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<br /> (d) prnnto�thR rlpht-nnd lu duly nuthorizod to OxnCUte and porform Ito Obllpntlona under thin Dood of Truat ond thoco actiono do not and �
<br /> ehall not coAt�lCt u41th ihr� provlelono ol any atetute,repulaSlon,ordlnanco, rule ot lew,contracl or othor aproemont whlch mny bu bindlnp on
<br /> Qrantor at any tlme; " "
<br /> (e) No notlon or procoedlnp le or ahall be pendlnp or threatensd whlch mlpht mat�rlalty eHect the Proporty;snd
<br /> (f) Orentor hae not vlolnted end ehall not vlolste Rny etttute,repuletion,ordlnence,rul�o}law,contract or other[tgraement (Includinp,but not „ �
<br /> Ilmited to,those poverning Hexardoue Matodals)v�hlch mlpht mattdally aflect the Property or Londer's riphte or Interest In tho Properry pursuant
<br /> � to thie l)eed of Trunt.
<br /> - 3. PRIOFi DEEDB OF 7RUBT. arantor ropreaents end warrnnte thet there nre no prtor deetla o1 truet aNeotlnfl eny part of the Property except ee eot
<br /> ; forth on Schcdulo 8 nttachod to thls Q�od ot Tru3t,whlch Ornntnr cArcoa to poy nnd porform In n timely m�nner If Ihare are eny prlor deede of tru91
<br /> � � then prantor npreea to pay nll amounte owed,and pertorm dl obll0ulons nqulred,under such de�di of truat nnd the Indebtedn�ea secund th�nby •
<br /> and further egrees thnt a defa�lt undar eny prlor deed of trunt ehtll be�d�lault under thle�eed o}Trust and shall entltle Lmder to�II riphta and
<br /> remedles contalned hereln or In the Obligetlone to whlch Lender would be entitled In ths event of any other deleult.
<br /> M � i 4. TAAkSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BHNEFICIAL INTERE8T3 IN dRANTOR9 OR BORROWER9. In the event o1 a sale,conveyAnc�,ItAa�, `' ,
<br /> contraot for deed or trnnster to any pernon of nll or eny pnrt o}the real properry descrlbed In Schedule A,or any Interest thereln,or of ell or any
<br /> 1 heneficial Interest In Borrower or�rantor pf Borrower or Orentor la not n natural person or peraono but Is a corporation,Ilmited IIabllity company,
<br /> j partnershlp,truat,or other Iepai entity),Lender may,at Ita optlon declare the oulatanding principal balance of the Obllgatlone plue acerued Interest ,
<br /> � thoroon Immedlately due and payable. At Lender's request,Orentor or Borrowar,as the caso may be,ahall furnlsh e Complete statemant sotting forth
<br /> nll of Ils stockholders,membera,or partners,ae appropriate,and the extent of thelr respective ownerehfp Interoste.
<br /> 6. AS�lf3NMENT OF RENTS. In consideration of tne Obilgations,whlch are secured by thla Deed of Trust,Orantor absolutely assigns to Lendet all .�
<br /> Grantor's eataiv,right,titie,interost,claim und dqmand now owned or hereafter acyuired in sil axluting and tuture lease�of the Property(Inoluding ,
<br /> oxtonslona,ronewals and subteasas),ali ngroerronta for use and occupancy of the Property(all such loases und agreementa wheth�r wrltten or ornl, • � '�
<br /> , aro hereafter referred to as tho'Leases'),and all fluarantles of tessees'pertormance undar tho Leases,togethor wit�the Immedlate and cantlnuing ..,;v.,y``��`-
<br /> right to collect and rdcelve all of the ronta,Income,recelpta,revenues,lasuea,profits and other Income of any nat►�;e now or hereaftar due Qncludlnp .
<br /> � any Income ot any neture coming due during any redemptlon peflod)un�er the Loases or from or erising out of the Proparry includlnD minimum '"' "�sJ _
<br /> . :�.�:::K i��:`i��
<br /> nnts,additlonnl rente, percentage ronte,parking or cammon ar�a mnintenance contributions,tex and Insurance contrlbuUons,deficl�ncy rents. ,�.;.�,,,_:•.�
<br /> •� l liqutdated damages tallowing detault In any Lease, all proceeds payable under any policy of Insurence covering loss ot renri resultinp irom �� ':_:.�,y__
<br /> ' untenantabiliiy caused by destrucNon or damage to the Wroperiy,ail proceeds payaUle as e resuit oi e lessea'a exerciae o1 an option to purchase the ,
<br />-i�!�.;,;; � Praparty,all proceeds derived from the termination or reJection of sny Lease In a bankruptcy or other Insoivency proceeding,�nH All proceeda imm �
<br />-�.;;� �•, � �, any rights and cialms of any kind which Cirantor may have apatnst eny lessee under the Leases or nny oocupants of the Property(ail o}the above are
<br /> ;.y,�� . hereafter collecNvety reterred to as the'Rents'). Thla aQSfgnment Is subJect to tha right,power and authority given to the Lender to collsct and epply -
<br /> �;: „ the Rents. This assipnment ia recorded In accordance with nppllcable etate law; the Ilen created by thls asslgnment Is Intonded to be spocitio, ' -- —
<br /> �. Z perfeatcd,and choate upon the recordlnfl of this Deed ot Trust,all as provided by eppilcable atnte law as amended from time to time. A9 long as ��j,�:,_.
