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� <br /> .,�.,�s�, .. . ; . .. �. <br /> :,,�, _ <br /> --�. . . <br /> �._ . . _ . .---- -- -- -- — — - -�- -�- - ------ - <br /> . '..1• .... - .. . , ' .. � � .)'..�se:l��y ,' .. . . . .)( '. .- . <br /> � � , �. , . . `. . . . ,.. � � u..•N�'f4r;; <br /> • ' ''� , ..o.. �.. . . . - � � -. <br /> . . . ... .'_'. ' . . ��-f���fi�}l <br /> . i C'; <br /> t2-os-tsss D�����TRUST Pa�e 2 ., <br /> Loen Nr� 383234 (�onts�,u��� - — �'g.U���`� �__._��._._ <br /> ; ._ . �..—_��—�- -----��----- —_ <br /> ' or Jolntty wlih olhero,whether obllptled es fluerantor or olheiv+lse,end whofhar roCOVOry upon euoh tndobtodnes3 mey be or hariefter may . , <br /> bocome barted by 4ny atatuto ot ilmUallons, end whplher euch Indobt�d�wss m1y b�ur hu4�R�r mey b�coma oth�rwlas unentorcubb. , <br /> pntuM Hore 1 • . . <br /> L�nd�r.Tha word�.endar'rt�ne UNITED N�BRASKA BANK,Ib sucxyaaon and uslqns• <br /> Nata. TM wad"Wats"me�ns 1M Not�d�t�d Doc�mbK s,1Ktl,(r1 t11�p�IR41p al emount of ls7,03a.00 ham Truetor to l�nd�r, <br /> ' together with a�i renewal3,e�lanElon�, r��odlf,t�UOns,rCtlrt9nCing7,Rnd�ubetl(�tlons tir Ihd Note. The mRtudty d�te Of thl�Deed of Trv51 Is <br /> DeCember 1,2001. . <br /> PeranN P►oytrty. The wads "P�rsornl Prop�rty'mwn ail equtpmsnt,Hxlu�y,and otha�r1�le� ol psraonal Prop�rty nov� or Mra�fl�► <br /> ':} owned by Trustor,Ynd now or huwttar Q►ttched or�fHxQd to ilw Real Propaly;topetha witk all aCC�sslonf, parts,aRd�ac�eons�o,ell <br /> • replicements o1, flnd all eubstiluUons for, any ot such propaty; �nd tOp�fhsr wllh nll prOCUOd� (Includinp wlth0ut UmItaUOn YH InsurtnCe � <br /> � , •° praeods and rotu�ds o1 preMums)kom eny eale or qthar dlspositlon of the Prop6dy � <br /> P►Operry. Thv��a�d'iNOporty'rMens colleclivety Iha Rea!PrapBrty and lhe Peraontl Property. <br /> , its�l Propetty.The wwde'R�al ProPwty'mean the propaty,InWresl�Qnd rtphts do:criDed ebove In the"Conve�'�na�and�nnl"seC��n. . ' . <br /> , � Rai�ted t�cuments. The wards'fiolated Documents'm�ean wnd Inctud�wlthaut II���o7tru31psndaA�her�r►struments�a°rpmunt3aon� . • <br /> eqreoments,omtronmentai e�reemants�GvarenUes�sacurfN R9reemsnri.mortpaga� r-.•,': <br /> • dauments,w�x�ther now or hereatle►exisnn�p,executed In connectlon wflh ti�e Indebtedne6s. � . .,_y,_,_,_ <br /> �.� Rents, The wad'Rents"rtwans��present and luturo ronts,r4wnua,Income,hsuea,royatHes,proflM,an�otha b�n�8h daifved hom IAe <br /> .�_---- <br /> Prope�ly. ,�,6'�_;�r���_ <br /> � TN�tN.The word'RUSta'means UNI1E0 NEBRASKA BANK tnd�ny substHut�or euxessor hustees. `� .�"�'"`��1=-- ° <br /> TNStor.The word'Trustor'msans any an�WI persons and eniiUes er.ecttUnp tt':3 D:ad o}Tntst,Irtcludlr�p without Iimttatlon dl Trustae►►lrtNd , <br /> . • nbovo- -__�.., . <br /> THIS DEEA 0� TRUST, INCLUDINO TFIE AS31(iMIl1ENT OF RENTS ANa Tt�BECURITM IN7EREST iN 'fF� RENTS AND PERSONAL _� <br /> PROPFRTY,IS (31VEN TO SECURE (t)PAYMENT OF Tt1E INDEHTEDNE38 AND (2�PERFORMAHCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLI�ATtOlIS 6f ., ��„��.