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=�� _ . � _� <br /> �f °, '� �� --- '-Y I.�,:= -�.� <br /> : _ rt . ,, ... . . ... . -� - -- - -- - _ <br /> ? „ '�_� �� � . • *�; <br /> �6��:" — _ —'_ui r r <br /> • �2— iossss <br /> FHA MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> --- <br /> THIS ADJUSTABLH RA'�'6 RIDER ir made thic 30t h �y°f <br />— Ju 1 . 1992 und is incorporated into and shall be dcemed to amend and suppkment <br /> �------ --- —� <br /> Ihe ort�age. Decd of 7tust or Secu�iry Ueed C'Secwicy I�unument'7 oti �ho �wmo Jwe �iven by the uadac��d <br /> ("Bormwer")W cecuro 8ortower*�N�te("Note")to <br /> COLlR48US FEOERl4l SAVINGS BANK <br />_ i _ -- F—� (Ihe•L.ader")of the carne dAte wid.caverina tt�o property desctibed in the Security I�uument ond located�t: <br /> 4256 NANCHESTER � <br /> GRAND 1SLAN0. NE 68803 <br /> �Propeny Mwr+cu► <br />- ---- THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR (:HANaES IN Tt1E <br /> INTEREST RATE AND TNE MONTHLY PAYM�NT. TNE NOTE LlMITS THE <br /> - AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE T1ME <br />. _.� <br /> AND THE MAXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. <br /> ApD17'IONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and ugnecmenis matb in Ihe Security Instrunlent, <br />_-� 9-�,�� - Y 8orrower and l.ender furiher covenant ond ugree os follows: <br /> -��. r�. }���; <br /> — �,L INTERFST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMEN'P CHAN[iES <br /> - ;:r ,,. <br /> _�" .,,� � <br /> �,_ . . ��� ''� (A) CfwngeDate <br /> — The inter�t rsne may change on the f int duy of Oct obet' i. 1993 .und tlwt day of each succeedin�ytar. <br /> A <br /> �`-'`"�`�''`' � "Ch�tge Date"mesina each date on which the interest rate couid change. <br /> _ � <br /> :.�. <br /> _ (B) Thelndex <br /> _ Beginning with the first Chungc Date,the interest rntc will be bused on an Index. "Index"meAns U�e weekly avcrage <br /> �,�.�^^�.-�� yield on United Sw�es �iCU�wy Securitie.r ad,(ustcd ta a wnstant maturity of one yesr,as made available by the Federal <br /> �� Reserve Bounl. "Cutrent Index"meuns thc most recent Index fisure uvnilable 30 daya be(om the Change Dstte. !f the lndex <br /> _>__ ~"�wf'es' (as defined ubove)is no longer nvailable,I.endcr will use us u new Index uny index prescribed by the Secretary. As used in <br /> — w this Rider,"Sec�+etnry" means the Secretary of Housing�u►d Ur6an Development or his or her decignee. L.ender will give <br /> _� ,�,4,�� �-,;,� Bormwer notice of the new Index. <br /> - — r. <br /> ,,,�-•�:`�'_�.; IC) Ca1cul�tion of Interesl Rate ChanRes <br /> ` '-=,:�•;.;i" Befae each Change Date,Lender will ca�lculute u new interest rnte by adding amargin of <br /> — _ , <br />-� ~:";��p, Two percentage <br /> :�.: poims( p,pppp �'�) to the current Index und rounding thc smn to the ncarcst cxie-eighih uf one percentage point <br />_` �•.. •w (0.123°h). Subject to the limi�s s�ated in Porugraph(D)of this Ridcr,this rounded umauni will bc�he new interest rate undl <br />_�' ,. � . �'.��•� the next Chcinge Datc. <br /> t ° <br /> ;.�,,.� ' (D) Limits on Interest Rate Chan�es <br /> ��'� �� . . . Thc interest ratc will ncver incrcase or derreu+c By mare Ihan onc pc�ccntugc point 1 I.U�'r 1 on uny sin�le Changc Date. <br /> � � The intercst rate will nevcr be more than tivc percen�ugc points(SA°I�)hiFhcr or lower ihun the initiul intemst rate. <br /> � , .z <br /> ;: <br /> �""`••"'"'°`= '� IE) Calculation of PAyment ClianRe <br /> '�' �- � If the interc�t rute changes on a Change Dutr.Lcnder will calculu�c the umuunt of monthly payment af principal und <br /> � �• interest which would be necessury lo n�puy Ihc unpaid princip•rl halanee in full at Ihe rnaturily dne at the new interest rute <br /> � • , through substuntially�yuul puyments. In mokinE such ralculali��n,LrnJcr will u,e ihe unpuid principal balnnce whirh would <br /> be owed on thc Chun�c vate if theR had bcen nci dcfuuU in payment on thr Note,r�duced by Ihe umount of•rny prcpaymenls <br /> _ — m�� to principal. The re�ul�of thi�calculu�ian will tx thc umuun�of thc new monthly puymenl of principal and interest. <br /> ,t� — -�.�,- - <br /> � 1�') NotkeoPChanges <br /> � u' Lcnder will give nnticc�o Borcowcr uf:my rhangc in ihr imcrrst ratc und nwnthly puyment amount. Thr noticr must <br /> ` he given ut Icast 25 day� Ixfore�hr new monihly paymcnt nrnnunt is due, und mutit +ct forth (i) Ihe date uf Ihe nnticr., <br /> � ' °��"�•�� (ii)the ChanFc Datc. (iiil thc old interc,t ratc.livl thc ncw irncrc�t ratr, (v1 ihr new monthl a mrnt amoun4 ivi) the <br /> � � a`:�, ; Y P'Y <br /> �.. • <br /> -_ '�-°+•���,'-° - - -- f prmnf Inrl��r :�n�1 Ihr�1mr il w�i��+uhli.hcd. Ivii►thc mrlh��d of ralrulatinc �hc rhancc in mcmthlv p•rvment umuunt.atld <br /> cJ.: I�iiil any other informatiun which muy bc«�ywrcJ by low t'rnm cimc ta limc. <br /> - .. z9+ <br /> +T � <br /> � �: ..�t* ITEM65R2(91011 Ir�Y�•1 uf:/Wp�'�1 TuUMI:tl�180067P93A9lal��lLB1•1•1131 � <br /> . ' �. a <br /> f ''�. . � ' . .4 . <br /> �.� ., —'_ .. <br />