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� liiO.,,;ir�i,.•/:17 . . � .. <br /> �.Ir i�,S�' t1} 's•,�.I�,.7(� <br /> , ���..�S/)jM`'T <br /> �tS1/��;���,��Ijty . ,� <br /> (r�J�(�:i�.t:!{.;;�:kq . . ... .. ., .._' ____—,— —' . <br /> .. .�/�,i).�''i'�`J . . . <br /> . <br /> r..-•. .. .. �4r,t'rf1y4i1�. ..n•�.1'c� <br /> .- _ <br /> .,.. . . ., „,. p �, .,. , - - - - <br />...,. .;,::,r; � r � ., . . „ �--� - <br /> ,. ,. ����s <br /> i�'_: nY�ll�Miwrnr.� . _ . � � � .. ..,: . �� . . . . '""`- ,.n_L_�. <br /> . <br /> . • � <br /> y, ,. . .. . . �- .. ... .. . .- _. _ .-.,. <br /> ......-- ' '._. . .. .. _ . . .. .. . <br /> ��" . .. .. .. . <br />, �r.�y;. . _'er� <br /> j�,:frt ' ' <br /> .-c' <br />=:F•: =��:, <br /> .:�:.. A <br /> �,�.. . � �1���: �'{� • y 1 y � �p ��� t���� - <br /> �,I.. R <br /> ��.�'`�Y:� .:'V�:�� <br /> ;`'°'� �f'; � 1L �ucceesore �nd A�eig�u Hound;Jolnt and 9cvcrpl I,Iwb11Ky+ C�rdKncr�, 'flta eovcnunld und nprc::uKf�t!+ <br /> �����-,��i�'� herein contained shall bind, nnd tho righte licecunder shall inure to, tho respecUvu succes!wre n�id nnsigne of I,enciCr xurl � <br /> ..�:.;��:, . <br /> �°->`::�;���. Borrower�subjcct to thc provisians of�umgmph 1G hcrcof. All awcitn�ile�u�d r�grccnicme of tlorro�+•cr ehnll i►u Jc►hU nnd <br /> �'���.. sc��cral. Any Borrower�vho w•sigus thie Dccd oP Tnist,but Qae not cxccuto tbc Noto,(i�)is co•Ai�„���A�����ncca pr i��o,� <br /> �:,:;:�;� � . . „ <br /> � I:�'���''' only to grant and convcy thnt Borro�vcr's intcres�in tite Propetty to Truslcc�mdcr lho�en.�!a of thfA hretl oP'fnt�t,(b) !9 nni <br /> :��.�:"� . �:`�-':�� personally liable on the Note or undcr this Dced of Tmst,and(c)ngrces that L.endcr nud nny othcr I9orrou�r hercuiuScr mny � <br />_i':�:''`;,, ,,:, �. <br /> - ' �:�;; agree to extend,mc�dify.forbcar,or mako any otl�cr nccommodnttons with rcgurd to thc tenns of Ihls pecd of'Pn�sl nr Ihu � <br /> '� �"�`'.'�,,`�. �:�?�-:�`� TVoto. wIthout that Hor�rowcre conscnt nnd witt�out ralc�sing tlmt Eiorrow�r or madt(�ing thie Dccd af'I'mxl ne lu Ih��t <br /> ,'�::,:. �- �.�' • <br /> ,,:,t,..,����,;4,s;:�! Borco�vecs in!�erest in the Property. <br /> :�; Y,,I_�i�:��;.::'.:! <br />-'.�'��`�':' �`� �`��:;'��'! IlB. Plottce. Except for any nodcc req�uired under applicnblo Inw to bo givcn In�►nolher mnnner,([�)Ellly IIUIICd lll - <br /> •;f;;:;'�;;::,,�;`,...,,�:;,i;:.i BocresweF�ravided for in this Deed of Tmst shall be given by delivedng it or by midUug such nQUoa by certlllrtl mell � <br /> �f-� ''`�� � ° �-!��;`�:r add�ss�!e�Borrower at tho P�operty Addrcss or nt such othcr nddressi ns 8attaivcr mey dcsignnto by notico tn I,cndct a�M <br /> ' ' ��I ' •!'4:''.�' 1 ='`.--: <br /> ,., , ,,.: pmvidnd tzer�an,and(b)any Rodce to Lendcr shall be given by ccrtiti��d mull to Lenders nddnss etatctl hareU�qr tn RucU <br /> . '���'` -%�T��;i�j other address as I.cndcr may dcsignatc by nocico to Borro�vcr ns providcd licrcin. Any notica pmvidcd in tt�ie[)occl aT'1'u�el `��_ <br /> �'�::;�.�. '�'�'��{� shall be deen�s.d to have been given ta Barrower or Lendcr whcn given in tho manner desigtu�tcd hcrcin. <br /> ,'.';::�::::..",,. : ,� <br />=`'1.;'`t<�•`''�� ' -�,' "� 13. �.ive�io Y. Y pp <br /> �.;:�,-..,�,;, ,. ,y., '. S s�w;Severr�bltti . Tlie state a��d local taws u licablc to this Dc�i oP 7'rusl ehell bc tiw IaKa of -- <br /> '�• °-� ;�;�-•�° thc jurlsdicti�rn in wMch the Property is located. Thc forcgoing scntcncc st�ell nol Ilmit thc applicabiliry of I'cdc►al lew to --- <br /> ';,:;'., ..