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<br /> _ ____ _ pxymentr. which w'e nferted to in Pen�trap6 2,or chongo Ihe amount of such puymentx. Any excess pracoeds over An _
<br /> - --- ataountrequfrcd to pay dl outrtwndinQ Indebtednesr under the Note wid thii Secunty instrument siwll be paid to ihe endty
<br /> . Y � k�ally enti�led the�tto.
<br /> : •;,,; . 8. Feeo. L.ender may cullect fees and ciwr�eR uu�horized by the Secrewry.
<br /> �"v,,i�i'.,ti. " 9. Gruund��or Acoekratioa o�De1N.
<br /> �..�• (a)Detoul� Lendcr may,except�s Iimiled by reguletians i�cued by the Secrctary in the case of payment defAUita,
<br /> � .,�..��, , n:quire immediate payment m full uf all sumx►c:cured by this Securiry lnsuument if: �_ __
<br /> '�,¢• -�ti�;;, (i)Horrower defaults by f�iling to pay in full any monthly payment required by thir Security Instrument priw
<br /> • t•..�,,:, . to or on the due date of the next monthly payment,or
<br /> •'4'�'""�" (ii)Borrower default:by fwiling.for a period of thirty dwys.to perform a�y other obligutiona conwined in this
<br /> ' ','�.�;`t'.°'�"�,' _ Security Instrument.
<br /> -�""�_��w�= ��•'p�-� (b)Salle Wlthuut Credit Approval. Lenderehall,if permftted by applicable law and with the prlar approv�l of the
<br /> -�—�'�'�'..--,:�'-~�-"�a"-j�•�r rc�a�y,requiro Immediate payment in full of all Uie sums secured by thix Secudty Inswment if:
<br /> - - •' ''`K�'" � �(i)All or art of the Pro rty,ur a beneficjal inrerest in a trust own�ng ull or part of tho PropeAy, is eold or
<br /> ._ _ —_ s,,..... . p pe - --
<br /> •ad-''Eis$'"'�i: :•.�p(;' otherwise uansfecred(other than by devise or desceny by the Borrower,and
<br /> �+',�•�r. •;�;,•.•: ' (ii)The Property is not accupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her princlpal rcsidence,or the purcheser
<br /> -- .y�.,•�.�- or grantee daes so occupy the Property but his or her crsdi� has not been Approved in secordonce
<br /> ��..;",,;,�y��:� with the requirementa of�he Secntary.
<br /> �L��-+�-""'�•��?� (c)No W�tiver. If circumatances occur that would permit Lender to 7equi�e immediate payment in full,but Lender
<br /> :. . . . . �;,:�
<br /> �+� ��•��:�:��' :?*z�,;•� doex not require suchpayments,Lender daes not waive its rights with respect to subsequent evente.
<br /> ...�.�,
<br /> ��- • •�• � �°r^. (d)Re�als�Nonr of HUD Siecretary. In many clrcumstances reguletiona icsued by the Secretary will limit Lendar's
<br /> �'�':;v:- � _y'��r
<br /> F —:{�. - , y--; righta. in t6e case of puyment defaul�:,to rec�uire immeclia�e payment in full end foreclose if not� Thi� __
<br /> — _ : 7 , .��:'. Security Instrument dces not authorize acceleret�an or foreclosure if not pe►mitted by�+egulations of the tary.
<br /> ��'!+`•:�""` '' �.�• '. (e)Mort�age Not Insured. Borrowcr agrees that should this Securlty Instrumcnt wtd tla noto cecured thaeby not
<br /> `� ' � be eligible for insurnnce under the Natianal Housiog Act within �m�
<br /> , .,.. .
<br /> ; . �,�;:r,��•� 4, date hereof,Lender may.nt its opdon and notwithstunding anything in Paragraph 9,requi�+e immediate payment
<br /> - full of all sums xecured by this Security Instrument. A written Rta�ement of any authorized agent of the 3ecretary
<br /> — � .. . at:.�;�;�, from the dete hcreof,declining to inaure this Sxurity
<br /> _;�. • � ,,, dated subsequent to
<br /> -- � Instrument end the note ssecured thereby,shell be deemed conclusive proof of such inelfglbility. Notwithstanding
<br /> - ��"�''�' �� ��• ^�n. the foregoing,this option may not be exercfsed by Lender when the unavailabiliry of insunu►ce ls�olely due w
<br /> _ � � ° Lenderk failure to remit n mongage insurance premium ta the Secretary.
<br /> ;.s � 19. Iteln�tatement. Barower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediatc payment in full becausc
<br /> �:��,,:.,;_�,�,�,,.'� of Barrower's failur�e to pay an amoum due under the•Note or this Secu�ty Instrument. This nght applies even after
<br />