'_;itr', , ,: ' 'c` . : --'l .
<br /> :'r.ti;.��S�.r: ; ' '�� � ., ` �'
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<br /> _�:-- _.. .... .. . . ._. . __—._—.�___..__. . _ _.. ----° y
<br /> �_... -:5�..
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<br /> �'� 1U95�9 � ��:,:��;�,r:
<br /> 10. Barrower Wot Releaaed;F�rbearance By Lsndar Not a WAlver.Extension of the 4ime for payment or mo cation _
<br /> of amartlzatlon of the suma securad bythfs need of ltust granted by Lender to any successor In interest of Borrower shall not
<br /> aperate to reloa3o,In any manner,tho Ilablllty of the orlgin�l Borrower and Borrower's succossors In interest.L9nder shall not
<br /> � be requlred to commence proceedings against such successor or refuso to extend timo tor payment or otherwlse modi}y ,
<br /> amortlzatlon of the sums secured by thla Deed of Truat by reaoon of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower'� [
<br /> succeasors In Interest. Any torbearance by Lender In exercising sny right or remedy hereunder,or othervvisa �fforded by _
<br /> appllcable law,ahall not be a walver of or preciude the oxercls�of any such rlght or remedy. �
<br /> � 11. Successoro end Aesl{�ns Bound;Jolnt a�d SevernO Llebilfty;Ca-signera.The covenants and agreements heretn
<br /> contained shall bind,and the rights S�eroundor shall Inuro to,the reapective successors and asalgns af Lender and Borrower, ,
<br /> subJact to the provisiona of paragraph 18 hereoi.All covanante and agreements of Borrower shall be Joint and several.Any
<br /> _- Borrower who co•slpna this Deed of'TFust,but doe3 not execute the Note,(a)is co-signfng thls Deed of'if�ust only to grant end
<br /> � ..� � convey that Borrower's fnterest in the Property to Trustee under the terms of thls Qeed of Trust,(b)Is not personally Ilablo on
<br /> the Note or under this Deed of 1Fust,and(c)agreea that Lender and any other Borrower hereunder may agree to extend,modify, .
<br /> inrbear,or make any other accommodations with regard to the terma of this Deed ot Trust or the Note,without that Borrower's . .
<br /> consent and without releaeing that Borrower or modltying this Deod of 1Fust as to that Borrower's Interest in the Property. �
<br /> � 12. Notlae.Except tor any notice requlred under appl(cabte law to be given in another manner,(a)Any notice to Borrower .
<br /> provided for in thla Deed of nust shalt be given by delivering ft or by mailing such natice by certified rnail addressed to Borrowor . ..� •,J�
<br /> �:_�,:,�_��
<br /> at the Property Address or at euCh other address as Borrower may designate by notice ta Lender as provided herein,and(b) .,.
<br /> any notice to Londer shall be given by certffied maU to Lender's addreas atated herein or to such other address as LAnder may ;µ•�r2-;:;,;,:
<br /> . ; deslgnate by r�otico to Borrower as provided herein.Any notice provided for f n thls Deed of T�ust shall be deemed to have been ;��?r�!-�^"'��
<br /> given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated hereln. ,;.`
<br /> y13. Govere�ing LBw;3everablllty.i he atate and lor,at taws appllcable to this Doad ot'�ust shall be the lawa of the Jurisdiction • _���
<br /> � In which the Property fs located.The foregoinfl sentence shatt not Iimit the appllcability of Federal Iaw to this Deed of Trust. ,��
<br /> In the event that any provislon or clause uf this Deed of'1i�ust or the Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not , ���
<br /> � � aNact other provislons of this Deed ot'fi�ust or the Note which can be gtven eftect without the conflicting provision,and to this "-�;�;
<br /> L, s end the provisions of this Deed of Truat and the Note are doclared to be severable.As used herein,"costs","expenses"and .;,�•`.r�'.,;�
<br /> , � "attorneys'faes"include all sums to the extent not prohlbited by applicable Isw or Ifmited herein.
<br /> 1A. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be furniahed a coniormed copy of the Note and of this Deed af Trus�at the time of :�����
<br /> ••;�• execution or aiter recordatlon hereof. �`.`�a`
<br /> 16. Rehabllitetlon Lo�n Ag�ament.Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obllgatlons under any home rehabifltatfon,
<br /> ��%n�x
<br /> �e Improvement,repalr,or other loan agreement which Borrower enters Into with Lender.Lender,at Lender's option,may tequire "
<br /> � �.•;,�'?. Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender,in a form acceptable to Lender, an assignment of any rights,claims or dstenses
<br /> `�`?�` which Borrowor may have againsi�iur�ida who supply laScr,z:s2�sle!s or se�!ir.c�c in connectlon with improvements made to �
<br /> �.�.
<br /> .,... �:•
<br /> •����: the Property.
<br /> 18. Trensier of Property or e Beneficial Intereet In Borrower.If ali or any part of the Property or any interest in ft is sold
<br /> or transterred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower Is sold or transferred and Borrower fs not a natural person)without Lender's '� ..
<br /> • , " prior written consent,Lender mey, at Its option,require immediate payment In fuli of all sums secured by this Deed of hust. ��
<br /> However,thls optlon shall not bo exercisod by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the dato of this Deed of ltust.
<br /> j It Lender exercfses thla option,Lender shall give Borrower notice oi acceleratlon.The notice shall provide a period oi not _
<br /> less than 30 days irom the date the notice is delive�ed or malled with(n whlah Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Dsed
<br /> � ~�� of Truet.If Borrower falis to pay these sumo prior to the explration of this perlod,Lender may Invoke any remedies pe�mittsd
<br />_� " by this Deed of TPust without further notice or dernand on BorrowAr. �
<br /> NQN•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lendsr further covenant and agree as follours:
<br /> •a°^�� ' ,,� � 17. Acceleretlon;Remedlsa.Except es pravided In parag►aph 18 heroof,upon 8orrower's breach of any covenas�t ���_
<br />�J.......:r ;.1.��I(..•i __
<br /> �.,,.;..� ,,. . , ot agreement of Borrower in th[s Deed of'Miet,Including�oivower'stelluro to pay,by the end ot 10 calend�r daya aRer �
<br /> �....
