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' <br /> • .. <br /> � 1 <br /> � ��{ � ro.....i1�+� WVaT1MW4 ' . ... _.. .. . ��n�._.:llf-.!'.'( ._ ,. _ _ . .--..... __ ."'' <br /> �+1� : ts. :f., u ..._ .� � .. .____""'... —_ <br /> a <br /> �r�...) ..�. <br /> i ... . _.. , '4.� <br /> ...• _...- ...n . .... ..���.. .. - -.. .• " " <br /> � __ <br /> = ' � �- iQ��:�. <br /> " S. Hazurd ar Property Insw•uncc. I�orrowcr shull kecp thc imnr��vemcnts now exititing ��r liarc��ttcr crcctcd on tlic <br /> ��:u�-•: Property insured ugainst lass by fire, hu•r.urds included withiit the term "extended coveruge" imd any��thur lu�xurds, including <br /> •�• • � fliuul.or fl�xxlint;, fbr whirh l.enJcr rcyuires insurnncc. 7'his insurancc shall bc maintaincd in thc umountr,and !ur thc pericids <br /> ..� <br />=:"F� that l.ender reyulres. The insurunce car�ier prewiding the insuriaice shnll be chosen Uy Horruwer suhjert tu I..ender's nppn�vsQ <br /> �'���� which shall ni+t bc u�in:asmsubly �vithheld. If Borrowcr fc►ils ta mainc�in covcragc dcscribed above, L�:nciar may, ut Lendcr's <br /> �� optiim, ubtain covcragc to protcct Lendcr's rights in thc Praperq� in aecorduncc with pa�agr.�ph 7. <br /> All insurunce policies nnd renewuls shall be acceptuble to L.endcr und sho►ll include n stnndard mi�rt�n�u cluuse. I.ender <br /> _��-�'.�' shall havc thc right to hold the pulicies and renewuls. If Lender requires,aarrower shall prompdy give to L.�nde:r all receipts of <br /> ': :� paid premiums und renewul notices. In the event�f loss,Borrower shull gi�e prampt notice to the insurance curricr und Lcnder. <br />.-;•. .�•�- <br /> r�• I.ender may make proof of luss if not madc prumptly by Bonower. <br /> -���x�;�� Unlcss Lendcr und Borrawcr otherwise agree in�vriting, in�urtmcc peocccds shall bc applicd to restoration or rcpair of thc <br />=��;�•• <br /> y���^ Property dumagcd.if the restoration or repair is economir,ully fcusibtc and l.endcr's security is not lesscncd.If tY�c restorntion or <br />�-`.'•.'"`�� rep�ur is not economically feasible nr Lender's sccurity would be lessened, the insurance pruceeds shuU bu npplied to the sums <br /> °-����"� secured by this St:curity Instrument, wh�ther or nat then due, witli nny excess paid to Bonower. if Burrawer ubundons the <br /> v�' Propc:rty,or docs not answcr within 30 days a notic� from I.ender that thc insurancc curricr has offered [o scttle a claim,then <br /> _°_= l.e.nder may callect thc insur.►nce procceds. Lender mny use thc procceds to repair or rcstore the Prupnny m� ta pay sums <br />-"'�"`-� secured by this 5ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due.Tl�e 30-ciay periad will 6e�in when the notice is giv�n. <br /> "_�_� �nless Lender und Borrawer othenvise agree in writing, any upplicntion of pracceds to principtd shull not extend or <br /> -'°"=��'i postpone the duz dste of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of thc pnyment�. If <br /> - under paragraph 31 the e'tvpeny is acquired by L.:.nder, Boiro�ver's right to any insurance polic:ies and�ra:eeds resultinII frqm <br />;,-:r�,�;.a4s <br />=_----- damage to the Property priQ.r to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the surns secured by thitti Security Instrument <br /> immediately prior to the t�a�uisition. <br /> 6.Occu{�ncy, Preservation,I�alntenance wnd ProY�cttoa of the Pruperty;Borrow•ee's Lonn Apnlieabian;I.exsehol�ls. <br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Propeny as Bormwer'!e principal residence within sixty days x[ter the execution of <br /> - this Security Instrument und shs�ll continue to occupy the Property as Barrower's principal residence for ut least one year after <br /> the date of oceupancy, unless Lc:nder otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> - �x�»r.�tinb �ir�zms�.�.^�� �:Yist which �rP heyond Bormwer's control. Borrower shall n�t destroy, dcunuge or impair the <br /> Property, al(ow the Pro�.