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ra � ... . .. . — ' .:.:, <br /> -�„ y r t'_.�c,a��� � �ftt, +�ras..� � �� • `�:.,a— <br /> � ' - ' ��` <br /> � �� J�` �� - � <br /> � � . <br /> � -' � - - snbst�tialiy eyuivalait muti��$n i�uu�u��e caveragc i4 nat uvailnblc,Sorco�ver shell pay to Lcn�l�r er�rh month a sum oquat to __ <br /> ' .c�ne-twielRh of the ywrly mortgaac insuranco premium being paid by Borrower wtien lhe insu�nce cuverage Ivpsiad or ce�ed to <br /> - be in c�fect.Lender.will�ooept.use and retain these pAymcnts as v los,4 rc�crvc in lieu of mon�age inyururKC. Locs rescrve <br /> p�y��µr may m�o�gerr borequired� u the option of Leoder, if mc�ngu�o in�urArko cx�veraae(in thc w�x�unt und for thc prriod <br /> — tivt Leader roqult+pl providod by an insurer approvod by[.ender a�win boc�rnes wvailable wed is obt�ined. Born,wer ciwll pay <br /> - _ --- the prcmiums roquin�d to m�i�t�in mcxtQage insurwue in etiect.or tn providc a iaba n�rv:,uutil tirc royuf`���ent tor mort��� <br /> �;,� incuranco ends in accordance wilh any wHtten agr�ement lxtwe�n Borrower und L.eruler or epplicabla Inw. <br /> 9. i�peMlon.Lender or i�s agent may nwice reasc�rwhle entrles upon und inspections of thc Property. I.ender chall�ive <br /> - ,,,� Borrower natico at tha time of ar prior to an inspoction ppocifyin�rcasonahle cause for�he ln�pection. <br /> '�� ----- - !O. Condemtwtion• 7'hG p�oceeds oi any award or claim for damoges,dirxt or cci�seyuendal, in a�nnection with any ._ <br /> candemnedon or other uicin�of any part of tha Pmperty,or for comeyance In Iku of condemiwtion.are henby acsi�nal anJ <br /> siwli be ppid to Lender. <br /> �' in�he event of a tota!wkiog oi the Pmperty.ihe proceeds ehal l be appl�ed to the sums secured by thia Socurity Instn�ment, <br /> whetlxr or aot U�en due, with any excacs paid to Borrower. In Ihe event of a purtial taking of the Pmpeny in which the fair <br /> -"� - rnarket value of the Property lmmediately before the taking is equal to or greaccr than�6e umoun�ui the buu�s a�x:wixi by this � <br /> -__;;. - Sxurity Instniment immediately before the taking.unless earrower and Lendcr otherwisc agree in writing, the swnv sxured by <br /> -- „�;�;,o.- �� tnis Security Instrument shell be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multipliod by thc follawing fraccion: (a) the twal <br /> �''�'''�'�- amount of the sums secured immediately before the tekiag,divWed by(b) the fair merkct v�lue of the Property inunediately <br /> —;r�,;�"". before 1he taking. My balence ahuil be paid to Horrower. In thc event af a partial taking of the Property in which the fa�r <br /> �r�;=';;���� rnerket valua of the Properry immediately before the Wking is less than thc umount of the sums secu�ed immediately before the <br /> —,,,�,�„�.;r.�;,:._,�� takiog.unless Bonower and l.ender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicuble luw otherwise provldes, the proceeds si�all <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Seccurity instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> �s_��`;�t�I If tho Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,ufter notice by Lender to Bormwer thnt the condemnor offers to make an <br /> � -- award or settle a cl�im for dumnges. Borrower fails to respond to l.ender wlthin 30 days after the date the notice is given, <br /> _ --�- -� Ix�xler is authodzed to callect and apply the its option.either to msto►ncion or�epair of the Property or tn the sum4 _ <br /> �_ y,����',��;t��, saured by this Serurity Instrument.whether or not thcn due. _ <br /> _ �af:,,;,•: �:,. Unless L.ender and Horcuwer otherwise agree in wridng.any applicution of' praceeds to principal ahali not extend or <br /> " �' w -� , �`�:„.,. postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ta in psrngraphs I und 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> �n��� ' '•".