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_ __ <br /> ��_� �.�- �?�+��r,n,i:� _ <br /> -- - -— - _ . _-_ ....°$%:-^Tti"�^ <br /> - — ---- <br /> _ �__ _ � ��-_ - ,..y. � ' •.�:.e� <br /> " ��� .. n ... ... -*la!!l���_ <br /> � .. 3. '_'4...� �y� __.. <br /> `�: <br /> � 1��� <br /> — condemnation ar aher laking of any put uf the Prapehy,ar far cunvcyonce in licu uf cunJ�n►nutfon.ure hercby a�siQned�nd <br /> ::� �Iwll be paid to l.ender. <br /> --- � - - -- (n drc cvciyt of a totol tal:ing of thc ['ropehy. thr �oceedK xh�ll be applsed to thc xums sccurcd My thix Securily <br /> e"'� �`�` Instrumcnt,whcther or nM Ihen due,with any cxce+s pnid to Barrowcr. In the event of u puhinl taking af mc Nroperty in <br /> �• . <br /> which the fuir mat�et value ut�he Pmpeny immecifutely befare�hc tuking is cqunl ta ur greater�hun ihc amuunt of the xums <br /> • �• secured by�his Secu�ity Instrument immaliutefy hcforc thc tnking,unless Borrower ond l.cnder othcrwisr ogntc in writing, <br /> .. <br /> :-- - - - 16e aum�st:cur�J by this Sccurlry Inslrumern shall he rcduc�d by�hc umount uf the pr�xecds mul�iplied hy Ihc faliaw ng c_ <br /> •;•': <br /> haction: (a)�he tatul amou�t uf�he xumauecurcd Immediately befam thc tuking,dividcd by(b1 ihc fnir marlcet vulu4 uf ti� — <br /> -� propeny immediately befa+e ihe taking. Any bulunce xhali bc paid to Bom�wcr. In �he evenl of a purtiul taking of the <br /> Property in which�hc fair mnrket vAlue of thc F'roperty immediutely before Ihe tuking ih lesx than thc umaunt af th�c sums _ <br /> ._ hcrwi�e a ree in writing or unlegti applicuble !aw <br /> - secured imr.udiately bcfore thc taking. nnless Borcowcr and Lendcr ot 8 <br /> ----____�_-� otherwise provideR,the praceeds shall be applied to the sums r,ecured by this Security Instrument whether or not the xums ure <br /> ����,,,:�;.� then due. ! <br /> �_�__�,.a,� �i d�c prop�;rty ix abundoncd by Banower,or it;af'ter notice My L.ender�o Borrawcr tha� the condemnor affen ta mAko <br /> __s,q,,,,,_� _;���,_� en award or settle a claim for dumages. Borrower iuils to respond to Lender within 3U duyw after thc date the notice orgo �Me <br /> - --_- Lender ia authorized to collect und npply the praceeds,ut its aption,ei�her to restaation nr repair of�he Property <br /> �-ti���= surns secured by this Secu�iry Ins�rumern,whe�hcr ar nrn then due. <br /> � � Unlesw Lender ond Borrower otherwise agree in writin�,any upplic•rtion of proceeds to principul xhall not extend or <br />� •<•�°��,i;,���°• postpone the due date oP the monthly payments referred to in paragruphs I and 2 or change�he nmount of such puymen�. <br /> ,_.:,.F�,.,. 11. Borrower Not Released; FarbeArance By I.ender Not a Walver. Ez�ension of the time for puymcni or <br /> _ _ w=�—�_:�::::,:� madi�cation of am�rtization of the sums secured by tBia Secudty Instniment granted by Lender to any succegsor in imerest � <br /> � Ls TAll�t=^'i1T„1L�iS' <br /> �� °� of Bonuwer shall not operate to release the liubility of�he uriginal Borrowcr or Harrowerk succesw�r4 in interest. Lender <br /> --�'-�--~,,.•�� <br /> �i shall not be required to commence prcxeedings aguinst uny successar in inte►�est ar refure to extend time or payment or <br /> ���� • otherwi�e madify omortiu►tion of the xums secured by this Securicy Intitrument by reacon oi any demund made by the od�inal <br /> -—�r.s:r..s .: �� � <br /> ••�.�:..:;�.- ..__..`��.�� goROwer or Borrower's successon in inkresi. Any forbenrance by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy shall not be a <br /> i.�.�.... , .e...:.:.� �- <br /> . • � ..{.�.. .• waiver of or prcclude the exereise of any righl ar remedy. <br /> _ ° � ` �'; , 12. Successore and Assigos Bound;Jolnt ond Several LiAbHity;Castgners. The covenants und agrcements of�his <br /> -_�`, $t;r��,i�iv6fvl`�;• Securfty Instrument shall bind sind benafit the successor�ut�d assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the pravi�ions of <br /> -.`�� •• ` �~' :, parugraph 17, eorrower's covenunts and ugreements shell be joint and s;everul. Any Borrower who co-signs �his Security <br /> � Insuument but daes not execute the Note: (ul is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage,grunt and convey thnt <br /> a••:��.�..