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<br /> �iii►clprl emount o1 tho indebtedneae aecurecl by thls Deed of 7►uat,not Includln�eums advenced to protect the sflaurity o1 t�ls Deed of
<br /> �� # Trust,exceed lhe ori�lnsl princlpsl smount stated hereln,or S_.2.S�.Q.�lQdp�--,wh�chevar Is proat�r,
<br /> .� 18.�fl�cslt�n�ouo Provitta.��. —
<br /> :_,,��� (a)Ba�row�r�6ut F�eNas�d.Exton3lon of t�o timA far pnym�nt o�modilicatlon of amaK�zatlan of ths sumo secured 6y►hla
<br />-.:,.� Deed of Truet pranted by Lender ta any nucceseor In Intnrost at F�orroarer shall not operate to release,in any mannar,the Ileblll-
<br />.,:1�,� ry of ths oriflfn�l sorrawer And Horrowere eucceasona In Int�re+�t. l�endnr nheli not be requlred to commence prmceedlnpa
<br /> ;��� eya{net such succaeaor or retuse to extend time tar payment ar othe�wlae modlfy amortizatbn o4 Uw sume secured by thla
<br /> -- � Osed oi Trust by reesen o1 any dem�nde made by the orlpinal F3orrower end Borrower's succeasore In Intarest.
<br /> _��� (b)Londa►'�PoY�rs.Wlthout atteCttny tne Iiablliry ot any othrlr pereon Ilabte tor tF�s payment of any ohliflaibn herein man-
<br /> ____ _ IloneU,and wlthout altecUny tho Ilen or char�e ot thia t?eed of'Pr�r�t upon any portlan ol the Property not then or therototore
<br />____� rebax�l ae securiiy for the tull amount al a!I unp�ld M�I{g�tian�,l.onder may, from Nme to dme and without not�e(i)re{ease
<br /> — eny p�rson so Ilabls,(il)exte�xf lhe mAturily or siter any of the term�s of any such oblfyatlona,(III)prent other Indutgencse,(tu)
<br /> -_;�� retease or convey,or cause to he releaeed or reconveyed at any tim9 at Lender'e aptlon any parcel, poAkn o�ell of the
<br /> - - Propsrty,(v)talce or release any ather ar addidonal�ocudty or recar►veyed et any time at Lenders optbn any parcel,poRbn�r
<br /> ail of the PropeRy,(vq teke or retease ar�y other or ncklit�Onal Hecurity far any obligatlon horein mentlaned,ar(vii)make compo-
<br /> "`� sitictns ot other errenpements w(th debtora In retapon th��reto.
<br />_:i�,�a (cy Fo��arie�by L�x{ri Not a WNwr.My to�arance by Lendar In exeralsing eny r{ght or remedy hereunder,or oth- -
<br />---- erwtse aflorded by appllcable law,shall not be e walvAr of or preclude the exercice of any such dgfit or remedy.The procure-
<br /> �..-��� menl W insurance or the
<br /> payment of texes or other Iinna or char�ea by Londer shall not be a wafver or Lendere r{ght to acceler-
<br />:�.::�,':�� ate the maturiry of the indebtednesa secured by thla t}sed o(Truat
<br /> ,,,,,_��� (d)Succ�swn and Ass{pni Bound;Jolnt�nd&4wr�1 Llabllity;C�ptlona.Tho covenants and agreements herein corr-
<br /> tafned shall WM,and tl�e r{�hb hereunder shuU Inuro W, thn respecUve suc�ssors and assipna ot Lender end Trustar.All
<br /> covenants and agredments of Trustor shall be Jolnt and severoJ.Tha captlona and headinga of the paregrepha of this Deed of
<br /> Trust are tor convenlence aniy and are not to bo uaed to intar�ret or c�efine the provlsions hereof.
<br /> --- (e)Fi:y�:�t fa�t1�Eic��.The pa�ties neraby requea4 th[�t a capy ai ar�y nottae oi dbiault hareurxfer and a copy o9 any�ot�e
<br />--
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