<br />�,�,�,.�.�.: � they ero due,any sumo secured by thla Deed of'�Yuat,Lender pHor to nccelen+tton ahell glve notice to Bo►rower as
<br /> ..
<br /> • . provlded In paragraph 12 heroo4 s�ecifylr�g:(13 the Broa�h;(2)the ectlon req�ired to curo nuch breech;(3)a date,not � ___ _ ____
<br />" ��� � less than 20 deys from the date the notice Is mniled to Borrower,by whlch such breach must be curod;and(4)ihet t�tluro _
<br /> :�. .
<br /> � � -��-�:?� to curo guch broach on or before the date specified In the notice may result In accele►atlon of the eums secun�d by this __
<br /> -_-1� .� Deed of�ivst and salo of the Property.The notice shall further inform Botr�roe�of the rtght to roinstato after�ceteretton E___
<br /> _� �_� "` �` a n d the rl ght to brin g a coun actlon to eaae�t the nonexlatence of a ciefautt or eny other deten�e of erower to �_ �
<br /> L`-�= acce{eratton and ealo.ltthe broech is not curod on or betore the date apesiflet�(�l tha nntl¢s�t�ender,at I�snd r's optlon�
<br />_. `��4;:�.:�.�.
<br /> =�"'� - may declaro all of 4he aums aec�red by thls DRed of 1}ust te be Immedlately ue�nd�p�y+�Dle wlttiouttuh r demand
<br /> -�'` rf.���:;`�ti and may Imroke the power of aele�nd arry other remgdles parmitted by applica�law:'Lender shall be entitled ta collect �'"=_---------�--'`"
<br /> �r-�`�i atl raesonebte costs and expenaea Iro�urred In pursuirsg the romedles provlded inthls paragreph 17,Including,but not ��..��W
<br /> � Iimlted to,reasonable ettorneys'tees. "`��°°'!�_
<br />� � (f 3he power of aale le tmroked,?Fustee aha91 reoord a notice of deta�al3ln each county ln whlah the Property or some ,:a, -
<br /> qart thsreof Is loeated and shell mail coples of auch notice In the mAnner pmscrfbed by appUcable law tv Bor�wer end :.�:� :•,»:�-:
<br /> .t . M to the other psreons proscribed by appltcable lew.Af�er the IApse of auch timo es mey be roquir�ed by appllceble law, �::��r,�•N,,l,�.; A,,�.;r�;
<br /> ,�:t��:;;: " 'tFustee shall glve public notice of aete to the persons�nd iro the menner prescrlbed by appllcable Isw 1Fuatee,without , ,
<br /> � ;��,�',',:;�� i dsmend on BorrowEr,ahall aeil the Property et public euctton to the Faighest bldder at the tlmo end place end under ��_�.,: �
<br /> '�'�`���'�"� � t3�e terma dealgnated!m the notice of sale in one or more parcets end la�s�ch or�der aa 7Yustee nnay determine.Ttustee �
<br /> � �}�'������' ° mey poatpone sale ot eii or eny percet of the Rroperry by public ennouncement et the time and place of any provlously
<br />— . >��,:�:�'
<br /> ��j;�;::;::' sched���i s�le.Lender o�LendeP's dealgnee mey pur+chase the Property et any sal�.
<br /> ��;?R-��,;.�,, Upo�n racelpt of payment of the price bid,Tirustee she10 dellver to the pue�cQ��a�er'tYuatee'a deed conveying the �•�_
<br /> _ ��� Propertyl sold.The�citels In the liuetee's deed ehall be prima Sacle evidence of the truth of the stat�emente made theroin.
<br /> - �..._.___�_u_.�.��..�L�.. •�..�.tio��e�n�h..toue,uino nrder:tal to all reasonable costa and expenaes of the eale, . '
<br /> ----- �--------— 1(Uat00 a��a��app��...v p...........��...._�.._......_ .-----�� �
<br /> ' including,but not Ilmited to,lYu�too's feos ectually incurred of not mor+e than qto of the gr�ss sale prlce, `- :�
<br /> reeaonabio attorneys'taes end costo of title evldence;(b)to all sums securod t,y this Dee►d of TFust;and(c)the excesa, ,
<br /> " Ii eny,to the person or pc�raons Iegelly entit�ed thereto. '
<br /> ' 18. Borrower's Right 4o Relnstete.Notwithatanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of 1Pust.
<br /> due to Borrower's breach,Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by Leryder to entorce this Deed oi 1'rust
<br /> dlscontfnued at any time prfor to tho eartier to occur of(i)the fifth day before sale of the Property pursuant to the power of sale
<br /> contalned in thls Deed otlfust or(ii)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Deod of Trust If:(a)Borrower pays Lender all sums which
<br /> would be ttien due undert�is Deed of ltust and the Note had no acceleration occurred;(b)Borrower cures all breaches of any
<br /> other covenants or agreements of Borro�ver aontafnod In this Deed of'7tust;(c)Borrower pays all reasonabte auponses incurred •
<br /> by Lender and'ii�ustee In enforcing the covenants and agreemonts of Borrower contalned in this Deed of'tf�u�t,and In enforcing
<br /> Lander's and'TFustee's remedles as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,including,but not Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'feos; ,
<br /> - PAf3E� . �� � .
<br /> - I '
<br />