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BU/roWeY'e Copy. Eiorrnwor shnll bo E�iven unu conlormed copy oi tho Nole:�nd oi Iluy Secwily In�Uw�u:nl <br /> . , <br /> 16. Hnza�rdous Sub�tancos. Borrowcr shull nol c.n�sc or permd Ihc prr.sencc usc� duposul. :lornqe. w rcicnrc u� <br /> . � 1..� nny Hnznrdous Subslancna on ur in tho Propedy. Dorrower shnll not do. nor nllow nnyone el:�o to da unytlung nifecimE� Ihu <br /> , Property Ihnt Is in vlolatlon oi ❑ny Envlrontnoninl l.[tw Tho procoding hvo senloncas shnll not npp{y lo Ihe presenca usu, or ��� <br /> ' `,t 5lO�AqO 00 tho Propcsrly ot small quantiUOS ot Hnzurdou3 SuuslHnces lhal are pcnuratly rrcoc�nlzcd to bc appropn:�ir tn norm�l <br /> rosidentlal uses and to malntunnnco 01 tho Properly. "j' <br />..�.�r,M•c_-.--. ' <br /> ..� Borrower shnll promptly plvo Lender wrttten notico ol nny Invostigntlon, clnim, demnnd, lawsufl or other nctlon by any =�-. <br /> govommental or re{�ulatory aflency or privato pnrry InvoNlnp lhe Property and any Hoznrdous Subslnnce or Environmenlal Law ol l�,�� <br /> which Borrower has ac�uul knawlotlpo. 11 Borrower learns, or is notitied by nny govammQmal or regul�tory uuthorily. thut any � <br /> � ' ''� � removnl or olhor remedlatlon o1 uny Hozardous Substuncos oflocting the Property is necossary. Borrower shall prumplly take nll _ <br /> necessaiy remedini ac.�ens In uccordsnco with Environmenlal Luw. G'' <br /> � As used in ihfs p�raflmph 16. 'Hazardous SuGatnhcos" are thosa substnncns dotinod as loxic or hazardous subslnncns by — <br /> •• • Environmental Law ond lhe following substances: qasolfno, kerosene, oUier tlammable or toxic petrolsum products. toxic <br /> ii;�.. ` pe3ticfdes and herblcldes, volatila solvents, matodals containinp asbestos or tormaldohyde, end radiouc�rv� matanals- As u�ud m � <br />_ ih� paragraph 16, 'Environmentul Luw" means federal laws and laws of the Jurisd�ction whero tho Property is located ihat rolntu __ <br /> :,_ ,,:r�;;:'.. <br /> ra',•:., . ta health. safety or environmental protootfon. <br /> �:.�.s.�� <br /> �5�,;� � - NON•UNIFOflM COVENANTS. Donower�tnd Londer turthcr covenunt und agree as lollowr �- <br /> � 17. Asslgnment of Rente. Borrower unconditionaliy essigns and translers to Lender all tha rents and revenues ol the _ <br /> '. ,..; Property. Bortower uuthorizes Lender or Lender's agents io collQCt the rents end rvvenuos and hereby directs each tenent ol the _ <br /> r`,""-����`` Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However. prior to Lender's notice to 8orrawer oi Borrower's 6reach oi <br />,-;;�� <br /> 4���i-;ti' any covenant or agroement in the Security InstrumenL Borraner shall collect und receNo all rents and revenues o1 the PropeRy <br /> =:,y;jjy.� � fl6 trustee for the benetit o1 Lender and Borrovier. This assignment ot rems constitutes an absolute ussignment nnd not an <br />_t;,���,�p <br /> asslc�nment for additional security only. <br /> ;vY�; If Lender glves notico 01 breach to Borrower: (a) all rents recelved by Borrower shail be held by Bartower as trustee tor <br />_,-�.�=�":�, 6onoUt a1 Lander only, to be epplied to the sums secured by the Secudty Instrument: (b) lender shall be entitled to collect and <br /> u 9.=?;��� recolve all ot tho rents ot the Property; and (c) each tenant of the PropeAy shall pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or <br /> __ ��, Lander's ugent on lender's written damand to the tenant. <br /> �.;��f Bortavier has nol executed eny pdor ssslgnment ot the rents antl has not ena wiii noi perioun arry uui it'�a:�c�d�:���^! <br /> — -����� Lendw trom axerclsing Its Mghta under thls Paregraph 17. <br /> __�_ .y, Lender shall not bo raquired tu enter upon,teke control oi or malntnin the Properry botore or efter giving notice of breach to <br /> �"'-�`� BoROwer. However, Lender or a Judiclalty appolntod receNer may do so at any time thero is a breach. Any eppllcation of rents <br />—_=��� shall not cure or waivo eny detauit or Invafldale any