��J`�^,''.". - !, 11.Borrower Not Rele�sed;Forbearance By Lender Not a Waivea Extension of the time for payment or maditicAtion <br /> �- ���.; , <br /> —j.,�;`.,;�.;�-•s.;�6 of amortization of the sums axured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in inrerest of Borrower ahal <br /> ;"�_,. " , .n_ ' not operate to release the liabillty of the originel B orrower or H orrower's succes s o r s i n i n t e r e s t. L e n d e r s h a l i n o t 6 e r e q u i re d t o <br /> '�L' i �' '`. commence proceedings against any succeasor in interest ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizution <br /> ��.�� ,�'�xF"'°�• �":z.• of the sums securad 6y this Secudty Insttument by reason of any demend made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br /> �' -�t � +�+�1:�f�.=�.�'' successons in interest. Any forbearuncc by Lender in exercising any right or remedy s�hel��wt be a waiver of or precluda the <br /> ,_;_� �':����" " • exerclse of uny right or remedy. <br /> �,��;,,.,.,.,�. ; �;� 12. Suoceseor�ond Assi�s Bound; Jolnt and Severa! LiabiUty; Co-signers. The covenants and egreements of this <br /> "-'����° Socuriry Instrument aball bind and benefit the successors and assigns af Lender and Borroaer. subject to the provisiona of <br /> „��,:¢ - paragrapfi 17. 8a��wer'S CdYCiM3iliS � �$iCCi�CAt3 9t19�! �G j4!!!! � severnl. Any Borrower who casigns this Security <br /> ``'s� . Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument anly to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> � '� � Borrower's interest in the Propeny undar thc terms af this Security Instrument: (b) ix not personally obligated to ay the sums <br /> n .R.• <br /> " saured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thut l.ender wid ony other Borrower may agrce to eatend,modify,for6ear or <br /> v ''`•� � � nwke any accommadations with regn�d to�he terms of this Securily Instrument or the Nate without thet Borrower's cansent. <br /> ;,;>, '���'J ` • 13. Loan Chwges. If the loan secured by this Security Inslrument is subject to s�law which sets maximum loan charges, <br />_ :.� �.. ' and that law is finully in!erpreted ui that the interest or other loan churges collect� or ta be collected in connection with the <br />:�ux"' . loan exeeed the permitted limits,then:(a)uny such loan chnrge shall be reducecl by the umount necessnry to reduce the charge <br /> __ ' � � !' to the permitted limit; and(b)nny sums ub•eady collec�ed fmm Borrower which exceedod permitted Nmits will be refunded to <br /> _ ;����{1�'�� Banower. Lender muy choose to make this refunJ by reducing the principnl oweci under the Note or by nwking a direct � <br /> „"° '-�: . payment to Borrower. if a refund reduces pr�ncipal, the reduction will be treaced aati a P�u'riel prepayment wlthout uny <br /> �r • prepayment charge under the Note. _ <br /> �:_. <br /> -_"`�'''�' -��.- 14. Notices. Any nulicc lu Bu�iuw�i•provided for in this Sccurity Instrument shatl be given by delivering it or hy mniling <br /> ; `�• • �•�A"' - ��• , it by first class mail unlesg upplicablc law reyuires use of another��ethod. The notice shall bc directed to the Praperty Address <br /> ' �., � ar at�y other address Bonower designates b,y notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first cluss mail to _ <br />_�"` ��;a,_ j Lender's addmss stutcd herein or smy other uddress I.ender dcsignntes by notice to Borr��wcr. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Security Instrument sh�ll be deemed to have been givcn to Borr�wcr nr Lcnder when given ati provided in this pamgtaph. <br />:''r�.. ,�.�}��•• 1S.Coverning Law; SeverabilNy. This Security Instrum�m shull bc govcrneJ by federal law an� thc law of thc <br /> •± . . , , .. ��i jurisdiction in which the Property is lacatod. ln the event thut any pr�vision or cluuse��f this Security InStrument or the Note _ <br /> � '� "' ' conflic�ts with applicable law, such conflict shull not aff'ert other pmv�sions uf this Se.�urity Inxtrument or the Note which can be _ <br /> � - . .,�.,..� � given effcxt without the conflicting provisiun. Tn this end the provisi�ms uf this Security Intitrumcnt und the Note ure declured <br /> ' ° to be sevemble. <br />- � �.•' 16.Borrower's Copv.Bortower shull bc givcn�mr runfurnird copy uf the Notc and of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> �: " <br /> ���+, •' � •• � 17.Trs�n9fer of the Pruperty orA Benctici�l Interesl In Borruwer. If ull or uny part uf thc Property��r:�ny interest in it _ <br /> ;;;.