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:�, . <br /> ° ` <br /> ...�,�� .., , " . : . ..�.:,,.� ,- ___ <br /> . - :.,..�n��...�. � ,:h�.��a�il�����;_z�..;-. <br /> . . _...,_ _ .-. � ,. <br /> , . . <br /> ,�,... ..�-. . .. . . ..... <br /> .__...�... . _ � ' � . . ... .. . . Io,.._. <br /> I ' ' RI ht�In the Pr� et . It earrowor tv��s to perrorm the cavenQnts and apreomentt ,' <br /> 7. Prot�c:tlo� oi Lender s q P h► <br /> ' oontehad in ll�ie�F,CUrky Inetrument, or th�w b �lopel groca�dhp t►�at rtu►y slpnlficantry offoot Lendaro r�phte In the PropErty (suoh ao �' <br /> � procNdhp h bankruptoy,probot�,for cond�rr►nrtbn or Ine4e[uPe ar to cnforco tav+o or rcqulatlane),Ihon Lcndcr rnay do nnd pay tar <br /> wh�tw�r b nec�aeuy to prot�ot th� wkrv of tRe Prop�Ayr ond Lend�e rlphta In tho Property. Lenders totiane may Inaluds ptyinp <br /> �ny tumf ��ound by�If�n whbh has prbrky owr thM Sacurlly Inatrum�nt,�Ap�r�fl „couR,p�yhp rNaQmbN�ttom�y'� fws and <br /> �ntKtnD nn th�Pro�ty to mak�npaW. Athoush I.�nde may tak� �olbn undw thb par��aph 7. Un�r doa�not hav�to do ao. � , <br /> ' My emounte dhburs�d by LondN und�r thu panpraph 7 thaG bwome addRbml tfibt o? EorrOwM t�our�d by ihls Securriy <br /> � Inttrumor►t. Univa� BorrAw�r �nA I.K►der �prw to othw lumf ot p1�ym�nt, th�a� amounte sAtM bur ht�n�t hon tlio d�t� of <br /> �iliGur�ri�il oi tiw 9VOt�w�l�cn�GhCq b�psyCDt7,rJtth htt�fC�t, upon netEce kam Lend6r tn BortowYt ri4uostinp pYyment. <br /> ; 0. Mort��yo Inwr�nce. If LMtdM nquYmd mo+tQ�D� InsunnC� af � Condkbn of rtwkhq th� ban sfCUrod by thb � <br /> S�CUrlty InslrumM�t, BortowM �h�ll pay lh� promlums nquind to mahta(n tha mort�e� hauranc� In Mtsct. If, for any r�son, !h� � „ <br /> mort�Qo hsunnc� cowrape nquind bY�-e^d�r MP���or c«ses to bo in�M�ct, Borrowsr shtA p�y th�premiumf nquked to obtain � „ <br /> ,,,.,»��!` coven� substentlairy pukatent to tho mortp�p� insuronco pr�vlousy Y� �thcf, �t a coat aubst�ntkRyr equtvatent to th� cost to W <br /> . �•�1► Bortow�r ot th� mortgtpa hsuranc� prwiousy In �Nact, Pran an damat� mort�� hsurar approwd by Lw►dM• �t substtntlaHy � <br /> . puNaNnt mortp�p� inturuic� cown�b not�wll�bb,Boraowsr sh�l pay to Lwtdor acA month a sum �qual to onbtwalfth ol th� � <br /> � y�artq mortp�y�hsuru�c� pnmlum boNip patd by�orroxw whrn lho intu�nc�eoverug�4ipssd or coasad to be h et(sct. Lender wul � <br /> ecC�pt, uto and nt�ln th� payrtNnb u Y bs! rls�rw h Mu of moRpep� hsuifnC�. Loae nawv�WY�� �Y no lonp�r be c.;�;.,_, <br /> nqutnd, at th�aptlon of Undar, IP rriortyay�hsurnnc�covonpo(In tha �mount �nd ta tha period tdeat Lw�de�rocw►ns)providW1,. by .:�,���4; <br /> t an htur� �pprowd by Laider apah b�aom�s aaNtbp and is obtahad. Borrow�r shaN pny lha prwniums nqutnd to RWIII�� �4. h._"_ <br /> � mortp�p� InaurNnC� h o(fect, or to provld� a ba�ros�rva� unlil the riqukwnent (or mortpaye Insumncs ends fn accOrdanCS wl�h any .:::�;.,,.._. <br /> r wnlhn�pre�rtwnt Wtw�n Borrowar and Lsrtdor or opplkable I�w. t�':�y�- <br /> p ,:.r._.