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<br /> _4' ., perfocls�hst Lendcr requiror. The insuranco cwrier providin�Ihe insurance aholl Be choseo by Borrower eubJect to Lenderi�
<br /> _=__ n� y. hich shali n�t be unreasonably withheld. If�arower failc�o malntain cavemge described above,L.ender rtwy,At
<br /> '-� - � L Aer�option,obtafn coverage t�protect Lender�righ[s in tha �ny in wuu�Jw�ca with p+urg�+y,i�7. �--
<br /> ._ .. __
<br /> `.��" ' ' �'" All insurance palicies and renewuls shull be ucceptaSk to Lcnder unJ rhall include a�lundard modgaIIe clauce. l.e�ider
<br /> ' '� � sha'1 havc the right ta hold the�licie�rnd renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shall promptly give ta L.ender all rccelpts
<br /> = of pa�id premiuma and renewol notices. In tha event of loss. porrower sh�ll�ive prompt natice to the inruronce carrksr uw!
<br /> . .. .
<br /> ---____ _ _ _
<br /> � Lender. Lender muy moke pcvof of loss if not mude ptotnp�y wer. �=
<br /> �•�w Unless Lender end Borrower atherwiso agra in w�iting.insurnnce praceeda sh�ll be upplied to rcatorotion or rcpair i�f
<br /> " — the Property damaged, if the regtaratfun ar�pair ia econamicnlly fwsible au�d Lender'x security fa nd lessened. If ihe
<br /> ••� __ rcstorwlun ur repu�r is not economically feosible or Lencier�secudty would be lesxened,tho Invurance proccxds chall be
<br /> _ _ -- applied to tho suma secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not Ihen due, wfd� uny excess pnid to 8ornower. If
<br /> °� �r�►c,;�� ": Homower Abandons ihe Property,or does nat answer within 3U deys u notice from Le�der that Ihe inrurance carrier fuw
<br /> ���-'� ,`.. . offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance praceeds. Lender may use the proceedA to repair or resror�e
<br /> ��"�"'_;;,� t!rc Pr+npeny or to poy sums secured by ihiw Secu�ity Inatrument.whether or not then duo. 'f'he 30-day period will be�in when
<br /> ,�,-��,� the noNce ia given.
<br /> �LL.��,..:�:� Unless Lender and Bonower otherwi�sa agree in wr3ting,any application of praceeda to principul shal! not eatend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the momhly paymenta rekmcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of the paymenta. !f
<br /> _ ���"�•'��-- under paragrnph 21 the PropeRy is ucquired by Lender, Borrower's dght to any tnsurance policies and pracerda resuldng
<br /> —"��'��'�1��j"���;�� from damage to ihe Property prlor to the acquisition shall pasc to I.ender M the extent of the sums secwed by thl�Securfty
<br /> --�:;-.=--.„ �..�k Inslrument immedlately prior to the ucqwsition.
<br /> --r �=15�'��`-�--_.�•'--� 6. Occupoacy, Preservation. Maintenpnce Aad Protectbn of the Property; Borrower's Loan Appllcatbni d_.
<br /> - g?�:.�:'::�._— �.
<br /> ° , •� LeASeholda Borrower ahall accupy.establish,end use the Property as Barrower�principal residenco within siary dpys after
<br /> ' �°r��;���• ,. �.'�. the execution of this Secu�ity Insdvment and shap continue to occupy the Propetty as Borrower's principal resldenx for at
<br /> . , leav[ one year ufter the date uf occupuncy, unless Lender aherwixe agmxs in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> ' " • . ,����� urueasanably withheld.or unless extenuating circumstances eRist which ure beyond Bornowerk control. Barower shall not
<br /> � !`=`'�"�"`"' destroy,damage or impair the Properly,Allow the Property to deteriurate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower ahell
<br /> •� b� ' be in default if any forfeiture uction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment
<br /> •+�:�;" cauld rcsult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materfally imp�ir the licn crented by this Security Instrument or
<br /> ' � ,. � °� � Lender�s security intenest. Ba�rower may cure such a default and reinstate,ac provided in paragraph 18.by causing the acdon
<br /> •b �; �,:���,�,s,_,�,�;, or proceeding to be dismiased with a ruling Ihat.in Lender's good iaith determinatlon,precludes forfeiture of the Bortower's
<br /> • interest in!he Property or other material impuirment of ihe lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty
<br /> �� • .,,. .;.��;�� interest. Borrower sholl also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process. gave meterially false or
<br /> �,y i �t, � innccurate informntlon or statements to Lender(or failed to provide I.ender with any materfal information)in connecdon with
<br /> . .,- - dic i�n evi3enced by ihe f+fate, including. bui �at timiicd ta, te�srescniaiions conccrning Burmwcr's occupaRCy af ttte
<br /> . Properry as a pdncipal residence. if this Security lnstrument is on u leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the pmvisions
<br /> - � ° � • ' of the lease. If Borrower ucqui�s fee title to the Propeny,�he leaschold and the fee title shall not tn�rge unless l.ender agreea
<br /> to�he merger in writing. —
<br /> �:�, .� 7, Protecdon of Lender's Rights in the Property. [f Borrawer fails �o perform ihe covenanta nnd ugreementa
<br /> .j�rt
<br /> contained in this Security Insuument,or there is A Iegal proceeding that may significantly uffect l.ender's right� in the
<br />- t� ��; ° � Property(such us a praceeding in bnnkn�ptcy,probate,for condemnation or fort'eiture or to enforee laws or regulations).then
<br /> �� . L.ender muy do end pay for whatever is necessnry to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propetty.
