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<br /> Aoturn�o: t�onv��t n;:�;x rac�rerkA,N,,�.�EED OF TRUST ( ,
<br /> �� P. o.eox 3a0�3 • vl
<br />— --- _ _ Omal�a. NE E�t�iO3 . - �
<br /> _-�-=�_°�y� THIS DEBD OF TRUST("Sixudry Instmrnent")ic modo on July 18. 1992 .The trucwr is
<br /> "riQais�si�.�
<br /> —_ - F ..._�\'J'ftl
<br /> — �'^�' JamRa S. MitchQil. a aingla peraon
<br /> -- $.�• �,.,, �
<br /> -:,��x!i["�4rtL�ii��.�
<br /> ::�,'�,�^^r';='r=-��— ("Homaacr").The tructee is
<br /> --- ��_�.��; � i
<br /> ,..�.���
<br /> ��•� Norwest Bank Nebraeka. National Aseociation
<br /> _�.�s? � (�TNSfLC").TIIC VCIICF�C�flly IB
<br /> - Norwest Bank Nebraeka. National Asaociation •
<br /> whkh is ar aniud at�d ex{�iin u�sder the Isws oF Thn State o£ Nebraaica .�ttd ultost
<br /> _ '-'�:�s*,�i.a 8 B
<br /> -:_' ��• .:..�..�.: wld�i� 1919 Douglae Straat. Onaha. Nebraeka
<br /> Y` ��.r�."' -k•=- ("l,ender").Borrowerowea Lenderthc principal sum of
<br />��;nJ r....6'.�r ��
<br /> ���.:. `s+l.` .'1.:v
<br /> . �� V''� -' �
<br /> l� � Fifteen Thousand and no/100tha------------------------��1ars(U.S.515.000.00** �•
<br />�.�.• ii�tkrtfis.x�' .
<br /> __ •� �ti: , This debt is evidenced by Borrower s note dated the samc date as this Security Instrument('Note"), which provides for
<br /> - monthly paymer.ts.with the full debt,if not paid earlier,due und paysible on July 18, 1997
<br /> -_ ' � � � ''. , This Secur�ty Instrument secures to L.ender:(a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note.with intcrest,und ull renewals.
<br /> � ' Krr ;,,,,�:'". ;:,*,, extensions and modiGcations of the Note: (b) the payment of all other sums. with interest, advnnced under paragraph 7 to
<br />- ,. •� . � prote�:t tl� security of this Secur�ty Instrun�nt: and(c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this _
<br />- '"'�'r�"`"'� ' � se, Borrower lrrevocebl rnnts and conve s to Trustee, in trust, with wer of sale, the folbwin descrilx�d m
<br /> -} � "�.'—°'-^,..�', Pu� Y 8 Y P� 8 P I��'�Y -
<br /> �.• r��!%•�+s locsred in Hall Counry. Nebraska:
<br /> ,:�A, .��+�.... -
<br />;�,,�,;• .a,n.w,�,:z:a�a..+�
<br /> I�.t- ,..�64A.� _ .. �
<br /> q�' ,;._� . � Lot Three (3). Ravenwood Subdivision, Grand Island. Hall County� Nebraeka.
<br /> -;, ..,. �:
<br />',d sy�...: ±��t
<br /> �''' �� This deed of truat aecures an open end revolving line of credit.
<br />. o �..... ..
<br /> -' • See attached home equity line of credit rider.
<br /> �.� . ' ,
<br /> -'�: '` -�'z;,:, ,
<br /> ��� which has the addrcss��f 529 Ivy Hall Court Grand Island �suec�,rkyl. -
<br /> ��""�;*� Nebraska 68801 ("Prnpeny Address");
<br /> ;'. , , .:..�1q � �'l.fp c�dc�
<br /> ' ` TO(3�THER WITH al!the improvements now or hereatier crected on the pn�perty,unJ all easements,appunenances,und :
<br /> " fixwres now or here�flcr u part of the prop�:rty. All replaccmcnts and :xiditionti xhull ulsn bc covered by this Security �
<br /> , � � Instniment. All of the foregoing is refcrred to in Ihis Sccurily Instrumcnt�.�thc"Pro�:rty."
