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. ---�. :: <br /> � � . � . � <br /> � ' ..�� . <br /> � <br /> .T, � , � •f . - . ' . N.J�;Mw'•� <br /> � y\:.. ' . � . . . .._ . ... ._. . __'Si911s. ; . . . <br /> - ._....,rw.w�V�• . . ... . .. . __._ � ' _ . . .__ ' . . .b �f}.�. <br /> ' ' :w,`,�;,'�.�� <br /> • . t2�t998 DEED OF TRUSY P��� . � . ... �., <br /> Loen No 383234 (Continued) �" 1(3953� <br /> - �__._.� <br /> � end sowa),`fines�nd Impoaltlon�lavled aqalnst a on accounl p} the Properly,�nd ahflll pay when duo�II clWms tor work t4�ne o�or lor _ <br /> Ina te eel ol Le dor�undeath 9�D(eed of Trusl��xCeptpor he 1!en�of laxes end sls�s5ments noi d e�nd'sxecept a othaw s�p ovided�n hbtO�ed ' = <br /> �:. <br /> ot Trust. - <br /> � Rlpht To Contlat. Trustw may withhotd paymdnt of any lex,nssessnwnl.or clalm In connaclion wlth o pood talth disputa ovw IF»obli�tllon <br /> lo pay, so lonp ts Lender's Interest In the Property Is nol Jeoperdl�d. II a Ikn artsn a Is flNd�s a rault ol nonp�yrfNnt,Trustor sh�ll wIINn <br /> flRenn(16)deye aRer Ihe ibn edsas or,If a ilen Is filod,wllhin Hfteen(16)day�aHsr Trusta h�s nol{ce ol lho Rlinp,seoure tha dl�oharpa of Ilw <br /> Ilen,or U requesled by Lender, depoeit with Lender cash or�eufflclent corporat�wnty bond w olhw �ouriiy cettstactory to Lcncicr ln en � _ <br /> amount eutlk;lenl to dlscharpe th�Ilen plu�my aasta and�NOrrMys'fNa or olhK ohtrpa th�t could�ccrw a a rotuH of o toroclosun or atl� <br /> under the�Sn. In any contsst,7tusta ehaN detend ItseH nnd LenWr�nd eh�N satlsty any�dwra�Judpmeit!»lae �ntorcem�nt e�lnst Ihe " , - <br /> ,;,;,:;� Property.Trusta s1uN nama Lendar as�„oddiNonal oblfpes under any wrety bond tumishsd In Iho coMest proc�adlnps. � <br /> ��''�', 1 EYidence of P�yment. Trustor shall�pon demand turNsh to Lender sefls(�atory ovldence of peyment of the taxes or�ssessmenb snd ahall <br /> ' , I authafne Iho app�opdate povernmenlal oflklal to deliver to Lender ot flny tlme a w�itten statement ot the texes end flssessmonts apalnst Ihe _ <br /> , Property. <br /> NotlCe ol Con3lruGllon. Trusta shall notlfy LAnder ai least fiReen(16)deys betore nny work Is commenced,any servloes are}umMhad,or ony <br /> matodals ero supplled to the Property, It any mechanlo's Iien,materialmen's Ilen,or other Ilon could be ncserted on account ot ttw wak, , ;., . <br /> sprv�COS,u maloriels. Trustor will upon request o1 Lender furMSh to Lender advance assurancos sat1sfaCtory to Lender ihat Trostor c+�n end wlli . �.• � <br /> . pIIylh9 cosl of6uChlmprovoments. �+� :w. tt`���.. <br /> � PROPERTY DAMA�E IHSUOiIlNCH. The tollowinp provisions relatinp to Insudnp Ihe Rroperty are e R3A o4 this Qeed of TrusL �..``.m,�..Yr_.. <br /> {' t� Mdnie�rlCe of Inwrence. Truslor shell rocwm and malntaln ollcies of flre IrtsurSrsce with standard extonded covereqe endorsoments on• i . ,�,��j,;��l•,,�,, <br /> ' P p � .. �';:•-=_..