<br /> _ • Lender's actions may include puying uny tiuma secured by n lien which hns priority over this Security Instmment, appearing
<br /> ; • �R, in court,paying rcnsonable uttorneys'fees und entering on the Propeny to make repairs. Although Lender may teke action
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lendcr does not have to do so.
<br /> �.y „ :Y _. Any omounts dixbursed by Lender under this psuagrup6 7 shull became additionul debt of Borrower secured by this �
<br /> Security lnsuument. Unless Borrower u��d Lender agree r��thrr iermc nf pnymen�,these nmountq shall bear interest from the
<br /> ,�y,,,, � „,.; . , M� `,� dute of disburscment at the Note ratc unJ shull bc puynble, with interest, upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requesting =-
<br /> �. ,..�,� payment.
<br /> .� ,. . . 8. Mortgage Insurnnee. If Lender reyuired mortguge insurunce u,a condition of mnking the loan secured by this �__
<br /> ' ""'' � Securiry Insuvment,Borrower shull pay the premiumx reyuired to rnnintuin the monguge insurnnce in effect. [f,for any
<br /> .�.,�.
<br /> �. • �- reason, the monsuge insurunce coverage requimd by Lender lapses or ces�xes to be in effect, Borrower shnll pay the
<br /> ,,,�" premiums required to obtain covernge substantially equivulent lo the mongAge insurunce previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> substuntiully equivuknt to�he cost to Borrower of the martgage in,ur•rnre previously in effect,from su�ulternate mortgage
<br /> ' �� insurer npproved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivalent mortguge intiurunce coveruge ix not uvuil:�ble,Borrower shall pay to ___
<br /> "r• �.�•;�;_ Lcnder euch month u�um equul to one-twelflh of the yesuly mc�nguge inxumnce premium being pnid by Borrower w8en the
<br /> , �, - , inaurance coveruge lapsed or ceased to be in effert. Lcnder will uccept,use und rctain thrsc paymems�s a loss rcserve in lieu
<br /> � ' t` of mongagc insurance. Loss reserve puymentz muy no longcr be reyuircd,ut the option of Lender, if mort�uge insuronce �-
<br /> • - :.xr• coverage(in the umount und for the periad thnt Lender reyuircti)provided by un inwrer upproved by Lender again becames -
<br /> , � �' . uvnilnble wid is obtained.Borrower shall p•ry�he premiwn+rcyuind tc►maintain monguge inrurance in effecl,or lo provide u
<br /> •�. � � loss reserve,until the reyuiremenl for murtgage insurunce ends in accordunce with uny written ugreement between Borrower �:
<br /> ,� , � wid Lenderor applicable luw.
<br /> � " " ' 9. Inspectiun. Lender or its agent may muke reutionable entriex upon :uid inxpections of the Prupeny. Lender shs�ll ,
<br /> �` "" give Borrower notice at�he�ime oP ur prior�o un ins�xrtion+Exrifying reusonuble cuwe ti�r thr in�pection.
<br /> 19. CondemnYNon. Thc pnxreJ�of any awurd i�r rlaim f�tt damu�e..Jircct ur cunceyuential,in ronneclion with uny -
<br /> �. Sfn Ic Fynfl Fannle IUae/Frcddk A1pc I�NIMYIRM INtiTRU11F.NT•-Uniform Covcnumti 9/90 r �axr�����
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