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<br /> - ' 17.Trw�eter ot the Pro�rty ar o Bet�etici�l Interert in Bnrrnwer.if all or ony put of the Property or any intercst in it
<br /> � is sold ar trensferrcd(or iF a beneticial inten.�st in Horrower ir sold or transferred ui�d Borcowcr is not u nutural persun)without
<br /> " L.cmder'a p�ior wrluen conaent. L.ender muy, at itx uptian. require immaliute puyment in fuli uf ull sums socured by thix
<br /> — _ --__ ' Scrurft}�Icestrument. Ho�vc��cr,thiv�ti�n vhell nnt Fw�exrrcixe/d hy I.ender if exerciac ix prohibited bv fedcral law ar of thv date __
<br /> '�M -� af�l►is Secudty Instrmnent.
<br /> If Lender exercises thia option,l.ender Fhull give Borrower notice af accelerr�tion. The n�itice shall provide o perfad of not
<br /> �- � r � less than 30 days from �he dnte the notice is dclivered or mailed within whlch &►rrowcr muti� puy ull aums rccured by this
<br /> -`�y� Securfty Instrument. If Borniwcr fails to pay these suma prior to the expirntion of ihis pcd�xl,Lencier muy invoke any renudiea
<br /> __ v permilted by this Security Instrument wlthout further notice or demund on ec�rrc►wer. �
<br /> '.A� 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstote. If Horrower tneets cenain canditions, Bormwer ahnll huvc tlie riglu tu havc
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued ut nny time prior to the earlier of: (u)5 JAys lor such other periad us
<br /> - appllcable luw may specify for r�instatement) before sale of the Pmpeny pu�suant w uny power of wle contained in thia
<br /> �-:�y.__ `"�� Security lnstrument:ar(b)antry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Thc�se co�uiitions nre that Borrower.(a)pays �_
<br /> =-:.�t:�t'+�v
<br /> L.ender all sums which then would be due under this Secu�lty Instrument und the N�te ay if no accelerntion had occurred; (b)
<br /> -- :���Y� cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pAys all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> �•—��`J�=�Y�tR��-k�, K iacludin$, but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees; nnd(d)takes such uction u� !-ender mny rca�nably require to sissure
<br /> ie�y � thnt the licn af this Security Instrument, L.ender's rfghts in thc Praperly und Borrawcr's obligatian ta pay the sumb secured by --
<br /> ---�-�_=�4: this Security Instn�mem shall continue unchnnged. Upon reinstatement hy Borrower, ihis Security Instnrment and the
<br /> --� �;;:�-`�' n�`� �bligations secured hereby shali remain fully ePfective ns if no acceleretian hud accurr«l.However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> -�.a..�.. not apply in the case of acceleratbn under paregrnph 17. —
<br /> 19. Sale oP Note; Change oP l�wn Servicer. The Nate ar u purtial intcrest in the Ni�te (togcther wilh Ihis Security
<br /> ���fz,:.,� Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice ta Born�wer. A sale may rcsult in u change in�he entity lknown
<br /> . as the "Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Scx:urity Instniment. There also muy be one
<br /> - ��-?--"�-�•,� -- or more changes of the L.aAn Servicer unrelated t�a ssale uf the Note. If there is u change of the I.aan Servicer,Borrower will be F_
<br /> ' •��Y" given written notice of tlie change in uccordance with pnragruph 14 Above ond applicuble luw.The notice will tilute the nume and �
<br /> �:�,�;,{�` address of the new i.oan Servicer and the address to which payments shoulc+ he made. Thc notice will ul.ro contain any other _
<br /> —�°- �� �' information required by applicable law.
<br /> �_+�=h,�• �:� ?',��. 20. Hazardous 3ubstances. Borrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence, utie, dispuu►I, storuge, or release of any =
<br /> - � * . - P� Hawrdous Subatnnces un ar in the Property. Borrowsr shull nat do, nor alluw unyone elsc tn do, unything affecting the
<br /> -'� Propeny that is in violation of uny Environmenwl Luw. The preceding two sentcnccs ,hull not opply tu the prescnce,usc, or
<br /> _� ��iZ�`.�+•:�.'�^'r� storage on the Proper�y of small quantities af Hazurd�ws Sub�tances that ure generally �ecogni�xci ta be uppropriute to normal '�-
<br /> �� . � . ' � � residential use4 and to mainte�wnce of�he Propeny. _
<br /> °"�' Borcower shall promptly give Lender written natice��f uny invcstigatian,cluim, Jcmand, luwsuit ar othcr uction by :ury
<br /> "'"� �^•�••- � -� governmeou►I or regulatory agency or private purty involving thc Property and uny Huzurdoux Substunce��r Environmental Law �,,
<br /> - -"_' �•''°''•'�'4 of which Harrower hes actual knowledge. If Bonower leairns,or is notified by uny govemmentul ��r regulatory uuthorfry, that ��
<br /> — �;,a; "S �` any removal or uti�cr remediation of nny Hazerdous Substancc affccting Ihe Propeny�s neceaw�ry,&�rrowcr shall promptly tuke �_-
<br /> — _.•—'"'.,r;,,_•�--: - a!!nece.sssr��recssedin!actions In ar�nrdnnrP with F.nvimnmental Luw.
