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<br /> condemrwtlon or ahe��akin�of any part of the Ptapeny,or far conveyaue in lie��of condemnation,w+e hcreby asai�nc�and
<br /> �11 be puid.w l.ender.
<br /> - ' ---� 'm' Iu iiro CVCII{ uf u iufri fai►iug vi'liro P�uNc;�iy. t{h. p�akcuS:.bi�ali Lc il�l�/llt� IU IIIC bUlllb nr�.ui�d Ly iS�ln ��cuiity
<br /> Instrument,whethe�or not then due.with uny excess paid to Borrawer. In the event of A punial toking of Ihe Property in
<br /> which�hc fair market vnlue of the Propeny immediately before thc tWcing is equal to�r grca�rr thsm the Amount of�hc sums
<br /> exurcd by thia Secu�lry Inshument immediutely before the tuking.unless Borrawer wid[.ender othcrwise agree In writing,
<br /> -a----_�--�---� Ihe qum4 securcd 6y Ihis Security Inve�ument shall be reduced by �he amount of the proceeda muUlplied by tha following
<br /> _-_— — fruction: (a) the total Amount of the sums secu�+ed immediately beforc the taking,divided by(b)the fnir market value of the
<br /> ?� Pr+c�periy immediAtely before the taking. Any bala�ce shull be paid to Burrower. in�he event af n pwtial taking ot' thc
<br /> = Propeey in whiah thz fair mnrket vAlue of the Property immediately before the taking is less thun�he amount of�he sums
<br /> saurcd immediately hefae the taking, unless �orrower and L.ender otherwir�e agree in writing or unless applkablc law
<br /> - _ ---- otherwise provides,the proceeds shell be epplicd to the sums secured by thie Secunly lnstrument whether or no[the�ums are
<br /> — --- �hen due.
<br /> -- _---_ _— !f the Property is abandonad by Borrower.or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that �he condemnor oifer.e to make
<br /> �'"-'--�°�T ' an uwerd or settic u cluim for damages,Borrow�r fails to respond to Lender within 30 duys aftcr thc date the notice is given,
<br /> -°-•-��s� l.ender is author�zed to collecl und apply the praceeds.at its op�ion,eilher to restoration or repuir of the PrapeRy or ro the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Inatrument,whether ar nat then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agiee in writing.any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> —._ . postpone 1he due date of ihe monthly puymentsf referred to in psuagruphs I and 2 or change the amount of such pnyments.
<br /> _. 11. Borrower Not Relew.ced; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensian of thc timc far payment or
<br /> moditication of amartizalion of the sums secured by thix Secudry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> � �� — - of Borrower shall not operate to nelense the liabiliry of the original BoRawer or Burrower� �u�:cessors In intere�6 Lender
<br /> ------=— shsill not be required to commence proceedinss agoinst eny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for pnyment or
<br /> = ,�;,F�;,�..�j��°' othenvlse modify amortizotion of the sumx secured by ihis Security Instrument by reason af uny demand made by the original
<br /> _f,-_���+�.- Borrower or Borrowcr's successors in interest. Any forbenrance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> waiver of or prcclude the exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> _ �..�. . ; �:.:�„ 12. Successora and Assl�ns Bound;Joint and SeverAl LlaWlity;Casigners. The covenun�s nnd agrcementa of this
<br /> �. � �'" " � Security (nstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subjcct to the provlsions of
<br /> �+�"•- � Paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants und agreemenls shall be jofnt and severul. Any BoROwer who co-signs this Security
<br /> ='� Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a)is co-signin6 this Security Instrument only to mortgage,gront nnd convey that
<br /> Borrower's intcrest in the Praperty under the termc of thic Security in�trumenr. (bl is nut personally obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> 7+'( secured by this Secur��y Instrument;nnd(c)ngrees thut l.ender und uny other Borrower mny ngree to extend,modify,farbeor
<br /> - '"�`�! p� or make any accommodations with regard to Ihe �erms of this Security Inatrument or the Note without thnt Borrower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> - - � � 13. Loan ChArgea If the loun recured by �his Secur�ty Inslrument is subject �o A law which se�s maximum lo�n
<br /> ` �;;,�,F`,�,.,,.,'�A' �" chnrges,und that luw is finnlly interpreted so that the imerest or other loan churges collected or to be collected in connectian
<br /> ��:,�'"` `' with the loon exceed the permilted limits,then: (u)uny�uch lo�n chorge shall be reduced by the amount necessnry�o reduce
<br /> _ •• : �~'d•�^'t; '�,, the charge to the pennitted Ilmit;and(b)any sums nlready colleded from Barrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br />- -�..: .,;.;�. -�. � refunded to Barower. Lender may choose to muke this refund by reducing the principnl owed under the Note or by mnking o
<br /> : .. direct payment ta Borrower. If u refund reduces principal.�he reduction will be trented ux a p:u�ial p�payment without any
<br />=•`>' ��x,�i:t,.;;;c�' � pnepayment cBorge under�he Note.
