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<br /> NON-UNIFQRM CdVENANTS. Bo�rawe�and Lender funher cavcn�nt and Agre�as follow�:
<br /> 17, Forodoqu�e Procedure. IP Lenderrequirca immediuc poxment in full wwie�r����rnph 9.L�may invdce the
<br /> powec of calc and�ny�alher remedie��tted byapplicablr IAw. LEIIdC�BIIAII Il8 GMU1UCd�lO COIICCI f1U OXpCf1f08�IfC1IifOd
<br /> in purwing Iho mrnedies providad in iti�s Nra�raph I7,including.but not flmited a.R�omble�ttomeys'foes md oaw of��
<br />- titk evlckrtce. �
<br /> _ _ _.__ ittYepower olsck la Isrolcr,d.7�wtee ehall rec�rd a ndke of defi��lt in eac6 ca�My I�w�kl���afi tie _
<br /> = peope�'islocated a�d s4aU nuY copka of such aotice In 16e aanoer pr�cribed by A law�� �rer _ve
<br /> to tM d4er permos�Crlbed b'Ap law Afte�!be tiaie reqnired by ap ble law, e�w �
<br /> aotioe at a�le w l6e persom (o tMe owser pn�scrlbe�b� yapplk�ble liw 7Y'u�tee.wttMo�aeAn�a a�
<br /> __------� �rrower.�1►�Il�vel!tl+�!'roperly at{wblk auctlon to t�e hip�Mat bldd�u!he tlme�tad pltoe�d uader t6e teruus
<br /> d�kd ia tMe�wtke of ask Ia one or moreparced rmd in any order 7ruaee Oeteemlaw. 'l�ostes m�7�� `
<br /> de ot�II a'sny p�rcel ot�he Property bypnblk annouace�ni�t tMe da��d p���Y P�'��y
<br /> ada l,nder or ib dai�oee m�y rchase fde f'roperty at aa sxle.
<br /> Upon r�celpt ot p�ymeqt�Ihe prke bW,7�u�ee sba�deliver to 16e purcbasa�7Y�u�'s deed ooave�Io�t6e
<br /> P�vpetly Tbe redtak in tUer 7Yu�tee's deed�aU be prinw bck evideace of�n�h of the wtem�na msde t�e�.
<br /> --- _— 7rYqee st�lt sppt9 tee proceeas oi tiie snie io tbe Po�owi�wder: t■) tu di �v.is �.�3 c�.��.:�: cs cserd� !� .
<br /> -- power ot sak.and the s�le►iacludtng�he paymeal of tde 7lrustee�s(ces ac[uWly iacurred,aa�o e:aed f i 9b
<br /> - -- - -- oi tbep rjncips�l rmouat ot the nofe at t6e dmc ot thc decl�rAdon o�default,aad reasaiabk Attorne'd�ea�
<br /> �y d�ititkd�to it�.b)to all wa�iecured by Wi�Security Ia�u�aeMi and(c)any eue�b tbe perso�ar perr.oas
<br /> 18, Reconveqaace. Upon payme�t oC ull sums secured by Ihis Securiry lnstrument,L.ender shall roquest 7tustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surtender lhia Security Instrument end s�ll notcs evidencing debt securod by this Socurity
<br /> �' [nsdument to 7tustee. '(h�stce shall reconvey the Property wlthout warranty and wilhout charge to U�peraon or persons
<br /> k�ally entiUed to iG Such percon or persons shall pay any recordatio�cos�s.
<br /> ig gp6stRute 7lructee. L.ender.at ita opdon,may fiom time to Qme remove liustee and appoint a successor uustee
<br /> — to any 7tustoe appointal Ixreunder by un instrument recorded in Ihe counry in whicb this Secudry Instrument is raorded.
<br /> '- � Witdout conveysmee of the Prnperty,the suceessor trustee shall ruccaxl tu uU d�e tltle,power ancf dutiec canferred upon
<br /> ------ 7iru�tee henein nnd b applicable law.
<br /> -- ------- 20. ltequest�or-Natloes. Borrower rrquectc Uwt copie:of !he notices of default and �le be�ent w Horrower'�
<br /> addres�whicb is the Properry p►ddress.