• • • '-''-.. Borrowers interost in the Property under�he term4of this Security lnstrument; (b)isnot perxonnlly obliguted ta pay the sums <br /> ;�'; :.; 1,�,.n.t. ; secured by this Security Instrument;und(c)ag�ees that Lender uad nny other Borrower muy ugree to extend,modify.forbeur <br /> `.,:..:'�;'�' <br /> ,; or make any uccommodations with regazd to the terma of this Secudty Instrument ar the Nwe without that Borrower s <br /> _,s:a:�iti:..m;k�E,.�:• consem. <br /> � � ' �� ' ° ' 13. L.oan Charges. If the loan ucured by this Securily Instniment �s subject to u iuw wi�icL ,eis maxitnum lassi <br />- � ° charges,and�hat luw is fin+�lly interpre�ed tio thut the imeretit or other loan churgex collected or�o be collected in connection <br />::�°" � wi�h the loun exceed the permitted limus,then: (A1 uny�uch loan churge shull be reduced by the nmaunt necessory toreduce <br /> '��� the charge to the permiued limil:und(b►uny sumti nlreudy collected from Bo�rower which exceeded permitted limits wi 11 be <br /> � ��°�: �funded to Borrower. l.ender muy chcwse to muke this refund by reducing the princfpul owed under Ihe Note or by mnking a <br /> � �,,. " . direct payment to Borrower. If u refutitd reduces principal,the reduction will be treuted as u partiul prepuyment without any <br />"' `' �` ' ° " prepuyment churge under the Note. <br /> 'Y� �" " ''`�'""" 14. Notices. Any notice to Bornower pruvided for in this Security Instrument shull be given by delivering ii c�r by <br />'�.r . , d��r � mailing it by fint clurs muil unless applicuble luw requires use of unot her met h a d.T he n o t i c e ti h u l l b e directed to�he Pro p erty <br /> ' � "�` pddress or any other address Bortowerdetiignntes by nwicc�o l.endcr. Any notice tu Lender shs�ll be given by firs� clagti <br />° � �•� ` mail to I.ender's uddre�s stutcd herein orany other uddm.�Lender designute,by noticc to Borrowcr. Any notire provided for <br /> -"'3 . . '::w:`� in this Security Instrument shall be deemeJ to huve been given �o Borrower or Lender when given us provided in thi� <br />'-�'u,�''�; �`"t s'''�tiv`�"'"`�':� P�ri+B�aph. � <br /> �;•. •� � 1S. Governin�; Severa6ility. This Sccurity Instrument +hall bc govemed by tederal law unJ the luw u�ih� <br /> , "A, _'�.:? , jurisdic�ion in which the Propeny i,Icxatcd. In the event thut any pmvision or cluu+e of thix Security Im�rument or tiie Note <br /> , canflicts with npplicuble luw,�uch conFlict shull nut uffect other provisiom of this Securiry In,trumcnt or thc Note whinc�an <br /> r` .`�'`�' , be�iven effect without thc conflicting provision, To thiy end the provisionr of thix 5ecurity In+trument su�d�he Nate are <br /> • .':.U::�,. � <br /> declnred to be severable. <br /> . � � . 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr�hull bc given unc ronformed cupy of the Natr und ol'thiti Security Instrument. <br /> , , 17. 7lrpnsi'e�uf the Property or a Beneficlul Interest in Borruwer. If all��r any p:ut of the Property or any inkres�in <br /> � it is sold or Irunxfcrrcd(or if A lxnc�cial intcres� in Bnrrowcr iti�oW��r trumfcrrcd unJ Burmwcr iti not a nulurul person) _ <br /> -�a,,.�� ��'..::s_ � without Lender�pri�r written conxent.Lrnder may. •rt itti op�ion,reyuire immediu�r payment in full of ull sur�i,+ecurc:d by <br /> . , ' ' this Securily Instrumenl. However.�hisartion rhull nd lx rxcrcited by Lendcr if exrrcise iti prohibited by fedeml law u�of <br /> ° ° the date of thiti Security In.trument. <br /> '¢- If Lender exer+ci,e+�his option,Lender shull give Borrower notice i�f accelera�i�m. Tlk noticr shull pmviJe u period of <br /> Y� ' �t 1��`'�"� � I not Icss than 3U duy�from the date Ihc-nnticc i�dclivercd or m�il�d within which Burn�wcr must pay all tiunts+ecureJ by Ihiti <br /> • „ Securi�y Inztrumem. U Burrower (aih u� pay �hc,r �wn. prior to thr cxpiratiun uf thi.{�riod. Lrndrr m:�y invoke nny <br /> � • nemedicx permiucJ hy thiti Scrurily In�lrumcm withoul Funhrr noticr or dcmunJ un Burrua•cr. <br /> ' ° - � 18. Borrower s Rig6t to Refnslrtc. It' Burrowrr mect� ccrtain condiiionw, F3orn�wcr�hidl havc thc right to havc <br />- ` enforcement of ihis Security Instrumeni di.continurd u�uny�imr priar to thr carlicr ut': lu) S ds�y,lor�urh i�thcr period ati <br /> '•�, � ti�n�h hrmdy-•F'annlr MuNF'rcddk�1ac UNIFIIR!1f ItitiTRI'11M:17'..Umtunn t'u�rn:mt. 9/SM1 �pda�•J�dn ra�¢e.,l <br /> . . , ,�� <br /> � •.r . . . . ._ t. ....R/'�.:.�'� . .. ' - • � . <br /> .�. .. . <br /> .�_ �_e._�•'• . 1t._ _. . <br /> '1' .• .. ' .. <br /> !�� — <br /> . ' <br /> .� � . �u� k�`� - 1 .. <br /> �_ .__._r�_�.�.... . . . . . _ ... <br /> • r . � <br /> r ,1 � __ _-- ---- <br />