� <br /> ' � TRUSTOR UNDER T1�MOTE�THE RELATED DOCUMENTS,AND THlS DEEO OF TRIJST. THIB DEFA QF TRU3T IS(i1VEN AHD ACCEPTED -�. <br /> c�2N THE FO1.I.OWINCi TERMS: �,��~.••�. <br /> .,-;,� �` <br /> P�AYMENT AHD PERFQflMAtiCE. Excapt as otherwise provfded 1�Ihls Deo�of Trust,Tru3tor shoN pey to Lender�II amounb wcurad by thla D�ed / Y'�_ _ <br /> � • of Trusl as thoy beCOma due,Aed ahall etrietty and In Y timbty m�nner peAOrm etl ot Truslore oblV(yttions undu thA Not�,lhM�Dwd Of TrusL�nd ltN V:;.�"�� <br /> Related Do�curents. �"� <br /> 1�`;, ppS.SESSfObi AMD MAINTENIINCE OF TI�PROPERTY. Trustor�yrees that Trustofa possession and us�ot ttw Property shtll be povemed by ���^�; �-_, <br /> , <br /> ,�'.�,r' the fWlowinq peavislons: <br /> � pps�t�Non�nd U�s. UntY lhA oOCURenc�of an Evs:�!cf DM�uit,Tnntor rtwy U)nmaln in poss�tslon and contrd ol lh�Pro�»rry� (b)tu�, <br /> nc : <br /> --- �c a ��n nf m,noge lhs Propxty.�nd (a)coYlCt any R+�:�^a trom Ihe Propaty. <br /> {. rgpl3certNrris,and mifiiwiii�i.: 4 <br /> „•:,¢ Duly to MalntMn. Trustor shall melnta'.:o C.'�a Proper4l[a Uananfabfe condtHon and prompNy p�rttxm aH re(►aUC, r' <br /> ;• �H�., necessary to Dresen'e its velue. <br /> �:•t;;;;:�, Fl�erdous Subst�ncss. Tho terrt's'�`ea='c�sc'f.�s waste,""hezerdotts sU:�?�xe;'dfsPosal�'release"and'threataned release,'as used In th13 <br /> '���' Deed of Trust,shau have 2�:e same rvh�nln�as sot to�th In the Ca.�:�ari�rs'v�e Environmental Response,ComPensatlon,and LIabYNy!bt ot <br /> " 1980,as amended,42 4D.S.C. Sectlon 9ca�.et seq.('CfRCLA�,the nd P►.^.ra�an►ents�tnt1 ReauthorizaHon Aot of 1888,Pub.L.No. <br /> gg-4g9("SqRA'�,the N�rdous Materlals Trensportaran Act,49 U.S.C. tl�n 13�9�01 s2q.,the Roaource Conservttlon and Recovay Act, , <br />,'.',,{> 42 U.S.C. Sectlon 6901,e4 seq.,a other applicable s'��e a Federal laws,rules,a rs�uln1fons adopted purauant to any of ths forpdnp. Tt►e � <br /> termc'hazardous waste"and"hazardous substance"shall a�so Inctude,wilhout IlMtatlon,yaho�eum and petroleum by�roduob or tny haaHon , <br />� tAereof and asbestos. Trustw represents and wartants to Lender that: (a)Durinp the psrlod ot Trustor's own�rshlp of lh�Property,th«'e has <br /> ' been no use,paneration,menufacture,storape,treatmont,disposnl,release a t►ventened retease oi any hazerdous wa1�u suba4na by any - <br /> � person on,under,about or hom Ihe Property; (b)Tre�tor hae no knowisdp�ot�a ro�son to ballave that tt�en haa bwn,�xosp�ae proNousy <br /> � dfsClosed to tnd aCknowbdped by Lender In wdNng, �,!mmf use,4ene�aflon,minu(aclLTO,stonp�,treatrtwnt,dhpos�l�r�INS�.or thtellined <br /> ;• rdease ot any ha7ardous wasts a substance on,ura"Ie�.a�b�s cr trom the Pro¢erN b�+any Sriot owr�s or ocCi�provlo�us rya�os:d o�a a ��p <br />,.'!, .• :.� , actual a threaSsn�d AUptUOn or cIrlrm of any kin8 my mn>/�perscn rokUnp to aucA a�wTtors�and (c)�SS':�p - <br /> "*��� ecknowbd�d by Lsnder in writlnp, p)�eilher Trustor r.r,v Any'lona�n:,contrada,a�n��r othe�z'1?l�d us�d t Prop�rly�IwN us�, � -- <br /> , ."�..�-�-�"; fl enenle,menufactura.staro,tr�enl,dtspose of,or rutessa�ny he�vdaus westo a aubsterxa on,urtdar,�obaut or fram the PropsrtY�� (�1� _ <br /> I;T:�•.