<br /> �����.�._�A Rlders to t61�Security lastrumenb If onc or more riders ue ezecuted by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> '-��`�""'R°°� Sccurlty Inswment. the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall Amend and supplement Ihe
<br /> _ cove�umts and agreements of�his Security Instrument�r if the dder(s)we�in a pan of this Security InswmenG
<br /> --- (Chock appUcable box(es)J.
<br /> __ - -"-�-' �Candominium Rider �(lraduated Payment Wder �arowing Equity Rider
<br /> �r� s
<br /> L_'`__ '� �Plonned Unit Development Rider �Other f Specify) ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER
<br /> -���_=-=.,�
<br /> �e�',�,�y;;;�:°`• BY SIGNING BELOW, Bortawer pccepts und agrees to the termx contained in pages 1 through 4 of this Secudty
<br /> ��`��� Inst�nt and in any rider(s)executed by Bortower and recorded with it.
<br /> .,`, .�`�; .� � e ses:
<br /> ���. � P.�.� ,o. r�,�� �5���
<br /> .+ "`''�•": �" PAUL D MUELLER 8on°'"�'
<br /> _,.�'rt:;:
<br /> �e��z:d � /�l-�r-�, � � �/� �
<br /> �s�:�s=--- k�, !�i 1-�/ �/• LLjl1EJ (SeaU .
<br /> KEI.L 0 M ELLER �OfO`"R
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<br /> ���� - _g•� Bortuwer
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<br /> ,p��;tis_^�=,--'~��-� ($C:1�) `,
<br /> _:r..;sy:_._i:rx�r: BOflOWl� K.:.
<br /> -Jr�Ofl'IJIaY]r•••••c�.y...�:a::�
<br /> �i w .. .
<br /> �"-_=-;�; ;ty STA7'E OF NBBRASKA. HALL County ss:
<br />_�"•�.'""`'�'r - On this 30th d•ry ofJu1Y� 1992 , hetim mr.thc undersigned.n Notnry
<br /> '�'� ' � Public duly commissioned und yu�lifleJ for s�id county.�xnonAlly camr
<br /> '�: ...... ,
<br /> ';,,�„ ,. . to mc known to bc thc R
<br /> �ir���"�� h identicol person(s)whose nume(+)are subscrilxcl tc►thr toreFoin�intitrumrnt und ucknowlcdged the execution thereof to ix: a
<br /> r�� t h21 r voluntary uct und dccd.
<br /> Witnes�mv hand nnd notariul seul at GRAND I SLAND in said county, �he �
<br /> �': ' " date uforesaid. -
<br /> ��- �� ,��,�- �, .
<br /> �!'r • ,;��?��,.�. My Commisyion cxpircs: f
<br /> �:�.���,��. ..,_ ROBE TA L REED '`"'�^'r�'ni"
<br /> - rOu Snn at�Ensta
<br /> r-�_ _--- _-- ROBEflTA 4 REED
<br /> �- 1/�Co�,E�p.lnty30,199A I2EQUESTFORR�CONVEYANCE
<br /> w' ° . . �
<br /> The undcrsigned iti thc holdcr ot'thr notc��r nae�sccurcJ by this Uccd of Tru�t. Said notc or notr,,toErth�r with ull �;
<br /> ;{` � other indebtednesti scrured by this lkcd�N'"ihi+t,huvc txcn prid in full. You are hcrcby Jir�Yied to ranrrl �aid n��lc i�r �
<br /> �•_-+=:y+�:_r'= .__: notes and this Drcd of'IFu�I,which arc dclivcn:d hrnrbv.anJ to rcromcv.w•i�huut warcant�•,all Ihr r.tatr nnw hrlJ bv�•nu �'
<br /> _ -_-_ -
<br /> 3�:.. L_.
<br /> .+°-. under this Deed of Ttust to Ihe p�:non or penom Irgally rn�ided then:to. _
<br /> S�. r.
<br /> _. . � �• Date: -- `-
<br /> r.::.
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