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<br /> �, paymenta may no longer be required,at the c�ptian af Lender,if mongAge fnaurnnce coverage(in the urnc�unt and far the pe�iod
<br /> --- �_— that Lender requires)provided by an insurcr epproved by I.ender wgafn becomes uvailablc and is abtained. Borcower shall pay
<br /> __ __ _ _ _ _ __, ti�e pronilum�roquirod to maintain mort�aQe inturwnce in efiecrc.or to provide a loss reserve,until the►equiremont for mortga�a
<br /> insurAn�e ends in occordancc with any wriuen agrccment between Bortower and Lender or opphcahlc law. `-
<br /> - 9. I11/pBC�I0I1. I.ender ar its agent may make rcasonable entries upon and inspe.ctiona of the Property. LenJer aiwll�ivo
<br /> -_ _ Borrower natice at the time of or p�ior to on inspoction apecifying reasonuble cause for the inspxtion.
<br /> 10. Candemnwtbn. The pmceods �P any awurd ur claim far damages. direct or consequential, in cannection with any
<br /> hercb assi ned end
<br /> . .,
<br /> , '.— ____
<br /> .�----- ----��-,� -- condemnation or other tnking of any part of ihe Pmperty,ar far canveyunce in tieu of rnndemnalion, nre y g r-
<br /> � alwll ba paid to Lcnder.
<br /> In tho event of a total taking of the Propeny,the proceeda shal l be applie�l to the sums secured by this Security Instrument. _
<br /> �`�`� whether or nat then due, with any excesa paid to Borrower. In the event af A panial tuking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market volue of the Property immediately before thc tuking ia eqiwl to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> -�.��
<br /> Secu�ity Instrument immediately before the taking.unlesa Botrower und L.etuier othenvlse agrce in wrlling,the�um.q secured by
<br /> ---:�,���� this Se,curily lnstrumeut shnll be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (u) the totel
<br /> amount of the sums sccured immediutely before the taking,divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately -
<br /> —���'-"�� before the taking. Any balance shull be paid to Borrowcr. In the evcnt of a partial laking of the Property in which the feir -
<br /> ��:�._��� market value of the Property immediately before 1he taking is less than the amount of rhe sums secured immediately before thc
<br /> b1i1n��4bY'.�11P�� taking, unless Borrower and L.ender othernisc agree in w�iting or unless applicable luw otherwise provides, the proceeds shall
<br /> i�iSi�Oi'ylfiv.'IfC�
<br /> be appUod to the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> -- �=-���,e� If the Pmpeny is abandoned by Botrower,or if,afler natice by Lender ta Borrower thal the rnndemnor offcrs to meke an
<br /> � - ____�;°;,,� Award or setde e claim for damages, Borrowcr fails to respond lo I.ender within 30 dnys aQer the date the nuti« is give�►, �_
<br /> °"�'��"'� L.ender is euthorized to collect and npply thc proceeds.at its option.either to restoration or repair of thc Propeny or ta the sums
<br /> T�`�"•' �7�• secured b this Secu�it Inslrument,whethcr or not then due.
<br /> _ ;,�°;'",... . Y Y -
<br />. �����,.� .° " Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applic�tion of praceeds ta principal shall not extend or _,_
<br /> __� , postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta referred to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or change the amount of such payments. _
<br /> °-��� , �x" �11.'Borro�er Not Released:Forbearwnce By l.ender Not a WAiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification _--
<br /> �°� of amortizution af the sums secured by thia Security Instrument grnn�ed by Lender to any xuccessor M interest of Borrower shell -
<br /> �� �, �� not opernte to releuse the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successnrs in interest. Lender shali not be required to
<br />--= ` `�'•�� � "' �� commence proceedings ugainst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar athenvise madify amortization ----
<br /> -�.�h � • � '' ' of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument by reason of any demund made by the original Borrower or Borrower's r.a
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbea�rance by l.ender in eaercising any right or remedy shall not be a wAiver of or preclude the
<br /> " -._-�:�+� -,- - exercise oi any righi ur remeciy. _
<br /> � � �� � • 12. Successors and As4ienc Bound; Joint And Several LiaMlity; Co-signers. The covenunts and ugreements of this
<br /> -- �'�'�`` ` Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors ond assigns af I.e,nder and Borrower, subject to Ihe provisions of -
<br /> —. �'e'� � paragraph !7. Barrower's covetuuns and ngreements shall bc joint und severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ___
<br /> _ ,,.. X � Instrument but dcies nat execute the Nate:(a)ia co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage, grant and convey that �
<br /> ��° � , Botrower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of this Sccurity Instrument;(b)is nat penonally obligated to puy the sums ���i,
<br /> �r�" �` � ° �� secured by this Security Instrumcnt;and(c)r�grccs ihut L.enJer und Any othcr&�rrower muy agree to cxtend, mndify, forbear or �_-•�
<br /> — ,,.r .�w,..�...
