, �.; , :;,..
<br /> ,� ' . : ' • - :.
<br /> � ' ��-�'.... . . ... ,, .-..Y,.. ....+�.�,_ rt .-\.i�'w�i r �9�. . . �r�-. . _ � .. ',. .�...�-�,._ ._....,......,•�-`:_
<br /> .,
<br /> . �� .._. --�._ --
<br /> -� .s_.......-,yt .e�tl,'6 �.. � , 1 ... . ......... .. . .. .. ,.. - �- - _ _.
<br /> '_..'" . ..._. .� .. .._._'. ��T�•.
<br /> ����
<br /> Borrnwor'e escrow aaoount under tha hdwnl Roal EsUU S�ItMrMnt Wracetlurae Aat of 1974 aa �mendod hom tim� to tkn�, 12 U.B.C. �`Ty�`^
<br /> 2GOt et e3q.("�SPA"),unM�ae another lew th�t�pptbe to th� Funds e�te�besw amount. If eo,L�ndN m�y, at rny tMrw,oolf�ol�nd � .
<br /> hold Funds In on nmounl not to exceod Iha bsaGr emount. Londer mey e�tkn�ta the emounl ot tunda due on the htel9 A1 aurrenl dA4�1 t(� �
<br /> end reasontbie astYnatas o4 expundRurea of future Eecrow Itema or otherwlse In�ceordnnce wRh appl��bM yw. •�
<br /> Ths Funde ah�ll W hdd in �n Inbtftutbn �rhos� d�po�ke us hsund by A federtl ��npy, In�Irum�nt�iNy, or sntRy (�noludYip
<br /> L�nd1r, M LN►dsr b suoh an hstltutbn)or h I�ny Fod�nl HortN Lorn Bank. l�nWr�h�ll�ppy th�Fundo to p�y th� EtCr��v Itxmr.
<br /> LMGr mty not ahtr�Borrow�r for holdinp�nd�ppyhp tho Funde,anautly Ilnay:hp tho �sarow aCCOUnt, or wrifyq+p ths E�crow �•�
<br /> ' Il�ms,unMsa Londer p�y� 8onawa inta►st cn th�Fund��nd�ppl�tbM Mw plrmM�LMtdM t0 mak!�uoh�oh�tp�. Howwa,LtndM �
<br /> awy ioyu{ra tiorcowc:r to pay a ano-ttm�chorp� tar cn Ind�an�l rc!tl eeMte t� re,r�ortln�r�rvfc�o�� by L�nd�r{n aonneotbn wRh � -
<br /> �, Ihh luan,unMs��ppliCibb I�w provldel ot��rwlse. Unl�af an �prNnuni k m1d� or�ppNctbM kw r�quko�IntuNt lo W peld,Untjsr Q
<br /> ' � 6haN not be roQuirod to pay Bonowsr�ny Intenat or wminpa on th�Funds. Borcaw�►�nd L�ndK m�y �p�N h wrRhp, how�wr,that
<br /> � � � � hteroet ahtM W pald on th� Funda. Lsnde eh�ll pFro to F�ortawe, wkhoul ohup�, on �nnual tcoountlnp of th� Funds, ehowlnp }(�
<br /> ���,'� cred�s and d�bRa to th�Funds �nd th�purposo tor whbh saah dsbR to th�Funds wes mads. Th�Funda are pNdp�d�e sddklonRl .
<br /> sscurity for aii auma eecurod by thb S�curky Instrum�nt.
<br />" II the Funds he3d by Londar exceed tAe amounte permkr,ad to bs hsld by tpplic�bN I�w,Lend�r ehall�coount to Borrawar for ths .
<br /> '+ accesa Funds h accord�nc�wkh ths requYKnsnte of applbabb Mw. If tha tmount o} the Funda h�ld by Lend�►�t any tMr►� Mr not
<br /> � sufflebnt to pay th�Esor�w Items wT�en du�,Lender mty so notNy BorrowK h wrkhp,and,k�euoh cts�Borrow�r ehtll pay to Lender '"
<br /> � � tt��e.rount nectsatry to maks up the dafbknoy. Bortowe�shtA maks up th�d�tialenoy In no maro than twetw manthy p��mente, at �c:.