• " , ' is uwld or transfcrral(nr if u bcncticiul interest in Bormwcr is suld nr trrmferccd and &�rrowcr is not u nawral pcnon)wi�hout � <br /> � •...�� l.ender's prior written consent, l.cndcr muy, u� i�. uptiun. rcyuirc immrdiutc payment in fuU oi ull +umx .��curcd by thi+ � <br /> s` �,.L . . . � Securi�y Instrument.However,this op�ion shall not be exercised by Le,�xler il'exereise is�rohibited by feder�l law us of the date Y <br />- ° ' �'�"'�`- � of this Security Instrununt. <br /> � • If l�nder cxcrcisc.this option, lxndcr tihall�,ivc Bi�rr�►wcr noticc of acccicruticm.Thc notire shull pruvidc u perioJ of mri E <br /> less thun 30 duys from the dute tlx� noticc is delivereJ ur muiled within which D��rruwcr must pay all sums secured by this <br /> � Securiry Inslrument. If Borrower fuil+to pay Ihcyc wms priur t��thc expiration��f this peri��l, l.cndcr may invoke uny rcmedies - <br /> .;� permittcd by thix S�rurity Instrument witlwut further nutice or demand �ro Borcow•er. _ <br /> 18. Borrower's RiRht ro Reinstate. tl' Burrower meets certain cunditiom, Born�wcr �hull have the right to have <br /> •, enforcement oi'thi,S��curily In+trunxnt Jiscontinucd ut any time priur tu Ihc carlicr of: (a) 5 JAys (or +uch other periud us _ <br /> . opplieuble luw muy specify tix reinslutement) hefore sule ��f ihe Prc��rly pur.uunt U► uny pinver ��f snle cornained in thi� _ <br /> Securiry histrumrnC ur In)entry uf a ju�lgmcnt entiircing Ihi, S�curily In�trum�nl. Thu�r�unJitian.ur�that li�mruw�r: lal p�y. r <br /> : �• Lcndcr ull sumz whirh thcn w�iuld hc duc unJrr thi, ti�:curity In.trumrnt anJ th� N�►tc a,it�nu uccdrrutian huJ�xrurrcJ: Ib1 � <br /> ° wrrs any defauU of any ulhcr rov�nunt�ur agrccnknls: �r► ray� all rxprnx, incurrcd in cnliircinE thi� ticcuriry In+trom�nl. +: <br /> �.� including.but not limit�til lo. reasim•rblc aui�rncyx' fcc,: �IkI (lI)lill��r, +urh acti�Ni .0 Lender may rratiunably rcyuir¢tu as.rure t <br />., �. __�;. - _- thut thc licn uf this Srrurity In.irumcnt. Lcndcr'� ri�htti iu�hc Pn��rty anJ Burru�vcr'+��hligati�iii t���ay �lic�u�iir,�rur��l by � <br /> - --- .. .. . . . _ � .. . ...:_... ..__�____a t�...... ....:...-�..�.........� 6., p.irr.�w�•r thlc �ClI�IIV �t1�lfUlUl`tll illlJ lhl' E <br /> _-. _-. — � .• INti JCl'UfllY III.11N111Cl1t a11U11 �vuuuuc uu�uwi�,w. .�F..•�� ..�...•� •�••••••• ..,r ....�... _ <br /> µ ° ablig�tions.ccur��!hrreby shull rcmain 1'ully cftcrti��r a.if rn,xcclerutian hud �xcurnd. H�wever. this right to rein�tute shall F <br />. • not upply in the rn�c uf arccicraliun unJcr paragraph 17. [ <br /> 19. Sale of Note: Chanae nf Luun tiervicer. Thc Ni�tc��r a p•rrti•rl inter��t in th� Not� U��gethcr with thi+ Scruriry k <br /> � Instrumc�nq m•ry tk so1J ork or nwrr linu+wilhuut priur nuticc a� Qorrowrc A ,alc may rctiult in u rhangc in thc cntiry(kix�wn i <br /> " a�the"I.o;ui Servi�rr"1 thut a�llccts numthly paynunt�cluc unJcr thr Nute anJ thiti Scruriry In�trwixnt.Thrre alw may Ik ane E <br /> - . -* - or morc rhangcti af thc L��an Scn•ircr unr�latcd tu:s,alc ol'thc N�,tc.1 f thrrr i.;��•hringc��f thr I.�r,in Srn�ircr. Borcuwrr will lk <br /> .. givcn wrilten noticc��f thc rhungc in urrordanrc with paru�raph 14 ahuvc.uid:ipplicurlc luw. Thr natirr a•iU Nilll'lBl`Il:llll@ 81llI <br /> .. uJJress uf thc nc��•Liian Scrvicrr and th.aJJrc+, la whirh puymemti +h��u1J hr m:nic. Thr nnti�� �vill alu� rontain uny oth�r <br /> + information rcyuirrJ by applicaNlr la«. ' <br /> ` 20. Haxarduw tiubstunc�. BurruN•cr �hull nul cau.c �,r pcnnit ihr prc�cncc. ,t��rugc. ur rrlca�r ul :►ny i <br /> .. . :' .,� Hsli.�rJouti Substun�cti un �ir in thc 1'rii�xrty. H��rr����•cr shall n�it du. n�,r allu�v unyrnx cl�c w Jr. .uiylhinE utlrrtin� the . <br /> ' � .y�.•,,.,. Pruperty that i� in viuluti�m uf uny F.nvinmmcn�ul Lu��. Thr pRC��ling tH„•rmrnrr,+ledl not �rri>� ��, thr rrr+cnrc. mr. „r <br /> �� � ::� : �lorugc�,n thc Prciperty of.mall yuantitic�ol'H•riai.luu,tiuh.�an�•c, that ar�gcuc�;dl�� ir.u�:nvcJ a, n.:�rr�„pr�;�<<t�� nunnal <br /> rcsiJrntial utirs vnJ lu ntaintrnancr��I Ihr Pr���xrty. <br /> � �.,��,.�„�.� . Form 3028 9�90 , <br /> � � " -' .. .----• - -- - � _ � —�•-•�= y�.— —- _ - ---- - <br />