__. <br /> , � � � roplacament basis for tho full insurable value cou+e�irs�a4 Improvements on ihe Reat PropKty In an amount eufficlent to tvotd�ppllcaQon o1 eny . �. <br /> - • � coinsurence c4use,end wlth a stsndard moifsya�aa ca�a in 4avor ot Lender. Tnntor shaN tlso prxuro and mNnlatn compnMnsive Qsnrn9 <br /> o sy �_. <br /> � ��; � IlabfNry imurance tn suah coverayo amounts as L��dar msy eem�sest with truslee and Lendsr bar�y named no ad�IGarwi Insu�a�In suah 13a6:ry ` _`---— <br /> Insurancg poti�. Additlonalty,Tnlstor she'.Y cr�fnte�n ss1Ch OTtwr Insurana,Indudinp but not Yimited ta twzard,busitwss IntprruptlOn,lnd <br /> ' �; boiler Insura�ce,as Lender may rensonnbry ro�wt;�e. Poiiais�rtuN be wrltten In torm,amounb.co19npes�nd ba�ts nasonabry aa�Ptabie to am=��- <br /> Lpnder md issued by a company or compantas Psasunabty ace�ptable to Lender. Trtutor,upon c.�quest of Lender,wiN dellver to Lender hom " ��' <br /> Hme lo dmn tho poticles a ce�tiflcates of in�wance In torm satlsfactory to Lendar,Includinp eUpulatlons that coverapes wlil not be canCelted�r _ �N� ---.� <br /> , � y , diminlshed wilhout at feast ten(10)days'prior wrttten norice to Lender. Each Insurance polcy also ahcN Indudo an endasement provltNn�that �-•- - <br /> ceverago In favor ol Lender will not be Impaired in eny way�y Arey not,omisslon a detaufl of Trustor or any oth�r pwson. Should fhe Real `•""-'�"�'�.���- <br /> � Property at eny ttme become located In an area deslgneted by 1h�Olrector of the Fsderel Emer�artay Mar�Qament Aaency as a apeClal Aood '�`�' -- <br /> hnwrd area.Trusta aprees to obtaln nnd mafntain Federal F�oacl Insurance to the extent auch insumnce is requtred by l.e��end b or �T: <br /> ��^� becomcis av811abte,for the term of the loan or tar the(u�l unpald pdnc�pei balenCe of the loan,or the me�dmum Iimit of coverage thnt ls avatlflble, ��._ _ <br /> whlCheverls less. � w �• <br /> � Appi{catbn pf proc0eds. Trustor shall promp9t3 notiy Lender ot any loss or a:ta�ape to the Property. Lender may make�root of loss M TrustaT <br /> (alis 10 do so wilhin fifteen(16)days of the cesu�ily. Whether or not Lende�s sa�urity ls Impalrad,Lender may,at iq efoCtion,recetve flnd ret�ln <br /> ,'_.:..,;` the proceeds of any Insurence und apply the proceeds t�ths reduction ot tho ITCSabtedness,pngmgnt oi any Ifon aft�ctlnp the Property, or th� <br /> - restaatbn and repelr of tne r�roperry. if Lenoer e3ecis io app'ry ibb pi v�6t�',iG rwir.ssa°a�a^v r'^,,,�lr�Trt�l�=!"!I repptr rv rmlar�e Iho "".. _ <br /> �� dama�ed e��?asiroyed Improvements In e ma�aner saHstactory to Lender. Lordor shall,�3an snUslaCtory Proo}of suCh expen�iluro, pay a� ,•��i,, , � <br />- relmbu►6e Tm�lor from the procoeds for ihe�oa�onsble cost of repek or ristcr,avnn R Tnt3ler Is noi In ekfault undA�ih13 DeeB of TNSt. Any <br /> p►oceads wRkh P�ave not baen disbursed within 1PA dAys atler thek recelpt�nz�whicfi Land�ar Pwa not commltted to tta ropalr a rostaadon o? <br /> ° the Rroperty ahaD be usad flrst to pay any amoUni owlnp to Lendor undar thls Doed of Trust,tlwn to p�y acateed interost,and ihv rom�indar,iP <br /> � �e►y,shal be eppiiad to Ihe princlpal batance of 11u�Indebtednea�. If I.onder holds any procea�fs aftw ptyrnont In NU of the Indebtedness,such , <br />- �; �rcti,-oeds ahau be pdd to Trusta es Trustols interesb may an�o��r. <br />_ . � •7 I ;1 c; <br /> , .