..�( , , .�
<br /> . .++ .i _
<br /> ,�5� .
<br /> .��wR�p - ��fiM` , �
<br /> rlff+
<br /> ... �. � . .. i. ''-n1Mb� .
<br /> . .._ ..-...:_.1�� ' ' .. . _. ... -. .. . - ' .
<br /> , r , T.n`����4 .
<br /> i . - �t-
<br /> � 9 6. Borrowar'e Riqht 4� Fieln�tat0. II Borrowor meoro cartnin condRbns, Bonower ehell heve Ihe rlyht ta heve
<br /> entorcoment of this�ocurky Inatrumont dlsaonlMUed et any tina prlor to Iha earlfer of• (e) 6 daye (or euoh oth� perbd ea applbable
<br /> bw may apooity (or roLictntamCnt) 6otoro oaF3 01 4ho Prop�riy�urounnt to nny powor of oab oantalnad In thls Socurily Inetrumant; or
<br /> (b)antry of a Judpmont entorahy thb Eoourfty In�trumml. Thote oondNbne ar� th�t 8orrower. (a) pcy Lender all cuma whbh then _
<br /> would W dw undu thb Sacurky la�trum�nt and th� Note u M na accttintbn htd oCCUrted; (b) curoa any delauft of any other =
<br /> oownanl or 4pr�etrNnte; (o) psy� aq s�nN� h�urrAd h �ntorofnp thh :3oCUrky Inslrumsnt, holudlnp, bul not AmRod to, roneonabl0 . �
<br /> � attom�yl'fNi; and(d)tak�e euoh actbn�s LendK rr�y naeonaby roquk�to�esure thst the Ilen of thls Securtty Inetrument,Lender'a , ;
<br /> riphla In th� PropKty tnd Bortowa'�obltpatbn ta pay th� sums ucund by thla 6�curity Inttrum�nt�hall oontk►uo unahanped. Upon � � , -
<br /> � re�netatc�mar►t by Bonoww, this °ACUrRy Instrumwit and tho oblfpatbns s�aur�d hirsby ehall remah (uly sBOOtNe ae N no occ�lontbn ,
<br /> j had OCCUR�d. HOwwe�,thb�hl to r�ktstat�ihaB nOt tppN„thi caa�o}tccobratbn undet perupraph 17. �
<br /> I 19, Sale of Note; CfMflpe of Loen 3ervloer. Th� Not� or a partkl hterest h the Noti (tOpether with lhis SeCUrRy �
<br /> Inawmant) m4y bo sob ona or moro tYrsa wkhout prbr notlC�to Borrowe►. A sale maY reauk h 4 ohanpe In ths entity (knoKn t� the �
<br /> "Lotn Swvicor') lhat coibots monthy p�ymmts dw untNr th� Not� �nd thb Soourky Instrument. TNen alsa mty ba on� or moro
<br /> ' . chu��s of th� I.o�n Servbsr unnktW to�taM ot th�Note. li th�re b a chanpe o}th�l.otn Ssrvber,Bortowor will be pN�n writton �
<br /> notbe ol the ohanQ9 In accordanca wkh panpreph 14 ebow�nd epp�cable kw. The not�e wlll atate the name and address of the �
<br /> naw Lotn Servlcer and tha addross to wh�h paymente ehould be mad�. The notlCe wIA also oontah any other htormatbn requlrod by �
<br /> aPDYcabb 14w.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substences. Bortow�r ah�N rtot causs or pertnk the presence, uae, disposai, storafle,o� relfuaase of any .
<br /> Huardous Substances on or in tho Propwty. BortowK ehaM not do, nor a�bw anyone else to do,enythhq ntteathq ths Property that , ,.� ; .-
<br /> � � {s h vbMtbn oi tny Environmontai Law. Th� prac�dhp two aentencos ahall not appFy to the presenco, use, or storaye on th6 .;r�yy;,rs;;-�
<br /> Prop�tty ot smaM quantkles of Harardou�SubsWtc�s th�t are pener4�H�o0nized to bo approprinte to nortnal resWentfal uses tnd to �`' r,��
<br /> , •f�37YFYf-
<br /> mehta�anc�ot the Property. �" -
<br /> Borrower shaq promptty pNe Lindar wrkten notbe of any hveetlpatbn,otatm,d�rrwnd, f�wsuk or other aotlon by any govemmental :,�,�-_�_
<br /> da
<br /> or reQulntory aganoy or prlvato puty hvotuhy the Property and any Harardous Substance or Envirqnnient6l Law af whlch Bor►oerer hes _ —
<br /> aoNal knowi�dq�. if BoROwK kams, a b notMbd by�ny povemmantc� or ropul�tory QuthorNy, that any remcval or othor rom�dtation _ _
<br /> of any Hazudous Substanc� �Heclhp th� Proputy K nacessary, Borrower ehnN prompty tak� all necessary romedlal aotbna h �_
<br /> accordu�co wRh Environmental Law. ����r
<br /> As usod fn this parapra,Ph 20, 'Flwrdous Substu�ces' are those subsunces deti�od as toxb or harerdous substencos by .
