,` . -•...'w '-
<br /> �
<br /> . . . _ .. ... ' . . ' . . /' • . .�p-i--_.. ' i . " r
<br /> . 1 : .
<br /> � .
<br /> � 18. 8orrowar'� Ripht to Relnctete. if Borrow� maote Certain oondRlons, Bortowet shal! hnve the ripht to have . �
<br /> onforo�+nent ol thl� �curRy Instrument disoonthued at eny lime prbr to tho oaribr of: (a) 6 dayo (or such othor porlad aa opplbabb
<br /> klw miy ippolty for rolnolQtem�nq betoro oCb o}tho Proporiy pureuent to any pov�er ot anb oontainod in thla Socurfty In�trumcnk or '�
<br /> (1�) entiy ol r Judflm�nl eniorolnp thla Eeaurlty Insirument. Thoae oonditlon6 tro that Bonowor: (a) peye Lender nll sums whbh then , .��
<br /> would b� dw unda Ihb 8�aurky Irotnam�nt �nd th� Note oe N no eccoleretion had occurred; (b) curas eny dstsult ot any other _.
<br /> ooven�ni or epr�rnonle; (oJ peyo all exponus fncurrod h �nlorolnp this 3acurky Inatrument, Includlnp, but not Iknited to, reasonnble � ��
<br /> attorn�y�'f�ar and(d)uk�1 tuoh aolbn u UndK may rsatonnbty nquke to asturo thtt tho Ilen of thls 3ecurlty Instrument,Lendei's
<br /> rl�hte In th�Propaty �nd Bortowtr's ablip�tbn to pey lhs eume e�ourad by thls SeOUrlty Inetrument ehAll oonthue unohenped, Upon F-
<br /> rc!net�tem�»t hy [iorroercr, thls Sccurky Infltrumcnt end tho ob�!�stlane seaured hereby ehell remeln h,uy ettectNe as If no ncceleretlon •� "
<br /> hod xournd. Howwe,thb ripht to r�hstrt�ah�A not�ppy In th�oaoe of accekrntian under parepraph 17. �
<br /> I 1 fl.Sale of Note; Chanqo of Leen �ervlcor. Th� Nob or � pprtlnl htereat h the NOte (topother wkh thls Seourity �
<br /> IneWm�nt) m�y b�sold ors�or moro th»s wRhout prbr not��to Bortower. A saw mey resuR N� �ohanpe In ths entity (known aa the W •
<br /> -. � "Loan 8«vicw') th�t aoll�ct� monthy p�yrtwnts dw unQet th� Note and thl� Securky Inatrument. There also mey be one or more �� _
<br /> � ohsnqoe ot tho Lotn Sorvber unnlatad to o eale of the Note. If thare Is a ohanye af the Loan Ssrvber,Bortower wlll be pivon wrttten �
<br /> � notfc� ot th�ohanQa In[coordanca wkh ptrapraph 14 above�nd appl�abk Ww. The notice wlll state the name nnd eddress ol the ' ' i
<br /> i new Loan SMV1cer and ths addross to whbh psym�nte should be made. Yhe notbe will eiso contah any other Intormatlon required by
<br /> � npplbabM kw. _
<br /> 1 20. Harsrdoue Subsiencea. 8orrower shall not cause or pertnk the presonce, use, dlsposal, storage,or release of any .• ;
<br /> 1 Hozardous 3ubstanoes on or h the Property. Bortower ehall nnt do,nor albw anyone else to do,anythhp aHaathy the Property that
<br /> Is In vbiatbn ot any EnvMonmental Lxw. The proaed{np two sentoncos sheil nat epply to the pre3once, use, or storaps on the :�,;;T�"''
<br /> � � Property of small quantktes of Hazardous S1�bstences that are peneraly rocopnired to ue appropriate to normal resldentWl usas nnd to ��'�"�--
<br /> malntenenae ot the Property.
<br /> Bortowcr ehal!promptly pMo Lendcr wrNten not�o of any lnveatl�ation, ois6n, demend, l�wsuk or other aotbn by flny flovemmentel .