•.'`' .� p�eed�o't Tnrst tl s�ust�sa enor ott�r�sa o1�d under the p ovtslon o hfs Oe�d of Tnnt,a a 4 y orodosu seN o�t e�uch��y this <br /> �. Truitor'i Rmportl on loaurance. Upon reques9 of Lendee,however not more than once n yeu,Trusta ehaN fumlah to Landev a repal on�neh ;� <br /> °' � - existing policy o9 lnnurance showinc�: (a)the name of the Insurer, (b)fhe dsks tnsured; (a)lhe am0unt of tho poliCy; (d)tho property Insured, <br /> ° � -,�:;';�;;�.' ^ the then Cttrtont roplaCemsnt��a1uo 01 such property,end the manngr of determininp that v81ue;snd (�)the uxpkflBOn dita Ot thi pOYCy. — <br />- ' �'�'•`"�^��. , Trustor ehaE1,up�n request e9l.ender,have en independent appraiser satisteCtory to Lender determine the cash velue reptaCement COSt of lhe <br />�.-;i;.y f;C+'}:L'.^(-�"i <br /> ;^�f,t�t,.jtt� PfCQeI'fi'• ��'- <br /> Y� p(pENDITtJRES IDa'L�NDER. If Trustor talls to compty with any provislon of tNS Deed of Tnnt,or It any actton or procoedfnp Is commen�ed that �� <br /> ��`"'"°�••��' woWd materltYy aiioct Lender'a interesb in the Property,Lendar on Trustor's bot�eit mty,but atuill not be reqsiked to,take any acdon thet L6nder �° <br /> : -.. <br /> � ,,,-. . <br />�_`;�;y-r;y� , , deems t�pproprlat�.A�y amounl that Lendw e�q►ends In so ddnp wW bear interost Rt ihe nt�provldod tor In the Nale trom ths dato Inc or pa -o�.m: . <br /> : •- ... .., by LenAer to Iha date of repayment by Trustor. A!1 such a�cnsss,n!Lender't optlon,wiN (�)�paysb�e on demand, (b)W addod to th1 balinco �-�.. _------ -.-.- <br /> . ,_'v.=e�- <br /> - c71he Nots�nd !»appaNanad among and be p�yabk with any IratallmentW ymanls to b�come dua durin�etlher p)tif�term o}any rppNc�bla _-_ <br /> � .�:4�:, insuran�e pdcY a(il)the remolnfnp tc�m of the Note,or (a)be tr�oatod as a b�GOOn p�yment whlch wfN be due end p�yobie at the Noto'e maturity. __-- <br /> Tt�s Daed of Trust also wlll secura payment of these am�unb. The riphts provlded tor in lhb paraar�ph sheR be In addlllon t0 any olher ri�hts a tny <br /> - �� remedles to whicii lender may be entttlod on nccour,t af the defauit. Any euah ac�tlon by Lender et�au not b�conshiwd es cudng the dHault ao ee to __ __ <br /> .,',:. , bflr Lender ham any remedy that it otherwise would have had. <br /> �-��., WARRAN'E'Y;DEFENSE OIF TITLE. The tollowing QroNslons relatinp to ownershlp of ihe Prcp�rty�ro a part ot iNS Deed of Trust. � <br /> Y +, �:,.:. <br /> �:.•`'!!'S'"" Tlde. Tmsta wartflnts thah (a)Trustor holds good and marketable tltle of reoerd to the l�operly In tee slmpfe,hee and cteer of all ilem nnd <br />� •� <<;.',� .-� . encumbrances other than those set forth In the Real Property descdption w In any IIUe Insirnnca pdtcy,title report,or Mal UUe opinlon Lssu9d In — ------ <br /> �"��•�:���• favor ol,ared eccepled by,Lender In connectton with thls Deed of Trust,and (b)Trusta has Ihe tutl dyht,power,and authodty to exeQUte end — <br /> -- � '�„�, delly�tMS Jeod OfTru�t to Lender. _____— <br />