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<br /> � NON•UNIFORM CAVENANTS. Barrower and Lender further covenant and�gm a falbw�:
<br /> 17. Fbr�daan Pncedw�e. If l.enda i�itncaediatc poymcm in NIl w�derpw�arwph 9.Lcndec�rwy invako�ha
<br /> ___ __� p�nP,ute end any dkr remotNesparmlaaf�yapo1icabb l�w. 1.Cnder sh�ll be ent ti led ro collcct All�xpense�incumed
<br /> _ - ----- in pumuing the remedies�ovided in�hia Mra�npA t9,including.b�u na timitui tu.r�rawWe attoirrey�'fccc ssssd eosta of
<br /> dtle evidancc.
<br /> - Q tbe�oMer o�t rak ts Invol�ed►7lrwtee ahWl record A notice oiAetwlt la eoch county!n w6kh sny pw�t d.tbe
<br /> P�p�r�y�m 1apUed�nd�haU nu�U coples of sucb nofice In tbe mmner pracrlbed by opp Ikable I�w to Harrower�nd
<br /> to t6e otber persona pracribed by�pp�{�ble Isw After the dme r�quirtd by�ppUaible law�7Fwtee ibW(�ive
<br /> — �� pu bUc aotice ot sole to wce'coas antl In the manner prescrE6cd b applicabk Isw 71ru�tee,wllhoul dem�oa oa _
<br /> n
<br /> Borrnwer,�ahhall eep t1�e �t pubik auctbn to Ihe b heat b �wt IMe tio�e�ud wod uade�tl�e terms
<br /> u �p
<br /> - desi�whd in We nMice ot s�le oae or morepua 1��nd�aiy order'I�wtee determtaa.' 7Fu�tee m�l P�
<br /> -- — sde of all or anY pancel ot tde Praperty bqpublk p11110U[IClMlOt at the qme Rad p4�oe d sny prevlowly�
<br /> tNr.Lender or Its dai�aee may urch�ee the PropertY�t�ay s�le.
<br /> Upo�reaipt otpaymeat�t6e�rke bld,7�wtee ahaU ddlver to Uoe purchaeer 7rustee'�dad coaveylaa the
<br /> ProprMy. TAe reclt�s la tl�e 7lrusta e deed sball be prlmA facie evideace of trulh ot tbe�latemeats m�de tberela.
<br /> 7�uafee a1ba11 app{y tha proceeda o�t�e eak ia the toUowWg order: U) to all carls ond expences of eaercWn� tl�e
<br /> m��-��Y-- -� - .R� po�ver otaWe,aod!6e sale,iacludia the payment of the 7lrostee's feer uclu�lly lacuered,aot ta exc�Pd 3.0 �
<br /> �v
<br /> ot tlie� pr�inciQal amouat oi the at the dme ot the declarotioa ot dei�ull,ond reASOnable ottoraeyo'kea ne
<br /> riatt�ed by b� w;(b)to�il�um�secured by tbb Security laoWmeat:ond(c)any excat to the perfop or penons
<br /> �Ny eatiiled to 1�
<br /> 18. Reoonvey�ace. Upan payment of all sums secwed by this Secudry Instrumenl, l.ender shall mquest 7Fuatee to
<br /> reconvey the Properiy and eball eumender Ihis Security Instrument a��d wll notes evidencing debt serured by this Secu�ity
<br /> Instrument to'Itu+�ta. 7tustee sfall rcconvey�he Property wfthout wartanty an�l without cl�arge to the person or percona
<br /> leYaUy endUed to i1. Suchp�rson or persons shall pay a�y recordation costs.
<br /> - _.__-..� ._- 19. SuMI(tute'ilruetee. [.ender,At its option.may from dme to Ume romove 7tustee and appoint a successor trustce
<br /> - to any'Ituxtee appointed hereunder by an insqument recorded in the county in which this Secu�ity lnawment ls�ecorded.
<br /> -------- Wlthout conveyance of the Property,the wcceasor trustee stwll aucceed to�ll Ihe title,power and duUes confemed upon
<br /> - 1lvatee hencin end by appIlcable low.
