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� � . <br /> '�. .�..... , . �� <br /> -. , M _ , !,_. .- i�lYiilYi�• �'a�i�l��� ' - . � . _-. . .— _ <br /> ,-'.�'L.�_. � �.�.Y � _'�'i���Q _ lre.r�l.'A. .. <br /> -�"���2. ___ _ -_ - __ __ -- �, . -'- - __ — ..__._ <br /> ...tJ .._1:• .,-� _. <br />— "v '" _ __ ���_. . -- . <br /> t. ' � �!a•rTVt''r ���a�¢��~�� „ ... . ,. <br /> � "'"i,1���W�!"�;.• ...r- <br /> .. 10S'7�Z6 =_- _ --� <br /> " „y,;,�,,�,,;c;��. �' Incunv�c�premlums,�r+ound renl+�,And all odier chaiyea whatsaovar IeWed upon or asaa9sed;pl6ced or made epeUat►he Tivat <br /> Proporty.Tiueror luNw�epreos,upon wntten request by BonelJclery,to prompdy dellver fo BeneHclery all recelpts fa ths payment o! <br /> auah chupes.Tiusror lJkewlsa a8rees to pay afl Iaxes,asaaasments and otha chup�s IaWod upon a�c�d a n�ad� __ <br /> aydnat,a maw�ed by,thla Oesd o1 Tiust or tha ncordadon h�nol. <br /> _ 6, AppNc�tln,�nl Peym�nt.s.All peymenta recelved by B�n�lkl�ry a to�ny d�bt deblflry a obllpadan owad to Benelkluy by lruAta { __ <br /> � �r rnay pe�/ipllqd by Benelklery to tho payment of tho Indob:adness or ro any euch ofher debt Ilab.'9fy or ab�lpedon,!n any ader a _... <br /> t�� .°,", manner of applkedon whlch ReneNclary,!n!ts absolufe dlsoreUon,deema eppropdale.Unfes�otherwlsa elected by BenNlai�ry,any <br /> � ���, ��� suoh payment oball ba doertrod applied llrst ro ftw paymenf of any dQbt,NAb1Ury a obll�atlon Whor fhan the Nota. <br /> ^� _•_•��._._ B. Char�ea;Uena.Tiustor wlll keop the Tivat PropeRy lree Irom all dona and encumbranaes whkh M any way may, !n fhe�udgment ol <br /> - *—°• BeneHclery.heve pda/ty over,orlmpali Ihe security ol,thls Deed ol Trust but Tiusto�nsed not dlscha►pe any such llen so lonp as � <br /> „ r. :::,,:+*� �s, <br /> . �+pt y,;,,;�.,►�.��,;.�, Trustor sh�ll agrae,!n wddnp,ro pay the oWlysdon seoured by such den In a manner accepteble to Benellcfery end shall!n pood/allh <br /> �•'��- ,^�� . .,.I;o conteat such llen by appropd�ta/aya/procaadMps eHeodva to provent t/�a onlorc�ment o/tho ll�n and lho loas ol ary/nterast In a <br /> ;� ". �>:�AU„,� part o/the TrustProperry. <br /> -- ``�` �-�'=� �•-�• � 7. Hazard Inaurance.Tiusta shall keep/Ae bulldinga and otherlmprovomonts now exlating or hereaRer erected on the Tivat Properry <br /> � <�'"�"'.''�'�'°'"� Insured bylnsurance caniera saHafactory M BeneNalery aDalnst loss by Nre,hazerdalncluded ln fhe term"extended coverayo' �nd � <br /> ° such other haxarda,casuaftles and conBngencJes es mey be requlred by BeneNclary,!n such amounta and lor such pedods as may ba <br /> ,�wcr.a�r '�� '' requlred by Benallclary.The poUcy oI lnsurance shall be!n form accepteble to BenaNclery,provlde thet the same may rrot be � - <br /> � .��� .: e:w� '� oancel/ed or modl(led wldraut Il/teon(f bJ deys prla wdtten noNce to 9eneliclary.and shall heve loss peyable provislons!n/avor o!and <br /> _ �: �p, !n larm acceptab/e to BeneBclery.All premlums on lnsurance pollcles shall be pald!n the manner provlded undur pereyraph 4 heroof <br /> �;� � . .. or,!I not pa/d!n sach menner,by Tiustor meking payment af least lilteen(1 S)days pdor to the due date,dlrecUy to thB lnsurance <br /> �� •`,'. . : ��. <br /> cenler.BeneBclary shell have the rlpht to hold the po!lcles and renewals Ihereo/and Trusfor shell prompHy lumish ro Benellclary afl <br /> � �H, r � ; '- Y�!