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.,,,,,, � . . <br /> �� .. • , <br /> ��._.�.,-'a' . . ..r�,ny�,� ��:;�;�;��' .'. <br /> KJ�7'•. - . � - ' - - . ..trw+lAriMB'ls-� .. . • v�I�a�f4�7�j1�1�•••:,ir. <br /> �� ....,`. ._'.__'___.... .._.. . . ...,.. .. � -__ <br /> i� <br /> . � ... �•.._ <br /> �.. . ' "_'._...^._–.--_.___.._..._.... .. <br /> ....:t,... __. . . .. __._ .".'_'_..,..._.._ <br /> �.:: <br /> 1 �r.+.. . <br /> - �A ����� -' " .. <br /> 'CUOETHER WITH all the improvements now or ticmaitcr encted m� ►he prop�rty, nnd nll ensemex�ts, <br /> uppurtenc�ces. and fiatures now or herenller u part of the propeny. All eeplacemente nnd ed�i�lone et�all nl6o be cavered <br /> - by�his Security bisRrurnent. All of Aie foregotng ie referrecf to in this Sa.�cudty Insuumr.nt a9 the"Prapeny." <br /> �i Ek�xaowca Caw:Nnnts thot Botrowcr is IawfuUy�cised of thc cstatc hcr�by cunvcycd nnd has thc right ta gcant and <br /> Ek <br /> convcy tlie Property and that the Propeny is unencumbercd, except for encurnbrunces of rcY:ord. [3onower waminu c+nd <br /> 5 will defcnd genernlly tl�e tiile to the I�ru�xriy against all clnims a.nd dem�nds,sahject to nny encuntbrinces of record. <br /> F,� 'fites S�:cuRiTr INStauM�Nr wmbines unifortn covenanta �'or notional use and non-unifonn covenants wlth Ilmited <br /> varintions by judsdictlon to constitute a unifoim secudty instrument coverin�real property. <br /> . UNiwRn�CovF.x�N�s. Bonower and Leadercovenant and ageec av followe: <br /> •��*"'"�` 1. Poymu►t ot�rincipal and Laterest; Prepaymeat and LAte Chary�es. Borrower shall promptly pay when due <br /> � •• � �-''"�'' ` thc priucipal of end interest an the debt evidenced by�de Note and any pcepayment und late charges due under the Note. �"�' <br /> 2. Fund9[�r Taxes and InsurAnce. Subject to applicable law nr to e written waiver by�Lender.Borrower shall pay <br /> to Lendcr on thc day monthly payments are due uncier the A�ote, until thc Note ie paict 1n full,a sum("Funds")for: (a) �=:, <br /> • yearly taxes nnd assessments which may attain prlority over thie Securiry Instrutr�ent as a IIen on the Property: (b)yearly �_._ <br /> leasehald payments or ground rente on the any (c)y�arly hazard or property iasuranc�premiums: (d)Ye:ulY ° <br /> t1o�A insurance premluing, if any;(e)yeazly mortgage insuiance premlum9, if uny;and(�any siuns payable by Boaower "°"" <br /> ta Lendcr, in accoadance with th:provlsloas of paragraph S, in lieu of the payn�ene of mc�rtgage insurance premtuu�. �'•_' <br /> 'It��se items are called "Escrow It�mv." l.ender n�ay,et any cirae.collect and huld Funds in an amount aot t�o excecd the �;�__. <br /> � maximum omount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow eccouat under the �'--- <br /> � federal Rea! Estate 5ettic�nt Procedures Act of 1974 as emeadod ftom dme ro time. 12 U.S.C. $ 2601 et seq. __ <br /> ("RLSPA"). unless�►ather lat��that ap llrs to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so,I.ender may. at any time.collect aad �4 _ <br /> ; hold Funds in an amount not to exc�the lesser amounc. Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of F�_- <br /> � � currcnt data as►d reasonable estimates of eapendltunes of future Fs�row Itetns or otherwise en eccordance with epplicable �.- <br /> IAW. "a@P' <br /> 'Ihe Funds shall be held in an insdtudon whosc deposlta ene iasured by a federal agency,L�stnuneatallty.or entity <br /> includin Lendcr. if Lxnder is such an iasdtution) or in any Federal Home Y.oan Ban1c•1.ender st►all aPplY d►e Fuaris to �' <br /> pay the Essrow Items. Lender may not c harge B orrower fo r h o l d i ng a n d a p p l y i a g W e F u n d s, a n n u a l ly a a a l y z i n 8 t h e �«_ <br /> escrow accoun[.or verifying the Escrow Iteaas,unlas Lender pays B ormwer interest on the Funds a u d�pplicable law _ <br /> emits L.ender to make such a charge, However, I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an ___. <br />�._�;,, �depeadent rea!estate tex reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loaa,unless appllcable law pmvrdes _ <br /> '�,`��r otherwise.Unless ao agrc+ement Is made or applicable law requires inte[rst to be paid. Lender shall aot be requiced to pay - <br />� Bornnwer