�r`�-'�. <br /> �, � 9. Ill�plCU011. La�dor or ks opatt maY mako ro�onabb a�►rie� upon osd hspections Of tho Propwty. lw�der shnU flhro ,�:r_-_ <br /> � BorrawK noti�Y�t Ei�e f��w of or priaT to an htp:ctkan:peaElyhO r�seneble ceiise tor th�hsp�cUon. ��=:��-__ <br /> 'a 10. Condemru�Uon. Tho proc�ds of tny award or clmtm fo� damagea, dhct or conseQuentltl, W oonnaatbn wth any �;'��_ <br /> �L:..`"'= <br /> '� cond�matbn or othsr takinp o}any ptR of th� PropKty,or kr conveyar��h Neu of condamn4tbn,are hereby assi�nad md ahtN bo ��,._^ <br /> R plld l0 LAflt�. ' � s_ <br /> ��ti�::^,,.._ <br /> �•. . In tM w�nt of � totel tnkhp of th� Prop�ty, tM prx«ds shal b��ppWod!o tha sums s�curod by this Security InsWrrwnl, ___ <br /> j wh�thK or not than dua, wRh �r►y oxws p��d to BortowK. In th�Mhnt Of� plvt3al tolcinp ot th�PtopNty In whbh th�ta(r rtwrktt _-_ , <br /> •�]*. wiw oi tM PropKty Imm�dvtNy bMao th� tatchp b qu�l to a pnatar than tM �mount af th� �ums ssound by thb �curfly �„_=- <br /> "� Inawm�nt hxnedf�tey heton th� taktn0� unNss Bortowov and Lnder otherwiss AprN h writfn�l. lhs suma s�curad by fhfa Securlty <br /> � In=Wrt�t thal b� nducod by th� amount of th� procaod�mukfPli�d by tlw (olbwinp i�ctbn: (a) th� totQl omount o} tho suma <br /> - ---- - �,,.,� M.NA��NM �_..�t..ah�,rlpdANA hy�hl Iho faY ma�kot vttl�of th�Proparty irrtnNdytoy b�tor� ttw ttkfnp.My balanc� _ _ <br /> � aMM ba paid to Bortow�.In tM av�nt of a paRMl takhp of tho Propa►ty h wh�h th�tafr mark�vnluo of Ms Prop�ty Imrt►�dl�tey <br /> �� bNon th� WctrW Is las thtn th�unount ot th�suma socund Irt�d1�bN bs�on the t�lcin��uniKS BaROw�ond L.end�r othorwfse <br /> �� � •^.�.,,� � un�. .,¢�w`ti� rW mhnrwko providee,th� Qroceoda shaq b� /AD� to Ih� tum� sacund by thla SeCUrity <br /> Insbum�nt wh�th�r or not th�sum��n th�n du�. <br /> �, I}th�Pro�ty k�b�ndon�d by 8orravrK,or M,aRK notka by Undw to Borrow�r that th�condarfx�or ofkn to rtuke an Rwud or <br /> settM a ckim tor danxp�s,Borrow�r fila to respond to l.end�r wkhh 30 d�ya aRer Zhs dats th� notic�is phren, L�nder b wthorined <br /> . ,•��,.,,, � to cofrct md �ppy th�prx�ads,at k� option. �fthor to reslontbn a rep41r oi the PropKty u to tha aums a�cu�d by this Securky <br />. �,; ��� � ; IneWment.wh�h�►or not th�r►du�. <br />�; n:. '. `�.