r� , . .
<br /> ''Jl�'� •..r:,- ': . • ° � ' ' ' •;r�(?k"1'�',v. -.
<br /> ,ac6�l '�,�,`+r:;t',� ., ,. ...� ....�., .. _. � ,.... . .� - . -•• _--—_� -— - —
<br /> - . , ,.. .... � MRlp(II9lkM�H.��... ...,,...... ... � ...+Y r.a-.+.i. �...�4_��:l�..-•.. ..., - - �. . . • . �' --� -
<br /> ., t_- ' '���--" "- ._ .. . ... . . ,. . S�� ... _ . . . •:S�'r'�.._.. ._. -
<br /> C� -
<br /> . ' IQi�t:�:
<br /> 7. ��otect9on of Lender'R NIah4� [n the Properiy. i� eorrow�r rnus �u pertom, cna ooventnta .na pyrs�menle
<br /> GonYfllnod la IhI9 SeCUrtty Inptrur.�o:it, or thore la e bpal proctiedinp thot mey oignil�flntty attect Londerp r�phts fn tho Property (such ee
<br /> n procc�dlnn In banicruptoy, prob�to, for aandarr�notlon or fortolturo nr t�cnforco I�fe�6 or rc£7ul.itionv), Ihcn Lcnd�r r,��y da nnd pny for
<br /> what�vsr Y,� nac�anary to prAtect Ihe v�bo of ths Property and Lend�r'e rlphte h tho Proputy. I.ender'e aatione mny Innlude paylnp
<br /> , � �ny �um� i�cur�d by � ilen which hse prbrfty owr thfe S�curNy Inatrum�nt,�ppaorhp In couA, p�ylnp rs�sonabN �ttomey's feos md '�
<br /> �nt�rinp on tli�Pra�rty ta malca npaYi, Akhouph lender m�y tthe�otbn und�r thls puipr�h 7,Lsndsr do�a rtot Atw to do eo.
<br /> My �mount� dieburesd by L�nWr und�r thls ptnpr�ph 7 �hall b�cortw addRbntl dobt of BoROww sscur�d by thla Socurity
<br /> . In�trument. Unwsi 8orrowK wnd L�nde► �pns to othK t�rme o! p�ymmt, these �mounte ehall bwr htarnt from th� dats of �
<br /> dhbureomMt at the Note rata tnd ehn�be ��yabk,with hterast,upnn notice hom l.ender to 9orrower reque�tina payment. N
<br /> 0. Mortq��e Imunnce, 11 Lend�r requirld mortp��e N6unnas ta � condRbn of mtkhp th• lo�n a�CUred by thb �
<br /> ;: S�curNy Inatrum�nt, Bortowa eh�p p�y the promluma r�quke6 to matntah th� mortpape Insurancs h sHeat. If, far �ny rsaeon, the �
<br /> � mortp�p�hwrtnc�aownpe roqulred by Lendar I�asea or ce�as9 to be In s(f�ct, Bonoww nh�l1 p�y the premiuma nquksd to obUln 1�
<br /> .;,;;»o;r�al�` covenp� eubsuntkly �quk�bnt to th� monq�fl� heursnc� pnvbuey In sflsrst, at � cos� subat�ntlrly equk�t�nt to ths cost to �
<br /> .,,�:....��r Bortower of th� mortp�pe Inaunnce prsvto�ialy b efMot, hom en �kemats mortp�ye hsurer approved by Lande►. it substent�ly ��
<br /> �cuHaient mort�p� heurAnc�coveray�la not uvafkbie, BoROwar ef�sll pay to Lsnder e�ch month � eum equal to ona�twelRh o} the
<br /> yearry mortpeQo Insurance prr.mlum behp pald by Borrov:a when the Insurnnce cov�reQe lepaed or cea=ed to ko In ethat. Lender wlfl ',n��
<br /> k �ccapt, use �nd retah thes� pa�ymer�te Rs s bss reserw In Iqu o1 mortpupe inauranca. l.oss roserw payments rr�y no bnper be " '
<br /> .�1.-
<br /> � roqulred, �t Ihe o�tbn ol Lendes,B modpay�insunncs covenpe(In the amount �nd tor tEzn par{od th�t L�nder require�)provlded by ,�:r.o
<br /> , en insura nryproved by Lender �pain Oacomos 4vtl�bie and Is obt�lned. Bortower ahqll pay the premiums requlred to m�ht�„ "�J
<br /> mortp�pe InnurAnr,e In eHaat, or to provlda � bas roserve, untll the requMertbnt tor mortqaQe Insurance ends h �ccordaecs wRh any •";y};.