<br /> , e •� Ernironmontal Law and tho folbwiny substancos: paaoNne, kaosene, other fl�mmabb or toxb peVoleum products,toxb pesticides end .,,; �"4_;=„!`=__
<br /> h�rb{cldK, voytW soNanri, mal�riek contahinp ub�ttos er tormtidshyd�, and ndloaathn mator{�b. As usod h thts paraynph 20, t��;.•:.,.��
<br /> r •�n�Vpnm�n�al Ltw• mNns Ndsrrl laws and kw� ot th� Jurlsdf�tion where ths PropsRy fs bcated that refnte to heaRh, aafety or
<br /> c� �r'
<br /> . . .. _� onvironma►tnl proUOtbn. ,_.�,�t:a�
<br /> � �' NON-UNIF�A C01lENANTB. eorroww and Lw�uiii iu�inw Gvi"'.i14tlt C(id IIQfC3 Q��L�O�Y9: ;,>,�:--.
<br /> 21. AcceleraUon; Remedles. Lender Rhsl! y0ve notice to Bord�aw�r prior to acceferetlon toliowinp �;�:�
<br /> �;.,�� .
<br /> __�_,� Borrowe�'s breach of eny covenant or e�reement E�n 41�1a Sacu�i�ty ���uThw net�i e ahell p��eclN: -'t�� � -
<br /> .���- aoceleretton under parepraph �� uniess appiico�sio .oi. ���J�..o..w.-..•�--o• -•-- ----- � ,
<br /> ,y;: � ,
<br /> � ,���r, (e) t�e default; (b) the �ctton required ta cure the deteult; (a) e date, not le�than 30 daya 4rom the
<br /> - � deY�the notice Is fllven to Borrower� by which t�e detault muot be cared; �nd (d) th�t fa�ture to cure � �
<br /> the default on or before the date �pec(Ned Ire tFee �otlae may result in scceleraqon of tlhe sums _
<br /> aeeured by tht� Security Instrument and eate of the Property. The notice shall furt�er Inbrm ,._
<br /> Borrower of the rt�ht ta reinstate efter eacelerat�on end the �t�ht to briny e court action to esaert the ' ;F_
<br /> non-extstenae of a default or eny other defense of Borrower to acceteration and s�le. If the dehult is
<br /> <<:. no! cu�ed on or bebre the dete �peaifled in the notlae� Lender �t its optlon may require Immediate -__
<br />-�;;.?° pRyment in tull of all wms aecured by thia Security Instrument w�4twut turther demsnd and may ;�-'
<br /> .>>.•�� invoke tt�e power of ale �nd any other remedlss permitted by applicable law. Lende� shall be ;z,
<br /> ' entitled to collect all e�enaes Incurred in purwinp the remedles provided In thls pa�apreph 21� �� ' '.,
<br /> " !�� includin�� but not Ilmited to� reasoneble�ttorneya'tees and cm�U of tfUo evidence. .