<br /> L�Ox's aoM discrstbn. ��'
<br /> , ¢ ; ?-
<br /> , � Upon paymmt fn tuA of�B sums s�curod by thls S�curity Inatrumsnt,La�d�r shtN prompty ntund to Borro�wv any Fund�M�Id by
<br />, r, �
<br /> Lend�r. It,un���agaph 21.Lender s7��Y�cqulro or seN tha PropKty,La�d�r, prbr to th�aayulskbn or saw ot tho Proparty,ohaA ����
<br /> ��:� appy any Funws Pa�eti�by Lenrler et tha ttne of acquisitbn or atta�a o orada op��ist tho suma sxurcd by thb Fcurky Instrument. �°_:,
<br /> 3. /1ppUcatk�n o4 Pe�rd�lel9U. Unwse eppNCabM kw provid�s othNV+fa�,aA psyments receMed by Lendsr undsr panprnphe C:.�
<br /> t and 2 shall be aRpl�sdc t�¢� Co Any preptyment ahtrp�s dus under tha Note; asoond,to e�mounta pay�hN und�r panpnph 2; thkd -'.
<br /> to hterest due;tourth,to�t►ci�a��+e;and kat,to any kt�charp�s due undar the Note. �'."
<br /> .. E,__
<br /> ' '� 4. Chtr��i; L1011s. Borrower sPsab �sy dl tuus, ass�same►ts, ohupes, fhB9 IfOf� irncositbna att�buubM to th� Prop�rty -
<br /> • ,..;,�;�r,; whbh miy atUln RrioritY over thb SecuriAy tmsGument, and Ie4seY�old p�ymenl� or pround ror.�, M �ny. 8orrower ehaH p�y thoss � �_
<br />.. ,��' .,.��.,:,�y..
<br /> ;,'�ti;t:3 o4Npttbns in the manner provided In pueyn�P� p�or Y not pai�h that m�nnar,Bortower sdal'�nq tha�en time dk�cty to th�pKSOn �--
<br /> owed payment. Borrower shQll prompty fumish to Lender a8 notfcos of unounts to be Qa�unt�sr th�s ptnpnph. I} BorrowK mtka
<br /> thsse p�ymenta directy,8ortower ahal prompty tumfsh to Lender recwtpte ovkknc'^9 the payrnante. �.Y
<br /> � BoRawe+�shtN prompty discharpa my Ilen whbh has prbrily over thb Securky Inetrument unfess Borrowar.(a)��es h vrritin0 to _
<br /> � ` tise payment of tte��blqatbn secured by the IVen h a m�nnsr�ccepmbk to Lender,N)contests In qoad ttkh the IMn by,or dNa�d�
<br />:.1�`..,f; ��hat�nrorcemez+3 a�t tne wm in�i�p�i proce6u'iiryS�ri�wi�:i 2=io Lo�iLa:Cg:�s! ��,:.`�!4 Q'�`l�+1!!hB M1n►t��rrrnt o}th�NYI;Ot(Q)
<br /> " 'r securoa Rom the holder of tha 1'�n �n a�MrrNnt satlshctory ro Lender subordfnttlnp the Ibn to thls Secu�ity InsUum�nt. If LondK L
<br /> � •- dulem►fnes that eny ptR ot Ihr�PropMty b aubJ�ot to a E'sn wh�h may attaln prbrky ovsr this S�curNy Instromw►t, L�nWr may piw -
<br /> � . . , . ��..�.
<br />`_.1,�+{,�;;�, Borrower a notice fdentYyinp tha Ibn. BoROVrer shtll s�tisy the Iien or t�ke one or morb of ths actbns set foAh abovs wkhh 90 dayt -
<br /> _ `1��;'�,. ,i of ths p{vinp of nottce.