<br /> �{�• there Ia no default under tho phlic�t�tiona or thls Deed of Trust,Lender granta Qrantor a revocabfe Iicense to colleat all Renta irom tf�o lsases when �. �. .��
<br /> ;,, ` due and to use such proceeds in Grantor's business operations. However, Lender may at any time requlre Grantor to deposit all Rente Into an ' 1�����-_
<br />";t� ,�, t account meintalned by Grantor or Lender at Lendor's InstltuHOn. Upon de}ault In the payment of,or in the performance o},eny o4 the Obllgationa, ����
<br /> 5 �t�t^_-
<br /> '!' Lender may at Ite option take possesslon of the Property and hava,hotd,manage,lease and operete the Properiy on torms and tor a period of time "�}-' .
<br /> � �� � that Lender deema proper. Lender may procead to collect and rocelve all Renta from the property,and LondEr shal! have full power ta make }(!�x
<br />_ .- - ._� alteratlons,ronovations,repaira or replacemente to the Property as Londer may deem proper. Lender may apply all Renta In Lender's sole discrodon ..,���,�
<br /> � �. to payment ot the C)bugations or to the payment ut tne cost oi such alteradona,renovatlons,rapairs and ropIaoament�and a�y oxpensas incidsnt to --- --_:-
<br /> takinp and rotalning poaseasion oi the Propedy periodically and the mnna ement and o�eration of the Prapsrty. Lender mn ksep the Property r c r
<br /> ' properiy insurod and mny dlscharpe nny teuces,cherg�s,c1�(ms,assesomente and other Ilens wl�lch may axrue. The expense and cost ot those .,`y�Y I �,
<br /> _ _�___ actlona may be pald from the Renta rocelved,and any unpald smounte shall be added to the principal of tho Obligations. These emoursta,together
<br /> 7� wrth otner costs,shail become part of the Oblipatlona securatl by thls Deetl ot Trust.
<br /> f� 8. LEASES AND 07HER AtiREEMHNTS. Granior ehali not take or fall to take any aotian which may ceuse or pe;mit the termination or the
<br /> withholding oP any payment In conneation with sny Lease or other egreement("l�greemenY)partaining to the Proparty. In addltion,(3rnntor,wlthout
<br /> " Lender's prlor wrltten consent,ehail not: (a) colloot any moniea payabie under any Agroement moro than pno mooth In advance; (b)modify any '
<br /> /�graement; (a)assl8n or allow a Ilen,security intenst or other encumbrance to be placad upon Orantor's rlflhta,title and interest In and to any
<br /> . � > Ayreement or the amounts payable thereunder;or(d)terminate or cancel any Agreement except for the nonpayment of any num or other matsdnl -_
<br /> • breach by the other party tliereto. if�rantor receives at any time any written communlcntlon asseninp a defauit by Qrantor under en ABroemsnt or
<br /> purporting to terminate or cunenl any Agreement, Grantor shall promptly fonvarcf a oopy of such communtcadon (end any eubsequent ��}�
<br /> • communloatlans tetatlnp thereto)to Lender. AII 9uch Agreements and the amounLS due to Cirantor thereunder a�e hereby assl8ned to Lender as
<br /> . edditionnl secudty for the Obligationa. _
<br /> 7. COLLECTION OP INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. Lendor ahali be entitled to notity or requlro Grantor to notify nny third party pncluding, --
<br /> �• . but not Ilmlted to, iasaess,Ilcenesss,gowrnmentel authoritles and Inaurance companlea)to�ay Lend�r any Indebtsdne�s or obilpatlon owlnp to
<br /> . Grantor with respeot to the Rrope�(cumulatively'Indebtedness")whether or not a de}ault�x ste under this D�ed ot Truat. Grantor shall dillp�ntiy
<br /> collect the Indebtedneas owing to •rantor from thess third paniea until tha pivinp of ouch notificatlon. In th�event that Qrentor posse�ses or recelves __ _
<br /> - possesslon of Any instrumenta or other remittances with roapeot to the Indebtednesa tollowing the glviny of auch notlflcation or if ths InsVumente or =--
<br /> • othor remittencea constltute the prepayment o1 any indebtedneas or tha payment of nny Insurance or condemnallon proceeds, Orantor shalf hold �.i^_
