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<br />-��.�;�� "Praceeds'�in cannectlOn M;lh c.ondemnation or oiher taking of the Property or part thereof,or tor conveyance in Iiau of condemnatk�n,
<br /> Landor sha!I bo ent►it�td st tt�oy�tian to co�nmence,eppaar In�nd prosecute In Ite own namo any ac4lon or proceeding�s,ancl ait�ll also -
<br /> bo ontli",cd to mnko as�y cramsm;nls�or sotilomont In conne�tlon with such teking or damago.In tha ovent any portlon oi ti�e Fra�erry Is r
<br /> .''�' so tuken or damn L�n�xi�r►�t�ell havo th� _
<br /> Ded, optlan In It�sofe end absolute dlscretlon,t�apply ell such proceods, aftor cieductinp
<br />: ,Y therefrom�II coata sn�d wxpnnaa�Incu�red by It In connectlon wlth euch Proceeds,upon any indehtedness secured hereby ond In sucb
<br />•:��� �� orcfer ea 6endsr may ddtormine,or to appty�I such Proceeda,after such deductttona,to the restoratlon o1 the Property upan auch con�
<br /> : r; d(tbns as Lender rr�y ci�tc�mt�ta.Any appllcation of Proceeds to Indebtedness shail not exteeid or poatpone the due date ol any pay
<br />_•;;�'•� mente under ths Note,or cum a��y default theroundsr or hereunder.Any unapplled funda shell be peld to Tru�tor.
<br />- • 8.P�rtarmAnco by L�ndHr.Upon the occurrence of en Evont of Oetault hareunder,or If any act Ia taken or b�►al proceeQing ,-
<br />_�:a.�� commenced whlch rr�ptt�rl�fly�tttrcta Lendere Intereat In the Propeety,Lender mey in fts orm dfacretbn,but without obilp�.tlon to do so,
<br />=_.�s�� end wtthout noNce t�or�ms�nsl upon Trusta snd witiwu4 releasing Trustor from any abtigation,do any ect which Trustor ha,e agreed
<br /> buf faiiad to do and ms�y als�a cfa any other act ii deams necessary to protect the security hereof.7rustor ehall,immAdieteiy upon
<br /> ""� demand thero(or by Lmr►��,p�,y to Lender�II Cosb and expense�I�curred and suma expended by Lender io connectlon with tM3 exer•
<br /> -- cise by Lender of ttro inrerg�fng riphts, togother wlth tnterest thereon at the detault rete provided in ttie Note,whlch shNl be ad�c!!o
<br /> � � tt�e IndeDtednas9 eecur�nd ht�mby.Lender shall not Incur any IlahAfbj because of anything It may do or amit to do hereunrbr.
<br /> ��-'�� 9.HaierQoue Mnl�►riti!u.Tniator shali keep tha Pruper�y in compllenco with all uppltcabla iaw�.ordinancos and rsg�tlati�ne
<br /> ��� relating tc industrlal hy�n�or anv(ronmentat prWection(cdtecMhrely referrxd to herefn es'�nv.ronmentel Laws").Truetar shall keep
<br />:=q'. �
<br /> <a, the Properry tree trt►m au�sut�s!.�ncea deemed tn be hazardoua or tnxb u�xier eny Ernironmentat Laws(�ltectivvery relerred to herein
<br /> ��-'���_� as'Heiurdoue Muterin�"y.Tn�z'+��r hereby werrants and represents ta Lender that there ere no WazsMous Mate�lals on or urxfer the
<br /> _:� Properiy.Truator herE►4y Aflr�t�9!o Indemnity end hoid harmtess Lender,lte directore,otflcers,employoes and agente,and any succes•
<br />___- aore to Lendor's Intt�mst fr�m and agalnst any and ali clatms,demages,losscs and Ilabilidea edsing in c.onnciction w(th thq presonce,
<br /> =--- use,disposal or tr�napart of any Hazardoua Materlats on,under,from or abouf the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIE3 AN�
<br />-= R�CONVEYANCE OF TI�i1�t 6lf ED OF TRUST. �
<br /> - .�� 10.Aalnnmtmtn of Rent�.7ruator he�eby essig�s to Lender,end grants I.ender a cecu�ity interest tn,eN present,tuture and
<br /> .,_�.:,�
<br /> atter adslnp ronUs,lssugr a�v�:i��r�iits of the Properry;Psovid�d that Tn�atnr shatl,unUl the occurrence of an Eti^ant oi Qeteutt,f»reunder,
<br /> —__ have the right to ooll¢r't anxl ccYUifn suah rente,Issues c�mi proflis es they becane due and payable.Upon tho occurrenco of nn Event qf