<br />•Y���i :.;,�,,�,,;.., , � • -; •� As used in this puragrnph 20, "Hazardous Substunces" urc thosc ruhslunccs Jc�ineJ u�t�xic ar hazurdous substanres by
<br /> Bnvironmental l.aw and the fallowing +ubstonces: gusoline, keroxcne, �Khcr flummubk or toxir petroleum Qroducts, toxic -
<br /> �k� ' •,� � pesticides and herbicides, volutile solvents, materials cuniaining ust►estos or li�rmaldehyde,und rudivactive materiul+.As used in �;_
<br /> - this parugraph 20, "Environmentul Luw" meuns federal luws ond luws �►f the juriuiiction where the Property i�located that
<br /> - � "'�+;5 , relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br />-` - NONi-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower und l.ender further cuvcnunt uixl ugrec as liill�iws:
<br />.� + �'';' � 21. Acceleratlan; Remedl�.�s. I.ender shall give nutice to Borrower pri��r to acceleration Followin�Bnrrawer'x breach
<br /> T` ' ^• • of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (hut not prlor to acccleretion under puragraph 17 unless �`�"
<br /> i, , ,,Y•u ,: �t�,,; eppNcable law provides otherwise).The notire shall speriPy: la) the defuult; (b) the action rcyuired to cure the default;
<br /> r ' ' *' (c)a date.not less than 30 day�Prom thc date thc noticc i+Riven tn liurra�ser.hy which thc detault must be cured;and
<br />- '"�n-�.` � "�`'�• Id)that fa�lure to cure t6e dePault on or Ixforc the date sperified in the nntic� may result in accelerAtfon oP tqe sums �
<br /> °� isecured by thts Security lnstrument and sale of the PrupeMy. The notice shall further inform !lorrower of the right to - -
<br /> � '" relnstate after acceleratiun and the rlRht to brin� a cnurt ucdon lu aaticrt the nun-exlstence oP a default or any other __
<br /> 4�!An � defense oP Borrower to accelerutfon and wle. IP the default ir not cured on or Ixfbrc the dalc specilird 1��the notice, —��
<br />'.� ' Lender. ut its option, may rcquirc immedlptc paymcnt in full oi'all xumx secured bv thiti�urity Instrument wlthaut �-
<br /> ' f, '''*'"'"' � '�^ iurther demand and may invoke the powcr of snle and uny othcr rcm��dics permittrd by upplicable law.Lender shall be
<br /> » .',:r� entiNed to collect all expenscw incurred in purtiulnR thc mmcdk�provided in thh paru#raph 21.includlnQ,but not(imited �• .
<br />�• � � ' to.reasonable attorneys'fecs and costs of Utle evldence.
<br /> �-��`•= � IP thepo wer of sulc is in�•oked, Trustec xhull r�r��rd u outicc of dcfuult in evch county in �vhlch uny part of the
<br /> � �° ° Property is located and shall mail cupi��of such uotice in the munnrr pn�urihed bv upplicublc law to Borrower and to
<br /> �.��„ " the other persons pr�crihed b�•uppflcuble la��•.Aftcr the timc rcyulred b�•upplicuhle lu�ti,Trustcc shAll Rivc public noticc
<br /> r�., _ of sale to the penun�und In the manner prc.x�lbed by upplirablc Ina.Trust��, wilhoul demund on Burrowcr. shall sell __
<br /> • ' ;�...- the Property ut public uuction to thr hi�h��t bidder ut thc limc und plare vnd under Ihc tcrms desiunated in the nutice uf
<br /> � ,.� . ' xnlc in unr ur mure parrels and in uny order Tru�tee dMermincti.Tru�t�r:muY{�►�tpooc sale oi all or any parccl of tl�c
<br /> ,�;n�;r.: ' Prupeny by public announcemcnt ut the timc und place of'ai»• pre�ioutih yrlicduled ,ale. i.ender or Ns d�wiRn�ti m�y �
<br /> purchase the PrupeNy nt any+ale. � -
<br /> �'��; �
<br /> .. �
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