<br />'_'_�/���,(�"},;�`,,t,7,..
<br /> '�� b. Mezard nr Prope�ty In�urance. Borrower sh�9 keep the tmvrove�rbnu now exatho � �n� ��� on tns
<br /> �;:i�,�iw''`�''
<br /> - �r�;.uty inaurod apahst baa by Hre,haards Mkluded wkhin tl'Ae Mrm 'eoctsnd�d cownqe'and any other hwrds, fncludinp fbods or
<br />.�.`.'��1_.�, tloodinp, tor wh7ah Lendsr requins hsuranc�. This haunnao shaA be maN�irnd h the �mounte and lor tha perbds Ih�t L.�nder
<br /> ,�•-�F�'�, rsqulros. Th�Nsunnce cartkr providlnp the Insunnce sh�N be ohosen by Borrower aubJ�ct to Lender'e�pprov�l whbh ahaN not b�
<br /> _�.uA.-is.�
<br /> --=::,rs.� unrKSOnaby witl,hNd. If BoROwer hYS to mafnitin cousnpo descr�ecl above,Lendw rtuly, at Lend�E optbn, o ri aownpe o
<br />-�-����+�� probct UndK'a rlpAts h th�PropMy h accad�ncs wkh parrqnph 7.
<br /> �Y� AII haunnca poNoNs �nd ron�sv�b shtN be�cceptabw to i.ender and sh�tl hclud�a standard mortp�pe ci�uae. l,en�ier shaN haw
<br />�W.+�y,� the ripht to hold the policla and nmwab. If Lender roqukes, Borrow�r shtN prompty glw to Lendsr�W rec�ipt� of paid prort►iums
<br /> --_ .-��-_- and r��+val not�CSS. In th�evunt of bss,�arrowar shap p!�ra prompt nolECa to tho ineurence eaMer end Land�r. UnWr may mak� .. , _
<br /> -� proof ot bss M oat rtud� prompty by Bortowx.
<br /> Uniese Lenzler and Barow�r otM�wfas�tflrse in w►kYp,Inaunnce procMds shap b�rpp�Nd to roatarcU�n or ropalr of the 1'rap�rty
<br /> ° dan�q�d, M tho rsatontbn or ropair b economlwly ieasbla �nd LenrSws security b nat iessan�d. 1�th�restor�tlon or roR�r ta not
<br /> � econom�alty te�sbta or LenBs,P�security wauld be lessened, the hsuru�c�procNda shaN be �ppli�d to tha suma s�curod by thb -
<br /> _-s._�,...-�� Securky Instr�mnnl, whstAer or n�t then due, wkh �ny eacass paid to Bortowsr. l} Bortower atrandons ths Propsrty, or dws not
<br /> ��� — ane�wer wkh� 9D daye a notice kom Lencle� th�t the haur�nce carrfer 7aay ofMrod to ssttle a CkMn,thsn L�nder rtw�y ooN�ot ths _,
<br /> �:a:�:� hsuranc� pr�ccnoif�. Lender m�y uce the prxseds to rap�'r or restar� �he Property or to �sy aums securod by thla Sscurity
<br /> V�snum�nl,whetner or net then due. fie 3aday perfod wifl bopin when the notice h phron.
<br />:.;�,���� UnYsa 4�nd�and Bortuwor othKVaise aproe h writhp, any applfcatbn ol proceeds to prino�tl sheN not eMend or poa!�n�th�
<br />__W�-`,�,,.-",�,�,.�-,�� due d�te ot Cne monthy ptymaits nbrred to In parapnphs t and 2 or chenpe the amouni o} the paymants. I}und�r parapnph 21
<br /> ...,,�+
<br /> �r'i
<br /> '��::1;.�,�_,.�_.�;. � the Pro�eny is n�qulred by Lender. 8orrower's �lpht to any Insurence polN;lea�nd proceads rosuftlnq tram demnpo to the Praperty _
<br />-'�`��;;'�'���"���+ to the �cquisNlon 6h�ll ptss to Lender to the extent of thg sums 6eCUred by this SeCUrity Inalrumatt Immsdistely prbr t0 the �
<br /> _ �31;.�,,...;; �.