•,.:.,{�ti�N���; t�uch ecHvity shaA be aonducted In comp Da^ce w i t h a l l e p p l i C a b b f�c i l,s i a t e,d n d l o c a l I�w s,re CWalions and ordlnenCes� - —��^. <br /> _ls.,,- � timttatlon thosa la��.�riu�de^s�������3����OYO. 7rwtor aulhorines Lendar and tb ap�nts to�nUr upon tIM F7�arpJ to <br /> make buch InspeCtlons and t9sts,at Trusta's ex,COnse,�s Lendsr may desm tppropdate to determine compliarw�o�lie Propu�Y wtth�1�° �--"`.-�"`''- <br /> v•� ��' section of the Deed of Trust. Any InspecUOns or tes�s,�+ndi by Lsncbr ahell bo fa Lender's purposes anly and sh�N nat b�COnstruad to urale -���__ <br /> eny responslbiiity or Ilebllity on tha part ot Lender 10 7rtuslar or to any other person. The represantatlons and wairaniNS a0ntatned h�nin aro -- <br /> - based on Trustor's due dillQence In investigatiny ths Property fa hezudous waste and haiardous substnnces• Trustor hereby (a)rNeaab and <br /> -- walves any tuture ctalms aqainst Lender for IndemNty or contdbutlon In the event Trustor becomes Ilable for cteanup or other cosb�:nt!er eny <br /> ._,�.�.• ,��:�`• . such laws,and (b)aqrees to Indemniry and hWd harmloss Lender ayuinst eny and ail cielms, losses, IkblNtles. dtmape�. G����R�d �r" <br /> ..��w:�,�- <br /> expenses wh�h Lender may directry or indlrectty sustaln a sutter resullinfl from e bronch ot thls seotlon ot the ased cf Tr�1 or as� _ --_. <br /> j��1'+.�- : consequence of any use,peneretlon,manulacture,storflpe.dtsposal,rete4se a threntened relesse occuMnp pdcr 4o T�storb c��+�naahlp a <br /> #';":,.;Y::::��; . Inlerost in the Property,whether a not the seme was or should have been known to Trustor. Trie provislOne of this 3a�Pnn at 15e d3ead o�'fntsl� <br /> Inctudinfl the obllpatlon to Indemnlry,shall suMve the payment of the Indebtedness and the sattsfacUon and reoor��sYan�o C1 Nha�i�rn Of thNr ��N,-� <br /> � ''"'•"' ��� Dead ot 7rus1 and sha►I not be atlected by Lenders scquislBon of�ny Intsrest In Ihe Properly,wheth���ta�closure or otla�rwlse. —___�_._.�.. <br /> —"��',Y. 1� ,: ��A]�-.:L�'�;_ <br /> �'` Nut�ncm,Wasl�. Trustor ehall not causo,Conduct or p�rmit�ny nuisnrac�nor commN,permit,or e Jftflr A�ny sCrIPP�rW of or wasl�on•or to tho <br /> ` .•�. t �•yr��,:��- <br /> ���:;;y� Properly or nny portion of the Property. Wilhoul Nmitirp ft►s pirwraliiy o!1M torpdrp,7nntor wiH r:�l ramcw.or pnnt to any othw puly M � t.t,:;_;---.:. <br /> � !'s1'£. dpht lo remove.any tlmbor,minerats Qnc�udlnp ol and qas),soli,pnvel or rock produab wilhout tt�e pdor wdtten consont of Lend�r. r ,;�;��,.. <br /> ;, •� �t .r,�:,:.;�- <br /> ��� Removel ot Impro�omEntti Trustor shall not domolish a remove any Improvemonb irom the Real Property without Iha prlor wrltten consent ,+r, <br /> �;��;`�,: s <br /> ,,.�,•,, of Lender. As a condi►lon to the removal ot any Improvements,Lender may requlre Trustor to make arrar�pements satisiactory to Lendar to ,, i �;,�. <br /> ' ��`�'•-�% rep`.ace Such Improvements with Improvaments of et least aqual vatue. 't,�v:"`�: •.::±•'-. <br /> i,,i.;,.