.In case o/eny fos�the Insurence proceeds ma};at the opUon of Benefklery,be appiled by Benefklary upon the fnde ness,a
<br />,.,.:�►c�� eRy,pan�l��ieof,and m such orde►and amount as Beneflclary may derermino;a aald Insurence proceeds,et the opt(on d Bene(klary,may e8her
<br /> �
<br />.-=��;�� bo usalln replacing or restoring the Trust Property partlalty or totelty destroyed fo e condlBon saNsfactory to Benotic�ary;or sald nsurenCe
<br /> r._�-rc^-. proceeds,or ary poRlon theroo/,may be re►eased ro TYusror.Unless Beneflclary end fiustor otherwlse agree!n wridng,arry st+Ch applkeGon ol
<br />-;�+;.��r� fnsurance proceeds shaU not extend or postpone tha due dato of the Note,or ery Installments called fa tbereln,or change the amount d such
<br /> _ ��,�l;��_�ihA Th,ct Pronerty!s scquUed by Benefkfary purauant ro the axerclse ot the powe►ol sele a�o'6e►�f°���ecqur�sr�oo ah r�pasa ro
<br /> �; t - lnterest ol Trustor►n and to any Insurance pmceeds PaYaDle as a resuir oi damayv iu Y�a lt'ast°re�";,-i°-� •--�-
<br />---,'Ty��-.;,}J. a Benefklary aad sltal!be app��ed flrst to tho costs and axpenses,lncluding etiamey fees,lncurred!n col.�ecting such proceeds,then!n t/►a menne►
<br /> =����-��x,y� end fn Nw orde►provided hereln.
<br /> -_=-''�'`"'s�� a Preaerva8on and Malntenance ol Trusf Prope�ty.iFusfor will keep the bufldings and oPherlmprowarnents nwv or hereefter erecte�on the 71ust
<br /> -�'�v�"�� prope�ty!n good repaU and condiGon and wI11 not commit or permit waste,will not atter the deslgn or ahuatu�al charecter constltuiinq erry bullding
<br /> °-- now wharoafte►erac�at!on end consUtut/ng the Tiust Proopny wtthout the prlorwrFtten consent af BenefkTuatorlwul no�remave arrytdxture hkh
<br /> ��• w+ouW urtduy Impelr a depreclate the velue ot the Tiust Properry end will not abendon the a�uat Proro r�l/en and+securiry Interost d[hls Deed al
<br /> �_���+ cnnstitutlng tha nuct Properly unless the same ere►mmed/etety�pleced wlth Ilke propeKy blec
<br /> �----- *�ust anrl of st Ieeat oqusl value and utlUry.huator will comply wlth all protortt end Wture ordirtances,regulatbna end roqufrements o/ary
<br /> — povemmental body which are epplkable ro the liust Prope►ry and ro the occupercy and use thoreof.!i thls Deed ol 7hrstls on a un(t fn e
<br /> cpndominlum or a pfanned unit deMebpment,Tiusta ahall perfam►ell o/7Fustor's obllyadons under ths decleratlons a cwenents croating or
<br /> - - powming the cundomintum a the plsnne;l unit devebpmertt the Dylaws end�eDulatbns d the condominlum or pfanned unk dev+ebpr►�ent,end�As
<br /> - constltuent documents. se o/IrtspecGon.Benefkfary aheN ha+re
<br /> 8. lnspectlon.BenMlc►ary or fta egents mey,at ap reasonabfe tlmes,anter uport the Tiust Properry fa Me purpo
<br /> no dury to make such Inspectlon end shall not be Ileb(e m Tiusto►or ro any pe►sa►►1n possesslon 1l!t maAns or fa11s ro meke ary aucb Inspectb+t.