<br />:;;,�" '•.;';';'l�` mcQ�iskbn.
<br /> _- '� f� � �. Qccupancy� Preaervepon, Melnteneroz� and protection oq �the Prope�ty; Bers�+y+rer's Loan .�,r:
<br /> "".', ' �p{SCtiltdfi; Leaseholds. [iarrower shall occupy,estaGlish, and use the Property se Borrowers prhalpal rasl�enr.a wRhin sbcty �_
<br /> 'r;:�. ..;..,:, ..
<br /> .,�i •'�:�i,
<br /> d�ys atter 4hn mxocutbn of thfs Seourity Instrument and shall con�lnue to occupy the Property as Borrounr's prfnclp�l residenc�for�t __
<br /> ��`�;,:;,,�1•• least or!a yflnr �n'Ner the dete of occupanoy, unless Londer otherwFse agr.aes In writhq, wi�bh consent ehall nOt be unnaoonab.y ���
<br /> wRhheld,ar unlecs eatenuethp okcumstances exfst whbh are boyond BorrowN's contrml 6orrower shaA not destroy, d1�mtQe or h�atr K'�-
<br /> ' ;�,�.. the Property.�Ibw tho Properay to deterlonte, or commR wmste on the Prop�Ay. Horr,�vr,�r sha8 be h deftuk N any torle'kuro totbn or �,;�;;:
<br /> —L�'--__ R.M�.dtinn ,�nathar cwll or crYninal.b beaun that In Lendot's�ood faRh Judpnent cov7�3 ru5uk h tortekure of the Property or othe�wise -'��=`
<br /> •• -,r- - �-- -
<br /> �:-_.
<br /> . rtutarinl�j irpnh the I'�en created by thFS 6ecurky Inswmant or Lande�s securRyr hier�st. Borroww m4y cure suah e detwK und -
<br /> r,e . :
<br /> ..•.� rehctaia,a9 pravklod h paregreph 1B, by caue„0 the eatbn or pr�r_��a�to be dtsmissed wkh e re�llnp that, h Lenders pooel 4r."th .
<br />- � det�rm�nttbn, precludes tortetture ot the Borrower's h±wY4 fn ina �'r,o�or ather rr,aterlal Impalrrnent ot the Ilen created by ttib �-.
<br /> , �cur�ty Indtrument or Lender's cecurRy Interest. Borrcrr�r ShBII d:39 be in detauR td Bortowar, durinp the ban ep�lfcatbn pracesa, •
<br /> qave m�a�r�.y teise or Ineccurnte INOrtnntbn or statemonts to 1.9rr;er (or tcfled to provide Londer wkh any materiel hiomfe4:ort) in
<br /> connqct�c� w2h tha btn evidenced by the Note, Includhg, but not Pc::�fl2 ro,fApf95911tltlQrld COncBr«nfl Eiortowers occupancy c.r ti�e
<br /> � Properly g3 a pthoip�i re�klence. II thfs SeCUrfty Instrument Is on m tuYrahold, 8orrower shalt cor.:�cy wfth all tho provlsbns of ti�e
<br /> � � le�se. if Bortower acqulree tee tFtte ro the Property, the IeasehoW and Pha fee tkte shall not merpo unbss the Lender �yrees to the =
<br /> ��h WMhO Form aose o/:a
<br /> - �'. -- F10�o.LMO(?!00) P�p�?01 6
<br />._
<br /> oeoeoo�e
<br /> - • ------ -- - - - -
<br /> .. . ...----._._, ._....... _... .. .. ... . .. . . ....-. ._... . ... .. ---. . _ _ .� . ._ _
<br />