�'�� . Unlws I.�nd�r�nd Bortovwr oth�rwis��pn�h wrtMp. �nY�PP�+tion of procMd�to principd ah�N nat atan4 or pontpon� th� <br /> � �;;��„ ' ���p ot th�monlhy piyrrwnt��nd to h pwpr�phs 1 u�d 2 a chenp�tha emaunt of su�h piym�nri. <br /> �:',�,. .°. 11. Borrower Not Rele�sed: Fa�bc�wrance By Lender Not� Wafver. �.naion o� �n. ame ror parmenc a <br /> modiNcatbr►of unortfration of th�aumt s�c�nd by thk S�curAy Inswment pnnted by Undar to any succassor{n htar�at of Bortoara <br />' � � sMN not op�nb to tii�il�tM M�bMky of tIN oriphal Borrowlr a 8ortowN's auccesson h htanst. La�dK�haN not b�nqutrod to <br />`� � � cornnencs procMdhps�pdnat�ny succ�ssor in htsnat o�Musv 40 o:ciand tim�for paymmt or otherwls�modMy amortladtW�oi the <br /> `d`•�• _�� sum� wcund by thit S�curRy Insbum�►t by n�son of any dwr�nd mtQ� by th� Orl�inai BOrtOwK Ot BORbNw's tuccassors In <br /> a�-'•��..��r���e`� htorsst.Ar►y fo�b�sranc� by Land�r in pw'akhq v►y rqht or i�dY ahaM not be a wa1vK of or pnclu0�tt+�parcfs�of�ny dpht or - <br /> ::=.-�•��� �1x. �uccessors end Assiyn� Beund: Joth4 wad Seve��i Lfa�ltify; C�-:ig��ra rna covensnts e�a � <br /> _.`'`°�� �yn�nants of thfs f�curily Instrum�nt si��N bind and b�tt�t th� wcc�sson �nd nsslpns of L�nd�r rnd Botroww, �ubJ�ot to tIN <br /> __;R=�a,;+�.' provisbm of puaAnph 17.Borrowar�oavonu►M�nd pr�menb shU W Joht u�d swKal.My Bono�w►who co•slpr►a thb S�curky <br /> —__��,t'� Inebumer►t but do� not �xscub th� Idnn: (a) fs oo-sipnhp thM 6�curky InaUum�nt ony to monpey�, pru�� �nd conwy th�t <br /> -- 8aroww�Int�rat In th�Prop�ty undK th�hrmt oi thk Skurily IniWrtwn4(b�b not p�r'sonaMY obdp�t�d to pay th�wma socund <br /> .,`.`�''• by this S�c►uiY tnsWm�nh, �nd (o) �pr'� that Lendx and�r►y otMr Borrow�r may i0�'M ro mct�+d. modly� (oibMr or mrk� any <br /> _�._i^�";-... <br /> ��-_:;:�.F.� accortwnod�tton�wkh rpard to twms of thb SecurRy Inttru�t or ttN Note wkhout that Borrower�cons�nt. <br /> ��� 13. �oan Ch�r�es. di tTw lan wcund by thk Sacurky Instrumont b subject to �law whbh wte maxkrwm ban ch�rpes, ___ <br />._'�K„ and th�t Inw Ie 8naly htMprotsd so that th� htorost or otMr Ioan charq�s aolkct�d or to b� coN�ctad In conn�otbn wkh tM Irnn -- <br /> -'=���' excsad tha permittcid Ilml�s, then; (a)�ny such bu� chenpes shiN b�reduc�d by the �nwunt n�assary M nduG th�chupa to the <br /> —w....:r. , <br /> -`_- �"~•>� permkt�d IImN;md(b)any tums aiready coAOCtod kom Borrower wh�h excoaded permRted WnRs wMl bo r�Nnded to Bortowor. Landor <br /> - m�y choota to maka thb raWnd by nduoinfl tha princpwi o�wod um!or tNa Noto or by mdcinp � dir�ct payment to Borrowor. If� <br /> ,�''!