<br /> � written ayre�rt�ent bstween Borrowe and Lend�r or�pplicabb�w. `���-�
<br /> � � Y P �erEy. I.enCler sh�ll ykb �:`'�:`
<br /> 5;. 9. III ection. Lender or ks t ma rrNke reasonabb entrbs u on end hepeatbns of the Prp �,.�
<br /> "t Borrower notice st the time o}or prbv to an hapectbn apeoiryhp reaaonable ciuso for the Inspectbn. �
<br /> . �.>-
<br /> ' �' '� 10. Coredemnetlon. The (aroCxede of etny eward or ohim tor dtlma�}oa, diroct or oonsequentlel, N► ccnitig+tloro aii'i� eny _
<br /> Condannitbn or othN takhp qf any ��art ot the Prop6rty,or(or conveyy�nce h Ifeu of condomnadon, aro hornby assiyia! ertm shall be =-
<br /> �. .� petd ro Lender. , :�,
<br /> " In tha want ot o, totat riklnp ot the Propsrty, the proceeda ahaU be aAplfed to the sums secured by chts 3ecurity lnstrument, `
<br /> • whether or not thon ES�uo, wNh any axcesa ptid to Borrower. In the event of a pertlai tUcinp of ths PropeAy in whf�h ths tatr markN -
<br /> valua of the Property Immedlttery betoro tne takinp is equal to or qreater thnn the omount of the sums secured hy thls 3eCUrity
<br /> Instrument imrtwdVtey bePon the ftkinp, unbsa Borrower and i.enck� othervrfsa �prea in wrkhp, tha sums sacurod by thts Seeuriry ���
<br /> Instrumsnt ah�N be roducad by ths orrAUnt of the proceeds muNt�lied by ths toqowinp hactbn: (a) the tatal �mount o! the auma
<br /> secursd YnmWi�t�y bNore the t�khp,dNided by (b)the talr markot vtlua of the Property Nnmedats.y bNoro the t�tkhp. My btltncv ��
<br /> shaN b� patd to Borrowx. In the event ot a partkl taklnp o!th�Properly h whbh the fak market valus of ths Property knmedlatey
<br /> bstoro the takhp b fess th�n th�unount ot the sums aecursd knmedYtey before the t�khp,unNss Bortowsr�nd Lend�r othsrwis�
<br /> � In wrkhp or unless applictbb I�w otherwiss providss, the proceeds ahall bo �pplied to the eums aecursd by thb Socurity
<br /> ' ' - � InsWmen!whsther or not th�eums are then due.
<br /> . if the Proparty is�banCOned by �n.rower,or H,aRx notfca by Lender to Bonower th�t tho condamnor offern to m�ke�n awud or
<br /> � settb n oltYn for demapes, Borcowsr 4olb te respond to Lendx wkhln 30 days afte►the dats tho notice b pNen,Lend�r h tutl�oriz�d
<br />= � s to colfeat and�ppry!ha procoeds,nt Rs optbn,eRher to rest�ratton or repak of tho Propa�ty or to the eums secured by tAla 8ecurky —
<br />�"=�'.S`�5�1, Inshumsnt,wh9ther or Rat then due.
<br />__.^"'�;�'-:
<br />,-�V .��;: Unf�sa Lendsr�nd Borrowar othbrwise �prss in wrkhq, any application of proCt�atis to pfnciptl ehnd not exbnd ar p�stpone tM
<br /> _ �.� �•� due dtta et the monthly p�yrtbnta re?arred tu In paraqnphs 1 �nd 2 or chanpe ths�mount of sech p�ym�nts.
<br /> ��_�:,�;�, 1�. �Barrower Not Releea��:Forbearance By Lend�ir Not e NY�Iver. �ens�on o� �n� �im. ror pnymen� nr
<br />__-��;�� modIDCatbn of unortlutbn of the euma securod by this Security Instrument prYnted by I.ender to �ny euccessor In Int�xsst of bonawv
<br /> '�`��: ahall not opente to rekass the Ikbilky o} tha oripintl Borrower or Bonowsrs successoro In Intdrest. L�ndw shall not bs nqulrod to
<br /> ''`v'� commenc�proce�dinps�9ahat�any suxessor in htereat or rofuse to extend time tor ptyment or othMwke modMy �moRiatbn ot tho
<br /> -•,��-- sumi Becurod by this Security Instrvment by roason oi any dem�nd made by ths orip{ml 6orravrer or Borrowero aucceaaors h
<br /> �"° "`— Interest. My forbMrmce by Lenaler dn m�xcbhy any rlpht or rertNtly shtll not b�e walwr of ar pmaluds the szmcts�ot�ny riph! or
<br /> _�-.�*�r.;j remsdY•
<br /> _ �__�`: 12. �ucaessrr���d Asa1�n4�aaa�tD; d�ltf4 8nt! �6��r� I.feEi{Ifty; �c-:iq�e�a. Thu cov�i�rits ind �,
<br /> __-- �prNrtwnte of this Si�urlty Instniment ahatl bad and benefk tho succesaors and nssqns ol Lender md Borrower, subJect ta th�
<br /> __� provNbns o}pu�ynph 17. BoROwer's covsr►tnts and�yroanents shall bs Joht and ss+roral.My Borrowsr who caslpne thM Secudly
<br /> ��;��f�� Instrument but does not sxacut� the Note: (a) �s cas�nh� this Securky �newmee�t orty to mort�, prent, and convay th�t
<br /> 4.c i�"�"-� Borrow�'a Intarost b tha Property unWr th�txms o}thls Secu►ity In�zrument;(b) Is not peraonaty oblipated to p�y the eurna �acund
<br /> -��—_— by this Securky Instrument; �nd (a) apreea that Lendsr and any other Boreower mny eqre�to e�dsnd, modfy, torb�v or mak� �ny
<br /> c� �=�.�:;� accort�rtwd�tiona wkh raptrd to tarms of thb Sfcurky Incwment or the Note wkhout tMt Bortowers cons�nt.