<br /> auch instrumenta and other remittnnces in t�ust tor Londer apart from ite other property,endorse ths instruments and other romlttnnces to Lendar, �
<br />_ � . and Immeeilateiy provide Lender with passession of the inetrument�and other romlttanees. Lender nhall be aniitled,but not roqulrsd,to oolieot(by
<br />_ " ' legal proceedlnes or othervvise),axt�nd tho time for payment,compromise,�xchanps or nlQacs any obllgor or coliataral,or otherwies serile any of
<br /> ;;,� _, tha indabtednes�erhether or not¢n event of default oxiMa undor this Aprccmant. Lender stiall�iot ba Iinbla to Orantor for any ection,errer,mletake, � --
<br /> ,, „ . • omisolon or dalay pertelNng to tho actione described In thls pareyraph or any dAmag�a rosuiting therofrom. Notwlthstnnding the loregoln�,nothlnp __
<br /> t, " heroln shaii cuuas Lender to be deomed a mortgaqealn-possesslon. --
<br /> ' . 0. U9E AN�II�AINTENANCE OF PROPERiV. Orantor ahail take all aotions and make�tny repaire needed to malntain the Property In good
<br /> • candition. Grantor shall not commit or permit any waste b be Commltted with rospeot to ths Property. OrAntor ahail use the Property eqlely In _._ _—
<br /> _;�,•. compllance wNh eppilcable Icsw nnd insurence policlea. (irantor ehall not make any eltoratlons,addit�ona or Improvmments to the Property wHhout
<br /> �. lender'e pdor wdtten conaent. Without Ilmiting the foregolnp,all alterntione,addltions nnd Improvementa mude to the Property�hell be SubJect to
<br /> _ • • the beneficlnl Interest betonping to Lender,ahnli nat be removed without Lender'e prlor writtsn consent,and ahall be made at Grantor'e sole expense. ..-
<br /> - � t � 9. LOSS OPi DAMAGE. Orantor shali bear the entiro risk oi any loss,theft,deatruotlon or damage(cumulatively'l oss or Damage")to ths Property or =_
<br />--� �-y any portion thereof from any cause whatsoevor. In the event of any Loss or Damape, Orantor shalt,at the option ot Lsnder, repalr the aftected �
<br />-�' - , PropeRy to ite provious condition or pay or cau:s to he pald to Lendar the decrease In the talr mnrket value of the atfeoted Proporty. �. ---�-i�
<br /> �.•.�°, 10. INSURANCE. The F'roperiy will be keFrt Insured for ite full Inaurable vatue (replacement cost)agalnet ail hazards Inciuding loss or damaqe
<br /> ' oaused by flood,earthquaks,tornndo and fire,theft or othor caeualty to the extent roqulrod by Lender. Cirentor may obtaln Insurence on the Proporty F•�°'---""-�--�
<br />- ' -- 1rom auch companiea ea are acceptable to Lender In Its aote discrotfon. Tho Insurence pollcies shall requlro the Insurence company to provide :,,___.__ _
<br /> � Lender with et least days'wrttten notic�be}ore such policles are altered or oancelled In any manner. The inaurance pollciea ehall
<br />� • nnm�Lender as e loss a ee end rovide that no aat or omisslon of(irentor or nn other eraon shnll a eat tho ri ht of Lender to be pald the R
<br /> 3 p Y P Y P N 9 ;.,:.�rR�..-.�v-,_:
<br />� {t Insurance proce�da pertafninp to the loss or damape of the Property. In ths svmt Grantor falis to acqulro or matntaln ineurance,Lender(tfter �y;-�-�-°�-m-=Rl;.
<br /> . provldinp�otice aa may be roqulred by law)may In Its di�cretion procuro approprlate Insurancs coverags upon th�Prop�rty and the Insurenoe cost ---
<br /> . ��� shalt be an advanoe payable end bearing Interest ee describod In Perepraph 23 nnd e�curW hereby. Grantor shall tumish Lender wlth evldonoe of 3-'
<br /> ' `' Insurance indiCating therequlred covorape. Lertder may ect as ettomeydmfa¢t tor Grnntor Im m�king and sottlfng clnlma under Insurance palloles, .l,•�r�n14��"-��
<br /> � canceliing any polloy or endorsing Gmntor�s name on any drnft or negotla�le Instrument drnwn by any Insuror. All such Insurnnce pollcles ahall be �: '!i;r„�;.�ca:..