� • �, rstund rmduc��pt�ncipal,th�nductbn w�W tro�t�d af a p�rlial Prap�ym�nt wkhout enY prop�Ym�nt Charp�undar the Not�. � <br /> •� ���`���.�' ". '94. NOtlCES. My notic�to Borrower providedtor Nthh Securky Instrummt shaN W phan by dNi�wrhD k�r by maWnp k by <br /> � ;:��>.'`.�'� � Qrst alaas maY unlesa apD�Abp M�w requires use oi u�othlr m�thod. The notkA 6haM bs dk�cled to ths Proparty Addr�asa or �ny ` <br /> ' �' olhor addms Borrowar dnlpn�t�s by notic� to Landu. A+iy �atic�to Lender shall bo pHen by Arst ciaas maN to londars addresa _ <br /> -�;� s�tsd h�n1n or any otMr addnst I.�nder dealpn�tea by �ol�e to Barower. My notke provided tor h this Securily tnswment shell - ---_ <br /> ' ," ��„�:� b�deMn�c!to haw bMr�pirw�to Bortowsr or Lendsr wh�n plwn as provtd�d tn thb pare�ntph. T:.�?=_ <br /> �!�'�.��::.•`�'`' 75. Governin�; Ssverabiiity. This S�CUr1y Inctrumant shaN be qcvwn�d by h�doral kw �nd the law o} the `a:�•,-__ <br /> .�:i�.;'„ ' . <br /> Juritdfotbn In whiah tha Prop�Ay b bcnt�d• In ths ewnt th�t any provFsbn or cl�use of thR Sucur,ty Insdumerst or tlse Nat�cOntlkta :ti�'•;��- <br /> .- ;.�-_"..- <br /> wkh �ppNCabk law, such aontllct shaY not�fFect oYdier provisbns of this SeCUrky Instrumant or ihs Nofe v�hch can bA qlven etfect _�,�.,,` <br /> ---1-. --�.�.�-�Y..��� r.. u.v�w�ti��v�lelnne n1 *h1e S�curkv InsWm9nY�nd thB NOU an deCIB7e8 t0 DY iBwr�tblo. ..�.•; <br /> � .� ��„ 16.'BorroweNs Cepy. ,BortowK ahaY b� 0� oM confom�d cOpy of th�Note�nd ot thls&ecurity t�is�umwtl. v - ` <br /> � . ' • 17. Trenater of the Property or a Benettclal lntereat In eorrower. If tR Or eny peR of tha Proparty ot any `, •� Y.• <br /> - �� Interest In k b sold or Vensterted (or M � bw�at�fai hterost h Bortowor i� sold or transferred and Borrower Is not n natural person) <br /> � wRhout l.�rtdofa prior writton consent,Lvndar m�y, at It� oplbn,�qulro Immedi�t�payrtwnt h fuN of �A sums securod by this Security � <br /> - InsWrt�ent. However,thy optbn ahall not b��xKals�d by L�nd�r if�ka I� prohDk�d by fa�lant rw es of ths date ot th{s Security <br /> � �� InsWma►t. <br /> If Lander exa�kas this optbn, LendM�haM pl+rs Borrowu notia of scc�lerntbn.Th�notfc� shaN prnvld�a porlod of not bss Rhnn <br /> 30 day� kom th� dat� the notice b d�Nwnd or rtNfNd rkhN wh�h th� Borrower must pay aN �umt s�cund by thb Security <br /> Insuumon� If BoROwer taf� to pay th�ss sums prlor to ths��k�tbn of thls period,Lender m�y hvoke any nrt►edias per►nkted by thls , <br /> , SeCUrky InsWment wkhout tuAher not�e or dertund on BomDwer. Fo�m soze c�oo <br /> Fi02C.1M0(TlY6) P�p�0 0l 6 <br /> � � <br /> ' t0 <br />