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., . �fe-;�; :u __. <br /> ev�o„� . , .� . .. <i_::;'._. . ., <br /> . :�.%d <br /> , <br /> Idsl'�'� n -•t . <br /> w+l�ewr.;. . --- <br /> �.- � �... - -- -- ' ••-- - _ <br /> ----– -----.. . � _ .r.. <br /> ...,c.. . ... . <br /> .,y . .. . .. . -.'-----------'------ ' ' - - - <br /> . �.. <br /> } <br /> � -- -� .. . _.__.'---.........-'-.......'_:...... <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ........_.. ...... .....u.._...."'---'--.�.�u»,e ,,. <br /> �. . � . � <br /> ' LK •.•'{vs�'�"_�- <br /> UNIFORM CAVENANTS.Borrower and Lendor covenant and agree as 4ollows: � �v 1.U�S�r� <br /> 1. Rayma�t of Princlpal an�d Irotaroat.Borro�ti�er ehall promptly pay�vhen due the principal And interes4 Indebtedness <br /> ovidonced by tho Noto and late chargos a�provld�d In tho Nato. <br /> 2. Funda torTlsxe�and Insuranc�.SubJect to applicable law orawritten waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to Lender <br /> on tho day monthly payments of principel and Interest aro payabte under the Note,until the Noto ie paid In full,a sum{hereln <br /> "Funds")squsl to one•twelith of the yearly taxes and assessments(Including condominium and planned unit development ; �I �� <br /> � - assesaments,IP any)which may attaln prtority over this Dead of'itusti,snd ground rents on tho Properry,If sny,plus ane-twelfth <br /> � of yeariy premium Installmente for hazard Insurance,plus one-twel4th of yaarly premlum Installmonts for mortflage Inaurance, <br /> 14 any,all as reasonably estlmatod Initialty and from tlmo to tlmo by L�nder on tha basls nf assessments and billy and reASOnable <br /> ��� estimates thereof.Borrower shall not be obligated to make sucl�paymenta of Funds to Lender to the extent that Borrower makes <br /> � auch payments to the holder of a prtor mortgage or doed ottrust If such holder la an inatitutional lender. <br /> �''"''"'� . If Borrower pays Funda to Lender,the Funds shall be hold in an Institution the deposits or acoounts of which are insured <br /> �.�,a•,;.� . <br /> . or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency(Including Lender it Lander Is such an Institution).Lender shall apply tha�unda <br /> to pay sald texes,assessments,Insurance premiums and ground rents.Lender may not charge for so holding and applyfng <br /> � the Funds,analyzing said account or veritying and compilfng said assessments and bllls,uniess Lender pays Borrower interest �,. , <br /> � on the Funds and appUcable Iaw permits Lender to make such a charge.Borrower and Lender may agree in writtng at the time � �;�T_ <br /> of execut(on of this Deecf of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower,and unless such agreement is m�de or ,�,. �t,,� <br /> �_ <br /> applicable latv requlres such interest to be peid,Lender shall notbe requlred to pay Borrower any Interest or eaminc�p on the r`t;-.�:::- <br /> y f�f_ <br /> `� Funda.Lender shall giva to Borrowar,without charge,an annual accountin4 of tlie Funds showfng credits and debita to the ; <br /> �. „��;�'- <br /> Funds and the purpose for which each debii to the Funde was made.The Funds are pledged as additlonal security tor the aums �r_-__— <br /> „ , •. � aecured by thls Deed of 1Fust. �„"�,` <br />- „ � It the amount o f t he Fun ds he l d by ton der,4c�ge t h e r w i t h t h e f u t u r e m o n t h l y ins4allments ot Funds payable prlor to the due <br /> dates of taxes, assessments,Insurance pr9miums and c�round rents, shall exceed the arnount re ulred to pay sald taxes, v*�-� <br /> � 4 �,.,,._':. <br /> assessments,insurance premlums and ground rents as they tall due,such excess shall be,at Borrower's optlon,efther promptty � yz= <br /> . repald to Borrower or cre�lite�to Borrower on mor,thly installmeats of Funtls.If the amount ot the Funds held by Lender ahall �f'_:._�;�� <br /> •� , not be sufficient to pay tfaxes,assessments,Insurance prerrsiumsand ground rents as they fall duo,Borrower shall pay to Lender -' <br /> . any amount necessary to make up tho deticlency In one or more paymen4s as Lender may require. �l��'= <br />- .. Upon payment in tull of all sums secured by thia Dead of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds hetd �N� <br />�}' by uncler paragreph 17 hereof the Property Is sold orthe Property is ott�ernfse acquired by Lender,Lender shall app�y, _ <br />"•' no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lencier,any Funds heid by Lender at the time <br />= � of appllcation as a credit agalnst the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> _ . . . 3. Appllaatlon of Paymente.Unless epplicabla law provides otherwise,all paymenta recefved by Lender undor the Note <br />,_:���:: • ': and parngrapns i aiia 2 nbiv�4�iuii b&8�pllod by l.sssd:.s`lsr:!^Ps,cnAn�^f?n'"!'nts nayable to Lender by Borrower under <br />- paragrsph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the Note, an�then to the principal of the Note. <br /> '4'"'�����Y�. . 4. Prlor Mortgages end Deeda o1�lYust;Chargea;Ltens.BorrowAr shall peAorm all of Borrower's oblfgationa under any <br /> ��`;�'�'-. : � mortgage,deed of trust or other security agreement with a Ilen which hae priorlry ovsr this Deed of 1i�ust,including Borrower's <br />_�.:�: <br /> ,.