any int.rat or earntngs on the Funds.Bc►xmwer and Leader may ag[oe in writinB.however,that interest s6a11 be <br /> ' „ paid oa the Funds. Lender shall give to Boaower,wi�haut charge,ea annual eccounting of the Funds.showing credits aad <br /> ¢ehicc to the Funds aud the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addidoiul <br /> "• ' , yxurity for all sum�sacured by t�his Security u�strumrnt. <br /> m� <br />- If the Funds 6eld by Leader eaceed the aarounts petmittod to be held by applicable law. L,ender shall xcouat to <br />- ��rcower for the excess Funds in eccordauce with tbe re9�remeIIts Qf aPP�tcable law. If the amount of We Fund�held by <br />' �.,�uder at any tLne is not suffici.ent to pay the Fsccow Itemv when due,Lender may so nodfy Borcower in wrlting,aad.ia <br /> 1:` • such case Borrower shall pay to Leadcr tiie amount ue�ssarY �o make uP th� deficiency. Horrower shall make up the <br />�'"� 'j�'� J deficien�cy in no more than cwelve montlily paynxnts,at Lender's sole discr�tioa. <br />�`� � " Upou pay�cnt in full of aU sums s�cuc+cd by this Securlty Insuument,Lender shaU pmmptly refund to Bomower <br />�.r.r <br />�°:.�:�:�,� any Fuads hel d b y Lender. If. under aragraph 21. Lender shall acqulrc or seJl tH� Propercy. Ixnder, prlor to tlte <br /> :�?;:-: <br /> __ _,,.,.,.,;�:,y acquisidon or sal�of the Pruperty, sh apply eny Funds held by Leader at the time of acqutsition or sele as e cs+edtt <br /> -=�'�•1� agaiast the svms secured by tWs S�curity Instrument. ts neaived b Leader undet <br /> h==�-y' g, AppUcatlou ot Pl�yments. Unless applicable law pmvides otherwise. all paym�en Y <br />�p;���<:ti . paragrapba 1 �+nd 2 shall be applied• any prepaymeac charges due uader the Note; amounts payable <br /> �.,;;,,:ld�u under para�aaph 2;t6ird,to interest due;fourth,to pr[acipal due;a�d last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br />—�..�--�;-_,� 4.t,'Ilsnrges;Lia�. Borrower shall pay all taaes� assessmeats. chargcs. fines uxl imposidons attsibutable to the <br />��`�v�s� propei9y which may attain priorliy over this SeCUdty inctnirr�++4. and lea�ehold paymenta or gmund rents. if any. <br /> - -`--�`: 1-� IDorrower shall pay these obligations in the maaner providod in paragraph 2, or if not p,atd in that manuer.Bottowa shdl <br />��?'�0"+�� *+� thraa on��+.. clire�N to the rson owed a t Borrower ahall ro flimish to L�ender aU nodas of amounSs <br /> ��•� ,._y Y I� P Y�• P �Y <br />----_--- _ to be paid u�vder tlils paragraph. If Borrower xnaices these payaxats diractly�Borcower shaU promptly fiunish to Lender <br /> �,�:z -�. receipts cwideacir�the payments. <br />;=�':t�:_�� Boaower sl�il promptly dischazge any lien which has prlority aver this Security insuument untess Borcower:(a) <br /> -�-°_'���� �gcas ia writing to the payment of the obli�atton sxured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lrnder; (b) contesta in <br /> T=;;�, good faith the lten by.or defcnds against enforcement of the liea in. legal prooecdings wQrich in the Leader's opinion <br /> .- -����� aperate to preveat the enforcemeat of ths Iien;or. (c) se�ccures from the holder of the lien aa agcremeat satisfactory to <br /> �-��'"�'�- �,ender suborciinaiiug the lien to tliis Securiry Instcumeat.If I.ender detennines that any part of the Pxoperty ia subiecc to a <br /> -'°�°'��� lteu wluch may attaia priority over this Security Instrument, L.ender a�ay give Borrower a notice idcnrifying the lien. <br /> �='�=�'' Bonower shall satisty the Ilen or take one or more of the actions set forth ahovc within lU da�rs of the giving of nodcs. <br />� `�'—;;;;�; 5.eazard a property Insurance• Bonower shnll keep the improvements now exisbng or ueir.�fter enx:ted o�n the <br />��,;r,� -��R Property insured egainst loss by fire, hazards includ�cl within the term "exeended coverage" and any othsr ha4acds. - <br /> +�:'•:�� ri.,';?'a�+ FM(11302 91901pD�� _ <br />�,� �•.� � � <br />��� ~'�.7�`''t� �?'�� DANKERSSV6TEMS.WC..ST.CLOUD,MN8830211.t100;��7•23471FOAMMWI�NEZ/6l91 <br /> .rt. <br />�+` ,�,• .yV �. <br /> "("; —_ <br />��,.[�- ' • �. — <br /> �'_ <br /> j5,.� _— <br /> SLL_ —_ <br /> �J:.., . . ��.: <br /> - S { • <br /> . 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