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.. . .- �.::r:::.'� ra::: t';••: .c <br /> � .. :;�c�r •i!. ' .' 1:�;,'<<��.�;� .:l �_sfli;.,-�..�.;�:.';.(i,yI <br /> �.1 � ' �4. � • ��ll���::��11'�'•',�,�I'1��'I <br /> �:.!. <br /> ..' <br /> -�� 1 �; _ 'f1��'��: <br /> _ :� ' ' •• '�l{`d;Yl�» -------.___. .___.�_...W. - . _ <br /> _,�.. v:;:w�. <br /> -.. --- . � ,`.i` � :�-'r ' . - � � .. .�'f��._E��77i��.... <br /> Y� , . . � <br /> , ' <br /> -' . y '�+.,.. . I �- . .....__""".,`""""__'_..___ __. <br /> �e1e�l��ww ����• <br /> !t'. - . . ..� <br /> ., . , .; <br /> ., . .. ,� . . . .., ., ..�.._._...'--....__.._._._.--- <br /> , } . , i .. .-^l�Y.�n�...�..+u1wu��.w-�•_.. ,:...s,.,�.._�..._.v_�..�.......� . .. .._._.T <br /> � Z�...,�.r._...�.LS:_�c1RMiMADI��_ - <br /> �. 4 � • • — <br /> 96�- a.09�45'9 -2- �:. <br /> � Borrower covcnanta Wat Bonauer is luwfulYy sclzed of the estaie hereby conveyed and has the right to g�ant nnd � <br />-- wnvey tho Pmperry,siid thut the Property is unencumbered,excegt far encumbrances of mcord. �orrower covenanta Uiut � <br /> f3orrowcr wnrrants and will defend generally tha title to the Property against all cleims and demands, sutsJect to �._ <br /> � i c��c��mbrancc�of rccord. - <br /> a .,;}1Nlj'p .COV�NAN'i S. Borrow�r nz�d Leuder covenant and agree�fallows: k <br /> ' ' '�±� t, '1'�y�t of Princtpal wnd Interea� Borrowcr shall promptly pay when due the principal and intcrest �, <br /> f�� � indcbtcdness avid:r�ccd by the Note and late cbarges pnd otlier cY�arges as provlded in tha Note. <br /> n <br /> �;. <br /> .«ww"�`` �, <br /> �,�,�;;y�, a, N�yment of Tu�. Subject to applicable law or a wrltten waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay taxes and 4.:: <br /> '�� nRSCSSmente(including condominium aud planned unit develapment assessmcnts.if any)which may attain priorlty over this r: <br />_ } <br /> � Dccd of Trurt,end ground mnts on the�coporty,if a�►Y• c= <br /> s 3. Appllcation ot P�ymeat�. Unless applicablc law provides othenvise,�payments received by Londer under - <br /> � • ttw Tlato and paragraphe � ar►d 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payn►ent of amounts payablo to Leader by <br />- �~ Botrowcr undcr paragrnph 2 hereof,then ta interest payable on the Notc,and then to the principal of tho Notc. <br /> . ;� �4. Prinr Mo�tg!!�s�M+d Deed�of Trust;Chargea;Licn�. Horrower shall perform aU of Bonower's obligadons <br />-�`�� . . undai any mortgago, doaf of tn�sl or other securiry a�reement with a lien whi i h��i o��o�v�o p�i o��a ency, <br />-; ' including BottovYer'a covenanU ta make payments when due. Bonower shaU pay _ <br /> � aQ taxea,asses�mcnb and oqter c('�urgca,fines nnd imposldona atMbutable to the Propeny�vhlch may attain a pdorlty over <br /> �'�. '� %w'. thi�Dood nf T�u�1,and Icaschuld paymeate or ground ronta,if aay. <br /> � ���' 6. H�zurd tawr�ca Horcower ehall keep tha improvements now existing or heresiiter erecud on tho Property <br />��;'-� � � • . <br /> �,. •",, ���� lnsurod againsl lou try flro,he�.atds included within the tenu"exteaded coverago",aad such otl�er ha7ards es L.ender may <br />�'��. roquloo end in such amounU and for such periods as I.ander may requlre• <br />"• ��� Tha insurenca cA�rlor providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borcower subject to approval by I.ender, <br />�-~°=1�„�t;�� pmvided,that�uch nppraval�hall not ba unreasonably withheld. All insnrance policios and nnewaI�thereof shall be in a <br /> z:T'�: �� fQ.�pmmahle tn L.ender end�hall includo a stendard mortgage clauso in favar of and in a form Acceptable to I.ender. <br />��=�:=:°-: subject to tho terms of airy moriga�e� , _,.._�. <br /> �::SF�,'.�,;�-� Londar�11 Itavo Uw dght to hold tho policie9 and renewals thereof� a�°i°1j"3f <br />-�T'����'�`'�� other eocurity egroenxnt with�Iton which tws pr[ority over this Deed of Trust. <br />"'"'�•:�:���,�� Iri tho ovent of lou,BorroHtir�hxll glvo pxompt nodce to the insurana cariier nrid Lender. Lendor may make <br />=-=°-...<`a,.,' proof of laa i4 not ttt�lo promptly 6y�orrower. <br /> -�"�'_� , _ �e tho pcoperty�t�utdpt�od by Bottower,or if Borrower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days from tha date <br /> —a��� notico le mellod by l.onder to Harmwot that tho insurence carrier offers to settla a claim for insutanee benefits,Lender is <br />---,,,,:;��—�,; euttad��ed to coUect And app1Y tho ituur�noa Pro�ode$t knde�'s opdon eitt�r to mstorddon or repair of tha Praperty oz W <br /> —:�:�.