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„ <br />. <br />� q.'� � <br />. E�IBIT �► - __ <br />. � : � 201�.0�44� ° <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Sontheast Quarter �(SEl/4) of Section Twemty-fonr (24) Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), Westof the 6th P.M., Hatl County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Bedirming at a poin.t on'the East line of said Sontheast Quarter (5E1/4); said point being Nine Hundred <br />Twenty-seven aad Eighty-four Hnndredths (927.84) feet North of the Southeast corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SEL4); thence rnnning Northerly along the East of said Quarter (SE1/4) a distance <br />of Foar Hundred Twenty-seven and One Tenth (427.1) feet to a point that is Twenty-five (25.0) feet <br />Sonth of the center Iine of the C.B.&Q. Belt Line railroad. track; thence running'PVesterly along a line.aad <br />its prolongation that is Twenty-five (25.0) feet South of the center line of said irack a distance of One <br />Thousand One Hundred Forty-sig and 5even Tenths {1,146.� feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way <br />Iine of U.5. �hway No. 281; thence deflectin; leff 93°4T and ranning Sontherly along said .right-of-way <br />line a distance of One Hnndred Ninety-five and Nine Tenths (195.9) feet; thence defleciing left 24°48' aad <br />rnnning Southeasterly along said right-of way a distance of Three Hnndred Eight and� <br />Hundredths (308.79) feet; �ence running Easterly and parallel to the Sonih'Line of said Southeast Qua.rter <br />(SE1/4) a distance of One Thonsand �fty-si� and Thirteen Hnndredfhs (1,Q56:13) feet to i�e point of � <br />b'nn;r¢ and containing 11.78 acres, more or less,. of which 0324 acres; more or less are presently occnpied <br />by county road right-of-way. <br />Also a strip of land Thirty-three and Five Tenths (33.� feet in width adjacent to the above descn'bed tract <br />eztending'West from the westerly terminal of the C.B.& Q. Selt Line to the westerTy bonndary of said tract <br />for extensi.on of snch track more parlicnlarly descnbed as foIlows: ' <br />Commencing at the Northwest corner of said tract, ronnine thence Easterly on the Northerly Iine of said <br />tract Five Hundred (500) feet, a little more or less, to the Westerly terminns of the C.B.&Q. Belt Line track <br />as it now e�sts; thence North TTiirty three and Five Tenths (33.� feet; thence West and parallel with the <br />North line of the above desczibed ttact to the easterly right-of-way Iine of U.S. �hway No. 281; thence <br />South to the poiat of bea n�. � <br />0 <br />� <br />. e ' <br />t � . � <br />� . � . <br />� <br />