<br /> ' .; �� make uny accommndutions with rcgurd to the terms of this Security Imtrumcnt or thc Note without that Borrowcr's con.r•ent.
<br /> �,... ...,. „ •.,,5 13. I.oan Chwrqes. If the lo;�n sccurcd by this Sc�curity Instrumcnl is subjcct tn a law which sets m:iximum lann cha�ges, _-- �
<br /> �-�. ��u�f_; _ und thut law is iinully interpreted so�hut the interest or other Inan churges collecteJ ar to be collectecl in rnnnection with the ��_--
<br /> _. -�- - -- lo�n exceed the permitteJ limitti,then: �a�any surh loan chorge shall bc reduced by thc umount neceswry to reduce the charge _-
<br /> '7dj''"�"' � to the permilted limit;and(b)any sums nlready collected fmm BoRnwer which exceecled permittcci limits will be refunded to �`� �
<br /> ' � ; b Borrower. i.ender muy chane to muke Ihiti refund by reJucing the princip•rl owed under the Nute ur by making u direct
<br /> � _�.. � ,r,, payment to Borcower. If u rcfund reduce� principul, the re�iurtiun will be trcuted sis a puninl prepayment withow any �is
<br /> T�� prepayment charge under the Nole.
<br /> -� ' �' 14.Notices. Any naticc to Borrower providul for in this Security Inxtrumcnt.hull be givcn by dclivering it or by mailing
<br /> - i�.��hi..i �Z.�:.µ-
<br /> ;S�� ' it by first class muil unlesti upplicablc luw rcquires use of unothcr rncthcxl.The nuticc,hull bc direct�d to�he Property Address �
<br /> ,�. or nny uther uddress Borrowcr designutc, by nutire tu L.cndcr. Any nuticc to L.cndcr shall M; given by first class muil to "`"-
<br /> � :.',N'r.�f ' Lender's address stated Ix:rcin or uny ��thcr uddrex� Lender dc+ignules by n��ticc to&�rrowcr. Any notice provideJ for in this �=�'
<br /> 3�.<..:,;.:;. .' Security Instrumcnt shall bc decnx:d to have becn given to&�rruwcr or Lcrulcr when givcn ax providcd in Ihis paragraph. :�
<br /> � .. 15.Governing Lt�w; SevcrWMlity. This Security Instrumcro shall bc guvcrneJ by fcdcral law und thc law uf the
<br /> �^��. jurisJiction in which the Property is Iexatai. In the cvent that any pmvisi�m or cluu�c��f this S�rurity Instrument or the Note ---
<br /> +�:*.rr;� ,,. .. --
<br /> � ' eanflicts with upplicable luw,such contlirt shall not ufl'ect i��hcr provisiun�of thi.Scrurity In.trumern ur the Note which ran be --
<br />���' � - given eff��t withnut the rontlirting pmvision.To thiti eixl thc pnivitiiom of thi�Scrurily Instrun�ent•rnJ the Note ure declarecl
<br />..• � , to be sever�ble. �;�.4..
<br /> � � ., 16.Borrower's Copy. Bormwer shAll be given uik runtimneal copy ut'thc Nutc anJ ul'�hi.Securiry Instrument. __
<br /> � � ° Form 3028 9190
<br />. � " PaYn 4 nl fi v.��"
<br /> _ • ��.
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