<br /> ____="� 1$. Loan Ch�rqaa. If the b1n seCUred Gy thb SeCUrky InSWment Is eubjeCt to e fatv whfch 6�ts nwdmum ben Chupoe,
<br /> ._�.- ; end thttt Jaw b Onaly htNprotsd so th�t the htsnst or other btn eNUpss colfected or to be oo�!eCted In conneCtbn wkh phe io�n
<br /> -,�'_;�'•° exceed th�permRted IYnke, then: (t) �ny Buoh ban oharpes shaH be reduced by the amount na�ssary to roducs th�cherpn 10 tM �.
<br /> '`:���'��K' p�rmktsd NmR;rnd (b)any sums tl'sedy colboted hnm Borrower whbh e�ocsaded permkted ifmks wul be refundod to Bortoxror. Unda
<br /> -;�rr:?�l.�r may ohoose to m�Ice Ohb reiund by reduchp ths pthclpal owed under the Note or by makh0 a dr�ot p�yrtbnt to Boaower. If� —
<br /> - �'�a4;r-'-� " refund reducss pr&esipnl,�the roductbn wW be trsat�d ta a putlel propayrtw�nt wkhout any prepaymont ohar�ps under tha Note.
<br /> � `;`�'�1`�V• 1�. MOUCei. dlny not�e to F3oirower provided for in this 3e�urtty InsWment shnN be QFvon by delMerinp k or by maOt�D k by - -
<br /> . .,,. .
<br /> �'' '" first c�a3a mall unless �tppt�Cab1� Inev �equfres use of�nother method. The notice shali be Ciror:tad to the Property Addross or �ny =
<br />::l,•:•`:� oth�r amdross Borrowar desynaQ�as by�notiae to Lender. My notice to Lender sha11 be qMen by ftrst class mall ro Lencser'9 addreea — �
<br />_ .� ��� sttt�d h�n1n or any m.��r addreas Lender desqnat�s by not�ce to Barrowor. Any notice provided/or n this Seeurky InsUumsnt 8hnd �-�
<br /> � � Pte�dNrMd to h�+r�b�n�pHan to Bortower or Lens4sr when qNen ae provlded In this panprrph. �A
<br />� � ' ' ��. Govemlaa� Lew; ��Y�3�Ablllty. Thls 8ecurity InoWmant shau iw povan9rl �� tederat �w md the fn�► of the �'+��;<
<br /> JurlsdlCtbn In whiCh th�Propwty b loCiled. In the event that�ny provbbn Or oyuse ot this Sa�:vity InsWment or the N�D COntliata n,-��
<br /> ,�, wRh �ppHasbb I�w, suah contUot shall not attect other prov�sfone ot thfs Sacurity InstNm�sl or t,le Note whbh can be plven eifect -
<br /> �,-._ wkhout th�contUcttnn nrovLabn. To t?ib and th�nrovhbns o}thls Socurkv Inamim�nf and t!u Nntn�n afae:Ar�rf tn n....m..w�e
<br />: 18. BQ��OWM'�COpy. Bonrower ehtll be qiven one confortned copy ot ths Noto ancl of this,ecurky Inatniment.^ � �•
<br /> ' " '17. Tranafer ot th� Propesty or e Ber�eflclal Interest In Borrower. 1f eq Or flnv part ot tho PrOperty qr any
<br /> Intsrost h k h eold or Van6ierced(or M� bmdb4tl htoro�t h Bortower h soid or tntnstart�d�nd Dorrower Is not � n�tural person)
<br /> wkhout l.and�e Rrbr writt�n consmt. Und�r may,at Rs optbn, roqulro knmedkte payrr�t h NII o�all suma sxured by thls S�curiry
<br /> Inatrumert. Howa�,this optbn shell not b��x�ofssd by Lender M exerpl�s h prohbR�d by tedenl I�w ns of tha dat�of thl� S�cutky
<br /> ' Inswm�nt.
<br />- if L�nder sxaclsea thy opt►sn,Lond�r sh�ll pMe 8orrow�r notfce of accebr�tbn.The not�e shdl provlc�a perWd ot not kse then
<br /> 30 dsyo from fhe dYte tha notia ls d�llwrW or mall�d wkhln whlch the BoROwsr muat psy all sums ceCUred by thls S�CUrity
<br /> Instrument. If Bortower falb to p�y Ih�s1 euma prbr to the e�tratbn of thl� perbd,Lender may invoks ony remedles penmktsd by thh
<br />_ Socurity tnsWment wRhout NrthK notic�or d�nmd on Bortower. Form aose oiao
<br /> . F10N.LM0(0/QE) P�p� 8 0�6
<br /> ogceoo�e
<br />