�,�„J:,;;{ _` <br /> �:��f�-' •••;••:�•�� this DeeQ of'�'�st. In thc event that uny provision or clnuso of thie Dced of'Y'rust or thc Notc coMicts with applicable In�a, --- <br /> ..,.�. ••1,t= a .n_ <br /> � �'����'^' M��;{�.: such oontlict si�a�l not affcct othcr provisions of this Dcod of Trust or Q�c Noto wl�ich can bc givcu ciCcct wlthout lho � <br /> "���� !�`, ?� coaflicNng prcrvislon,and to this cnd the prorisions of thie Dad of T►ust and thc Notc nro dxl�rcd ro bc scvcrnblc. Ae us�d _ <br /> �" �'`�� hcrein,"cos�s'°."oxpenses"and"attomeys'fces"includc oll sums ta thc cxtent not prolilb�4cd by nppilcAblc lew ar lintttcd <br /> ;. :.;_ �; .; <br /> . � �''•�;.�,�'k��i�`::� henin _ <br /> '.7i���'��"�� <br /> «. <br /> ;`,';�:�°;:;� ''�';;� 14. F�ccrmwer•e Copy. Borrowcr shall bc furnished a conformcd copy of thc Notc und of this Doed of'Cnut at lhc — <br /> - ;',:'. timc af execution or efter reoordatlon hemof. <br /> i:;':�,.;,:., :: <br /> �;�:.::,:.,.� <br /> ,. _ _�•..o..:�.:. 4 V��L�41!� ! •_..�____ n t_ n_r � e�""'. a�. <br />_ ,'`�`:'�i--.- �..., xa. iccuww=iawi�riu a.8iw n��cwucui. uGaaVR%ci btin�� .ui„Fi uZi oi nvrnm�re w��gaGons unocr e�y iwmc - <br /> t;=;'':{��°,� mhabilitation, improvement,npair.or other loan agrxment whlch Borrow�cr cntere into with Lentkr. Lendcr,at I.cnder'e <br /> ��`:`^� o don,ma r Boero�ver to execute und deliver to Leuder,in A form noce table to Lcndcr,an as�i <br /> � ?r P Y �� p gnme��t of eny dgt�ts, <br /> claims or defenses which Bonrower may havc against puties who at�pply labor, matcdals or scrvlces ln cotutoctton with <br />- • , improve�ttents made to tho Properry. <br /> '� � '�'�i 16. 'L�'rana[er of t6e Property or K Benet7clal [nter+at In Borro�rer. If all or any�ntt of thc Properiy or�ny <br />='�"'�' ''" ' t interest ia it is sold cr transfernd(or if a heneficlal intenst in 8orrower is sold�r transfcmcd and Borrowcr ia not a n#tural <br /> �:r3•... . .' :� <br /> _ , ,.,,.,�,r�t gersott)without Lender's prior writtea cons�nt,Lendcr may,at its opdon,roquiro imnsatiatc paymcnt!n ti�ll of all wttts <br /> �- � . � � sccu�d by tMs Deed of Tn�st. opdon shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federa!bw <br />- •� as of We date of this Deed of Tn�st. <br />?':� �_.�;:��'' �;L If 1.endor exercises this option, Lender sht�ll give Borrower notice of aooeleretion. The notice �hall provido s ' <br />;'�' � perlod of not less thnn 30 days from the date the nodce is delivered or mailcd withln which 8ortower muu pxy ell wmz <br />!.'_`""�,,�y;� ; secured by this Acxd of Trust. If Bonower fails to pay these su�as pdor to thc cxpiration of this pcdod,Lender�tuy invoko <br /> =�:.t��;�",�[ ' any remedics�ern�itted by this Dced of Trust without flu4hcr noUce ot deu�and on Botrotver. � <br />-�,_�:,{;. <br />=_��-��`� NON-IINIk'ORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lcndcr liuthcr covcnant und egrcc es follows: <br /> ':`,... �:.r� . <br /> �:;�;��; ` 1y. Acceleradon; Remedie�. E:cept�i provided ie prragraph 16 heroof�u{wn Borrower'� 4rerch ot Rny <br />�;��,; coven�nt or agreement of Borm�cr in thia Dad ot T�u�t,Includ(na Borrower'�tdlur�c to pay�by t6e tad o�tra(10) <br /> --_ .:••.-,;,.�.�� calendu daya after t6�date they are due,�ny am9 secured by t6b Deed ot Tni�t,�eadar prlor to�cctkr�tioM�A�1 <br /> J�-��'';£`.�.�i gfve noHce to Borroxerr a�provtd¢d in p�ragraph 12 hereof�pecifytng:(1)the bt�ch;(a)tAe acsio�nequired to cune <br />