�,� "..�'}..,!--...;•li.�:r:1: <br /> ��,,,.� <br /> �c!�};t Lender's Rlpht to Enter. Lsndor nnd its agents a�d representatives may enter upon the Reel Property at aU reasonable tlmes to eftend to ,:;;:_�;x=�r��:1i�i, <br /> '�'��� Londor's Interost9 and to Inspect ihe Propo�ly tor purposes of Trustor's compliunce wilh l��e lerms and condfUon3 of thb Deed of Tnnt. <br /> ;. :,.,�����:. <br /> i Compllence with Govemmental Requtrements. 'trustor shalt promptly compry with atl lawa,ordinances.and reQulaUOrts,now a henaRer In , ^..�,,;.,,. <br /> ' ettecl,of au povernmental authoAtles appllcable to qno use or occupancy of the Properly, Inciudinq without Ilmita'don,the Amerlcaos H11th <br /> DisebulUes Act. Trus:or may contest In pood faith any such law,adimnce,a ropuiatlon and wMhhdd compllar�durinp any proc�eclinp. . �I <br /> Ir�udinp appropdate eppeats,60 long as Trustor has noflfled�.arn�In wrtHnp pdor to dolny so artd so lary�ns,In Londer'a SoIA opinlon, <br /> } . <br /> ' �_ _ Lender's Inlerosts In the Property aro not Jeoptrdined. Lender ray c��uire Trustor ta post ac:eaua4a secuAty or e eurety ban�,rauonaby ,, <br /> . . . . ._. .___���_�_•-•-- -� • , . <br /> _ __- :.__ - sadsracn7rY�v Lenwr.w w�.o�.«v....o.o......�... <br /> � Duty lo Protest. Teuslor ayrees ne�ther to nbnndon na leaw unaflended the Proyerty. Tiustor ehall do all other aCis,In addiNOn io those�cts • <br /> set torlh ebovc�In this section,which from the charaoter and use ot Ihe Prope�ly nr�e r,�sonabry necessery to protect and preservs tha Properly <br /> ' OUE UN BALE-CtklBENT BY LENDCR. Lender msy,at I�opNon,dAClare immediaiety duo and payable all sums secured by this D�d of Trust <br /> upon the saie or h�snsfer,without the Lendars prlor written consent,of ell or any ptrf of ihe Reai ProFerty,or any inte�est in tho Reil ProperlY. A <br /> ^sale or trenste�'means the conveyance t+}Real Proptxly Or any rfyht,title or IntOre�l lhoroln;whether leyal,benoflClal or equitabie;whell+ar voluntary <br /> or Involunlary:whether by outdghl sale, deed.Installmsnt sa�e contract,land contrnct,conUact for deod,Ioasehold intaresl wlth e term qrnater thnn <br />- three(3)years.ioase-option contrect,or by sale,esslgnmenl, or Iranster ot any beneflcial Interest In or to any land trust hotdlnp tllle to the Real <br /> Prop9rty,or by any other method oi convoynnce of Real Proporty Interest. II any 7rustor is a corporatlan,partnership or Ilmited llabilly Campany, <br /> lransler elso Includes any change In ownership of more than twenty-five porcent(26%)of iho voUng stock,partngrshlp Interosis or Ilmfted Ilabllity <br /> company Intoresls, as lhe cc�se may be,ot Truslor, Nowevur,thlS option shall not bo oxerc►sad by Lender it such exercise Is prohibited by lederal <br /> 18w Or by Nebreska lew. <br /> TAXES AND LIHNS.The tollowing provtsions relaUng to the laxes and Ilens on the Properry are a part of thls Deed of Trust. <br /> Peyme�t. Truslor ahall pay when duo(nnd In en ovenb pdor to deifnquoncy)tll texes,speclal taxes,assessments,chsrQes(Includiny weter <br /> � � <br /> Q. <br />