<br /> � Immedlately assigned,pledged and dollverod to Lender as furthor sccurity for the Obligallona. In tho event ot losa,Grantor shsli Immedlatoiy givo ')��h:r
<br /> Lendor written notice and Lender Ia authorixed to make proof of loss. Each Inauranco compuny Is directetl to make payments direetly to Lendor `�Y-'��*���, Ffi•ti
<br /> .. � Instead of to Londer nnd(irantoc Lender ohall have the dght,at fte soie optlon,to epply euch monles toward the Obligatlona or toward the coat of �:.�._.. •
<br /> , rebullding nnd restoring the Property. My amountn may at Lsnder's option be npplied In the Inverce order o!the due dates thereof. .i:'r,�..•�;�'�
<br /> 11. 20NINa ANL1 PRNATE COVENANTS. drnntor shait not initiate or consent to any chan e In the zonin rovislons or rivate crovennnta aHocUn •''�"�*��°"�r,�
<br /> , , tho use of tha Pro 0 g P P 9 :���'''`-"'`�
<br /> perty wlthout Lender's prlor wdtten concent. H prantor's use of the Property beCOmes a nonconforming use under any zoning _. :- .. .
<br /> ro�islon,Gruntor shall not cause or permft such use to be dlscontinued or abandoned without the prior written consent of Lender. Qrantor wili ' .,;,�;.�_
<br /> � P. -- - -
<br /> _-;, _; unnieciibiviy provide iender wim wn�mn noric�ui any propased cnenges io me zaning pravieiona or privam cavenents aiieating tna rroperry. °T� - -
<br /> tY. CONDEMNATION. �rantor shall Immedlately provide Lender with wrltten notice ot any ectusi or throatened condemnnUon or ominent domaln
<br /> proceeding pertalning to the Proporty. All manles payabte to Grantor from ouch condemnatlon or taklng uro heroby asslgned to Lendor And ehnil bo
<br /> applled firat to the payment of Lender's attomeys' tees. Iegal exponsea and other costs pncludlng oppraisal feeu) In connoctfon with the
<br /> • condemnotton or aminent domaln proceedinga Rnd thon,at tho option ot Lender,to the payment ot the Obligations or the restoratlon or repalr of the
<br /> "' Properry.
<br /> 13. LHNDER'S RIQHT TO COMMHNCE OR DHFEND L£QAL AGTfONS. Cirentor shall immediately provlde lender with writton notfco of any actuai •
<br /> • • � or threatenad aatlon,ault,or other proceodir.g effeCting the Property. (irantor hereby uppoints Lender as Ite aftornoy-In•faCt to Commence,Intarveno
<br /> • ' � In,nnd defend nuch acNona,sufts,or other legal proceedinga end to compromise or settle nny clalm or controversy partalning thereto. Lender shall ,
<br /> not be Ilable to Grantor for any actlon,error,mistaka, omlaslon or detay pertalning to the actiona 9escrfbed In thfs pnragruph or any damages
<br /> resulting therelrom. Nothing contalned herein will prevent Lender from tnking the aotiona described In this paregraph In its own name. .
<br /> ' 14. INDEMNIFICATION. Lender ehall not assume or bo resoonsible for tha per4ormance of any of Grantor's obligationa with respect to the Proparty .
<br /> under any circumstancos. Grantor shall Immed{etety provide Lendor with v�ritten notice ot and indemnity and hold Londer end ite shareholders, �
<br />-.. , dlroctore,oiticers, employees end ngents harmless from ell clelms,dameges,Iiabilitles(including attomeys'feea and legal expensea),causea o!
<br /> - actfon,aolione,sutte und other Iepai proceedlnAa�cumuiatively'Clnims')pertalning to the Property pncludinp, but not Ilmlted to,those InvoMing
<br /> � ' Hazardous Materials). Orantor,upon the request of Lender,ehall hlre lepal counsel to defend Lender trom such Clalma,and pay the attorneys'teea, �
<br /> Iegal expenses and other caste Incurrod In connection thorewith. In the alternative.Lender ahali be entitled to employ ita own lec�al counael to de}end
<br /> such Claimn nt Grnntor's crost. Grantor's obligetion to Indemnify Lendor under thls pnrngruph shall survivo tho terminntlon,roloase or toroclosuro of
<br /> i thls Deod of 7rust. �
<br /> LPNE01 t8 ' FormAl.On TKhnO�ogma.lnc �0/2(i/OSI I60018374TB9 Pt�qo�ot 5 . ' .
<br /> i - - _ .
<br />