=� ,�".��� _.�.ii:.' '' ' - {` _ • n� �. . . ` _Y = T�L� f .__ ____— -- ..
<br /> .�.r�ir�.s..Yrt� ��• -�rt.3.-- .jyr
<br /> L . . i. _.,.
<br /> .-..�.■r.'�`'`�A�`�t If' .. � .� ' ��°°[�y^"'d°�"�"`°_.yc,�.�r.�e..�ew�t�a .-.__..,.._��.,� -- ... _ - .---.--.-,-* _��_., ---� --
<br /> �i-�� - �` -- — - � ._. ...
<br /> �T''� S}.,�'y'�y'�►"f''w'i„"'� --_
<br /> . { '�y.� .. t.. '� .�: -
<br /> � „•.',fi'�Ji��:i�'-�i� ., `�-.� —
<br /> . •'F�ii.-�r�ta+r .
<br /> ' �;,�w;,,� , Daed of Trust �
<br /> o�.: ..,��: � 92_ sos�zs
<br /> 1
<br /> _- . _ "__r— _"__ � .
<br /> - .''�;,w�� -� � 31 JuLy ��p 92,by uid bstw�on � -
<br /> �_ .��,� ,: TH�S DE�FO OF�TFiU�1'!s ma�o�1� dey ol
<br /> R�� an R�� . nc.. • raeks�oYporat o�n whe►heroraamon,(h�nln�It�rcalkdlM"Tiwbr"), _
<br /> ' r� ' '�.•� P. A. BOX 10��, ar��1 Telgt►� vst...ueLn 68802 � �
<br /> ..:. � �.R �_ whoa�m�lUn�addnsa 1 AerB!na a�l th rrustee') w •mal�ing addnaa/� �-,
<br /> �. ° ''�f�:�,,:'•„�: PT�'� P�Ow�r�76 0 �asica.�at�na�.Aeeoci�it� ,fMnlndtN
<br /> �.�,� � . . ox . ran a an . ,�d NOAWEST BANK_
<br /> � �.};v -`'• Q��KJbN"�11���),wha�mdl►np�dd►�a�la �' i� pnx �7b(� [3r *�� Ta ran.i� Nal�rwnl�a 6AAA? - —,
<br /> +�. �.
<br /> - ' �,. . . �o ` W/iNESSE7H:
<br /> ,,,,,.. �;_� �� OESCRIBED HEAEINBELOW.
<br /> _•� • WHEREAS T ua i ls lndebted ro Benelklary M�he pdnclpel aum o/ FI� T�OUSAND AND NO/100 --------------------
<br /> -��� •� . pcllus(S.�-�-J.wh/ch lndebtednesa!s evldenced 6y Trustor's prorolsso note dated u �y'31 1�� (hnaln�lta
<br />�. oa0ad dn"Note'),payebfe b the ader o!Benellclary and havinp a meturity ol Janu�ri 11 � �:! � �
<br /> '"'- , �;;.,.�..�....:�. , NOW,THEAEfORE,fa the purpose of seou►lnp: -_-
<br /> _ � • a�..,•.,:;;a; (�y payment of dw Note,toy�eMer wJth lnteresf thereon,lete charyes,prepayment penalNea,any lufure advanaos,and�ll�xtaiudais, _
<br /> modlflcetbne,subsfNuNon�a�d rerwwa/s thereol, � _
<br /> -��� �., �� (b) payment of all oMer suma,feea or charges,ropether wilh lnte►est thereon,advenced to protect fha aocudry o!thls Dead ol Tiupt and ______
<br /> ---� �• " � fha perlormence o/the covenants and agreements o/Tivata,whetl►er a not set Mrth hereln, �:��
<br /> .�� ' ' (o) peAormance,dlscharpe ol end compllance wlth every tenn.covenent obllgatlon end agreement ol Trusta conta►nod iwroJn a
<br /> ' • lncaporeted by re/erence a any other sacudry lnsbument et anyNme given to secure the Note,and ��._,__:-
<br /> ^� ' ' • (d) the repayment al a!I other suma a luture advances,with lnterest tlwraon,whlch moy heratoMra hava baan a Iw►oalta bo advancM _
<br /> , ' by Barwllcla►y to Tivator or Truator's auccessa In Interest or tltle, �;`
<br />, �t ' 4,�. , •• �' ell o/whlch!s herelnalter collecdvety called 1he"lndebrodnesa", Truata Imavocably yrents and denafers M Tiustee,!n husf,WITH POWER - -
<br /> ,
<br /> OF SALE,the/olfowlnp descdbed prope►ry: �'':'��
<br /> , . , . __=° ----
<br /> '" � � � Lot 7�,ienty-0ne (21) Westwood Park Subdiviaion,
<br /> . -
<br /> "-_ � .. Grand Ioland. Hall Caunty. Nebraeka
<br /> _�- ��• - --
<br /> bgether wlth(1)all buildinga,sMuctwes,addldons,enlergements.modlpcedons,repe!►a,replecemenls and lmprovementa now a harealter -� -• -
<br /> � loceted thereon,(11)all equlpment,machlnery and Nxtures pnclud/np,wlthout Nmltadon,alllighdng,heating,vendletlng,cooling,alr ��'����' ' '^"'
