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°� , ,•t•`.2 .. .. , : ., • --"y�.`. <br /> '., <br /> ..,.. -., ., t.. . . <br /> -,_�>� 7?��''� <br /> .:,.,_, � �, ,.,..:.:_ __..�. <br /> , � <br /> . . - ----� � y __._._.,�_.�...�_�.,.,y____..�,_.._.__Y,.bs..,,....w�.. - �- <br /> . ._ .. ._ .. .. ._�_��..._- - -- - --- - -- - -- -- <br /> ` � �yk�w��w1n TiN/�MNR'�"�•�'^��Ai�H�1�J�tii�"M1•�.I . • -. . ..msr-....-_—_-__ ` <br /> . ..�. .. .. .... . <br /> ._��..—._.0••�.z_...._ .._.. ' _. . .. n . _' tiauror..I.Z..... <br /> . . �.r�nr-...,-_ ,�.-�---�--� ...._.---�- •- • . .. . . <br /> ,� - �. <br /> .. ..�. ���. � • �O�I��� <br /> � • Any nmounty disbtarsnd by l.ender under thls Puregraph shall becomo nn additional debt ol orrawer �u�d be��ocivad by � <br /> �Ihfs Sc;cunty Instnnncnl- Thesu wnounis shnll 6ear interesl (rom Ihr dnlo ol di;bursemrnl ��I the Nutu rd��. ,md .it Ihr �ipliun ul <br /> Lr:�der. •;hall bo immcdlalCly duu�u�d p��y;iblu <br /> f3oirower shall prornptly duchr.rye nny Gen whlch fms pnoury over Ihis Secuiiry Instrurnenl unlese Hurrowcr (a� .igm�e:•m <br /> �•i wnuny tu lhe paymenl 01 ih� obllyn�ion sacurQd hy lho liem m �manner accepinUlo tu Lendcr. (b) contest:,m guoi.l Iailh Ih�� hcn <br /> by. or detends agalnst entorcement ot Ihn han in, lo�al proceudings wfdch fn ihe Lenders opininn oper.d�� Iu p��•vrnl I�u• <br />... : ?� �.nlorcemenl ol tho Ilen: or (c) securos Irom tho holder ol lhe hen :+n agrrJement :;auslaclory to Lender .uGuidinaUny ilu•lirn In <br /> - , lhis Security Instrument. II Lender determines thal any paA o1 ihu Properiy is sub�ecl In a hen which may :�llnin pnouly uvui Ilus <br />, .;. Security InstrumenL Lender may givo 8orrower o nouce iACntrtyine� �hu hun. douuw�� ahall ,al,:,ly Ihu hu� u� l.,h� �n�ui morc ut <br /> :;:;,,L,. . � Rio acUons sot torth ebovo within 10 days of tho givinc� 01 nouco. <br /> 8. F099. Lender may collact lees and charc�es authorized by tho Secrotary. <br /> '�"�""�� 9. Grounds for Acceloratlon o1 Dobt. <br /> (a) DBfault. Lendor may, oxcept Rs limited by regulatlons Issuad by tho Sncrotary in lhe case ol payment detAUlls, <br /> �� reyuira immedialo pnyment in iull 01 NII sums secured by lhis Security Instrument it- <br /> . (i) Borrower detaulls by lailing to pay In tull any monthly payment required by this Secunty InsVument pnur to or on =. <br /> �`�..y Iha due dr�te ot tho noxt manthly payment, or - <br />�=..�� (ii) Borrower detaults by(ailing,tor a pedod ol thirty days, to peAorm any other obligatlons coNained in Ihis Secuuty = <br /> "� .'� Instrument_ <br /> '���' ��w,'�` (b) Sale Without Credit Approval. Lender shall, i1 pertnflted by applicable law (Including sectlon 841(d) of Ihe <br /> , '�`}'�a� CiamSt Qennain Depository Institutfons Act of 1982. 12 U.S.G. 1701j-3(d)) and with the prlor approval ot Ihe Secretary. <br /> ��n:.i`'`-. <br /> •�2� •"- requlre immedlata payment in tuii ol ail the sums secured by thf�Secudty InsWment if: � <br /> •.. �.w,z.�,� • <br /> -��-���w't (i) All or pad of the Property, or a benaficlal interest in o trust ownln� all or part oi the Property. fs sold or <br /> ____:'�'K�4:. <br /> i,�� otherwlse tmns}erred (other than by devlse or descent),end <br /> :_:�•� pi) The Property Is not occupled by the purchaser or granteo as his or her principal rasidence. or Ihe purr,haser or <br /> -.�� grantoo does so occupy the Proporty, but his or her credit has not been epproved In accordance with lha <br />.;�'�;��,. requiremenls ot the Secratary. <br />_�;��?�L (C) NO WaiV81. If circumstancos occur that would permit 4ender to require immediate payment in fuli. but Lender <br /> "' does not requfre such peymenls, Lender daes not waNe its riyhts with respect to subsequenl events. <br />_;,..,;: <br /> ; :•c . <br />�����'`� � (d) Regulatlons of HUD Seeretery. In many circumstances rec�ulntions issued hy the Secretery wiu limlt <br />,�.t�:�• ,� <br /> __,;_o,:��� Lender's rlghts, In the case of payment defaults, to requlre immadleto paymont in tull end loroclose i1 not pald. This <br />-=-��`�� Security InstrumeM daos not autho�izo acceleratlon or loreclosure it not permitted by regulatbns ot ihe Secretary. <br /> _- _=' ttli ;,;,��,ya�a ls�t ::iSi:.oi�. �o^o�:�sg'�s t!!_! �!!nIG Car�,�ritv InatrumQnt and the Note are not dot�rmined to _ <br /> _'��� be eligible for insurence under the National hlousing Act within 90 day� • from the dute hereol, Lender <br /> _;,ti.�,�� may,at its optlon roqulre Immedlete payment In full of all sums secured by ihis Secudty Instrument. A w�illen statement <br /> --_�-_. 