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� �. • . <br /> ,`� . . .,.:�..;�� -- <br /> ..._�:r_.... <br /> � .,y , . � � , ' •• , _,�yR��.s __ <br /> �-�w� . le ��,� {A�.1{'{I�.......:.:���t � . . <br /> . <br /> • � � Y a <br />- �. . ..... .. ...-Y'ru �N._-. t4 ___... '_"__" _"_" �_.. <br /> ���y�� - .- ,. ,. _ �Y111Vaw4j./�:. .. 1�,'. . _ - <br /> . <br /> . <br /> ��.... . .. . _. . �...._�.. ... . --__. <br /> �. ..._. .. ..� . .�_ ... .... ...._ .. . � . ... . , ♦• ____. <br /> � . <br /> r' � • �,.�':•' <br /> • �� ����� <br /> I � 'Q.N'?�� •�.. '_ <br /> fncluding tloode or floociing, fot which L.ender requires insurance.This lasurance sh�l!be malntnlned in the nmounts end .'� ^ <br /> for tlie periads ttiet L,ender requires. 'Che insurance carrler providing the insurance ehall be chosen by Dottower sub}ect to +Y:.Y <br /> ' L,ender's 8pproval wt�tch shall not be unrexsonubly w(thheld. If Bonower fnUs to mntntain�cAOC�=a���eWit bp agraph �•,ts. <br /> +' Lender may,at Lender's option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's dghts in the Properry _ <br /> �, ,,.... <br /> All ins�ranee policies and renewals ahall be ac�;eptable to I.cndce and shall i�cluete n s�nnderd �i o�a Lender ''° <br /> ;;,�� Lendrr sheill have the dght to hold the pollcies and renewals.If Lender requins. Bonower shall promptly g .:_�„� <br /> , . all receipts of paid premiumg and renewal natices. In the event af loss,Bom'c�wer shall give prompt notice to the insurar►ce C;:�. <br /> ��,;,,,,rr�� carrier and l.ender. Lender may make proaf of los�if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> �� ,;,�,., UWess Lender end Boarawcr otherwise agrce in wrlting, insurance pro�;eeds sh�ll be applied to restoration orrep�ir ��: <br /> ��� of the Property damaged tf the restorataon or rcpair is ecunomically feasible and Lender's security ia noc lessened. If the �, <br /> restoration or repair ie aot cconomically feasible or Lender's secudty would be lesse�ed� the insurance praceeds sh�ll be ___ _ <br /> ; �PPliod ro the sums cecured by this Secudty Instmmant, whether or not then due,with eny excess paid to Borrower. lf r- <br /> m <br /> � Borrower abandons the Propeery. or dae9 not anawcr within 30 days a notice from Lender that the tnsurance carrier has <br /> � . <br /> �. '� offered to settfe a clalm, then Lender may collect Uia insurance proce�da• Lender may uu We�rocesds to rep�Wi���� <br /> �. the Pcnperty or to pay sums secured by this Securiry lnsmunent,whether or not then due. e 30-day perit -- <br /> when the no�ce ie given. lfcatlon of roceeGa to principal shall not extend or <br /> " � Unless Lender arid Borrower othcrwise agree in writing,any app P <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chanIIe thr amonnt of the paymen,te• If <br /> , uader paragraph 21 the Pmpert�r isacquired by I.ender.Bonower's nsht to aay insurance Policies and proce�ds residtinb <br /> � �. from dupage to the Propecty pnor t the acqulsidon shall gass to Leadcr to thc eatent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> Insuunxnt immediately prior to the acquisition. g��we�.'e Lo�a Applic�tion; _, <br /> 6, pccupancy, preservatEon, Maintenaace end Ptotectlon of the PropertY; <br /> Leasehulds,Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Properry as IIorrower's principal residence witliin siaty daYs <br /> after the eaecutioa of this Security Instn�ment and shall continue to oceu�y the Pcoperty as Borrower's principal msid�*_ce <br /> � for at least one y�at after the date of occupancy,unless Ixtider othenvise asrees in wrltinE. which caasent shall noc be <br /> unreasoaably withheld. or unless extenuating circwnstances exi�detedorat beoi�eommi�waste on tihe��ertYe Borrower <br /> destroy� dama�e or ir�pair the Propert}►,allow the ProPeriY <br />- shall be in default if any forfeiture acuon or pnnaeediag. whether civil or crlminal. is beSun that in�.