<br /> . . � condrdoning,apqnkllnp and plumbUg Nxfures,water end power syttems,englnes,bollers,ranges,ovans,dJshwashers,minors and mantela, ;�:
<br /> - • carpedng,lumacea,oll bumers,elevators and motors,ieldgeretlon planta or unita,communlcaUon systems,dynamos,bans/ormeis,elecMca! . ��
<br /> equlprnent,storm end screen w/ndowa,doors,awnings and shades�now or herealter atteched to,or bulft In,any bulld/ng orlmprovement �'��
<br />- now or hereaBer Ixafed thereon,(IN)all easements and dghts of wey appurtenant thereto,(!v),all feasehold estate,►lght Nde and interes►01 • �
<br /> Tivato►!n end to ell/eases,whether now or herea/ter exisUng a entered lnto(Including,wllhout Ilmlfatlon,all cash and secudty deposlts, ...�.
<br /> � advance rentals end deposlts or payments ol a simller nature),pertalning therero,(v1 el!rents,lasues,pmllts and Income therelrom(subJect ,� '�'
<br /> _ " +°� to the dght ol Tiustor to colfect and apply auch rents,lsaues.pro/i1s and Income as they become due and payable so long as no event o/
<br /> de/auR exfsts hereunder),(vl)al/royaldes,minerel,dl end ges dqhts and proNts,water, water dghts,and wate►atock,(WI)ell tenements, �
<br /> ' -- �� � heredltamenfs,pNvllegan and eppudenancey Lelonging,used or en�oyed/n coMecdon therewith,and(vll►)ell proceeds ol converslon,
<br /> �'� ' `� voluntery or lnvolunt poing!nro cesh or llquldeted clalms(lncluding,wlthout Ilmltatlon, roceeds ol lnauranca and '---- -
<br /> ary,o/any o/the fore P g�;_�:�•r�:
<br />__ condemnadon awards),ell of whlchls herelnelter cdlecGvely cel/ed tha"Tiust Piope►ty". _ -
<br /> '' � • " 1. Tltle. Tiusfor covenents,wanants and agrees wJfh BeneNclery,Its successors end ssslgns,thaf Tiusror owns the Tivat Properry lree �
<br /> �' ' �' /rom any pdor flen or encumbrance,that thls Deed ol Tius[!s and wlll remaln a veNd end enforceable ll�at llen on the Tiust Property, �•..�-_�w;
<br /> �.'' •• .�r that TinBtor,etlta expense,w111 preserve such dde and wll/ma/ntaln thls Deed o/Trust as e lirst end pe�emount llen upon the Tiust ��:.-__�-�_
<br /> � . Property and wl11/orever wenant and delend the valldlty and pnalty o/the Ilen hereof agelnst the clelms o/all persons end pa►tles 'T��r=°_
<br /> whamsoever.Tiuslor,at!ts expense,wpl ceuse thls Deed a!Tiust,end each emendment or supplement herero,to be Nled and � _
<br /> • recorded as a mortgage of the Trust Properry!n such menner and in such place and w�N teke such actlon as fn the oplMon ol Tiustee -�-'b�••, ��
<br /> .'ASL.:.
<br />- ' may be requlred by any present or luture law!n order to pedect melntaln end protecf Ihe Ben of thls Deed of Trust as tl►e seme may -
<br /> . ' be amended or supplemented/rom dme ro Ume.Tiustor w111 make such luhher assurence or assurances to per/ect!ts dtle to the Tiust _.
<br /> ' Property as may be requlred by BeneJlclary.Trustor hereby rellnqulshes all dght ol dower and homestead!n and to the Tiust Properry. -��.�a�_�
<br /> ��: 2. Payment oi Indebtedness,Trustor she/f punctuelty pay the pdnclpa!ol and lnterest on the Indebtedness secured hereby. 't+�:==�-_
<br /> 1 -r`'"' ;'� 3. ConsbucNon of Improvements.Tiusta shall complete!n good and workmanUke mbnner any bulldings,lmprovements or repalrs reladng . . =`;'=K;�.
<br /> '` ' � thereto whlch mey be begun on the Tiust Properry or contemp/eted by the loan evldenced by the Note secu►ed he�eby,to pay when ; .