*�rty to deteriornte, or commit waste on the Prupeny. Borcower shall be in dafnult if any forfeiture <br /> -�-- action or proa�,ding,w�hzther civil or criminal, is begun that in L,eader's sood faith judgment could reE,ult in forfeiture of tha <br /> Property or otherwise mar.rially impair the licn created by tliis Security Instrument or Lendcr's seci►rity inlr,rest.Bonowcr mn» <br /> cure such a default and c�instate,as provided in paragraph IS,by causing the action or proceeding to b�s d�smissed with a r�nZettb <br /> thnt, in L�ender's aood �aith determination, precludes forfciture of the Borrower's interest in the Pit�pr.rty or other materi�l <br /> impairment of th: lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest.Borrower shult dlsa bc in default if <br /> Borruwer,durim�the loan application process,�uve materially false or inaccur�te information or statemcnts to failed <br /> to provide.l.znder with any material information) in connection with thc loan evidenced by the Noto,inoluding,but not limited <br /> to,tepresenwtions wncerning Bano�ver's occupancy of the Praperty as a principal residence. If this Sr:ctirity Instrument is on n <br /> Ieasetiolcl, Bonower shall comply with all tiic provisions of thc leuse. If Borrower acquii�es fee titt�: to tlie Property, the <br /> leasehold and the fce title shall not merge unless Lender abrocs to the merger in writing. <br /> � 7.Pmtent3on of Lender's Rigl�4s in the Property.If Borro�vcr fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in • <br /> this 5ecunty Ynst�ument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly uffect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> - - proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for wndemnation or forfciture or to enforce laws or regulutions),�tZen Lender may do nnd <br /> f pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vnlue of the Prape�ty nncl Lender's ri�hts in the Prupeny. l.cnder's ucHons may <br /> - inciude paying any sums secured by 3 lien which has priority aver this Sect+rity Instrument, appoaring in court. paying <br /> __ reasonable attorneys'fees und entcring on the Property to malte repairs. Although Le�nder may take or,tion under this paragraph <br /> -- 7, L.ender dces not have to do so. <br /> — Any amounts disbursed by Lender under dds paragiupl� 7 shall become additional debt of Bortower secured by this <br /> '. Security instrument. Unless Bonower and L.ender agrec to other tcrms of psyment, these amounts shull bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate nnd shall be payahlc, with intemst, upon notice [rom Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> __-_= � 8.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender requimd mortgage insurunce as u condition of making the loa�i sec:ured by thls Securiry <br /> Instrument, Borrower shafl pay the premiums requirod to maintaiu the mortgage insurunce in et.�fect. [f, for any reason. the <br /> tnortgage insuran�e coverage requir�d by Lender lapaes or censes to bc in effi;ct, Borrowcr shutl pay thc premiums required to <br /> � obtafn coverage substuntially equivalent to the mortgage insurancn previously in effect. at a cost substantially equivalent to the • <br /> cost to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from un alternute mortg�ge ensurer approvod by Lender. If <br /> — subst�ntial(y r�,c�uivulent mortgage insurunce wvernge is not available,Horro�ver shall puy to L�:nder each month a sum equ:il to <br /> � ----- one-twelfth of the yeurly mortgage insursu:ce premium being paid by Borro�ver wlten the insursn�,coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> ---= � be In cffcct. Lender�vill accept, use and retain these pnym�nts us a loss reserve in lieu of rno�tgagc insurance. Loss rescrve <br /> --=== � Form 3028 9180 <br /> -_-- P�po�ot 8 . <br /> ��� <br /> __ _ ;"r:L . <br /> \ __ _ - -- __ � .ii: 2�.Ny...._. . . � _ <br /> '"y��'r-u''�j„ - " y '.�. ,;t:,k i� .� . .�t�a�5��+��`.��- <br /> �1RRl'�r�rc f?vTF . . . . . . . �.� , : .� • . � � .'���{J� — <br /> -.1N ,]F - „ �'� � . - �'.:Y� .. ' ��I r� _ Yt P' � <br /> S -l�i?� ' � � , asfN���w�r�� 1 .vi�� -� �� ' `�' :7: - <br /> �}`�� 'lr,:,',1 r , ' � 't {'pj�S1�.�..5� .+�IY�r� T' ' Y '��+�--_ <br /> '' >� rr`+ ,�'� r.d:'i�:��.ywS�•�? i. �., ��'j •c,. �,t, <br /> „��" ,��' .''�e.. , � ,�� . �. . , " ;i�?,jF.�'R�1:.� +�` �L' � a.' .''.t�,� ,���,- <br /> .����•"Y'� �.. .-. ' .. .. . ., . . ., • - � � �M' 1�Lt.yd.:. �'{� - #= <br /> ���{H, f � ., . - . rK.:�+.} .�Y.�c tr',.�,ii,-. <br /> `�.'�✓f.t�it: _ � .. ti> . .. ' • . f �. ry��a���''��;,,^_ <br /> ,�._�.'. 1 , , . ...[ x u�L.t� 2"'ik'�it <br /> �. ;: _— �.� <br /> _� �71. •- '� � . - ' .. . . . .. . . - � rs,`.} !� ��ra� -_ <br /> � �"' .t+'� . 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