other rtght or remedy ot Lender.This asslgnment oi rents ot tho Properry <br /> _.r_= shall terminate whe� the debt secured by tho Socurity Instrument Is peld in full. <br /> _--- 10. Forealosure Procedure. It Lender roqulres immedlate payment in full under Paragraph 9, <br /> Lender may Invoke the power of eala and any other remedles permitt�d by app��cable lew. <br /> Lender shall be entltled to collect all expenses Incurred tn pursuing the rem�dies provided In <br /> this Paragraph 18, including, but not Itmited to, reasonable attornAys' fees and costs of title <br /> � evldence. <br /> If the power of sale fs invoked, Trustee shall rncord a notice of default in each county In <br /> <�;s�� whiah any part ofi the Property Is located and shall meil coples of such notice In the manner <br /> ___::__= prescribed by appllcable law to Borrowe� and to the othor persons prescribed b�r applicable law, ` <br /> After the time requlred by appUcat►le (aw. Trustee shafl give publlc notice of sale to the persons <br /> and On the manner qrescrlbed by appllcable law. Trustee, wtthout demand on Borrowar, shall sell <br /> tha Property et puBlic auctlon to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms <br /> doaignated In the nottce of sale In oue or mor� parcels and In any order Trustee determines. <br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or eny parcol of the P�operty by public announcement at the <br /> time and place o4 any prevlousty scheduled sa�e. Lender or Its designee may purr,hase the <br /> Property at any eale. <br /> Upon reoeipt of payment of the price bld, Trustee shall deliver to the purahaser Trustee's <br /> — deed conveyiag the Property. The recltals in the Truste�'s deed shall be prlma faale evidenoe of <br /> -- = the truth of the statements mad�r thereln. Trustee shall apply tho proceeds of the sale In the <br /> __ _ --- following o�dor. (a) to atl costs and expensea of exercising the power of salQ, and the sale, <br />___ R��� Including tha pAyment of the Tr��stee's fees aGtually incurred, not to oxceed three qa <br />�,_a:�,,;,,.�� of the principal amount of tha note at the time of the decla�atlon of defeult, and reasonable <br /> ---__-- a�torneys' fees es permitted by faw; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; And (c) <br /> _==-�_�;� �r�y excess to the person or po�s�ns legaliy erotitled to IL � <br /> .��-`�°— — If the Lendor's interest in ti�is Socurity Instrument ia held by the SeorotT�y �nd the Secretary __ <br /> —.:;.::m- � - <br /> ..,�s;x. requires Immedlate payment in f�ll under Paragraph 9, She Secretary may invoke tho nonJudicial <br />;�;�'���""^ power of sale provided In the Sintile FamUy Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994 ("Acf') (12 U.S.C. - <br />'-n_u�t . 3751 e4 se .) by requasting a foreclosure commisaloner designated under the Act to commence �, <br /> -- �-^��� �.._..���....� �...� �.. een aho o....,o.�.. oa .,...�Irlod in �ho An�. Nnfhinn in the orecedflld sentence - <br /> � ...__ w.00wo...v a.... e.. �.... ...� . .��.�"s —� r'—"--- ... _. -----�--� _- <br /> _'�''��T,��"`�' shall cle�prlvA the S�Cretary of any rights othen�vise available to a Lendor under this Paragraph 18 : <br /> �. . J•� <br /> -����x;•� i w or applicable lav�. `` <br /> �. - <br /> ..�� •! � " tip 19. Raconveyanee. Upon pnyment o1 ell sums ceCUred by this Security Instrument,lc�nder shnll roquest Trustne to - <br /> : � - <br /> .,.;4='�.` •`•:�.!. roconvoy the Property and shall surrender ihis Secudty Insirument and all noted evidencfng debt secured by this Seeurity _ <br /> "�':'"" .•� Instrument to Trusteo.Trustee shall reconvoy the Property without wartanry and without charge lo the person or persons legally = <br /> - . '_ " entiUed to It.Such person or persons shall pay any recordaUon costs. <br /> _- .. ...ti.. - <br /> . ,, .- :. � <br /> -:�',�' ��;. � <br /> --��y.��•..•, f5U1dLM(i 19/9b) P��U,.4 ��y • <br /> -,;���',� . t <br /> �T�+.��-�=- � <br /> . - .,. <br /> se�rr <br />