<br /> i0. PmtecNon ol Securlty.H 7iustor fells ro peAoirm ary d the coNensnts ered egraementa contefned!n thls tleod ol'Tiust,or If any eceion w proceedinp
<br /> �� !s cornmencod whkh does or may a���suchceovartnntsf nd�agtreer+aent�metaatsuchyePf�earo�es�'Cde�nd aga!st t ndltmrelGpete aucA acUon
<br /> �hen genallClary,e�t its opTbn,may pe
<br /> pr proce9dfig and ta1l�such othe+ectlon as B9nelklary deems necessary to p ro r e c tlts inloraet Inoludlnp,but not!lmlted to,dlaburosme+�t
<br /> - reaacnable attorneY feea end eniry upo+�the 7Fust Properry ro make repaU�Any amounts d)sbursed by Bertelklery pursuent to thla perepreph fa
<br /> with mroreSt tAareor►,s�►all consfltute�ndebtednesa ol ltusto►secured Dy tNs Deed of 7Tuar.Unless Tiustor end Benefkary agroe ro othar terms o�
<br /> paymenL such amounta ahall be payeble uPon notfce Irom Benetklery ro lYlista requestfig payment themof,end aAall baAr Interest from the date
<br /> al dispu�aoment et the defauR rete,(l arry,set lorth In the Note,or othenvlse at the hlghest rete permlttad by law.Nothlnp contalned In thts parograph
<br /> - -' shel!requfro BenMk�l�s�8 egent end,!n Tiustors^enw otb thsnvlse rorpadorm�d a I cove ants and ag��ts�M�'a��bY�
<br /> th8 Tiust Property
<br /> Trus!a es herein provlded•Be+�efk/ary shaD,et!ta optbn,be subrogeted ro ery encurrbrance Ilen,clelm or demand end ro e0 dghts and aecu t s
<br /> �,;�`.� fix tt�e peyment Mereo/paW w dlschart�ed by 8eneflclary under tho provlsfons hereof end srry such subrogetlon dghts ahell be eddrtlonal and
<br /> °`,:;�� cumt�►aNve securlry for thls Deed ol Trust.
<br /> ',:'� if. [:onaiemnadon.!he P►oeeeds d e►N aweid a clalm for damages diroct a ca►se9�Bal,ln connectlon ivllh any condemnaUon a otl►er tekU►D c!fhe
<br /> -----_- 'R�rst Propert�t or eny Pert Biereal,a for cornrey�ence!n fleu d a(n entk(oatlon W cortdemnatlon,ere hcmby assJpned to and shaN be pald to
<br /> -_�_ � g�(ic1�rJ;Tius[a w111 HIe ertd prosecute�In Qood/akh end with due diAgence fls clatm for tr►N such eward a payme+rt and w!N Ceuso Me seme to be
<br /> M� co�cted end Peld ro BeneNclary�end,shou�d M(atl to do so,1►ustor Inewcebty authoriaos and ompawrs Beae�k/a►)t In the neme of Truafor a
<br /> --- Is ebemfoned
<br /> - oMerwls.s tn Hle,prusecutd setUe a oanP^�miso any such cla/m end ro collect,recefPC AoT and reteln the prviceeds H the Dust Proparry
<br /> __:"�--- ���'���'� s!n the mannnr
<br /> ,.��� py n�,8tor pr alror rAtice by BeneNclery ro 1'hrstor thst the condemno►ol�era to make en awe►d or settle a clalm fa damage��iusta fapa ta respond to
<br /> _�,..,���i Beneflclary wltl�ln thkty(301 deYs elter the dete such notice!s malled,Beneficlery fs autlrorized ta collect end uPPN the Proceed
<br /> -:���rm.�.�,�_� kedc�l�J here�. �p+�,y�ls e/enyr eward or Cislm may,etter dee+uctHp all reasonable costs end expense�!ncluding ettaney/eost whkA msy hwu
<br /> -'•�.�s..�4'��� been k+CUrt�9d by BertefiClefY In the CoUeCtlon thereof,et the sole disCrotbn o/Benelklery,bB roleased t0 Tiustor,aWA�bd h►restoreUon d frust Pmporty,
<br /> __l3i'^�:4:��
<br /> .:�g;� . a qp/�ied ro the peymertt a!the Indebtednes�Unfess Benefklory and Trusto�dhe�wlse qgree in tiwlNng.eM such appikatbn of s ro
<br /> ---�;°�, /ndsbtedr►ess ahall nol sxMnd or Postpono tlro due date d the lYote a the ptayment d eny fnstsll►nerNS ca!!ed lor thereunder.