<br /> •"� 20. Request for Notices. Borrower requesta that coples of the notices of defauk wid sale be cent to Bortower'�
<br /> — — addras which i4 the Property Addresa.
<br /> Riden to this Security Iostrumen� lf one or mam riders ure executed by Bonower and recorded together with Ihis
<br /> Security lnswment,the covenants af each such dder shall be incorporated in�o and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> t�---=— _- covenants end egreements of this Security Instrument aa if the ridery�)wo�in a part of thia Security Inspumen�
<br /> _ ' _-- [Check applicable box(es)�.
<br /> — �Condominium Rider �Ciraduated PaymeM Rider �Cirowing Equity Rider
<br /> .�;-�'
<br /> --!�iT« � �I i�[ill, °
<br /> �-�, a �Planned Unit Development Rider Xn Other�Specify] ACKNOWLEDGMFNT, MORTGAGE ADDENDUM
<br /> :�
<br /> �:,. < < . BY SI(3NINa BF,LOW,BoROwer accepts and agrees to the ternts contained in pages I thr+ough 4 of thls Security
<br /> = - Inrtrument And in any ddeKs)eaecuted by Borrower and rccorded with n.
<br /> = Witnesses:
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> _� - - ,- - TAMI R. GOERL ao""w`� -
<br /> '�• '„�. (Scal)
<br />- ti' "��'�~-`- Barower
<br />_ ��'� 1� .w..
<br /> �i ��»�
<br /> ��wY.
<br /> ($8ti�)
<br />�+--- Bortower
<br /> . ,,,•
<br /> -;
<br />-- ."x,�e� p�(�Seal)
<br /> _,� �•��y
<br /> ON�YW�.�
<br /> __ . Q:
<br /> -'�" 1 Yh", _, COUnI tiS
<br /> a.�1 .. STATE OF NEBItASKA. NALL y:•:
<br /> �.•t . _. �.4•.... r
<br />: ' 4�� �''�.-•, ::�... ' On this 31ST ��y of JULY, 1992 .bcforc mc.�hc undcrsigncd,a Nwary
<br /> �s""�� .�. 'a � Public duly commissioned und yuali�ed for said county,personallycume TAh1I R. GO�RL� A SINGLE
<br /> , F °;� .. ���. PERSON
<br /> �� ` �``.' . lo mc hnown to bc thc �
<br /> '. - identical persoMs)whose numc(s)nrc subscribed to Ihc farcgoing instrument and ucknowledgcd the execution thereof to be
<br /> • ��" � HER volunlury act und decd. _-
<br /> .. �;;'!`��.' o Wit my hand cuid nota�fal seal at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA i suid county, the
<br /> �; �: •:, datc afo sni .
<br /> . �i�-: �.� � . � �,� '� c =;�=____., �
<br /> ._�„ My Comm �i� 2�9Z N�unrv Publir �
<br /> =-g----- — �
<br /> +�7: � .� ° a'��3x.���; �!F�,yCID�
<br /> .. a � �• � �'k'�'���q� REQUF.S7'FOR RECONVEYANCE -
<br /> ' F;�'�i ' TO TRUSTEE: �''��
<br /> �� The undersigned is Ihc holdcr of thc n�nc or notex scrurcd by ihis Dccd uf 7tuti1. Suid natr or nuics, rogether with ull �
<br /> .:;�__ -
<br /> ;" � othcr indebtedness securcd by this Dced of 7Yust, havc lxcn pa�d in Iull. You arc henby Jirrrtcd to cunrrf auiJ oulr u� i
<br /> " " " notes suid this Decd of'Ih�xt,which arc delivcrcJ hcrcby,und to rcc�mvey,withuut wurranry,all thc extu�c now hcld by you '
<br /> �. '�'"' '. under thix Decd of 7Yuxt ro the person ar Exrtinnx Icgally entiticd thcn:to.
<br /> � ._ .r.'r' _ �,� _.
<br />. ' ir �'li�C: -.
<br /> � . :� :#k� -
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