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<br /> ; rpplic*bb l�w nwy specify for rein�t+�tement)beforo wle of thc Property pur�u�tt to any pcwer of wde contAined In�r
<br /> _---- - � Grnnity In,n,�m�i;rn(b)�try nf�Judgment enforcing thie Security Irntrumau. 11►ore condidau are that BoROwer: (a)
<br /> ' p�ys Lerder dl euma which �I�at woutd bc due under thir Securlry Instrument and the Note ar if no accelcratlon had �
<br /> � occurtod;(b)cures any default of any ather covenants or agrcements;(c)pays ull expenses inc:urm,�i!n enforcing lhie Security
<br /> � lrupuanen� includinR,but not Umlted to,reasonable attomeys'fces;and(d) takes such action as Lender may rrazonably
<br /> roquira to sa�um t1uU the licn af this Sccudty lncpumcnt,Leoder�dghte�in tho Praperry and Borrowerh ablig4t�on w pay the -
<br /> - _-�T===��� sum� bccurcd by thls Security Inspument sdall continue unchnnged. Upcm rcinatntement by Borrowcr. �his Security �
<br /> Inspument aad the obU�tions�cu�+ed hereby�hali remAin fully effecllve a�if no Acceleradon had necumnd. Howaver,thio
<br /> --� �i�hi to reinauue shalt not apply in tl�o caso of�cxeleration under para�rruph!7.
<br /> 19. Sak of Note;ClwnRe ot i.oan Servicer. The Note ar a partia! intcrcst in the Nate(together wlth �his Secudty
<br />_ _ Inwua�nt)auy bo soW onc or morc tlme� without pdor aoticc to Borrower. A �ale may result in A channge in the entity .
<br /> (Inwwte as the"Loan Servicer")ihat colle.cta rnonthly payments due under tha Note and this Security Inswment. There also
<br /> -- _, mAy be one or more chnngea of�he Loan Servicer unrelated to a sule of the Note. If there is a chenge of the Lopn Servicer,
<br /> �_..___�,Tn.�=-=-, ___, 8orrower wlll be given written natice of the change in accordnnce wilh paragrnph !4 above and appliceble Iww. The notice
<br /> �� �� �� wfll state the name and address of the new l.oan Servicer and the address w which paymenta ehould be nwde. The notice will
<br /> alco wnain any wher inforn�ation required by applicable law.
<br />-- � 20. H�rdous Sub�hnca. Bortnwer:halt not causc or permit the presence.usc,diaposul.storage.or r�eleuse of any
<br /> Hazasdous Subetances on or in the Property. 8ortawer shell not do,nor allaw anyone else to do, anything affecNng the
<br /> — Propmty that ic in vfolwdon of any Environmentel Law. 7'he preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or _
<br /> stornge on the P�+nperty of small quandties of Hazardouc Substences thet are genernlly recognized[o ba appropriak to namal
<br /> - - ro�identi�l uses and to ma�ntenance of the Property.
<br /> � __� Bortower shall promptly give Lender wdtten notice of any investigadon,clnim.demand,luwsuit or other aciion by any �
<br /> --°"'"�°' governmental or reguletory egency or private party involving the Property and any Haznrdous Substance or Environmental
<br /> - """�'-� L.aw of which Borrower hes actual knowledge. !f Borrower leams, or ia notified by any govemmentel or regulatory
<br /> ���,:���� authority,dtat any removol or other remedfation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property iR necessary,Borrower
<br /> ehpQ prnmptly take all necessary remediai actiona in accordaace with Environmental Law.
<br /> =-`��.,,;�., ,�� � As used In this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are those subatances defined as toxic or hezardoua substances by
<br /> -�'�— Environmental Law end the follawing substances: gasoline,kerosene. other flammable or toaic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> ��,� ;^ pesdcidea nnd herbiciQes, volatile solventa, rnaterials containing nsbestos or formaldchyde, nnd radioactive materials. As
<br /> ���,s used in�his paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws end Iaws of the jurisdic�ion where the Property is located
<br /> -.�.._- -._—.�_...� thnt relate to heAlth,cwfety�renvimnmrrnal prMfrtinn. .
<br /> ��•��tt��_�"" " NON-LINIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and Lender futther covenant and Agree us follows:
<br /> �„�„����� 21. AcceleraUon; Remedks. Lender ahall give notice to Borrower prior to Accele�Ation following Borrower's
<br /> ^ I�rpnch�f r�ny rnvenont ar agreement fa thl�Security Iastrument(bat not prlor to acceleratton under pArAQrAph 1'I
<br /> -,,�''� unless appl(cabie law provides otherwisel. The notice shall specif'y: (a)the defauit;(b)the wction required to cure the
<br /> �t•k;�'.:a.;t;•. `-
<br /> �-�._�'. ,;, .
<br /> - ,.,- �,�:�x,r•,a��� defAUlt;(c)a dete,not less t6an 30 daye froin the dpte the notice is given to Borrower,by whkh the defaalt must be
<br /> � �•-��" cured;and Id)t6At fallure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> _,,� .f - ���,y the sums secured by thls Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notke shAll iurther in�orm Borrower of
<br /> � . ,..,; Y,,r ;.• the right to reinatpte after accelerat(on and Ihe rtght to bring a conrt acdon to�sgert the non�existence of a de�AUlt or
<br /> %�r . aay other dePense ot Borrower to accelerwtton and sele. IP Ihe detault is not cured on or before the date specified In
<br /> � � the notice�Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br />,�;�-� ,,;, :.1'???4`•�! ,,��s, without further demAnd And may hvoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law
<br />�_ , �"`• "` ;� Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paraQraph 2i,
<br /> � �"-}�• IncWding,but not limited to,reasonoble ottorneys'fees and cosfa of title evidence.
<br />�'•�' � •- !f the power oP sale is invoked,7Yustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part ot the
<br />'��"�� ''"' Propertyis localcd and shsl!mail copicsof'such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable IAw to Borrower and to °
<br />- c -�e-- � . 1:.:,:
<br /> _� �.':� �°�:�::t the other pereons prescribed by applicable law Af�er the time required by appl(cable low,7Fustee shAll give public
<br />=�: , �•���� ��� "�`� natice otsale to the persons nnd in the manner prescribed by appUcable law 7lrustee,wilhout dempnd on Borrower�
<br />°�"'�•- •"�`"•'�'�'-�`•r��` . s6aM seU lMe Property at public auctlon to the htghest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> � � �'"` �' �� the notice ot sale in one or more parcels ond in any order 7�ustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale oi All or Any __
<br /> r parcel of the Property by publk announcement at the time and place oi aoy previously scheduled sAle. Lender or ifs
<br /> .' ���',� destQnee may purchase the Property At any sAle.
<br />�".r.: '•-°�..� . ..,...
<br />��� ,.; � . Upon receipt of payment of the price bld,'Ilrustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'I�ustee's deed conveyfog the
<br />= ' "'""p`` " PropeMy. The recitAls in lhe 7Fustee's deed shall be prima Pacte evidence ot the truth of the statements rrwde therein. __
<br />°' '� ,r. 7Yurtee ahWl apply the prooeeda of the a�le in the fbllowing order. (a)to all ca�ls and expenses of exercisin�the power
<br /> _';�, : s.
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