<br /> _^�^;�4'��+ � 12. Contam(nanta T!'i.rsta werrents artd represortts thAt there ere not naw,nor,[o the best of Trusrors knavledge aker roasortable frnresttgetlon,hm+e
<br /> -T `."°" tAare ewr been end,wlthout the TYustor otrtulning Bene/lcfary's consent artd etl rtiqutstro pe►mlts and approvals,there wlll not!n Me/ufure be
<br /> 'R:--�'-'= r.uv.n,in,nrs atored.hendled.or dlsp�sed of on the Tiust Properry whlch woufd mqufre cleanup,remwel or other remedlal actfon unabr erry
<br />--- °�-- ,�..�,......,...,e,e.�...,�.anv anvlronment�l la►as.TFustor
<br /> __�v-: -r"= envlronmentsl lews.Corttem�nants ahNJ msan materlats,sunscen�s enu Qr�ur�,�M�:.M.�••�.-a-�----••-- - .
<br /> - - - �.�. wlll lmmodlatay notify tlre f3e+►oflctary,fn wrlting,of arry,(!)rn+estt atlon,fn ulry,clafm or ectlon by arry pavommental authodty o►other parry,
<br /> •=�+�,i�'A';fi`�"� egalnst Me liustor repard�nD arry orrvlronmental lewa p!)Contaminants ort tha i)ust Properry whlch woufd raqulre cteanuµremoval or other romedlsl
<br />. .�!' A'
<br /> -;���� i, , acNon under ary envinonmentel►awS Upon the Bsneticlsrye request, lyusror w1U pododicafy prov(de onWrorrmental assessments ar comFlianco
<br /> r .�� �,� eudits;and egrees ro perMt envlronmentol Inspectlons and testing ot cho 7'iust Proporry by tho Benolldary or!ts aponta,nt tho Trustor'a exponso.
<br /> `r.�'' �x�i ff tAe flust Property Is used fa rosldentlal purpo.•.os,tho precedinp shell noP oppty to the presoncu,use,or storage on the Trust Pro►�eny of emall
<br />.. . �w�
<br /> quanttles ol Conieminanla fhat ere gonemlry recognitod to be apprapds�ro normal residantlal uses and to malntenanco u!tho Trust Arope�ty.
<br /> t�t Dustor Not Ae►eased.Extenslon o!the Gmo for paymont or modillcatton ol eny emartlzallon of tho Indebtedness granted by Boneficlary to erty
<br /> ' ' 8t�ceaaor!n Interost ol Tiustor shall rtot ope�ete to releaso,ln arry msnnor, tho Ilablliry of TTusror end hustor's succassors fn Interest.Beneficlary
<br /> � � ahall not be requlrod to comrnence procoedings apalnst svch succosaor or refuse to exrond tlmo fo�payment w othenvlse modify�mortlzatlon of
<br /> ' '" � the Indab[edn�sa by mraon o1 erry demand medo by TYusto►and iiusror's successors!n interost.
<br /> '•':,,�,,,y t�. FlrtanClal lnfo�matbn. Upon roQuost of gonotictary. T►ustor wfll provldo to goneflclary,w!(h1n nfnory(80)drrys of tho cbso 01 oach flscsl year o!
<br /> "'`° T/ustar,fAe consolldatad balanco shoot rtnd staroment ol eernfngs o/Trustor and eny end ell gusrenbra ot tho Indebtednoss secured hereby.!f any,
<br /> _4�.,.�. „ ., !`,.
<br /> � ; ,a � end wlll prwlde and dol,ve►to 8onolidary such other iinanclallnlo�matfon andin such manner es Bene!iclary msy reasonabty raquest Irom tlme to Umo.
<br /> . •�r.
<br /> ,�,
<br />