<br /> • . or repuletory apenoy or prlvale party hvoMlnp the Property and any Hazardous SubstanCe or EnvkonmenWl Law of whbh Borrower has " ,�„�
<br /> actual knowledQe. If Borrower teems, or Fs notiFbd by any povomment�l or ropulatory authority, that any removat or ather remedl�tlon ,�.,, ,+��«��;
<br /> . „�•< r v
<br /> of any He�ardous Sllb8t�8PIC8 aBecthp the Proper4y fs necessary, eorrowor shall promptly tako all necessary remedlal actlons In �R.�aa,���_
<br /> �ccordance wkh EnvYonment�l I.�w. ��.,�. ±;����=_-'
<br /> As used h this parapreph 20, 'Hazardcus Substansas' ere those eubstunces delhad ss toxb or hersrdoua substences by '%''^��• ;� i ��+t��t.
<br /> f ti ��---
<br /> � "�� � •�:,;;, Envkonmental Law and the foL'owhp subsUnces:pasolho,K�croaeno, othar (lammable or toxic petrobum products, toxb pealbldes end � ,�.;.:?�� — t�,
<br /> ';:��•"•�••" � ''�� herbicides, voWllk eokents,materi�ls cor,tainhp asbestoa or tortnaklehy�lo, and redbACthre materleis. As used In thls parayrap'h 20, � ' �� '�
<br /> , ,t:�::,,., :�-,5:;,�•�
<br /> ,'�+"!•��.:�."f�r;.r',.� � � �,�,::,:•��
<br /> ' • - ;�� .•�''� "EnvYonmontal law" means feder4l Iaws end laws of the Jurledbtbn whors the Property is bcated thal reiate to hoafth, safoty or -
<br /> {� , .��,s'�!i' �
<br /> ' ,�.,� envlronmental proteatbn.
<br />- •- :•'y` N0:`!-JMIFC?M G44El�!ANT$ Rnrrnwer and Lender turthar covenont end aarae es fonowa: .:._.�.. _
<br /> , � ,;;"� 21. AccelersUan; Reenadie�. Lender sl�a1� give na3fa� to Borrower prtor to acceterat�on foilowing t`�;�''� .
<br />_ . _ _ . ::'.:::i� Borrowea's breech nf eny covensr�t or aarecm�nt In thla 5ecurity InsV�Rnent (but �ot pNor io [?':_:�-••r .,:�±.r.� _��•
<br /> . ;���"���';`t acceler��la� under paregroph 9� ur�9ata appllc�ble law providea otherwiae). The notice st�all apecity: °F';,': '" , „•v,;:?;•;:.. �
<br /> �i,;:.:%,;,.; t ,, .�i,
<br /> ,,,ti ,�,; (�� the c3ota�lt; (b)the acUo� r��ulr�ad to cur� the defevit; (c) a date, nut les$ t�an 30 da�ya hom ti�e � �'�^..� -<<'
<br /> da2� tl+e �o3lce Is glye�o to Borr�rvar� by whici� tl�e deteult muat be cured; and (d) thet fel�ure W cure '�:`'�
<br /> 2he detauff an or �pfor�e tD�e date epecifled in the notice mey raault In ecaeleretlon of the auma ',
<br /> i� secured b� thts Sec�u�Jty intVument and aale of the Property. The noUce shell iurther Inform � .� ;
<br /> Borrower o? th0 �iqht to reinststo aiter acceleretlon and the right 4o brinq � eourt acUan to assert the �� '� ���. .