��. ienewal nodces and ell peld premlum recelpts receJved bylt.In no event shall BeneBclary or Trustee be held iesponslble to►lellura to <br /> _--- ot pay Jnsurnnce premluma or for any loss or demaqe adsing out o/e detect!n any pollcy or arlsing out ol any lallure of anylnsu►ance <br />__= company to pay tor any bss or damage lnsured easlnat or lor laqure by Tiustor to ellect the lnsmance reqWied hereunder.M the evon► <br /> � -- _- '�,.��_- ol loss,Tiustor ahal!glve prompt notice by me!!to the lnsurence carder and Beneflclary.BenoNclary may makap roof of loss I!not - <br /> �; � made promptly oi In proper form 6y Trustor.All pollcles ol lnsurance and any end all relunds ol uneamed premlums are he�eby <br /> t�r� �s�t;�:�%. asslgned to Benelklary es addltional securlry/or tho payment o/the Indebtedness.!n the evenf ol Bene/Ic/ary's exe►c/se oI the power <br /> � o/sefe contalned hereln,or ln the event o!foreclosure,all rlght,dUe and Interest of Tiustor!n end to any lnswance pol►cy then!n lorce <br /> ° ahell pass tu fhe/�urchaser at fhe hustee's sale or foiecfosure sele.In case oleny loss,the lnwiance proceeds may,at the opdon ol r:�-° <br /> .. e,' � .'�.'.'� Benellclary, be appUed 6y Benepclary upon the Indebtedness,or any pa►t thereof,and Jn such order and amounf as BeneNclery may ` F <br /> ., ,. „, � determine;or seld lnsurance proceeds,at the optlon ol Bene/Iclary,may elther be used!n replacing or restodnp the Tivat Property . <br /> pardelty or totaHy destroyed fo a condlqon seNs/actory to BeneNclary;or sald insurance prxeeds,or eny poMon thereol,mey be <br /> •• • , �` releesed to Tiustor.Unless BeneBclary end Trusta otherwlse agree ln wddng,any such applkeNon ollnsurance praceeds shal!not - <br /> � 'r exlend or postponB the due dete ol the Note,or any lnsfallments calfad lor thereln,a chenge fhe amount o/such lnatellments.J/the °_ <br /> '. " Tiust Properry Is acqubed by BoneNclary pursuant to the exe�clse ol the power ol sale or other�oreclosure,ell dght,dNe and fiterest ol ___ <br /> �� . Trustor!n and to any Inswence proceeds payabfe as a result ol damage to Mo Tiust P�operty prlor to fhe sale a acqulslUon shall pass sto: <br /> ' . ' • to BeneBclary end ahall 6e epplled Nrst ro the costs and expenses,lncluding ettaney lees,Incurred!n coJlect/rp such prxeeds,then ;,� <br /> _--_ �=-'_ !n the menner end ln the order provlded heieln. �-_ <br /> ,,, 8. Presorvatlon and Malntenance o/Trust Property.Truator wlll keep the bulld/ngs and other improvements now a hereafter erected on <br /> „ �• !he Tiusf Property in good repa/r and condlUon and wlll not commlt or pormlt waste,w111 nof allei Ihe deslgn or strucfu�al cha►acter �._ <br /> �' consBtuHn p any bullding now or hereaRer erected on and constpuHng the Tiust Properry wlthout the pdor wrltien consent ol <br /> ' Benellclery, wl�not do eny acf or thing which would unduly lmpalr or depreclete the value of fhe Trust Properiy and wlll not abandon <br /> •� the Trust Property.Tiusror wlll not remove any/lxtures consUtuNng the Trust Pioperty unless the same are lmmedlately ieplaced with ",�' <br /> llke properly subjact to the Ilen and secudtylnteresf o/fhls Deed o/Tiust and ol et leasf equal va/ue and uNUly.Tiustor wlll compty wlth <br /> •&�� � � " all present end future ordlnances,regulallons and iequlrements ol any governmental body whlch are appllceble ro the Tiust Pioperry ��- <br /> , .. � end ro the xcupancy and use thereol.ll thls Deed ol Tiust�s on a unit/n a condominlum or a pJanned unit deve%pment Trustor shell <br /> ,, perform all of Tiustor's obdgatlons under the decla�atlons or covenants creatlng or goverMng fhe condomlMurn or fhe plenned uMt <br />