01 any authorized agent ot the Secretary dated subsequsnt to 90 deV9 Irom the date hereof, declinfng <br /> to Insure lhls Security lnstrumont�nd the Note, shall be deemed conclusivo proof ot such Inoli�ihility. Nolwithstanding <br /> "- the foregoing, Ihis option may nat be oxorclsad 6y Lender when the unavailability of Insur�nce Is sololy duo ta Lender's <br /> — -- • faflure to remft e mortguge fnsuranc� premlum to the Secretary. <br /> -� 10. Relnetetettletlt.Bortower.has a dght to be relnstated it Lender has requlred Immedlato payment in NY because of <br /> Borrower's failurn to pay an emount oUo under the Note or thls Securiry Instrument. 7hls right applles even after foreclosure <br /> proceedings are instituted. To relnstato tho Securlty Instrument, BoROwer shall tender In a lump sum ull amounls requlred to <br /> b�ing Borrowor's sccount current Including, to the extent thoy are obligutlons nf Borrower undor thls Securfry Instrument, <br /> toreclosure costs end reasonable and customary attomey's tees qnd expenses properly assocletad with the farectosure <br /> praceeding.Upon relnstetement by BoROwer, this Security Instrument end the obllgatlons that it secures shall remaN In ettect as <br /> If Lend�r had not required Immediate payment In (ull. However, Lender Is not requlred to permlt refnstalement ii: p) Lender hns <br /> accepted ralnstatement after the commencemenl of ioreclosura proceadinys wlthln twa yza� �mmedlataly precediny the <br /> commencement of a current foreclosuro proceeding, (ii) re:nstatement will pracludo foreclosure on diflerent grounds in the lulure, <br /> or(ili)retnstatement wtll adversely attect the priority of the Ilen created by thfs Security Instrument. <br /> ,:�0 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Walvor. Extenston of the time af payment or <br /> modi0ca41on ot amuRizntlon of the sums secured by this Seauity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in fnteresl ol <br /> --- = Borrower sliall not operete to release iho Ilahiliry of tho o�iginal Borrower or Borrower's successor in Interest. Lender shell nol bn <br /> "- requlred to commence proceedings �c�ninst uny successor In Interest or retuse to eMend timn tor payment or otherwise modify <br /> amorlizt�tlon ot the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by renson o1 nny damend made hy the originul Borrower or <br /> - Bor►ower's succossora In Interest. Any forbeAranca by Lender in exercising any rlght or remedy shali not be e wahrer ol or <br /> __ - precludo tho exerdse oi any dght or remedy. <br /> -=— `.� 12. Suacessare and Asslgns Bound; Joint and �everaa Liabllity; Co-signera. The covenants ond <br /> - _- - - ngreements of thls Securlty Instrument shall bind and benefit Iho successors and asslgns of Lander nnd Borrower,subJect to the <br /> -_-�-`��'''��°- provislons o1 Paragraph 8(h). Borrower's covenants anJ egroements shall bo Jolnt and severnl. Any Borrower who coafgns this <br /> _.;;;.*y;i%riinr:�i <br /> _--_ ' 3ecudly Instrument bu1 doos not execute the Note: (a)Is co•slgning thls Secudly Inotrument only to mortgage, gmnt and convey _ <br /> -___��"�,'"-'ra�; that Borrower's Interesl In the Property under tho temts of this Securiry InstrumeN; (b) Is not personally obligaled to pay the <br /> -�_'FN,hiS," ;%. _ <br /> -:�-�•4,,;�;��-.. sums secured by thia 3ecurity Instn�menl: and (o) ayree� that Lender and any other Bortower mny agree tu extend, modity, <br /> �•__ei{I{�{4'���!��' forbear or make eny accommodations with regard to tho tertn ot thls Secudry Instrument or the Note without that Borcower's <br /> W��.T[:, <br /> -±�"`'-°'°''� consenl. <br /> ;�,,'°:.,�_ <br /> -- -.-":'�'!�'�� ►���-__ - n__.....�.......aa...� t...t..�tib chnll ba nivan hv dalivarina It ot hv OL'lilititl If <br /> ..'--. i.�i. ��oataoa. nii'--"'-' . <br /> ,_ y ��,,,,..o.,, ..,,..,...o. ,».......... .... .......- -'--..., ...-'-..._... _.... _. „ , _ <br /> ,._�_s.a� by first dass mail unless epplicable taw requlre� uso of enothor method.The notica shall bo directed to the Propedy Address or <br /> =x;;;'�;:li'�:;;'!.', eny other address Bortower designates by notico to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall ba given by 8rsl class nufl to Lender's <br /> �;'��_ ���•�, address stuted herein or any addross Lender deslgnates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided tor in this Security <br /> -�-=%��•���••-n� Inslnimvnt shall ba deemed to havo been gtven to Borrower or Lender vrhen glven ua provldod In this psragreph. <br /> r:r:. :r:.�.��'.�' <br /> -.rv.'}tUr..1`' t°.' <br /> :::--. .. _. . 14. Governing Law; Sevorabil(ty. This Security Inslrumenl shall be povemed by Fedcral law and Ihe law ul the <br /> ,rt •...! `+, y� � �urlsdiction In whlch lhu Property Is locatod. In tho ovent that nny provislon or clauso ol this Security InsirwiiMil or thc Nole <br /> ' .� <br /> , .' �, . <br /> "-y�iM�f• .. f SC 1.+��dla :9i9�i) ••• � � •. <br /> "��a1�.i� <br /> --'�.Q-..-.�..._ <br /> � 9G177 <br />