__YA ✓ <br />�i::���-°rc�;� � covenants to make pay�►ents wNen due.Borrower shall pay or cause to be paid all taxes,assessmants and uther charges, nes _ <br /> �� '�'� ���' and Impositions sttributable to the Proparty which may attafn e Fsrbrity ovar this Deed of Trust,and leaseh�ld payments or ground <br />�_�:. 'r,)tl.;�. <br /> °s''''„� rents,ii any. <br />-���,:�;� 6. Hazard Insurenae.Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on tbe Property insured <br />'sW�N'���� against loss by flre,hezards included within the term"extended covarage",and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />=-�'"���� and in such amounts and tor such periods as Lender may requlre. <br /> �u=_':yir,M'ra�� <br /> The Inaurance carrier provlding the insurance shall by chosen by Borrower subJect to appraval by Lender;provl ,t at <br />'��-°"`� such epproval shall not be unroasonably withheld.All insurance policies and renewals thereaf shali be In a form acceptable .�- <br /> �.��_� to Lender and shall include a standard mortgago clause In favorof snd fn a form acceptabla to Lender.Lender shall have the _ <br />�-�"�""��� right to hold the policies and renewals thereof,subject to the torms of any mortgage,deed of trust or other secur�ty agreement <br /> - - -' r;:tih a It.;r.r:hlr.h h�s prioriry over this�eed of YFust. ______ <br /> In the event o4 loss,Borrower shall give prompt notfce tothe Insurance carrfer and Lender.6.endet may make proof of loss <br /> -`��`"''i'.� 1f not made promptty by Borrower. <br /> t__ <br /> �".'�`� If the Property is abandoned by Borro�rer,or(f 9orrower inus to resporsd to Lender within 30 days from the date notice is <br />����� <br /> =;M�=�,�� mailed by Lender to Borrower that the fnsurance carrier oftersto settlo a claim for insurance bsnef(t�,Lender is authorized <br /> -_-==� to collsct and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option efthor to restoratton or repair of the Property ot to the sums secured <br /> .-,�,��,,.�_�,� by this Deed ot Trust. <br />-°'='�?*��� 6. P�reaervation end Maln4enance of Propertyr;Leaselomlr}�;Condomtniums;Planned Untt DeYelopments.8arrower <br /> —.=�=�:� shall kee�the Property in good repalr and shall not commit waste or permit Impairment or deterioratfon of the Proparty and <br /> ,:.....-�':�^� <br />'�rr;:q,�*, shall compty with iha�rovisions of any lease if this Deed of nust is on a leasehold. I!this Deed of TFust is on a unft n a <br />__: � ���;;•;. � condoml�lum or a pfa�ned unit development,Borrower shall periorm a!1 of 8orrower's obligatfons under the declaratlon or <br />��.��',=," �vonantscreatingorgovemfngthecondomfniumorplannedun�dc�velopment,theby-lawsandregulationsoithecondominium ___ <br /> �°.'. ,�;;., or plannod unit development,and constituent dxuments. <br /> ����� • 7 Proteetion of L,ender's Security.If Borrower taNsto perform the covenants and agreements contained in 2his Deed �e: <br /> -- of 1Fust,or it any actlon or proceeding is commeRCed wh[ch rnaterlally aifects Lender's interost in ths Praperty,then Lender, ___- <br /> - . . at Lender's optfon,upon natice to Borro�wer,may m:��e such appea�ances,disburse such sums,includira��easoi�able ettorneys' ----_ <br /> _ '� '�; feea,an�l teka such action as is necessary to protect Lender's Interest.If l.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition ="-__— <br /> - • ot makirv�Eho toan se�cured by this Deed of Trust,Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to malntain such insur�nce in effect �Tti�s--� <br /> _ �rz`2�• <br /> untfl such 4ims es the requtrement for such insurence tormina4esin accordance with Borrower s and Lender's writton agroement =. -�-. <br /> �'. : ��.,�,��. <br /> ,.�� or appllcable law. '���K.:. <br /> –_�!--_ AnL mm�a�neo.tta►,��.��1 h�1 uevior nurauant tn thl. naraaranh 7_with interest thereon,at the Noto rnte,shail become �_ J'� e— <br />— __._-_ _- -_..-.-�- ....� �....��....�...��...����l �.��' r�•___"' '_ . <br />- • °"�' addltional Indebtedness ot Borrower secured by thls Deed of Trust.Unteas @orrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, ' --_ _ <br />- ` such arttounts shall be payebte upon notico irom Lender to Dorrower�equesting payment thereot.Noihirtg contatned in this � <br /> - paragraph 7�hail require Lender to incur any expense or t�ke any actlon hc�reunder. , <br />, 8. Inspectlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasQnable entrfes uFon and Ins�sections of the Pro�erry,provided . <br /> that Londor shall give Borrower notice prfor to any such inspectio�specitying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br /> . ° interest in the Property. } <br /> - 9. Condemnatlon.The proceeds of sny awerd or clairn tor damages,direct or consequential,in connecdon with any - <br />— condsmnatlon or other taktng of the Property,or part thoreof.ortor conveyance In Ileu of condemnation,are hereby asstgned <br /> , and shgll be pald to Lender,subJect to the terms 4f any mortgaga.deed of trust or a4her security agreement with a lion which <br /> - ' . has prlor(ty over this Deed of lYust. <br /> - . � PIVOE 2 p . ., <br /> � <br />