<br /> DelauR,Lender rnay,eltbflr h�.porson or by egent,wiM or witlw��t bringtng eny action or proceeding,or by a recetvar appolntad by a
<br /> �=�� awrt and vvlthout�c►�a,M 9a uifl a�iequacy of Its security,enter upon and take possession o}the Rroperty,or any part ttwreof,In tte own
<br /> - name or fn tha name�01 U�t�7ne�tee, arxi do any e�cts wh{ch lt deema necessary or desirabfe Eo presenre the value,markntabfiity or
<br /> -- rentnbWry of tha Prc►party,or anK paR thereot or interest therein,or to increase the income therefrom or nrotect the security hereof and,
<br /> wfth ar w(Htout takJr��pAS��c�re of the Pr�perty,sue tor or othervuise cnllect the rents,issues and proilts thereof,Inciuding Hwee past
<br /> due and unpald,by rwAifyt�g lemnnts to make peyments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,Iss��es and profita,less coeta end expen$-
<br /> _ es of operaUon and ooVa��m Iricluding attomey's tees,to any indebtedness tsecured hereby,oll in such order as Lendc�r mny deter•
<br /> m(ne. 71r�enterk�u�an a�t�king possesslon of the Property,the coliectbn of such rente. issuea and proNtn,end the appiicatUon
<br /> - 23'.�".,�!.:o��.,,�S`.a::�.�:r8�iR'd1�o driy w'iau i�i i�vik:n�i uninuii iivreiunuar or irnaiidain arry aci dona in reaponae oo sucit
<br /> - default or pursuant ta su�naibce of defauft and,notwlthstanding the continuence in possessbn of the prapeRy or the oolleatlon,
<br /> - recelpt and applN;atEC,n�01 rt►nS�,t;sues or profits.Trustee and Lender shall be endUed to exerdse every rtghi provlded tor in eny of the
<br /> _ Loan Ir�trument�a or by 1a,w.upore ooewr►enoe of any Event ot Defauit,Including withaut Ifmttatlon thf►►fght to exer�ise the power ot eale.
<br /> - Further,Lendsr's tlqtol9 s�nt1 rflreuiBies underthla paragraph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a Iim(tntlon on,Lendara rights end
<br /> �' remedies under eny assl�s��nt oi leasas and renb recorded against the Properry.Lender,Trustee and the�eceivor ahall be Ilabte to
<br /> c�ccount only for tt►ase rer,�,�a�4Ufl11y I�B�EhI@d.
<br /> 11.Ewnts of�ffault,Tho tolbwkp shall aorosUtute an Event ot Default under this l)eed ot Trust:
<br /> (a)Faflunn to�y anr.4��stallment ol p�trxipal or tnterest of eny other sum secured herebyr�vhen due;
<br /> (b)A bnnact�o14r d�uft under eny p�ovlsion contatned in the Note.thls Deed of Trust,any oi the Loan fnWnwn�nte,or any
<br /> other Nen or en�runnhrnnc�upon tM Property;
<br /> (a)A wrH of exea,iVAr�or attachment or eny s(mliar process sheil be entered ayainst Trustor which shall IBecom9 a Iten on
<br /> the Propatry or any parlbn theteof cr Intereat therefn; '
<br /> (d)Tl�rfl sha�ll t>s Cl��d by or against Trusior or Borrower an sctlon under any present or tuture teclerN,etate or oih�r e7atut�,
<br /> • law or regWoN�7m rnle�tY�y to bankruptay,Insolv�e�cy or other relief tor debtors;or there shall be eppofnted any trueteo,recaivar or -
<br /> IquWstor a!T�xi�enr or som�wer or of a�or any part of the Property,or the 7ante,issuea o�profits 8�eroof,or Tn�ator w Bwrpwar
<br /> -- ahaH m�ke anY ge;rmmi nsstgnrn�nt Torthe beneftt of creditors;
<br /> (e)The�sACa�,trt�ns�t�r�leaso,asr�ignment,conveyance or fuRher erx�mbrance ot ell or eny paR oi or any fnterest in ths
<br /> Property,aMPrer va�.imnrify or involunterf�y.v1thout the express wrHten consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shatl be pertnft-
<br /> --- ted to exoculE�n h�a�of tho Propertythat does not contan an optlon to purchas�B end the term of whtdt cfoea not exoeed ane
<br /> year,
<br /> (Q Abar►dov�rns�rit o}ihe Properry;a
<br /> (�11 Tnator is n�at an Indivldual.the Issuance,sale,trenstor.asslgnment,cnrneyance or encumbrance of more tMn(If a
<br /> caporaUOn)a tulad m4 percent of fts fssued and outstanding stock,or(if a partnershlp)a totst of per-