��� tho sumi iocurod b5'thir pood of'Crutt. <br /> ��"'''�'�"�" 6. Prclerv�tloa iuld lVIldMtem�ace ot Property; Leakholds; Coadominiume; Plwned Unit <br /> -��'�'��=- p�{op�p�. Bonnvrer�h�tll koep thn Property in Sood repair and sball uot commit waste or permit impainment or <br /> -v�o��: detedaretion of tho Nroperty�nd ih��l ooroP�Y With the provisfons of any lease�th�s Dced of Tmst is on a leasehold. If this <br /> Dood of Ttwt i�on a unit in a condomiMum or a plenned uait development,Horrower shall perform all of Borrower's <br /> Y � - o�!lg�+��r.s�!!�!�!!+r t�Ao�lnntlon or oovenante crtating ar gaverning the oondominium or plaunod unit development,the by- <br /> lawa and regul�doni ot tho wndominium or pi�uuud unit development,and cansdtuent documents. <br /> --�� 1. �rotatfon o� l,eadc�'� 3ecutity. IP BOf[OWCI Fd1I8 t0 jICI�Oriri thC CQYCI13AtS 8Ad A�CCiIl�nts contained in <br /> thie Daod of Ttust,or lf nny�ction or procooding ie cumm�noed�vhi�h��Zerially affcxts 1•cndcr's im�terest iu the Property, <br /> --- � thsn I.ender�pt Lende�"� optian� upon noUca tc�Harrower, may make such r�ppea�anr,es� siisbiuee bvch sums,including <br /> =_�� reaaonebic attomey�'fxe,and tako�uch�ctlon ai(�neccssary 4o pmtoct I�n;kt's intcrest. If Lender roqnlred mortgap,e <br /> -- inswrance ls a wndidon of ma{cing thn loan�ocurod by thie Dcod of Trust,Horrower sball pay the premiums requind to <br /> � --"'°" maintain bueh lnsuraneo 1n effcet u�dil�uch tirr�a�tho roqulcement tar such insur��nce is termtnutod in acoordac►ce witl► <br /> __- — garrowcPm and Lender'�writtan agrxment ar pppllcabla law. h 7,�������ereon. at We Note rate, ahall <br /> �_ _--=� 1►ny amounte dlabunoA bryr I.andsr putw�nt to thle P�B�P <br /> - __-_=--�,� bocoma addidonal indebtodneet of Ilorrowet rocured by�Ide DcOd of Tn�st. Unless Borrower and I.endeT n�Aj t�e t� <br /> �� tcrms o f p a y m c n t, �u c h a m o u n t� i h a l l b o p a y a b i o u p o n n o N c a from Lcad��to���a� henung dcr� <br /> _� <br /> �=;�;'� '� Noihing oontuin,ed in IM�peragaph T�hull roqulro i.cndor to incur uny expe <br /> �°���F:�'�� <br /> �,_�Arx.--— <br /> ----__�;V . 8. ie�pection. L,���c{or nu�y mako ot caara to bo mado r�asanable e�t�es upan nnd inapections of the Propertg+, _ <br /> '1 -�••� rovidod trat Lender ehall ivo 8onowcr�wtico prior to any such inEpcxtfon speci�ying reas�oru►blo canse therefor nlated to <br /> - ;tiy=, 6 <br /> :`���: +�•�•• Lcndcr's lntcrest in tha Aroperty, <br /> _'::<°,-,~�,;.•.:�v}• . <br /> �:`,��.- 9. Condee�n�tlon. Tha pror.00Aa of dny awurd or ciatm for dannaBes,direct or consequeniial,in oonnection with - <br /> , �� - �...,....,�..,�e.�,,....,.,�h..���no�t�t�e�rmar�v.or oart thcreof,or for coavcyance in lieu of conde�nation,are hereby <br /> -_:._:�„•'..- �- o..,......,.,............._._..._ --�_� __ . <br />- -�. , : � � asslgnad and shall ho pnid t4 Lcndor, rub}cci to tho Hghte oP ti►o holdcr of any mortgage. decli of trust or other security _ <br />-- - ; agocmcnt wlth a Iicn whlch t�aa pdorlry av�r Ihie Dccd of'fn�st. <br /> 10. Borrower Not Releuedi Forbe�rrace Ny I�ender Not R'W�ver. Bxtension of thc tune for payme�t or <br /> — ' moditicatlon of amorti•r.etton of tha suim.e socurw3 by Ihin ikcci of`i'nut grnnted by Lender to any suocessor in i�iterest of <br /> ' Borrowcr sl�all not opernta tu relcasc, or othcnviRU n1TL�t i�� any in�nncr. thc liabiliry of tlte original Borrower and <br /> „ ., Bonower's succassore in interest. Lendcr�lixll twl bo ra�uirod to coinnknoo praaxdings Against such saccessor or refi�se to <br /> cxtcnd ti�no for payment or otha�vfso n�adlly m�wril�aUon af lho �ums Rccurc�6y this Decd of Tn�st by reason of eny <br />� _ . demnnd mada by tha orlginal Borrowcr nnd liarroH���'R pi�cccx!iars ln imerest. Aqv forbrauance by Lender in cxcrcising any <br /> � right or rematy hGnunder,or otl�orwlso uxt'arcl�tl by nppllceblo luw,�hall no1 bo a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any <br /> �. �'�. •� such dght or rcmcdy. _ <br /> , � <br /> �� Forn�N739 NE (10/9G) Pagc 2 of S <br /> . .. __ _ ---- <br />