<br /> � �• due all costs and Nabldtles lncurred therefore,end not to perm/t any construr,Non Ilen egalnst such Trust PropeRy,In the event ••
<br /> construcUon oi bulldings.lmprovements or repalrs are contemplated,Trustor also agrees,anyfhing!n this Deed o/Tiust to the conbery � ,
<br /> notwlthstanding;(a)to piompHy commence any such work and to complete the proposed lmprovements promptly,(b)to complete the �
<br /> � seme!n ecco►dance w/th the p/ans end speclilceBons as approved by Benellclary,(c)to comply wlth all fhe terms ol e bullding loan
<br /> egreement i/any,between 7rustor and Bene!lclery,the tarms ol whlch are lncorporeted hereln by relerence and made e part hereo% k
<br /> (dj ro ellow BeneNclery[o lnspect the Trust Properry at all times during consbuction,and(eJ to replace any work or meterlals �
<br /> unsetls/acrory ro BeneBc/ary wtthln/llteen(15J days alter wdtten notice/rom Beneliclary ol such lact.
<br />� 4. Funds lor Payment of Charges. Sub/ect to appNceble lew or to a wrltten weiver by Beneficlary,Trustor shall pay to Benepr,lary on the
<br /> ' Nrst day of each month,or such other date each month as may be speclfled by Bene/IClary,untll the Indebtedness Is pald!n full,a sum '.
<br /> � (herelnaRer called the"Funds")equal to 1 i 12th of the yeaily taxes end assessments whlch m&y attaln prloriry over thls Deed o/Trusf ;
<br /> � end ground rents on Ihe Trusf Pioperty,(1 any,plus 1 i 12�n d the yeady prem�um Installments for hezard lnsu►ance,p/us 1�12th of the i
<br /> N yearly premlum Installments lor moRgage lnsurance,!I any,all as raesonabfy esUmated!rntlally and Irom time to time 6y BeneHclery on
<br /> ._ __�"�,___� ..�___.:�..._..s......,.� r�..c.....��ehnll ho ho/r�in an(nctif��linn lhp rlwnticlfs oi �
<br /> � ---' — - iiro udslo ul uo5vbb�7aiaa anv an�w au�ioaovi�oano o�u���aso��..�.o..�. .......... .._.. .__.-- - - •
<br /> accounts of whkh are lnsured or guaranteed by a lederal ar state egency incluaing Beneliclary. BeneBciary shell epply the Funds to
<br /> ' , pay sald taxes,assessmants,insu�ance premlums and ground rents.Beneliclary shall not be requlred fo pay Trustor any interest or �
<br /> " eemings on the Funds.Beneflclary shall glve to Trustor,wlthout charge,an annual accounting o/the Funds showing credlts and
<br /> debits to the Funds end the purpose lor whlch each debd to the Funds wes made.The Funds are pledged es addiNonal secudty!or
<br /> the lndebtedness secured by thls Deed ol Trust.11�he emount o�Ihe Funds held by Benefic(ary,together with the luturo monthly
<br /> s lnstallments o!Funds peyable prior to the due dates ol taxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground►ents,shall exceed the •
<br /> emaunt requlred to pay sa(d faxes,assessments,lnsurence premiums and ground rents as they/a11 due.such excess shall be,ar
<br /> Tiustor's optlon,elthei promptly repald to Trustor or credited to Trustor agalnst luture monthly lnstellmenfs ol Funds.1!the amount ol
<br /> ;, � the Funds held by Bene/ic!&ry shall not be suHlc(ent to pey taxes,assessmenfs,lnsu►ance premiums and ground rents as they lall due,
<br /> Trustor shell pay to Bene/lclary any amount necessary to rnake up the de/ic�ency within thlrry days Irom the date notice�s malled by
<br /> ' •• Benellclery to Trustor request(ng paymenf thereol.Upon paymenrin full of all Indebtedness,Beneliciary shall promptly relund to
<br /> Trustor any Funds held by BenelJclery. ll the T►ust PropeKy Is sold under the power o!sale or the Trust Property is otherw�se acquired
<br /> ;' by Benellcfary,BeneHclary shaN appty,lmmediately prlor fo 1he sale ol fhe Trusf P.operty or!ts acqwsllion by Benel�clery,any Funds
<br /> ' held by Bune!lclary et the tlme o/appllcaf(on as a credlt agelnsf fhe Indebtedness.ll Benefic�ary execufes e wntten wa�ver of Trustor's
<br /> , obllgatlons under th(s paragreph 4. Trustor covenants and agrees to pay,before fhe same become delmquent.all taxes,assessments,
<br /> ; Nr�v�er urn��+�N�M��F�Onh�
<br /> 1• ' '
<br />