�ent�er's good feith <br />�. •udgment could result in forFeitwr� of the Praperty or oth�rwlse materielly impair the lien cnated by thls Securtty <br />- � �munent or Leader's secur'sty iaiErrst.Borrower ma�r c�ue stzcU a default and reinstate,a9 pm�tded in paragraph 18,by <br /> sc <br /> causing the actIon or proceedin8 t�v be dismissed vinth a ruling that, in Leader's good fuith deteririlnatioa, grecludes <br /> '� forfeiture of the Borcowor's interest in the Property or other matedal �'mpairment of the lien created b� ttils 5ecur[ty <br /> orrower. <br /> -_ , ,:;; . jnsu-uu�cuioi I�u��'s s.,,.Musir;i�t�om�ation or scatemencs to dLenderi(o failed co p v►a'�e Lra►�apwi:h au3 pus»��� <br />,;:,.r.. gave matedally false or inaccurate inf <br /> information)in conuection with the loan evidenced by the Nozt,including,but not luatzcl to.representations concemin <br /> '�;`• Borrower's occupancy of the Proparty l�e�G��wer acquires�fe.e title to the PropertY�che leasehold and the fee t� <br /> r:;;;,r_,,, .� wmply with all the provisions of th <br /> -��r��' shall aot merge unless Lender agrees to thc merger in writin8• <br /> -.'';;:" 7. Protect,ion mf Lender's Rigl�te En the Property. If Borrower fails to perforcn the covcnants aad a nts <br /> ��� <br /> -�i;�.�'�;, vontalne� in this Security Instnunent� or there is a legal prc�ceedin8 that may sI�nificandy affect I,emder's ri ts in the <br /> _�-�,,,�y�� propeny (such as a proccedinB ia baak�uA�Y�Probate,for condemnation or forfe►ture or to enforce!a►vs or regulations). <br /> -.,;_-,;__��� then Lender may do and puy for whatever is n�s�t�prs��by�R I'en which ha,��pn'o ty ver th�Securi e <br /> _..,��.�,;;,� y�c�opecty, l.ender's actions may include payiug Y <br /> _-�.�,�,� Ins�u�ent�a�Dcearin� im court, aying reasonable attomeys'fees and enterfng on the Praperty to make repalrs- Althou <br /> .�_ti,; <br /> 1tiY Leader enay tafce actio4 under th s pare pb 7,I.ender does h 7 shall�become additional debt of Baa�wer secured by this <br /> --*�—°� pny amounts disbursed by I.ea er under this paragrap <br /> --��""'c'""~ Secwiry Insq�umeat.Unless Boaower und Lender agree to other terms of paycnent,thcse amounts ehaU bear interest from <br /> �,s;,�,�� the dete of disbursement at the Note rate and shaU be payable. with i�terest, upon notice from Lender to Barrower <br /> ----- reque.a"nmg paymrat. e insurance as a condidon of making�he loaa securod by this _ <br /> °-_`- - -- S.Moii�age�°uraa�. If Lender re�uired mortgag <br /> ���� Securhyr insuument,Bonower shall pay the pramiums requirerd to m�aintaln the mortgage inaurance �n effect. If, for eny <br /> ��;�:— reason, the mortgage insurance coverage rec���x�1 by Leader lapses or ceases to be in effect. BoTaower shall pay the <br /> premli�ms required to obtain coverage subst�n�ially equiv�lent to the mortgage insurance pnviously in effect, at a wst <br /> ��=��°����� substantiaqy equiveleat to the cost to Borrowei of the mr��aglge insurancc previously in effect,from an altemate n�otsgage <br /> ' �''" i n s u n r a p p r o v e d b y L e n d e r.I f s ubstandall yequivalent mortgage insurance cuverage is not availuble.Bonower s�uU pay <br /> .. ..�m":�'� W Lender ea�ch month a sum equaD to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance pre�Um b e i vg p a i d b y B o a o w�r w h e n <br /> � the insusance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.I.ender will accept,use and retain these PaYments as a�f��Ag e <br /> ����� In lieu of mortgage insuras►se• L.oss reserr'e payments may ao longer�scquired. at the opdon of Lender, <br /> •��-- insurance coverage(in!he amoumt aad for the period that I.ender recp�ires)pxovided by an insunr approved by Lender <br /> --Y�� agsin become.s available and is abtnimed. Borrower shall pay the prec���.ms recluired to maintain nzortga�e insur2nce in <br /> �� effect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage insuranGe eada in eccordance �"r�th a°y �'�ritten <br /> r�=�*a���t� agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. Porm 3o�a 9190 fpag s o sl <br /> '_ :'=�IJ1iF���� � � <br /> _:.`.'n•1!-:�,R` <br /> --'' '�'�`Q BANKFA5 6V6TEMS.INC..6T•CLOUO.MN 6B30211-800�397•23411 FORM MD-1�NE 2/6/91 <br /> -��"'.':1�1�;5_ <br /> ,.Sf. .LL. <br /> .�,: <br /> -'"L�,t':•. �_. <br /> ... ..,, <br /> - ... _ ____;� _ <br /> i)`1�'-� <br /> , ; � —. <br /> " �� <br /> [�. <br /> . ' � S. <br /> .i I1 __- _ __ - . - - .. . . <br />