<br />'.-:;�;� .. �ii��; :.;-•,�• " 14. Notkea. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thix Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by
<br /> '-; -;•r.• :�'.. �,•" • ` � mailing it by �n:t cluss mal unless upplicubl�luw reyuireti use of unother method.The notice shull be direc�ed to the Prnperty
<br /> • ��•���•�. Address or any other uddress Borrower dexignates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fint class
<br /> �.. ���'`F�`� • mAil to Lender�address slated herein or Any other uddrcss l.ender designates by notice to Bortower. Any notice provided for -"
<br />=-�,,: c�,� _ in thix Security Instniment �hxll he �i�rmed m have hPen �!iven m Rnrrower or I.ender when given as pmvided in this .
<br /> .�'��""` .:;, puragrapn.
<br /> �'!'f' p ��*% ';�.:y�. 15. GoverninR I.aw; Severabflity. This Sccurity Inztrument �hall Ix govemed by federul law ;uid the luw of the
<br /> -"` '°'-'tt"•" ' jurikdiction in whirh the Property ix locnted. In the event thut uny provision cx cluu�e of this Security Inslrument or the Note
<br /> - , .d
<br /> �" � �� J�.'�'^�� conflicts with applicable luw,such conflict shull not aTfect olher provisionx of�his 5ecumy Instn�ment or�he Note which cnn _
<br /> ��•� be given effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib lhix end �he provisionx of thix Security Instrument and the Note nre -
<br /> `� .���' declarcd to be sevcrnble.
<br /> c;.+�" `�u:,;::�t a•.�- 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one conformed copy of the Note and oC thiti Securiry Instrument.
<br /> �:"� -�� ti�°�' l7. 71�unsPer of!hc Property or u Bcnef�clul lntcrest in Borro�Yer. If all or any pun of the Property or any interest in
<br /> •••��+��••� ;;�*=�� it is sold or trunsferred (or if a lxne�ciul intereti� in B�xrower is�old or trunst'erred und Borrower is not u nntuml per�on)
<br /> �'�.� without Leudcr's•prior wriuen ronsent,Lender muy,ut itx option,rcyuirc immediate paymem in full of ull sums secured by _
<br /> _ �;�.:• .J,,�' �his Securiry Intitrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by l.cnder if excrcisc is prohibiled by federul Inw as of
<br /> " .�b�►:• �he date of�hi�Sccuriry Instrument.
<br /> ' r.• If Lenderexercises Ihis option,Lender shull�ive Born�wcr notice of accelrr,�tion. The nolice+hull provide a period of =
<br /> �'•t".'° _ ", not less thnn 30 duys from the dute thr na�ice i,deliverrd or muilcd within which B��rrou•cr mutit puy all xums secured by this
<br /> y� �:..� Security Instrument. It' Bnrrower fails tu pny Iheze xum� prior to the cxpirution of Ihi. �xrial, Lender may invoke ony
<br /> ''��•`c` � � remedics permitted by this Security Instrument wilhout f'urther nolicc or demund on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. If Borrowcr nxet,crnuin conJiti��n,, Burr��wer +hull huve the righ� to huvr
<br /> � z N ., ' � enforcement ot'this Security Instrumem ditirnntin��eJ ut any time prior���thc carlier of: 1u15 Jay,lor such other period �x -
<br /> t}� • : � . -
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