<br /> : If ths power of aate 1� Invoked� Trunee �hall record A noUce of dafeult in each county In whtch �_
<br />. . er�yy pW t o f t he Pro p e r t y l i E o c e t e d a n d t h a i l m e i l c o p l e s o f a u a h n o Uae in the menner prescrtbed by �
<br />-�.�.. . e��licabte law to eorrower and to the other por�ons prescrtbed by a�pilcable law. Atter the time _
<br /> " �''ti '-"� Ilcable lew, Trustee sNell gtve publla noiice o9 �le So 4L�e pe:tar.: znd Is� tt�s en*_�ne� ____ _-
<br />-���: ;,� . rowulred bY aPP
<br />- pr�seribed by app8�abte I�w. Trustee� wtthout demand on eorrower, shall seil the Propercy at publlc
<br /> • emctlore to bt��e hl�hest bldde� Rt the Ume end pl�ce �nd unde� the terms dest�n�ted in the noUce of
<br /> ",<< aaee !n �n-E �r more parcelo snd In Any arder Trustee detormines. Trustee msy postpone sale ot ell ---
<br />., ;., � .�, mr any �per�cel of the Properhl by pubttc �nnouncement at the time �nd place ot �rey �reviously —
<br />=y"�� scfi�dvl�d aale. Lende�or its de�l�nas may purchase the Propeny�t any s�le. �:=�
<br />�=�=�F t�pa�n Rs�c»ipt of payment oi the price bld, Tru�tee shall delfver to the purchsser Trustee'e deed ���
<br />=.r; - :.: � erarnsy3rsg Y� Property. The rc�01n1� in the Truatee'� deed �hall be prima hcle evidence ot the truth
<br />� � � � ai iha slatemenb m�de t0�eretn. �r��33ee sluil apply the proceed� of the sale ire the followinq order.
<br /> - � �. �a� to all cosN and e�en�es of exercYsin� the power of�le, md the sale, inetudt�� the psyment of ���-
<br />'��` � 'the Truatee'a tees actuelly Incurred, not to ex�eed 3 9i of t� princ(pal emuunt ot the note �
<br />_�:����� at the tlme of the dealaration of detault,e�r� r�.�aaoaable ettorney'a tees es permitted by lew; (b) to elt =.._
<br /> wms seavred by thl� Security InsVument; s�d (c) ar+y excoas to th�e perwn or perwns le�etiy E'��_��•=_=-_v--�--
<br /> "� entltled 8o Di. � y�;�--�,::�
<br /> ~'i:.��—�__.--_,_
<br /> st(;. - „ � 22. i3��onveyance. Upon D�Ymw►t of aN eums c�cund by th�Eocurky Inatrumen4 L�nder ehaM r�aqu�st Trustae to reconvoy ��.L���r.�:..r.��ti��.•.
<br /> tng PrCysrSy anG shaY surr�tlFx thls Security Inatrumont and�q nptes evklenaho debt securod by this Seeurity Instrument to Trustea. : :r1;F�;� °�c:
<br /> ;',�,'� ?:�atr�sPwfi roconwy lho�,r�ppr�ty wkhout waRanty an�endnoul eharQe ro tha porcon ar pa►saras 1apaRy entitled to k. SuCh poroon or '':xLY;���;--_
<br /> P �
<br />_ . '�• : ���
<br /> pDrsctif S?J891 QLy Ny fOCO�ditbn COStc. ' '"'��.>.
<br /> 1{ .b^, .V'. f,..
<br /> � .. �.s:lS;?:�.,
<br /> �� ��.'.��;:fr.�•.,�
<br /> . ., ��,�,-..•
<br /> 23. Substltute Trustee. L.M�dat, at ks opti�, may kom thw to thw remova Truatne ond Rppo�nt a succeasor Wstee to :..,. �-
<br /> • Ny TNStY� �ppohl�d h�rMmd�by an Instlumant racsutd�d in tho ctounty In whbh thk Secun'ty Insttument Is reCOrded. Wfthout , . � �•
<br /> _-- °--- -- - . . . _ - ----. •- -�.,._ .�.� .,..,......�.�.r��i.. Rnn�.nrd unan Trustoe hereln wtd bY --_ -----__-.
<br /> ---- -
<br /> � COnYryQIC� OT Lh�PfOplRY� 6UCCeSEOf Wsts�sna�wv-ww �v a.u.o ...... w--� -•- ----- ---- -- -
<br /> • �pp�Cabi�kw.
<br /> - 24. Requtst for Nodccs. Borrowe�requests that copies o(tho not�Ces ot deTnuR and sate be sent to Borrower'e address
<br />- whbh k tho PropYrty A.ddrszt• '
<br /> 26. Rlders Lo thls Seeurity Inshumen� IQ ono or morr rkbrs en oxsCUted by Borrower and recorded topethvr wNh „
<br /> � Ihis Sacurily IntWment, lh�covenmb and�yrownent� ot each such rkfer shal bo Irtcarporatad into and ahaN eme�d and suppbmant
<br /> - , ►ha cownonts ond ipreements ot Ihis Security InsVument as M the rider(s)ware a psrt of this Secunty InaWment.
<br /> - Form 304E B/BO
<br /> b
<br /> � F1071.1INfl(?/YS) P�p�6 0l 6
<br /> � �oe
<br /> I
<br /> -r . .. . ... _
<br />