<br /> cent of paRr►uah'{�tM9r�sts,or(ff a Umfted Ilobllity company)a total oi percent of the limfted Ilebilily Canpa- -
<br /> ny kMerost�or v�vD dghts dut�ng the periad t�ls Deed oi Ynist remalrts a I►an on the property
<br /> 12 R�nadier,Aaa»breUon Upon ON�utt.In the event of any Event o4 DetauR Lender may,witlaut notke except as requlrod
<br /> by law.declero a�tnmeblmdnes�se�uiad heroby to be due and payable end the sart�e shnll thereupon become dus end pay�able wRh-
<br />-----._.-- art eny preeerMrnerN.�c�nnrl,ProlcsR mr notice ot any kind.fieroaRer Londer may:
<br />_�_� (a)Qe�r4x►�I 3t�t Tiustee ex�r�lse the POVYER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustoe sheR thereafter cause Tnistor's Mter-
<br /> est tn�Pro��ty tc�be sold and fhe proceeals io be disMbuted,ell in ttas menner provided In the Nebraske Truat Oeeda Act;
<br /> --- (b)Exoro�s nc�y and e�l riflhts provideci tor in any of the Loan ins�r�ments or by luw uposi oocurrence of any Event of
<br /> - _- -- Delault and
<br /> �+��� -_ (o)Co�m+�an ac�bn to toreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appdnt s cecelver,or specificcally enforco eny of the
<br /> --� covenanl�s h�rctal.
<br /> _-��^ No remedy herc+tn cor�rlmrro�l uAon or reserved to TNStoe or Lender is Intended to be oxclusive of any othar�emedy herein,In ths Loan -
<br /> � Instruments or by i�vy praviclod or permitted.but e�ch shall be cumula8ve,shall be tn addition to every other remedy yhren hereunder,
<br /> _� , In tho l.oan Irutrum�c�c or nmi or he�after ezlsting et law or In equlry or by statute,and may be exercised concumontry,Independentry
<br /> - - or succeaivefy.
<br /> -= i�.:n,�we.i rre i nrsiea may resign at any nme v�nmout cause,atW Le►wer may at eny time nnd wfttwut caufte appdnt tt suc-
<br /> �::,,;e;� cessor or gubstitvl�Tn�itos.Tiustee ehall not be l(able to any paKyr.Irtcluding without Iimitatlon Lerxeer,Borrower,Truslor or any puti
<br /> --_.-�;���- chasor a}Mo Prc�wrtyr,tar asiy iase or 6amaye uniess clue to recfcless or wilKul miscartduct,end shall not be required to tako eny action _ -
<br /> y,M:�','�,:• tn catnectlon wilh ttsn es�tarooment of this Deed of Trust uotess IndemNiiod,In wriUnp,tor all coste,c�mpensaUon or expenses which -
<br />--�a"�:�� may bn esea�claeed ttrerrowslt�.In additiort,Trustoe mey bocume a purchaser at an salo of the P p�
<br />__�, ,r y roparty Qudiclal or under the r of =-
<br /> . � sals arpntnd hRr�`�oj:�+vm+�.�th�ests ot e!1 or eny poNon o(the Proporty,es provtded t�y iaw:or sell the PropeRy es a Y�hala�or th • _
<br /> _: ���` ssperato paro�ls o�IaRm et Tiustee's diecroti�n, -
<br /> '_,,.,..s�. -
<br />-�"�`�}»�7 an sate�roceeds fir.a!p�yment of ell coste end expensest o�x�j�by exe r dse o t power o f sa t e,Trus tee s ha l l b e ent it l ed to appry --.
<br />-;,:..,�.. Y R slnQ power of sale,Includin�eil Trustee's fees,and Lender's and �
<br /> ;,���� Truatea'a attorney'e toss, a�ualty In�ur7ed to extent pennitted by applicabte law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exorcfses any dght -_
<br />.,h.r,�y� provldad by Iaw to cuw an�wnt of Defautt, Lender t�hali be entltied to recover from 7NStor ell costs and expensea sctualy Incumed as ==
<br />__ e reauM of Trueta'e da1�uR.!!�cludinp without lMitetbn ali Trustae's nnd attomey's toea,to the extent pem�itted by epplkaWo taw. =�
<br /> i� tb. Futuro Advanc�a.Upon roqueet o}Borrower,Lender may,et Its optlon,meke additbnsl end tuturo advanCea end road-
<br /> __= vanooa to Borrower.3uch sd�ronoes and r�advances,with intereat thereon,ehali be secured by thle Deed of Truat.At na tlme shalt the
<br /> _..?%iy
<br /> _.—��
<br /> �r `�.
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