<br /> � no�-existenee ot a detault or �ny other detense of BArrower to �aceleration end aale. It the defauit ls �
<br /> „ a not cured or� or betore the dete �peclfled In the notice� Lender at (ts optton may requlre Immecliete
<br /> peyment in t�ull oi all aums Eecurad by thta Security IresVument without tu�ther demend nnd may
<br /> , Invoke the power ot ale and any other remedles permltted by spplicable lew. Lender shell bo ; •
<br /> � enUtled to collect ell e�enses incurred in pureuinq the remedles provided On 4h1� pera�raph 21�
<br /> Includinp, but not ilmfted to� rea�onsble attorneya' tees and cosU of Utle evide�ce. �°—`
<br />- If the power of s�ls (i Invoked� Truatee ahall record e notice of detault tn each aounry In which ��"�
<br /> � r�, any p�rt of the Praperty le located and shell meti coplea of wch notice In the manner prescribed by =—�
<br /> e Ilceble law ta Borrower ertd to the other ervona resc�fbed b Iiaebte law. Iltter the time ���-
<br /> �:: PP P p Y app =--
<br /> � ;. roquired Wy applieeroilo iaw� Yrusiee et�all {�ivt� publ(c �otiaa of ple to the per�nc and irt 4ho manne� �'___ -
<br /> � prescribed by epplicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower� shall sell the Property �at pu611c ;:=—
<br /> suctton to the hlphest bidder st the Umo and plsce and under the terma deslpnated tn the notice of l�:=
<br />= sule In ono or more percels �nd In any order Trustee determines. Truatee mey poatpone �ale of ell �='_-�
<br />- or eny parael of the Property by publle ennouncement st the Ume a�d pleae oP any proviouaty - ---
<br /> � acheduled s�le. Lender or its deai�nee mey purchase the Properly at any sale. �
<br />-_ Upon reaelpt ot peyment; of the price bid, '�rust�e shall dellver to the purchsaer Truetee'� deed �=�_
<br /> ;.'�:;�;: . conveying the Property. The �eoltala U the Truatee's deed shall b� prima Male evldenoe of the truth ��---��----�--
<br />_ �.,�;°:� ' of the statements made thereln. Trustee ahall apply the proceeda of the eele In the tollowtn� order. � `��
<br />-_ ,.„�,'f ' .•�. '`'---___��
<br /> , (a) to all coste end expenaes ot exercisinq the power ot aale. and the �.._, including the payment of ��
<br /> • � the T�ustee'a tees nctueQy incurred� nat to exceed 3 96 of the prtnalpal amount of the note :;,�"�:F,�"� �� ` r
<br /> � ..���'��
<br /> et the time of the decleratlon of detault� and reasoneb�ttorney s feea aa permitted by law; (b) to ell r . ___,,,.,.,.:, :..
<br /> °�' �t�� sums seaured by thla Security Instrument; end (e) any exeess to the person or persone legelly � �:w:''��'{:?-°
<br /> „� .�;��h'`-;'�'��,
<br /> . ;, ;} entitled to t�. ; ..,�.,,
<br /> — 22. Fieaonveyan�e. Upon payment oi au suma aecured by this Security Instn,ment,Lender shaA request Trusteo to reconvey � ' z�' �
<br />-• �� � tha Property and shaW eume�nder this 8ecttrity InaWment end aN notes evkienohp debt soaurod by thls 3ecurity Inetrument to Trusteo. � � :
<br />' Trustao�haN nconwy th� Property wkhout wuranty and without oharpe lo ths pereon or poraonu lepally enfkled to k. Suoh person or
<br />� i �
<br /> persons ahaY pey any recordttbn cosri. '��
<br /> 23.SUbstitUtE T�UBt@@. Lender,at ks option, may trom time to time remove Trustee end eppoht a succossor Wstee to �
<br /> : ___ _ pny Trostee �ppohted hereund�r by en InsWment reCOrded h the County h whlCh this SeCUrity Inatrumont ls recorded. Without
<br /> �__,— _
<br /> _ _ _ - - -
<br /> , conveyenCe o} the Property,successor trustes shall succeed to all the tftls, power and dutles conforred upon Trustes heretn flnd by
<br /> nppli¢nble law.
<br /> • '����'�' 24. Requeat inr Notices. �anawer requests thet co,pbs ai ahe not�es oP c�efauR end snfo be sent to Borcowers addrece
<br /> �`��' whbh b the Rtoperty Address.
<br /> �� 2b� Ride�e to 4h1� SeCUri;t�Y�n3ltUme��. �� mr�e Cr mgr�p rlders 8te exoCUlBd by 8on�wer tind reCOrded toyether with {',•.,. ' „
<br /> I thls Socurily Instrument,lho cOVenar,^�acd�yroerrwrit�v7 macn such rkIer shall be o�corporated i�lo and shali amend and supplement t'�?
<br /> the Covenants Ynd a reemente ot Ih(�Ss,vr lnetrument aa i(ihe ric35r� uvere a flA o1 Ihts£eCUrd instrument. ��`�;
<br /> -- � c �i t�� p r !.. �,;'�'�.�,.
<br /> f ,;�,.,,.,;,,:
<br /> ,...;��,
<br /> l � ����"��
<br /> Form sose vico �
<br /> � Ft070.LM0(7/YE) Pape 4 nl 5 � .,
<br /> I I
<br /> � I 410
<br /> � _
<br />