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;� . <br /> �,� . :��., <br /> ,,'aw.,, ,� ,-�- <br /> .. ,.2��tir.r. . ., , - . . _ .. _...._��.�� ....,.e,•(_�_•;'; <br /> :��.. -...l�ry' <br /> _�_.�..a�y��Yrlu_ . ' _. _.. , , .... . , . . . ' _ . _ <br /> , � <br /> � . � ., r:_Yk:'h�•.. .. . ... .... .. .. . . .. .. _. .. � � ' . �+'... : . <br /> .. -- :..��.: <br /> �� . <br /> i <br /> ' y, b�roteotlon o4 I.00ider'e F�Idttit�e In the F��o�erry. II Ei�rrowa�r�f Iall� ta perlorrn Iho oovannnfn cnd aproancnta <br /> contohed N lhp S�ou�fiy Inotrum�nt, or there N �wp��Proa�dhp thri moY�q bonly a�f;�at 6cnd�r'a rlpiilo I� Ihc�F'roperly (nuol�ao <br /> � prpoMdhp h b�nkNptoy,probtt�, (or oondimntfbn ar IortoRun or to mtoro�Iswe ov r�ul�lbml,Ih�n Londer moy do �nd pay for <br /> wh�tiwr le n�o��etry to prot�ot th� v�lua ol lh1 Prop�Ay t�nd 6�nd�� ►I�ht� h lh� Proptrty. L�nd�r'� �otbne m�y hatutW P�Y�O <br /> pny wmY�ocured by� � whbh hu prbrlly ovK thh &cu�Ry Int►trum�nl,�p9Mr„fl In oourt, p�yhp rN�on�bla �ltorMy'� 1�� �nd `� , <br /> �ntKlnp on th�PrapMy to mak�r�kt. Akhouph LandM rn�y t�fc��otbn und�r IhM panprsph 7',LYndM dor�nOt hava to d0 �o. • �, <br /> Any 1lmounts dabunid by L�ndM und�r thi� p�npr�ph 7 ehtN b�oom� AddNbnal d�bl ol Bortow�r eoour�d by thb BWUrlty . <br /> Instrumwit� Unket Bnrtowsr md L�ntl�t �prM to othw tw��a o1 paynt:nt, thc3o nmounte �he�� ��+► h��+o�� trom thn d�to ol �� �. <br /> dibbt�r�wne�t nt ths Not�rtt��nd shtN bo p�yabw,wKh ht�nsl,u„eunnc�•�o a oond bn o}rrmi�O„:tb,nPi���a �y �hit � <br /> 8. Mortqlape Inwrpncs. i� G.nd.� r.aua.d mo„ww � <br /> SoourRy Intt�umer►t, Uc+rtow�r thall pay th• pnmium� nyuirod to mahtah th� mortpsp� Insuranco in ottaot. 11, for eny rwton, lha � <br /> ��'°"'"� I mortp�pe hsur�nco covsr�p� raquirod by L�nder I�Pa�a or c�asea to be h ett0ot, Borrower thall pty th� premiume nquksd to oblaln <br /> ' ' � covertp� aubauntieuy equNAtsnt to the mortpaps ►nsurnnCS prevbuny In eNeot, at a ooet subatanikly equlvnfent to lhe aoat to � <br /> 9onawsr ot tho mortpafle hsur�nae prwbusy in afleat, hom nn akemate moRpape hsurer approved by Lender. If eubatantlalty <br /> equlvalent mortpape hsunnce oov�npe b not �vallabN, Bor►ow�r shaN pay to Londer eaoh month a num aqusl to ono•hioHlh ot the `, <br /> yearly mort�aqe hsunnc�premlum beinp pakl by Borrow�r when tha hsuranos ooverafla lapeed or oeatod to be in eNeat LendQr will ,;"•;; <br /> accept, uae and retah these paymente as a bsa roserve In Ilou ot mortpape hsurance. Loss resorve paymsnts may no bnper be �i <br /> reaulred, at the optbn of Lendx, M mortpEOo Insunnco covonfle (h the amount and for tho pertod that Lend�r requkes)provldod by : �•_. <br /> an Insurer approwd by Lende► �pah �aCOrr�s aail�bta �nd 1s ob2ainod. BortowGr Bh�oe hsura CB Ynds h aCCOrdance eh g�Y .t'i'i:`-.,- <br /> mortqaqe hsunnce In olf�ct, or to provfd� a bta as�. untA tt�� r��utr�t Por rteortpap ,'}�v'____ <br /> � s wrltten agreomon3 batw�een Bortower and Lend�r or Qppflcabl�I�w• Lender shall pive ,��'��R==.- <br /> � 9, Iree}�ec49on. Lender or ks ap�nt maY mak� roasonabb ontries upan �nd tr�sF�t!ene of tho Property _ -. <br /> e ;,,�t�,�,, <br /> Borrower notfce at the tlme of or prbr to an hspectbn apecByNp r�sonabb cause for the hspactbn. ` _ <br /> ' � , � 90.COtid om9p`akin• of anyPp rt of thef P opeRy oa for c�n eyonco k►mlleu ot ca�ndemnatbn, ar hereby uss�gnedt'snd s�all�be � , <br /> � condemnatlo � ��,�• <br /> patd to 4ender. '���•�.� --- <br /> In ihe ownt �1 n total takhfl ot the Propofij, tlae proceada ahaq ba applk,d to the suum� aecured �Y 'n w��t e'faM mark�et .{�,� ��� <br /> .:� • � , <br /> whothpr or not then due,�vkh any excaas peid to Borrower. In th� s'vent of a partis�tekh uf tho Pro�mj ,,���.1,�3••' <br /> ,�:-,. <br />- ' valua o1 lh� PropKty Imr►Ndf�tey mn7an th� u k hp i s squ a� z o o r a r e a t o r th�n the amount ��the eums secured by this Security !I+�(.;�-'�" <br /> ���<:1,•��, Insarumant himedl�tey betoro the tax+n0� unlese Bortower and Lnndw othawlse agree h writ�n�,the eums eecured by this SeCUrlry .�i,��.r, , <br /> •' ;,._��.,._ <br /> ;.`;-,r-;i�'-�.,=�_. irs���'�! shs8 � t'8!k�r,.ad by tAo unount of the proo�ds m�u�tptfod by tha tolbwhp hacl?An: {p)tho total amount ot tho sumc .- :,sr-���• - <br /> r, secured h�rt�diately belora th�taklnp,dlvidad by (b)thr tair nwik�t vaM�� oi tne Fropa�r .��Tw+d6ta;b°fer� lhe l�k�^g. p'"M��tvN t�----- <br /> 3.� ahaA be pAW to Donowa�. In tt�e ovoni Of a paY11n�tikinU a�the Prop�Ay h whbh tho faM matkot vtlus o4 tha PropeRy �_..�� <br /> bOtorp lhe tAkt�p b u 9�shltn �8���o=„��'8 Rr�vkbDb, ihe�oe9ods S118n be+4P9�d' t0�the eum8 SeCUred by 4'hl�SeCUrily �+� � <br /> p. , flqreo h v�nRinp o 4PP ��='•_ <br /> InaWma�t whether or not tho sums nra then due. --- <br />