<br /> , � BORROWER COVENANTS that Borc�wer is lawl'ully kised ut'the estate hercby canvey�xi und has the right to gmnt ond
<br /> •• . °, � convey the Pmperty und that�he Property i, unencumhered. exrept far cncumbrances of reranl. Barrc�wer warruntc and will
<br /> � i." � defend gener�lly the�iUc to the F'rcipeny ugaimt all rlaim�anJ demanJti. .ubject tu any enrumhranc�.ul rr���rJ.
<br /> u.:� � , � . THIS SECURITY INSTRUMf:NT combines unitiirm cuvrnant� liir natN�nal u�c+mJ n��n-unili�m�r��venants with IimiteJ -
<br /> .. . vuriatiuns bY.lurixdictiun to can�titWC a unili�rni�rcuri�y instrumem cuvrrin�revl property. _
<br /> L'� " UNIFORM COVENANTS. l3urrowcr liixl LcnJcr r��vcnanl and agrcC:�ti ti�lluµr: !
<br />_ �____ _ 1. Payment oi P�incipal and Inter�t; Prepayment und I.ate Charg�w. Burro��•rr �hall pnnnptl}• pay whcn dw: �he
<br /> - �---- ---- pnnripal of and Intcrcyt un thr drht cv�dcnrcd hy thc Ivotr and;my prrpaynknl und lutr rhargr�duc unUrr the Ncnc. -
<br /> �° ' � 2. �unds for Tur�t�tnd Intiurnnce. Suhjecl to applirublc law itt la u writtcn u•aivcr by Lcnik:r, liorr��wcr�h;dl puy to
<br /> „. " , .• Lendcr on thc Jny munthly paymcmr arc Juc undcr lhr Natc, mnil thr N��tc i,puid in I'ull,o sum("FunJ�"►tix: lal ycarly taxcs -
<br /> . und�.�sessments which may auain prioriry uver thi,Sccurity In�truo�ent a.a licn un thr Property:(hl}•rarly Ica,ehulJ payments
<br /> or gn�und rents on thr Property, if uny;1c1 ycarly h:vard ur pni�xny in>urunrc pr�miums:(dl yr•rrly tl�xxi in,ur•rnce premiwn.,
<br /> � . . . if any: Icl ycarly mortgagc imurunrc prcnnum+, if uny: unJ Ifl uny �umti payaMc by Borniwcr to Lcndrr. in arcardancr N•ith
<br /> -�`°',. - .-. - thc pruvisiuna of par�gruph 8.in licu ul thr payiorm ul'nwn�•r�c in.ur,�nrc prcmium,. 7hc,r itrm.are rullrJ"tssrmw Uctn+... .
<br /> . '° l.ender may. ut uny�imc. cullec� unJ halJ HunJ. in uii umuwn nut lo rxr�ti�l Ihe morimum am��wx u Irndcr li►r ti tidcrully i
<br /> ' rclut�til mortgagc luan nwy rcyuirr ti,r N�ircuwcr'.r.rrow rcruunt undcr thr 1'rdrral Rral F..tatr 5cnlrmrm Pr�ncJurc,Act�,f
<br /> �' �'"- .. ° 1474�..amrndcci fn�m tinK to timc. 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 rr.�ry. 1"Rt:SPA"1.unlc��anulhrr luw that appli�s lo thc Fund.
<br /> : ' ,cts u Icsxcr umount. If su. [AnJcr tnuy, ut uny lim�. rollcct ,mJ h�tld FunJ� in an umuunl n„t tu cxrr��l Ilk Irs.cr umuunt.
<br /> ^'' �' l.cndcr may cstimate thc amuunt uf 1'unJ+�lur un thc hn.i,��f currcnt duta und rcu.onuMr. c.timutc�al'rr�nnditurc� af luwrr
<br /> 1r . �.rn►w Items ur utherwi�c in u��unlunrr wuh nppliruMr lu���.
<br /> r
<br /> , NEBRASKA-Smglu Famdy-F�nni�M��/Fnddl�Msc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9�80
<br /> Q : �NI12T87 �e.�r�q�u���neiiuu6�t, �n�,�•��x���o .uuo��,:� �:•�� , � i_� � Amand�dB�91
<br /> r��
<br /> � r � -- --- - - -—-- - - - - - ---- - - - '
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